After BYU Honor Code change, LDS Church now says same-sex relationships are ‘not compatible’

That isn't what I talked about. Is what I said oppression or not?

Don't dodge the question you dried up old fart.

Wifebeater Klein didn't have to bake the cake, and the fine was because of the campaign of harrassment he instigated against the Cryer-Bowmans..

Same tired lies from the same tired liar.

Do you share notes with SHE WHO MUST NOT BE NAMED?
Please explain why right-wing supposedly heterosexual males who hate LGBTs so much also hate women. They want women to be submissive to them, little sex objects and slaves, and they groom little girls to serve this evil lifestyle, usually through indoctrination involving false religion. Not a one of these fearful cowards could ever match an adult, fully educated, free-thinking woman. Homophobia and misogyny are closely related.

I do not know anyone of whom that is true. You're just making shit up, as you usually do. I assume that this ties, somehow, into your ridiculous, oft-repeated claim that conservatives and Christians are into grooming young girls, and selling them as sex slaves to older men.

Of course, it's been scientifically proven most homophobes are in fact latent homosexuals...

It's bullshit, of course, promoted by the same elements that are behind the promotion of homosexuality, transsexualism, and other sick perversions themselves.

It doesn't even make any sense. What makes homosexuality so special, compared to other forms of madness and evil, that being opposed to this one means that someone deeply harbors secret tendencies toward it?

Does objecting to stealing mean that deep down, I'm a latent thief? Does objecting to murder mean that deep down, I'm a latent murderer? Does objecting to rape mean that deep down, I'm a latent rapist?

What makes homosexuality so different from other insane and degenerate behaviors to support such a theory about it? I say that the only reason that this theory exists is that homosexuality is the subject of an agenda aimed at promoting, normalizing, and mainstreaming it, and deceiving society into thinking that it is in any way normal or acceptable. It's a clumsy means of slandering those who dare call this sickness and those who promote it out for what they truly are.
argumentum ad absurdum. Equating getting killed with having to spend 15 minutes finding another baker shows the weakness of your argument.

Not at all. What if the person WANTS to be killed, has decided he wants to be a willing sacrifice to Quetzalcoatl? Shouldn't we respect his religion. Or do we just say, murder is bad, no matter who engages in it or why.

Same thing here. We both agree that merely because you are a bigot shouldn't be a good reason to deny service to people. For instance, as much as I hate Mormons, if a Mormon came to me for work done, that person would still get my a-game and no snide remarks about Joseph Smith being a kiddy diddler. Because that's the job.

If you can't do the job because you are afraid of a magic fairy in the sky, then you'd probably be happier doing something else.

The thing is they will serve the gay couple, but only with point of sale items. They just don't want to do a contracted service for one specific event.

So if they say, "Hey, you're a black guy marrying that white girl. I shouldn't have to service your one event!" Of course not. That person would be driven out of business in a week.

That your side can't even compromise on that shows you just want everyone to BE JUST LIKE YOOOOUUUUUU!!!!

And I can keep this up FOREVER you old fuck, Mild OCD has it's faults, but also it's benefits.

Why should we compromise on human dignity? Equality means EXACTLY that. Treating everyone the same under the law.
Same tired lies from the same tired liar.

Do you share notes with SHE WHO MUST NOT BE NAMED?

Not sure who you are on about and kind of don't care. The fine was because Klein doxed this couple and they received death threats. That's why they got fined.

Of course, Mr. Klein is loving this shit. Instead of being the cuckolded husband working his wife's bakery, (how humiliating that must have been) he gets to tell audiences how the mean old Lesbians picked on him. I feel bad for her... she probably just wanted to bake cakes, and this douchenoodle sabotaged her business.
It's bullshit, of course, promoted by the same elements that are behind the promotion of homosexuality, transsexualism, and other sick perversions themselves.

It doesn't even make any sense. What makes homosexuality so special, compared to other forms of madness and evil, that being opposed to this one means that someone deeply harbors secret tendencies toward it?

