CA lawmakers side with fascist, slam Trump for threatening Federal funding


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2016

California lawmakers have weighed in on the riots at UC Berkeley and have decidedly sided with the fascist free speech haters. They are only criticizing President Trump for threatening to pull federal funds from the public university allowing such an anti-constitutional display.

It seems as though no Democratic leader has a problem with political terrorists shutting down free speech on an American college campus. It started with Berkeley Mayor Jess Arreguin who encouraged protests to a degree with his pre-riot tweet:
CA Lawmakers Side With Fascists, Slam Trump for Threatening Federal Funds

What else would be expect from the losers of society, wait until these loons and their children pay the price for thier stupidity .
They won't see it take place until we get like Germany or Europe by then quite a few violent acts will have taken place.
Oh well you asked for it all you are going to get more than you anticipated. Such a shame we have a nation of zombies who think those coming into this Country live like angels.
Guess some could say you dumb fks deserve everything that is coming. Hopefully our Presidents beats your pathetic asses down with the very laws he knows is right. & you all think is oh so just unfair.

This issue is wrapped up in all the events taking place in the hatred for Trump.
Guess some could say you dumb fks deserve everything that is coming. Hopefully our Presidents beats your pathetic asses down with the very laws he knows is right.

Try not to be so open in your adoration of brownshirts. You're supposed to pretend you're not an authoritarian thug.

And not to worry. We squashed you fascist cockroaches once before. We'll do it again.
Guess some could say you dumb fks deserve everything that is coming. Hopefully our Presidents beats your pathetic asses down with the very laws he knows is right.

Try not to be so open in your adoration of brownshirts. You're supposed to pretend you're not an authoritarian thug.

And not to worry. We squashed you fascist cockroaches once before. We'll do it again.

When did you ever quash fascist cockroaches? You'd have to be in your late 80's, early 90's if you fought in WW2. Seems like you're on the cockroach's side on this Berkeley incident.
Future bureaucrats of America, the next leaders of the EPA, setting fire to endangered species. How is it not total institutional failure? There is no more honor in the UC Berkeley. Losing federal funds is the least of the worries there. Have to ask, is the legendary Janet using the color of university as camouflage for a base to wage butthurt political war against Trump, as that would be some next level virtue signaling. Milo shows up, on time as sshedgiold, wouldn't you know it a spontaneous riot, a little bit of short term traumatic experience for a long term chilling effect on free speech. All because they are perverts who think America is oppressing them for a lack of interest about the shape and color of their private parts. Apple comes out with the iGender chip, slip it into someplace funny, switch it on, the new you. That's all they know, that's their thing, apparently. You see? Can't even.
Try not to be so open in your adoration of brownshirts. You're supposed to pretend you're not an authoritarian thug.

Whereas you folks don't pretend at all. You just put it right out there for everyone to see.

Thereas you folks don't pretend at all. You just put it right out there for everyone to see.

So, a single bonfire by anarchists has you declaring all liberals are thugs. Such a good little sheep you are. Repeat that party line louder. Don't think. Your masters hate it when you think.

I have more respect for the Trump-thugs, because they're more honest. They don't pull your mealymothed "I'm so independent" crap. They're upfront about wanting to end American democracy. And you carry their water. Just making it clear where we all stand. We're fighting to save American democracy, and you're working to end it.
It is NOT true that all liberals are thugs.

Some are just fools.

But all are tools!

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