After BYU Honor Code change, LDS Church now says same-sex relationships are ‘not compatible’

Tiny little heads? Like yours ? Consider the your own echo chamber. Your own bubble. The world is changing. Society is changing? Standards of human decency are evolving . Unfortunately some of you are not. Deal with it.
Human decency never changes.

What changes is how you define perversion.

Today the left thinks being white and married and liking the opposite sex is sick.

Funny . I didn't know that. So happens that I am white, married and like the opposite sex. Feeling stupid yet?

Well if you are WHY are you so obsessed with pushing the LGBTQ thing? Why are you so obsessed with young children having the LGBTQ thing pushed on them in schools as Propaganda?

The majority of straight, white males who like the opposite sex do NOT obsess about PROMOTING LGBTQ, do NOT obsess about young children being taught about LGBTQ. The majority of straight, white males AND straight, white females who like the opposite sex tend to SUPPORT the continuation of Heterosexuality as the norm within society, you do the OPPOSITE of ALL of this. IF Mr. Lucy started to obsess about LGBTQ in the way YOU do then I would say to him "so you're sexually attracted to men now as well?" Because it is NOT normal for a Heterosexual man to spend so much time like you do PROMOTING and DEFENDING the LGBTQ Agenda and Lifestyle.

I'm not finished with you ! I'm sick and tired of all of your horseshit about indoctrinating children. You seem to be too fucking ignorant and out of touch with reality to know and understand that children are not stupid and in fact a lot smarter than you are. They don't need adults to make them aware of the reality of gender dysphoria and sexual orientation issues, They are very much aware through peer interactions and social media. What they need responsible adults -of which you clearly are not one- to help them sort out their feelings and thoughts about these issues. They need responsible and sane adults to provide support and guidance when they have questions and anxieties about their gender identity or sexual orientation. The need validation -not rejection and moralization. They need responsible adults to help the understand that they should show compassion and be accepting of others who are different. In doing so we can avoid a lot of self destructive behavior that LGBT youth exhibited as well a the bullying and marginalization that they are subjected to. You are a dangerous demagogue who claims to care about children , but in fact , use then as pawns in your failed crusade against LGBT PEOPLE. Your attitude only harms kids and puts them at risk. You have blood on your hands!

"What they need responsible adults -of which you clearly are not one- to help them sort out their feelings and thoughts about these issues. They need responsible and sane adults to provide support and guidance when they have questions and anxieties about their gender identity or sexual orientation."

Responsible adults do NOT discuss and DESCRIBE anal sex and how to suck a dick with VERY YOUNG CHILDREN. Period. End of.

Adults who DO discuss and DESCRIBE anal sex and how to suck a dick with VERY YOUNG CHILDREN are what we refer to as paedophiles and paedophile enablers and paedophile sympathisers.

Responsible adults do NOT sexualise VERY YOUNG CHILDREN, responsible adults PROTECT VERY YOUNG CHILDREN from the sex perverts.

Protecting YOUNG CHILDREN from sex perverts is NOT being a "bigot".
Your bizarre and moronic histrionics do not become you. Gay people and their advocates are NOT describing sex acts or advocating the same, with children . It's clearly the voices in your diseased brain that is telling you that sort of thing

He lost that puppy because of the free speech whilst on campus and teaching. I'm not saying that they didn't jack him around as they had some ambiguous policy that the trustees couldn't effectively navigate. I'm saying that he lost on what he used.

Ms. Doe went on a rampage and I get the impression the only reason his BS was even entertained was because he was out to sue them. I'm not an attorney. I don't think this guy went out of his way to create a hostile environment. I think he was provoked because no matter which way he went he was doomed.

Ms. Doe is not "gay" but trans.

Yeah, I know. The op just reminded me of that article is all, since I'd read it right before seeing your thread. It was just relevant reading.
Human decency never changes.

What changes is how you define perversion.

Today the left thinks being white and married and liking the opposite sex is sick.

