CAIR Launches Website Exposing America's 'Islamophobia Network'

The Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) today launched, the latest element in the Muslim civil rights organization's work to monitor and challenge the growing anti-Muslim bigotry in American society.

CAIR's site presents detailed profiles of a number of individuals and institutions involved in the American Islamophobia network.

You may follow the link to get rid of your Islamophobia
Islamophobia is closed-minded prejudice against or hatred of Islam and Muslims. - Islamophobia

It doesn't surprise me at all that CAIR is launching that site, it's just the same old false propaganda to lure the naive fans of Islam.

It's taqiyya pure and simple.

CAIR is a radical organization and to quote its chairman Omar M. Ahmad, - "Islam isn't in America to be equal to any other faith,but to become dominant. The Koran...........should be the highest authority in America, and Islam the only accepted religion on earth." (this was reported by the San Ramon Valley Herald in July 1998)

What more can be said about CAIR.:rolleyes-41:

What's the entire quote and context? What makes CAIR "radical"?
It doesn't surprise me at all that CAIR is launching that site, it's just the same old false propaganda to lure the naive fans of Islam.

and an attempt at intimidation.

Just look how far down the rabbit hole they have taken the U.K.? the Brits are so terrified of being called an "Islamophobe" that they offer up their children to be sexually abused by their Islamist masters. .

Islamists view their religion as inviolate. For the life of me, I do not understand all the useful idiots living in the west who agree.

How horrible that those damn Muslims seek to have advocacy. They should just bow their heads and accept whatever is said about them.

Good one!


Good for her. I have a feeling that there are going to be some very violent outbursts in the UK and that the Muslims are going to be sent home.....those that survive. I have quite a few friends in the UK and they are getting fed up with it. The UK government is blissfully ignorant and the pressure is building.

By pressure do you mean blow-back from Sykes-Picot and the Balfour Declaration? Any Muslim violence in France or England stems directly from Empire and so does the resulting Islamophobia.
Islamophobia and the Politics of Empire - Deepa Kumar on Reality Asserts Itself 3 5

No, I mean that the British population is going to rise up and kick them the hell out of the UK. And Islamic violence in France or the UK stems from the fact that they're there! The moderates are going to be swept up (unfortunately) along with the violent Islamists and sent packing. The Brits will take an awful, and for a long time. But when they see their government abandoning them to this sort of ideology, they will act.

The government has a duty to protect all it's citizens, including it's minorities. The majority of Britain's Muslim population is perfectly law abiding. We live under the rule of law - not mob rule and mob violence. British Muslims have lived in Britain for generations. They are no less British than British Christians and British Jews and British Buddhists and British Hindus.

Again... we turn toward the fabled individual Muslim as a means to escape accountability for the sum of individual Muslims.

The fact is that there are ZERO instances of gangs of Hindus, or Christians or Jews of Buddhists causing ANY trouble, any where, let alone in the name of their religion, professing a responsibility to do so and proclaiming their determination to force their religion on everyone... . But no END of the examples of gangs of Muslims doing precisely THAT.

That's flat out wrong. You need to research religious violence and intolerance around the world.

So one wonders how it is that according to the Left, individual Christians and Jews are filled with hate and malicious intent and individual Muslims are care free, innocent of malice and desirous of nothing but peace on earth.

Weird... huh?

Yes. Weird. Work on your research before making really weird broad brush statements like that.

Everyone - Christian, Jew, Muslim, Hindu, Buddhist etc is an individual first and formost. I thought that was self-evident.
Phobia: an extreme or irrational fear of or aversion to something.

Islam: Murderous political machine developed by a sociopathic mass-murdering pedophile in the 7th Century; scourge on the buttocks of humanity; presently engaged in and wholly responsible for 100% of the wars currently being waged on this planet.

Huh... Since Islam is a dangerous, tyrannical political cult, designed as such from foundation... and since the purpose of the human being is to live free toward the pursuit of the fulfillment of its life, it therefore follows that the soundly reasoned understanding that Islam is a clear and present threat to one's life, that the rejection of such is perfectly reasonable, therefore not a potential 'phobia'.

It further follows that the projection that the rejection of Islam is irrational, is, in and of itself, irrational and bears out the reasonable conclusion that Islam is a threat and should be rejected by all culture's which desire to remain viable... .

Simple stuff.

Simpler stuff: Do you or have you ever had any friends, friendly acquaintances, co-workers, or neighbors who were Muslim? Have you ever in your life spent so much as two hours at one stretch talking to a Muslim person?