Well, let's look at that, Mormon Bob. I'm straight. That there are gay people out there really has no effect on my life. I'm not going to date them, I'm not into that. I don't feel a need to hate them. In fact, probably the only reason why I support them is the joy I get watching religious nutters throw fits.

But to hate them to the degree you do... that shows a pretty deep pathology.

It's like if you suddenly decided you just HATE stamp collectors. It's not just that you don't want to collect stamps, I can get that... it's kind of a boring hobby. But spending all sorts of time hating on people who collect stamps without any rational reason would seem... odd.

Does objecting to stealing mean that deep down, I'm a latent thief? Does objecting to murder mean that deep down, I'm a latent murderer? Does objecting to rape mean that deep down, I'm a latent rapist?

I could make a really nasty crack about Mormon History here, but I'll refrain. (Kirtland Bank, Danite Death Squads, Mountain Meadow Massacre, Child Brides...) The thing is, once again, you really haven't demonstrated in your argument why being gay is wrong, other than you think it's icky.

What makes homosexuality so different from other insane and degenerate behaviors to support such a theory about it? I say that the only reason that this theory exists is that homosexuality is the subject of an agenda aimed at promoting, normalizing, and mainstreaming it, and deceiving society into thinking that it is in any way normal or acceptable. It's a clumsy means of slandering those who dare call this sickness and those who promote it out for what they truly are.

Well, to start with... you haven't demonstrated why it is "evil" or "insane" or "degenerate", other than your own opinion. I could make an argument that it was truly wrong for the Mormons to murder the Francher Party in 1857, because the Men, women and children of that group weren't a threat.

Your only argument against homosexuality is that you think it's icky.

In fact, you think it's so icky that you can't stop talking about it. You're like a militant vegetarian who just can't stop talking about Steak.


Graphically describing how it's cooked, smothered in mushrooms and onions,

Hope this puts it into perspective for you, but I doubt it.
Please explain why right-wing supposedly heterosexual males who hate LGBTs so much also hate women. They want women to be submissive to them, little sex objects and slaves, and they groom little girls to serve this evil lifestyle, usually through indoctrination involving false religion. Not a one of these fearful cowards could ever match an adult, fully educated, free-thinking woman. Homophobia and misogyny are closely related.

I do not know anyone of whom that is true. You're just making shit up, as you usually do. I assume that this ties, somehow, into your ridiculous, oft-repeated claim that conservatives and Christians are into grooming young girls, and selling them as sex slaves to older men.

View attachment 312148

Naw. The whole "purity" bit aimed at young girls, the obsession with their "virginity," which is an obsession with their genitals that operates to strip girls of their human dignity, opposition to laws aimed at preventing child marriages, the "submissive" shit, opposing normal education for girls (teaching cooking and clean and submission to orders given by the master is not education; STEM is), keeping girls from receiving information about sex and birth control so that they are completely unprepared to have sex, keeping girls confined to the home until daddy can sell them to some guy, who probably has had premarital sex himself, are all figments of my imagination. The cancer of patriarchy is a figment of my imagination.Yeah. Sure. Do some research on women and girls who have fled these forms of oppression.
Provo • Despite removing the section on “homosexual behavior” from its Honor Code last month, The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints has clarified for the first time that same-sex romantic behavior is still “not compatible” with the rules at Brigham Young University.

The surprising announcement came Wednesday morning after weeks of questions about the change and after LGBTQ students had celebrated what they hoped that it meant. Many said they recently came out as gay only because they believed — and were told by some Honor Code staff — that the school and faith now allowed it.

“We felt like we finally had a place and then they ripped it away again,” said junior Katie Guerrero, who is bisexual.

In the afternoon, hundreds of students met in the campus quad to protest what they saw as a painful reversal by BYU. They solemnly sang church hymns and marched in a circle. One person clung to a poster that read, “Jesus said love everyone." And they chanted together, “The Honor Code is honor-less."

After BYU Honor Code change, LDS Church now says same-sex relationships are ‘not compatible’ with the faith’s rules

I'm not sure why there is surprise.

What kinda queers that go to BYU sang church hymns and marched in circles? I call BS.

God says that stuff is.. how does he say.."An abomination"

Seriously doubt "hundreds of queer supporters" even go to BYU.