Funny . I didn't know that. So happens that I am white, married and like the opposite sex. Feeling stupid yet?

Well if you are WHY are you so obsessed with pushing the LGBTQ thing? Why are you so obsessed with young children having the LGBTQ thing pushed on them in schools as Propaganda?

The majority of straight, white males who like the opposite sex do NOT obsess about PROMOTING LGBTQ, do NOT obsess about young children being taught about LGBTQ. The majority of straight, white males AND straight, white females who like the opposite sex tend to SUPPORT the continuation of Heterosexuality as the norm within society, you do the OPPOSITE of ALL of this. IF Mr. Lucy started to obsess about LGBTQ in the way YOU do then I would say to him "so you're sexually attracted to men now as well?" Because it is NOT normal for a Heterosexual man to spend so much time like you do PROMOTING and DEFENDING the LGBTQ Agenda and Lifestyle.

I'm not finished with you ! I'm sick and tired of all of your horseshit about indoctrinating children. You seem to be too fucking ignorant and out of touch with reality to know and understand that children are not stupid and in fact a lot smarter than you are. They don't need adults to make them aware of the reality of gender dysphoria and sexual orientation issues, They are very much aware through peer interactions and social media. What they need responsible adults -of which you clearly are not one- to help them sort out their feelings and thoughts about these issues. They need responsible and sane adults to provide support and guidance when they have questions and anxieties about their gender identity or sexual orientation. The need validation -not rejection and moralization. They need responsible adults to help the understand that they should show compassion and be accepting of others who are different. In doing so we can avoid a lot of self destructive behavior that LGBT youth exhibited as well a the bullying and marginalization that they are subjected to. You are a dangerous demagogue who claims to care about children , but in fact , use then as pawns in your failed crusade against LGBT PEOPLE. Your attitude only harms kids and puts them at risk. You have blood on your hands!

"What they need responsible adults -of which you clearly are not one- to help them sort out their feelings and thoughts about these issues. They need responsible and sane adults to provide support and guidance when they have questions and anxieties about their gender identity or sexual orientation."

Responsible adults do NOT discuss and DESCRIBE anal sex and how to suck a dick with VERY YOUNG CHILDREN. Period. End of.

Adults who DO discuss and DESCRIBE anal sex and how to suck a dick with VERY YOUNG CHILDREN are what we refer to as paedophiles and paedophile enablers and paedophile sympathisers.

Responsible adults do NOT sexualise VERY YOUNG CHILDREN, responsible adults PROTECT VERY YOUNG CHILDREN from the sex perverts.

Protecting YOUNG CHILDREN from sex perverts is NOT being a "bigot".
Your bizarre and moronic histrionics do not become you. Gay people and their advocates are NOT describing sex acts or advocating the same, with children . It's clearly the voices in your diseased brain that is telling you that sort of thing

STOP protesting too much, we can see what you and your type are, we are NOT stupid.
If people who have too much time on their hands didn't spend so much of it worried about what other people do, we would have a much happier world. Why would this prohibition have to be in the honor code in the first place? Why this emphasis on forcing everyone to be "normal," according to somebody's interpretation of "normal?" There should be something much more substantial to any religion than just an overriding sexual obsession.

Where did you get the right to oppress people ?

So the bakers aren't being oppressed?
People are being told who they can fuck. That is opression.

And being forced to bake a cake via hundreds of thousands of dollars in fines isn't oppression?

The public-accommodation laws are applicable to all business owners. Just because some cult crapper, who advertises his product as available to the public, refuses to follow them does not justify the denial of civil rights and scapegoating of thousands.

Protecting YOUNG CHILDREN from sex perverts is NOT being a "bigot".

We're at the point, in the decline of our society, where expressing disapproval of homosexuality makes you a “bigot”. Objecting to being compelled to treat a sick homosexual mockery of marriage as being the same as a genuine marriage, makes one a “bigot”. Disagreeing with a mentally- and morally-defective male pervert who claims to “identify” as female makes one a bigot, though I think that hasn't quite fully taken root yet.

