C,mon, fess up, are you regretting your vote?


Senior Member
Mar 15, 2009
I had 8 people in my family, including my husband who voted for Obama. None of them will vote for him again.

My husband is anti-union and found out after the fact that Obama is pro-union. Then last night he see's Van Jones on television making his racist statements and that just sent him over the edge. I warned all of them and told them that no-one goes to a church and listens to anti-american rhetoric and anti-white rhetoric for TWENTY YEARS and doesn't hear that stuff unless he believes it himself. The evidence is in:

Reverent Wright
Bill Ayers
Van Jones
and many more to come to light in the very near future.

So tell me about your freinds and family that would change thier vote now, if they could.
I had 8 people in my family, including my husband who voted for Obama. None of them will vote for him again.

My husband is anti-union and found out after the fact that Obama is pro-union. Then last night he see's Van Jones on television making his racist statements and that just sent him over the edge. I warned all of them and told them that no-one goes to a church and listens to anti-american rhetoric and anti-white rhetoric for TWENTY YEARS and doesn't hear that stuff unless he believes it himself. The evidence is in:

Reverent Wright
Bill Ayers
Van Jones
and many more to come to light in the very near future.

So tell me about your freinds and family that would change thier vote now, if they could.

he honest to god didn't know until "after the fact" he was "pro union"?
I regret my vote only for the reason that Obama has turned out to be such a pussy in his dealing with the right.

And I was really was on the fence until McCain picked that Palin woman for a running mate.
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The very moment I found out three important things..

1. wearing flag pins was false patriotism.

2. It took her 45 years to find a reason to be proud of her country.

3. Wright.

That's all I ever needed to know. The rest is just one affirmation after another.

he still has a lotta pimps out there he carts around
Looks like Obama is shaping up to be one of the top ten presidents in US history, and the best president since FDR.

Looks like another landslide victory in 2012
Of course I don't regret my vote. I'll be voting for him again in '12.

and, seriously, how stupid does one have to be to not realize dems side with unions? for real.
Looks like Obama is shaping up to be one of the top ten presidents in US history, and the best president since FDR.

Looks like another landslide victory in 2012

sniffin your coke you say...................
nope not regretting my vote for one he hasn't even been in office for a year, maybe we should give him sometime before we judge him.
and I would have rather voted for sponge bob square pants(he is always my write in when I don't like either candidate) then Palin.

Juan McMethuselah would've lost even had I voted for his saggy ass rather than Bob Barr.
I'm not regretting MY vote.

I'm regretting the votes of the majority of voters, though.

And I do regret that my OPTIONS sucked ass so badly.
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Lets look at the great presidents in history and what made them great. A common thread is that great presidents followed horrible presidents.
-Lincoln followed Buchannon
- FDR followed Hoover
- Reagan followed Carter
Obama gets to follow George Bush, the worst president in history

Great presidents also faced great challenges
- Lincoln: the civil war
- FDR: the depression and WWII
- Reagan: the Carter recession and Cold War

Obama entered office in the worst recession in 70 years, two wars and declining US reputation around the globe. The recession appears to be recovering, he is working to draw down troops, he has traveled the globe repairing the US image. Healthcare reform would provide a lasting accomplishment

Like it or not, all the pieces are there. We will see what happens in the next eight years.
WTF does that litany of bullshit have to do with the thread??

Trying out the new hooka today??
Lets look at the great presidents in history and what made them great. A common thread is that great presidents followed horrible presidents.
-Lincoln followed Buchannon
- FDR followed Hoover
- Reagan followed Carter
Obama gets to follow George Bush, the worst president in history

Great presidents also faced great challenges
- Lincoln: the civil war
- FDR: the depression and WWII
- Reagan: the Carter recession and Cold War

Obama entered office in the worst recession in 70 years, two wars and declining US reputation around the globe. The recession appears to be recovering, he is working to draw down troops, he has traveled the globe repairing the US image. Healthcare reform would provide a lasting accomplishment

Like it or not, all the pieces are there. We will see what happens in the next eight years.

Your logic is non-existent. An historically observed pattern (even if validly observed) does exactly and precisely NOTHING to asist one in predicting how any President WILL do in the future.

And your premises are faulty anyway.

Granted that you are entitled to believe that President Bush was a terrible President. But you are wrong. He was, in many respects, a terrific President. He was certainly FAR better than your bogus little view acknowledges.
Do I think Obama needs to start realizing that the majority voted for him and not the republicans and stop letting them ruin his plans, yes.
Granted that you are entitled to believe that President Bush was a terrible President. But you are wrong. He was, in many respects, a terrific President. He was certainly FAR better than your bogus little view acknowledges.

Unfortunately, Historians disagree. In a recent poll of leading historians, Bush finished 39 out of 43 and was the worst modern president by far.

Reagan was the best recent president finishing at 11. Obama will ultimately be ranked higher than Reagan

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