Cable News Ratings: MSNBC Draws Lowest Primetime Viewership in Nearly 7 Years


Diamond Member
Feb 22, 2013
MSNBC is going to have to come to the conclusion at some point that thou shalt not live by liberal drivel alone.
With the election just a few days away, if they're not getting good ratings now, when will they ever ?

MSNBC president Phil Griffin recently said the cable news network needs to evolve. The October ratings agree with him.
Also read: MSNBC's President Phil Griffin Defends ‘Strong Brand’ Amid Ratings Woes
Monday-Sunday ratings for October 2014 delivered MSNBC's lowest primetime total viewers since December 2007 and its lowest primetime demographic rating since June 2005. MSNBC primetime drew 502,000 total viewers and 122,000 in its key demo 25-54 viewers. Compared to the same month last year, primetime was down 37 percent in total viewers and 48 percent in the demo.
MSNBC ranked second in primetime total viewers, ahead of CNN and behind first-place Fox News. The network ranked third behind Fox News and CNN in the primetime demo and total day viewers. In the total day demo, MSNBC ranked fourth behind Fox News, CNN, and HLN.
Also read: CNN Topples MSNBC in August Ratings – But Fox News Is Still No. 1
Compared to October 2013, CNN primetime was down 18 percent in viewers and 3 percent in the demo. In total day, the network was down 5 percent in viewers and flat in the demo. CNN primetime drew 475,000 viewers and 184,000 demo viewers; for total day, CNN garnered 418,000 viewers and 134,000 demo viewers.
As usual, Fox News ranked first in all measurements. Compared to the same month last year, Fox News primetime was down 8 percent in both total viewers and demo. In total day, FNC was down 7 percent in both viewers and the demo. In primetime, Fox News delivered 1,714,000 viewers and 296,000 demo viewers. For total day, Fox drew 1,056,000 viewers and 226,000 demo viewers. On an individual show basis, Fox had the top 14 cable news programs in total viewers and the top nine programs in the 25-54 demo.
Also read: Cable News Ratings 2013: Fox Tops While CNN Slides Into Second
Looking at measurements strictly on a Monday-Friday basis, MSNBC ranked second in primetime viewers, with 583,000 viewers vs. CNN's 509,000 viewers. The results were flipped for the demo, as CNN beat MSNBC, 192,000 vs. 114,000. CNN also beat MSNBC in the total day demo, 134k vs. MSNBC's 85k. That's four months in a row CNN has edged MSNBC in these demo measurements–its longest streak since 2008.
For total viewers among shows, “Hardball” beat “OutFront” in total viewers (726,000 vs. 590,000). “The Rachel Maddow Show” beat CNN's 9 p.m. ET (“Anderson Cooper 360” and original series) 725,000 vs. 516,000. ”The Last Word” with Lawrence O'Donnell beat “CNN Tonight” (544,000 vs. CNN's 479,000).
Again, the numbers are in CNN's favor when looking at the 25-54 demo. “Outfront” beat “Hardball” (196,000 vs. 124,000), the 9 p.m. hour beat “The Rachel Maddow Show” (208,000 vs. 134,000), and “CNN Tonight” beat “The Last Word” (168,000 vs. 109,000). At 8 p.m., Anderson Cooper's program defeated MSNBC's “All In” with Chris Hayes in both measurements: 565,000 viewers vs. MSNBC's 544,000 viewers; 195,000 demo viewers vs. 106,000 demo viewers.
In the morning, “New Day” defeated “Morning Joe” in both total viewers and the demo: 346,000 viewers vs. 342,000 viewers; 108,000 demo viewers vs. 86,000 demo viewers