We're not as far as you think from the point where objecting to sick sexual perpetrators molesting young children will make you a“bigot”, and subhuman pieces of shit like TheOppressiveFaggot are doing all that they can to get us to that point.

The word "bigot" is merely an expression of a negative opinion about people who think and do certain things. People might object to something you do as part of your chosen lifestyle, even to your marriage. Moreover, you are being "compelled" to deal with someone whom you find objectionable only to the same, limited extent than everyone else is. It's part of living in this society along with everyone else.

Your assertion that anyone would approve of sexual perpetrators molesting young children is totally ridiculous.
Of course they are not compatible. Sodomites are an abomination.
Ignorant bigots are an abomination

As others have commented YOU are one of the biggest bigots at this forum, so STFU already and put that cock back in your mouth.
Excuse me?! How rude! REPORTED!

I was supposed to be commenting that to TheProgressivePatriot not you, I have reposted it but as it was intended and not the fuck up where I posted it to you.
LOL I was just pickin at ya.
There are far more straight people, than faggots.

Homosexuals make up less than 4% of the population, yet nearly half of all instances of children being sexually molested are faggots molesting little boys. Less than 4% of the population accounting for nearly half of child molesters ought to tell you something about that less than 4%.

1) Gays are more like 10% of the population
2) Pedophiles are a completely different pathology than gay or straight.
3) Your numbers, are wrong. 78% of victims of child sexual abuse are girls being abused by men. The actual numbers are probably higher.


So Poor Mormon Bob, so wrong, so often.
We're at the point, in the decline of our society, where expressing disapproval of homosexuality makes you a “bigot”. Objecting to being compelled to treat a sick homosexual mockery of marriage as being the same as a genuine marriage, makes one a “bigot”. Disagreeing with a mentally- and morally-defective male pervert who claims to “identify” as female makes one a bigot, though I think that hasn't quite fully taken root yet.

Yes, Bob, all those things make you a bigot. Do you have any arguments against consenting adults doing any of those things other than "God says it's bad" and "I think it's icky"? We're waiting.
we are NOT stupid.

Actually, I will give you the benefit of the doubt on the stupid part. More likely, you are batshit psychotic suffering from paranoid delusions

Keep digging, it is VERY telling that ALL you have is to do increasingly incoherent and increasingly insane personal attacks on me. I did really hit a raw nerve with you when I AGAIN asked you WHY you have this fanatical obsession about having VERY YOUNG CHILDREN brainwashed and indoctrinated with the LGBTQ Agenda of preparing for Anal/Oral Sex and Transgendering etc.

Last night we all read your batshit crazy total meltdown of a response to me and now all you have to offer after that are a variety of comments that essentially are personal attacks. This says a great deal about how unnerved you.
And being forced to bake a cake via hundreds of thousands of dollars in fines isn't oppression?

It is if you dox the people who complained about you and they were subjected to death threats.

What about when they dox peoples for NO OTHER reason than they are not Pro-LGBTQ? That sort of crap happens across Social Media, they literally bombard employers etc to remove peoples from their jobs for not being Pro-LGBTQ.

The situation is everyone has a RIGHT to support what they want to or NOT support what they want to. It is a sign that something is VERY wrong when peoples are threatened and FORCED to like and/or support things they do not WANT to like and/or support.
Where did you get the right to oppress people ?

So the bakers aren't being oppressed?
People are being told who they can fuck. That is opression.

And being forced to bake a cake via hundreds of thousands of dollars in fines isn't oppression?

The public-accommodation laws are applicable to all business owners. Just because some cult crapper, who advertises his product as available to the public, refuses to follow them does not justify the denial of civil rights and scapegoating of thousands.

Protecting YOUNG CHILDREN from sex perverts is NOT being a "bigot".

