CA has 11 Uncontained Fires right now according to CAL FIRE?

No's a desert.........Not enough controlled burns..........and a bunch of liberals who love pouring fuel on a fire..........

Pretty normal............then they pray for rain and get mud slides............
No's a desert.........Not enough controlled burns..........and a bunch of liberals who love pouring fuel on a fire..........

Pretty normal............then they pray for rain and get mud slides............

No wonder they are mostly the lunatic wing of the Ds.
Most of those fires are set by the environmental radicals trying to promote the whole climate change scam
God hated Sodom and Gomorrah too, ya know.

I'm just sayin.'
According to the lab work, how much must we lower CO2 in order to prevent climate change?
Everyone hold your breath............Bunch of dang dummies killing the earth.........Jesus............

Now for our next experiment...........How to grow food in ICE..............Wow this is gonna be great.

Now there is some global warming for you............Proof ...............So dang hot they hardly wear any clothes at all.
Is that normal for this time of year?

California has, essentially, two fire seasons. Early summer and autumn. Autumn is when the Santa Ana winds roll in. So the answer to your question is, yes, this is normal for this time of year.

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