Who knows what BYU stands for?
Please explain why right-wing supposedly heterosexual males who hate LGBTs so much also hate women. They want women to be submissive to them, little sex objects and slaves, and they groom little girls to serve this evil lifestyle, usually through indoctrination involving false religion. Not a one of these fearful cowards could ever match an adult, fully educated, free-thinking woman. Homophobia and misogyny are closely related.

I do not know anyone of whom that is true. You're just making shit up, as you usually do. I assume that this ties, somehow, into your ridiculous, oft-repeated claim that conservatives and Christians are into grooming young girls, and selling them as sex slaves to older men.

View attachment 312148

Naw. The whole "purity" bit aimed at young girls, the obsession with their "virginity," which is an obsession with their genitals that operates to strip girls of their human dignity, opposition to laws aimed at preventing child marriages, the "submissive" shit, opposing normal education for girls (teaching cooking and clean and submission to orders given by the master is not education; STEM is), keeping girls from receiving information about sex and birth control so that they are completely unprepared to have sex, keeping girls confined to the home until daddy can sell them to some guy, who probably has had premarital sex himself, are all figments of my imagination. The cancer of patriarchy is a figment of my imagination.Yeah. Sure. Do some research on women and girls who have fled these forms of oppression.

I sense you're a disgruntled Catholic girl that was sold to a Muslim.
Maybe you had to escape, that ain't my fault, though.
Check out what I said here. Possibly another indication of another motive behind the LGBpbiWTF bunch? Perhaps their true driving motive?

Yes, you think Satan is real. And he was totally Jesus' brother, according to the Mormons. Satan is still upset God didn't send him to Earth.

When your side started imposing this insane and immoral crap on those of us who want no part of it, and especially once your side started to openly go after children; you forfeited any right to credibly claim that any of this is about “consenting adults”.

No one is "going after kids". Except maybe the churches.

So let's try this. No sex education before you are 18, and no religious indoctrination, either. Let's see how many people end up joining churches and how many people end up being gay.

Satan already owns you.
argumentum ad absurdum. Equating getting killed with having to spend 15 minutes finding another baker shows the weakness of your argument.

Not at all. What if the person WANTS to be killed, has decided he wants to be a willing sacrifice to Quetzalcoatl? Shouldn't we respect his religion. Or do we just say, murder is bad, no matter who engages in it or why.

Same thing here. We both agree that merely because you are a bigot shouldn't be a good reason to deny service to people. For instance, as much as I hate Mormons, if a Mormon came to me for work done, that person would still get my a-game and no snide remarks about Joseph Smith being a kiddy diddler. Because that's the job.

If you can't do the job because you are afraid of a magic fairy in the sky, then you'd probably be happier doing something else.

The thing is they will serve the gay couple, but only with point of sale items. They just don't want to do a contracted service for one specific event.

So if they say, "Hey, you're a black guy marrying that white girl. I shouldn't have to service your one event!" Of course not. That person would be driven out of business in a week.

That your side can't even compromise on that shows you just want everyone to BE JUST LIKE YOOOOUUUUUU!!!!

And I can keep this up FOREVER you old fuck, Mild OCD has it's faults, but also it's benefits.

Why should we compromise on human dignity? Equality means EXACTLY that. Treating everyone the same under the law.

Men and women are different, fact of life.
Women cannot do all I do for work, it's a physical thing.
That's ok, we all have our roles in life, but there's a handful of women ever that could possibly do things I've done and even if they were strong enough would not have the skills to.
Put that in your pipe and smoke it.
Find me evidence of a woman running a chainsaw with a 3' bar 50' in the air to top out a 100-foot tall 40" diameter tree safely.

It does not exist. Nothing less than a 46 is acceptable.

The queer girl Bodecea already tried some fuckery with that. No dice.

Girl was running a little 38-equivalent on not-so-big-a tree.

You cannot cut a 40" tree with a 38.

She has the skills, but not the muscle and grunt, and never will.

