cable stations now 24/7 Trump-Putingate

as the list of culprits expands daily

historic times

The purpose of the corporate state media machine is to promote orchestrated mass distraction, obfuscation, anxiety, hysteria, confusion, divisiveness, empirical warfare and blind obedience to the state so that the societal wealth extraction can continue unabated.
as the list of culprits expands daily

historic times

The purpose of the corporate state media machine is to promote orchestrated mass distraction, obfuscation, anxiety, hysteria, confusion, divisiveness, empirical warfare and blind obedience to the state so that the societal wealth extraction can continue unabated.

I'm hip, read "Wall Street's Think Tank"

the ruling class is and has been calling all the shots since who knows when

politics is just a meaningless game true, but such fun to play, plus no one can stop the plutocrats/oligarchs anyway
Are you like always an attention whore? You start thread after thread of stupid shit.

Yeah, s/he's a troll but this thread actually has a basis. I found this this morning:

Love him or hate him, Pres. Trump drives TV viewership to record levels


Does a day pass when we don't see the president on TV? And, when we don't see him, the TV hosts are talking about him.

What a showman!

Trump’s national job approval numbers have sunk to the pathetic mid-thirties from their modest late January peak of 46%, although interestingly, as we wrote here, approval varies widely by region.


Millions love Trump and relish his often outrageous behavior as a richly-deserved middle-finger to the elite Eastern establishment that has ignored and patronized them so long.

Millions also love hating Trump, eagerly watching for the next little outlandish crack or act to add to their scrapbook catalogue of his coarse calumnies.

More @ Love him or hate him, Pres. Trump drives TV viewership to record levels - Hot Air

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