Cable News Ratings MSNBC Draws Lowest Primetime Viewership in Nearly 7 Years - Yahoo TV
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What do they expect?
They're a bunch of radical LIBs.
Their 'message' is only watched by radical LIBs and negroes and Gov. union members.
Every night Ed Schultz has a 'poll' and the result is always "Do you think Republicans want to destroy in middle class? 98% YES.
I mean how fucking stupid is that?
Rev. Al can't read words off the Teleprompter which have more than five letters.
Madcow, the resident bull-dyke is for some weird reason consumed with 'women's issues'
It's 100% Rep, bashing 24/7.
People are sick off it.
Fox isn`t 100% dem bashing? Are you sure? Whatever the case, only one of those networks keep their viewers stupid.
University Study Fox Viewers More Misinformed - US News
So now you'll explain why FN is ranked the highest cable news outlet in the country year after year after year right?
Must be a lot of really stuuuupid viewers out there right?
But you go ahead and keep living in your fantasy world. Reality never really was your cup of tea as I remember.
I watched Rachel Maddow on MSNBC last night she had to apologize for insulting many of her viewers over what she thinks is ugly kitchen canisters.
She got a whole bunch of e-mail bashing her for her stupid commits.

If MSNBC wants to steal viewers from Fox News they should can the prime-time model they presently have and start airing marathons of Murder She Wrote and Matlock. Their viewership would drop like a stone.
MSNBC is going to have to come to the conclusion at some point that thou shalt not live by liberal drivel alone.
With the election just a few days away, if they're not getting good ratings now, when will they ever ?

MSNBC president Phil Griffin recently said the cable news network needs to evolve. The October ratings agree with him.
Also read: MSNBC's President Phil Griffin Defends ‘Strong Brand’ Amid Ratings Woes
Monday-Sunday ratings for October 2014 delivered MSNBC's lowest primetime total viewers since December 2007 and its lowest primetime demographic rating since June 2005. MSNBC primetime drew 502,000 total viewers and 122,000 in its key demo 25-54 viewers. Compared to the same month last year, primetime was down 37 percent in total viewers and 48 percent in the demo.
MSNBC ranked second in primetime total viewers, ahead of CNN and behind first-place Fox News. The network ranked third behind Fox News and CNN in the primetime demo and total day viewers. In the total day demo, MSNBC ranked fourth behind Fox News, CNN, and HLN.
Also read: CNN Topples MSNBC in August Ratings – But Fox News Is Still No. 1
Compared to October 2013, CNN primetime was down 18 percent in viewers and 3 percent in the demo. In total day, the network was down 5 percent in viewers and flat in the demo. CNN primetime drew 475,000 viewers and 184,000 demo viewers; for total day, CNN garnered 418,000 viewers and 134,000 demo viewers.
As usual, Fox News ranked first in all measurements. Compared to the same month last year, Fox News primetime was down 8 percent in both total viewers and demo. In total day, FNC was down 7 percent in both viewers and the demo. In primetime, Fox News delivered 1,714,000 viewers and 296,000 demo viewers. For total day, Fox drew 1,056,000 viewers and 226,000 demo viewers. On an individual show basis, Fox had the top 14 cable news programs in total viewers and the top nine programs in the 25-54 demo.
Also read: Cable News Ratings 2013: Fox Tops While CNN Slides Into Second
Looking at measurements strictly on a Monday-Friday basis, MSNBC ranked second in primetime viewers, with 583,000 viewers vs. CNN's 509,000 viewers. The results were flipped for the demo, as CNN beat MSNBC, 192,000 vs. 114,000. CNN also beat MSNBC in the total day demo, 134k vs. MSNBC's 85k. That's four months in a row CNN has edged MSNBC in these demo measurements–its longest streak since 2008.
For total viewers among shows, “Hardball” beat “OutFront” in total viewers (726,000 vs. 590,000). “The Rachel Maddow Show” beat CNN's 9 p.m. ET (“Anderson Cooper 360” and original series) 725,000 vs. 516,000. ”The Last Word” with Lawrence O'Donnell beat “CNN Tonight” (544,000 vs. CNN's 479,000).
Again, the numbers are in CNN's favor when looking at the 25-54 demo. “Outfront” beat “Hardball” (196,000 vs. 124,000), the 9 p.m. hour beat “The Rachel Maddow Show” (208,000 vs. 134,000), and “CNN Tonight” beat “The Last Word” (168,000 vs. 109,000). At 8 p.m., Anderson Cooper's program defeated MSNBC's “All In” with Chris Hayes in both measurements: 565,000 viewers vs. MSNBC's 544,000 viewers; 195,000 demo viewers vs. 106,000 demo viewers.
In the morning, “New Day” defeated “Morning Joe” in both total viewers and the demo: 346,000 viewers vs. 342,000 viewers; 108,000 demo viewers vs. 86,000 demo viewers