Girls can't do everything boys can, and boys can't do everything girls can, and that's the way it really is, punk.
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Please explain why right-wing supposedly heterosexual males who hate LGBTs so much also hate women. They want women to be submissive to them, little sex objects and slaves, and they groom little girls to serve this evil lifestyle, usually through indoctrination involving false religion. Not a one of these fearful cowards could ever match an adult, fully educated, free-thinking woman. Homophobia and misogyny are closely related.

I do not know anyone of whom that is true. You're just making shit up, as you usually do. I assume that this ties, somehow, into your ridiculous, oft-repeated claim that conservatives and Christians are into grooming young girls, and selling them as sex slaves to older men.

View attachment 312148

Naw. The whole "purity" bit aimed at young girls, the obsession with their "virginity," which is an obsession with their genitals that operates to strip girls of their human dignity, opposition to laws aimed at preventing child marriages, the "submissive" shit, opposing normal education for girls (teaching cooking and clean and submission to orders given by the master is not education; STEM is), keeping girls from receiving information about sex and birth control so that they are completely unprepared to have sex, keeping girls confined to the home until daddy can sell them to some guy, who probably has had premarital sex himself, are all figments of my imagination. The cancer of patriarchy is a figment of my imagination.Yeah. Sure. Do some research on women and girls who have fled these forms of oppression.

I sense you're a disgruntled Catholic girl that was sold to a Muslim.
Maybe you had to escape, that ain't my fault, though.

Nonsense. While I was a cradle Catholic, I quit when I was a teenager, due to other issues in addition to the misogyny. I was too young to drive, so my father took me anywhere that I wanted to go on Sunday mornings. He just said that it was good that I was going somewhere and that it was important that I explore and make up my own mind about spiritual matters. He had his own misgivings about the Catholic Church, including its misogyny.

I don't know why you seek to deflect attention away from what is happening among Christians in the U.S. by bringing up Muslims. Are you trying to hide something? Muslim men have been very polite. There was one friend of my aunt's, when I was in Turkey as a teenager, who tried it on with me, but my aunt was a U.S. military officer who quickly set him straight. There was one other that I liked when I was in college, but he treated me respectfully when I declined his amorous advances. There are many Muslims now in my community, and I always get treated with respect.

Your assertion that it "ain't" your fault could be taken to imply that you have a guilty conscience.

Why do fly the traitor flag?
Provo • Despite removing the section on “homosexual behavior” from its Honor Code last month, The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints has clarified for the first time that same-sex romantic behavior is still “not compatible” with the rules at Brigham Young University.

The surprising announcement came Wednesday morning after weeks of questions about the change and after LGBTQ students had celebrated what they hoped that it meant. Many said they recently came out as gay only because they believed — and were told by some Honor Code staff — that the school and faith now allowed it.

“We felt like we finally had a place and then they ripped it away again,” said junior Katie Guerrero, who is bisexual.

In the afternoon, hundreds of students met in the campus quad to protest what they saw as a painful reversal by BYU. They solemnly sang church hymns and marched in a circle. One person clung to a poster that read, “Jesus said love everyone." And they chanted together, “The Honor Code is honor-less."

After BYU Honor Code change, LDS Church now says same-sex relationships are ‘not compatible’ with the faith’s rules

I'm not sure why there is surprise.

What kinda queers that go to BYU sang church hymns and marched in circles? I call BS.

God says that stuff is.. how does he say.."An abomination"

Seriously doubt "hundreds of queer supporters" even go to BYU.

Who knows what BYU stands for?

Brigham Young University.
Naw. The whole "purity" bit aimed at young girls, the obsession with their "virginity," which is an obsession with their genitals that operates to strip girls of their human dignity, opposition to laws aimed at preventing child marriages, the "submissive" shit, opposing normal education for girls (teaching cooking and clean and submission to orders given by the master is not education; STEM is), keeping girls from receiving information about sex and birth control so that they are completely unprepared to have sex, keeping girls confined to the home until daddy can sell them to some guy, who probably has had premarital sex himself, are all figments of my imagination. The cancer of patriarchy is a figment of my imagination.Yeah. Sure. Do some research on women and girls who have fled these forms of oppression.