We're at the point, in the decline of our society, where expressing disapproval of homosexuality makes you a “bigot”. Objecting to being compelled to treat a sick homosexual mockery of marriage as being the same as a genuine marriage, makes one a “bigot”. Disagreeing with a mentally- and morally-defective male pervert who claims to “identify” as female makes one a bigot, though I think that hasn't quite fully taken root yet.

We're not as far as you think from the point where objecting to sick sexual perpetrators molesting young children will make you a“bigot”, and subhuman pieces of shit like TheOppressiveFaggot are doing all that they can to get us to that point.

The word "bigot" is merely an expression of a negative opinion about people who think and do certain things. People might object to something you do as part of your chosen lifestyle, even to your marriage. Moreover, you are being "compelled" to deal with someone whom you find objectionable only to the same, limited extent than everyone else is. It's part of living in this society along with everyone else.

Your assertion that anyone would approve of sexual perpetrators molesting young children is totally ridiculous.

"The word "bigot" is merely an expression of a negative opinion about people who think and do certain things."

So with this we can call EVERYONE who is NOT of the SAME opinion a "bigot", this is the exact philosophy that ALL Leftists have, if someone is NOT a Leftist then they are a "bigot" if you have a DIFFERENT opinion to a Leftist then you are a "bigot" EG. if someone is against Open Borders they are immediately termed by ONLY Leftists as being a "bigot" if someone is Pro-Gay BUT Anti-LGBTQ then they are termed by ONLY Leftists as being a "bigot"

The greatest level of bigots ARE Leftists as they are INTOLERABLE of ANY point of view OTHER than what Leftists promote and THAT IS being an actual bigot as defined.

NO TIME in the history of the free world has EVERYONE EVER had to ACCEPT what they consider alien to either themselves or their belief system, the ONLY times this has happened is under Totalitarian systems where the peoples were FORCED to ACCEPT what they consider alien to themselves or their belief systems.

IF you have to FORCE peoples to ACCEPT something then you should know it's wrong because IF it was RIGHT then you would NOT have to force them to accept it, they would accept it themselves because they saw it as something good and healthy for Society.
Yes, Bob, all those things make you a bigot. Do you have any arguments against consenting adults doing any of those things other than "God says it's bad" and "I think it's icky"? We're waiting.

When your side started imposing this insane and immoral crap on those of us who want no part of it, and especially once your side started to openly go after children; you forfeited any right to credibly claim that any of this is about “consenting adults”.
My wife and I having lunch right now.

We didn't really choose to eat here today as a “F••• you” to the pro-faggot bunch, but after we began eating, I realized that I might as well…
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we are NOT stupid.

Actually, I will give you the benefit of the doubt on the stupid part. More likely, you are batshit psychotic suffering from paranoid delusions

Keep digging, it is VERY telling that ALL you have is to do increasingly incoherent and increasingly insane personal attacks on me. I did really hit a raw nerve with you when I AGAIN asked you WHY you have this fanatical obsession about having VERY YOUNG CHILDREN brainwashed and indoctrinated with the LGBTQ Agenda of preparing for Anal/Oral Sex and Transgendering etc.

Last night we all read your batshit crazy total meltdown of a response to me and now all you have to offer after that are a variety of comments that essentially are personal attacks. This says a great deal about how unnerved you.
Give it a fucking rest! You have zero emotional effect on me. I'm just having fun fucking with you and your psychotic horseshit. Hit a raw nerve? Don't f;latter yourself. I am happy and relaxed . You seem to be agitated and miserable.
They always have the option of getting out of the cake baking industry.
Why should they be bullied by LGBTQ Bigots into getting out of an industry that they might have trained for YEARS to be in? How about the LGBTQ Bigots all start their OWN LGBTQ Baking Cake Industry and then they can bake cakes for each other.

Check out what I said here. Possibly another indication of another motive behind the LGBpbiWTF bunch? Perhaps their true driving motive?

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