Cable News Ratings MSNBC Draws Lowest Primetime Viewership in Nearly 7 Years - Yahoo TV

Yep, most liberals don't watch MSNBC to get their news. Liberals like to be better informed than that. MSNBC, CNN, and Fox News are "news as entertainment " and not real news. It's too bad that conservatives can't recognize that as well.
Fox isn`t 100% dem bashing? Are you sure? Whatever the case, only one of those networks keep their viewers stupid.
University Study Fox Viewers More Misinformed - US News

Do you believe everything that the left says? One very biased study does not make it true.

They also have Dem's on who bash Repubs.
Actually 2 University studies say that you`re stupid. What`s biased about the Univ. of Maryland and Fairleigh Dickinson University?
Fox isn`t 100% dem bashing? Are you sure? Whatever the case, only one of those networks keep their viewers stupid.
University Study Fox Viewers More Misinformed - US News
So now you'll explain why FN is ranked the highest cable news outlet in the country year after year after year right?
Must be a lot of really stuuuupid viewers out there right?
But you go ahead and keep living in your fantasy world. Reality never really was your cup of tea as I remember.
Wrestling has more viewers than any PBS show. Does that mean wrestling is quality programming?
Fox isn`t 100% dem bashing? Are you sure? Whatever the case, only one of those networks keep their viewers stupid.
University Study Fox Viewers More Misinformed - US News

Do you believe everything that the left says? One very biased study does not make it true.

They also have Dem's on who bash Repubs.
Actually 2 University studies say that you`re stupid. What`s biased about the Univ. of Maryland and Fairleigh Dickinson University?

Insults don't do anything but make you look ignorant.
They are both very liberal Universities and receive grants from the Government.
Logic says that MSNBC is airing shows the exec. think will attract the most viewers.
They are very aware which demographics watch MSNBC.
And that is why every weekend MSNBC airs fucking 'Jail' shows.
They know that a large portion of their viewers are either in jail, about to be put in jail, just about to get out of jail or they know someone close to them re. the above.
MSNBC is a fucking joke.
Fox isn`t 100% dem bashing? Are you sure? Whatever the case, only one of those networks keep their viewers stupid.
University Study Fox Viewers More Misinformed - US News

Do you believe everything that the left says? One very biased study does not make it true.

They also have Dem's on who bash Repubs.
Actually 2 University studies say that you`re stupid. What`s biased about the Univ. of Maryland and Fairleigh Dickinson University?

Insults don't do anything but make you look ignorant.
They are both very liberal Universities and receive grants from the Government.
What makes them "liberal" Universities and what do grants have to do with their surveys?
If the OP had some cognitive ability....he'd be able to figure out why this isn't bad news for liberals.

Yes, of course.... because declining viewership always indicates success and prosperity for a network.

Poverty = wealth, right comrade?
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MSNBC should have low ratings. It's just like FOX, except they wear the Liberal team jerseys instead of the Conservative team jerseys. The problem, of course, is that Liberals don't latch onto cable news and talk radio in the vast numbers that Conservatives do.

And let's be honest--"cable news" is an oxymoron. It's political entertainment, not news.

So us "liberals" are neither shocked nor concerned about MSNBC's low ratings. That network is unwatchable--all rhetoric, just like FOX.
C&P this post.
After the GOP take back the Senate 'Rev. Al. will "move-on" (fired) from MSNBC.
If the good REV. couldn't turn the negro vote out nobody could.
His rating are already a fucking joke.
Madcow will stay.
Ed 'The Union Thug' will be fired but the official line is he jumped.
The other fucking loons will stay in the near future.
But a new Commander will take over the helm and we'll see a marked shift in programing.
Shows like The Littlest Hobo and Taxi will start showing up.
'Jail shows' will always be front and center though. You must stay with your base after all.
Why are ratings at MSNBC so shitty?

Because MSNBC has shitty shows. Period.

Al Sharpton is the worst thing to happen to TV since the "Magic Hour" with Magic Johnson....

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