Please explain why right-wing supposedly heterosexual males who hate LGBTs so much also hate women. They want women to be submissive to them, little sex objects and slaves, and they groom little girls to serve this evil lifestyle, usually through indoctrination involving false religion. Not a one of these fearful cowards could ever match an adult, fully educated, free-thinking woman. Homophobia and misogyny are closely related.

I do not know anyone of whom that is true. You're just making shit up, as you usually do. I assume that this ties, somehow, into your ridiculous, oft-repeated claim that conservatives and Christians are into grooming young girls, and selling them as sex slaves to older men.

View attachment 312148

Naw. The whole "purity" bit aimed at young girls, the obsession with their "virginity," which is an obsession with their genitals that operates to strip girls of their human dignity, opposition to laws aimed at preventing child marriages, the "submissive" shit, opposing normal education for girls (teaching cooking and clean and submission to orders given by the master is not education; STEM is), keeping girls from receiving information about sex and birth control so that they are completely unprepared to have sex, keeping girls confined to the home until daddy can sell them to some guy, who probably has had premarital sex himself, are all figments of my imagination. The cancer of patriarchy is a figment of my imagination.Yeah. Sure. Do some research on women and girls who have fled these forms of oppression.

I sense you're a disgruntled Catholic girl that was sold to a Muslim.
Maybe you had to escape, that ain't my fault, though.

Nonsense. While I was a cradle Catholic, I quit when I was a teenager, due to other issues in addition to the misogyny. I was too young to drive, so my father took me anywhere that I wanted to go on Sunday mornings. He just said that it was good that I was going somewhere and that it was important that I explore and make up my own mind about spiritual matters. He had his own misgivings about the Catholic Church, including its misogyny.

I don't know why you seek to deflect attention away from what is happening among Christians in the U.S. by bringing up Muslims. Are you trying to hide something? Muslim men have been very polite. There was one friend of my aunt's, when I was in Turkey as a teenager, who tried it on with me, but my aunt was a U.S. military officer who quickly set him straight. There was one other that I liked when I was in college, but he treated me respectfully when I declined his amorous advances. There are many Muslims now in my community, and I always get treated with respect.

Your assertion that it "ain't" your fault could be taken to imply that you have a guilty conscience.

Why do fly the traitor flag?

I see I'm pretty close to the bullseye! :04:

Traitor flag? That's my state flag. :eek2yum:
Before PC outrage.
Provo • Despite removing the section on “homosexual behavior” from its Honor Code last month, The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints has clarified for the first time that same-sex romantic behavior is still “not compatible” with the rules at Brigham Young University.

The surprising announcement came Wednesday morning after weeks of questions about the change and after LGBTQ students had celebrated what they hoped that it meant. Many said they recently came out as gay only because they believed — and were told by some Honor Code staff — that the school and faith now allowed it.

“We felt like we finally had a place and then they ripped it away again,” said junior Katie Guerrero, who is bisexual.

In the afternoon, hundreds of students met in the campus quad to protest what they saw as a painful reversal by BYU. They solemnly sang church hymns and marched in a circle. One person clung to a poster that read, “Jesus said love everyone." And they chanted together, “The Honor Code is honor-less."

After BYU Honor Code change, LDS Church now says same-sex relationships are ‘not compatible’ with the faith’s rules

I'm not sure why there is surprise.

What kinda queers that go to BYU sang church hymns and marched in circles? I call BS.

God says that stuff is.. how does he say.."An abomination"

Seriously doubt "hundreds of queer supporters" even go to BYU.

Who knows what BYU stands for?

Brigham Young University.

Yes Ma'am! Brigham Young was the successor to Joseph Smith, the founder of the Mormon church.

So no, they probably wouldn't think it's a good idea to have policies that go against God's word.

At BYU, where the leader of the Mormon church comes to speak at times.

Their leadership structure is intricate, perhaps too intricate to have been designed by man.

Oy! What does their mammies think that pay for these kids to go to BYU?

God does not recognize "Social Justice" BS.

"Social Justice" is a man-made construct designed to suppress free speech and hamper independent thought.
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Provo • Despite removing the section on “homosexual behavior” from its Honor Code last month, The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints has clarified for the first time that same-sex romantic behavior is still “not compatible” with the rules at Brigham Young University.

The surprising announcement came Wednesday morning after weeks of questions about the change and after LGBTQ students had celebrated what they hoped that it meant. Many said they recently came out as gay only because they believed — and were told by some Honor Code staff — that the school and faith now allowed it.

“We felt like we finally had a place and then they ripped it away again,” said junior Katie Guerrero, who is bisexual.

In the afternoon, hundreds of students met in the campus quad to protest what they saw as a painful reversal by BYU. They solemnly sang church hymns and marched in a circle. One person clung to a poster that read, “Jesus said love everyone." And they chanted together, “The Honor Code is honor-less."

After BYU Honor Code change, LDS Church now says same-sex relationships are ‘not compatible’ with the faith’s rules

I'm not sure why there is surprise.

What kinda queers that go to BYU sang church hymns and marched in circles? I call BS.

God says that stuff is.. how does he say.."An abomination"

Seriously doubt "hundreds of queer supporters" even go to BYU.

Who knows what BYU stands for?

Brigham Young University.

Yes Ma'am! Brigham Young was the successor to Joseph Smith, the founder of the Mormon church.

So no, they probably wouldn't think it's a good idea to have policies that go against God's word.

At BYU, where the leader of the Mormon church comes to speak at times.

Their leadership structure is intricate, perhaps too intricate to have been designed by man.

Oy! What does their mammies think that pay for these kids to go to BYU?

God does not recognize "Social Justice" BS.

"Social Justice" is a man-made construct designed to suppress free speech and hamper independent thought.

Oh, LDS structure was designed by men. It's not that intricate. That said, attend Utah State University. If you willingly signed up for BYU then I don't wan't to hear it. They had other options.
Men and women are different, fact of life.
Women cannot do all I do for work, it's a physical thing.

True, but a lot of women can outperform you in mental labor, because you are kind of a retard. In fact, the only reason why you enjoy anywhere near a middle class lifestyle is because some folks formed unions for manual labor.
God does not recognize "Social Justice" BS.

"Social Justice" is a man-made construct designed to suppress free speech and hamper independent thought.

God is a man-made concept.

God used to say slavery was acceptable. Then we realized it wasn't. God didn't change his mind, we changed ours.

God used to say we should burn witches... Then we realized there weren't any actual witches. God didn't change his mind, we changed ours.

Same thing with Homophobia. God isn't changing his mind, but we've changed ours. In 50 years, Christians will look back on the homophobia the way they look back at slavery and witch-burning.
argumentum ad absurdum. Equating getting killed with having to spend 15 minutes finding another baker shows the weakness of your argument.

Not at all. What if the person WANTS to be killed, has decided he wants to be a willing sacrifice to Quetzalcoatl? Shouldn't we respect his religion. Or do we just say, murder is bad, no matter who engages in it or why.

Same thing here. We both agree that merely because you are a bigot shouldn't be a good reason to deny service to people. For instance, as much as I hate Mormons, if a Mormon came to me for work done, that person would still get my a-game and no snide remarks about Joseph Smith being a kiddy diddler. Because that's the job.

If you can't do the job because you are afraid of a magic fairy in the sky, then you'd probably be happier doing something else.

The thing is they will serve the gay couple, but only with point of sale items. They just don't want to do a contracted service for one specific event.

So if they say, "Hey, you're a black guy marrying that white girl. I shouldn't have to service your one event!" Of course not. That person would be driven out of business in a week.

That your side can't even compromise on that shows you just want everyone to BE JUST LIKE YOOOOUUUUUU!!!!

And I can keep this up FOREVER you old fuck, Mild OCD has it's faults, but also it's benefits.

Why should we compromise on human dignity? Equality means EXACTLY that. Treating everyone the same under the law.

Would you want to work on building a Mormon Temple?

And I call bullshit on you being able to hold your tongue.

Let the market decide. You want the government to ruin people over things like this.

So the religious people don't deserve dignity? Oh wait, because you hate them you don't care.

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