Oh... so you're needing to conflate the least common denominator of a cult, which was founded as a mass-murdering political machine and is presently engaged and wholly responsible for EVERY WAR PRESENTLY IN PROCESS ON THE PLANET, as a means to project the less threatening traits of the individual Muslim, so as to distract from the incontestable threat from the Islamic whole?

LOL! Adorable... .

But to answer your question: yes, I've personally known many Muslims and they ran the gamut from total douche to douche-lites... with none of them being what I would consider 'decent human beings'.

I suggest you do some research.

ROFLMNAO! Adorable... Notice how the projection is that "Research" will bear out the oppositions point of view. Clearly another student of logic has come on the scene.

10 pts to anyone who can explain the fatal flaw in the member's construct.
Yes, I'm quite sure you are happily anticipating a genocide against Muslims.

What a repulsively stupid statement. How did you get to be a moderator, anyway?

Yes, if a person is disgusted by the sexual abuse of children, then they are obviously for genocide :eusa_doh:

If a person were honestly disgusted by the sexual abuse of children they would deal with that issue across the board - not use it as a vehicle to demonize an entire religion. Child abuse is a serious issue in many parts of the world - from child marriages, the buying and selling of children for sex or cheap labor, preventing children from getting an education. The two recent Nobel Peace Prize winners are good examples of how truly caring people can make a difference in the lives of children in their countries.

Ahh the Noble Committee... Those who gave their highest honor to a street agitator, who had written two books before he did ANYTHING... and who can't find the steam to release his birth records or his college transcripts and who is personally responsible for failing to render aid to people HE placed in harms way, setting policy to fraudulently entrap innocent people, as a means to establish policy to preclude their means to effectively defend themselves from violent criminals, and who formally abused the public trust by using official government power to prevent people from effectively organizing toward the pursuit of governing themselves... and finally... a man who delivered the most deadly virus on earth to his own nation.

So are you effectively saying that the two current winners aren't deserving?
CAIR is purposely going after groups that do not tolerate their views and then brands them as bigots. I think they have no room to talk.
Phobia: an extreme or irrational fear of or aversion to something.

Islam: Murderous political machine developed by a sociopathic mass-murdering pedophile in the 7th Century; scourge on the buttocks of humanity; presently engaged in and wholly responsible for 100% of the wars currently being waged on this planet.

Huh... Since Islam is a dangerous, tyrannical political cult, designed as such from foundation... and since the purpose of the human being is to live free toward the pursuit of the fulfillment of its life, it therefore follows that the soundly reasoned understanding that Islam is a clear and present threat to one's life, that the rejection of such is perfectly reasonable, therefore not a potential 'phobia'.

It further follows that the projection that the rejection of Islam is irrational, is, in and of itself, irrational and bears out the reasonable conclusion that Islam is a threat and should be rejected by all culture's which desire to remain viable... .

Simple stuff.

Simpler stuff: Do you or have you ever had any friends, friendly acquaintances, co-workers, or neighbors who were Muslim? Have you ever in your life spent so much as two hours at one stretch talking to a Muslim person?

Oh... so you're needing to conflate the least common denominator of a cult, which was founded as a mass-murdering political machine and is presently engaged and wholly responsible for EVERY WAR PRESENTLY IN PROCESS ON THE PLANET, as a means to project the less threatening traits of the individual Muslim, so as to distract from the incontestable threat from the Islamic whole?

LOL! Adorable... .

But to answer your question: yes, I've personally known many Muslims and they ran the gamut from total douche to douche-lites... with none of them being what I would consider 'decent human beings'.

I suggest you do some research.

ROFLMNAO! Adorable... Notice how the projection is that "Research" will bear out the oppositions point of view. Clearly another student of logic has come on the scene.

10 pts to anyone who can explain the fatal flaw in the member's construct. A little research will show you that not all the current conflicts around the world involve Islam.

Also - a reminder. This thread is occurring in the Clean Debate Zone.
CAIR is purposely going after groups that do not tolerate their views and then brands them as bigots. I think they have no room to talk.

CAIR is going after anti-Muslim bigots. How is that any different than groups like the ADL going after anti-semites or the NAACP goig after racists?
CAIR is purposely going after groups that do not tolerate their views and then brands them as bigots. I think they have no room to talk.

CAIR is going after anti-Muslim bigots. How is that any different than groups like the ADL going after anti-semites or the NAACP goig after racists?

No different when did I post that any of it was right? CAIR is a bigoted group, can we post their members and people on a website as those dangerous to freedoms?
Good for her. I have a feeling that there are going to be some very violent outbursts in the UK and that the Muslims are going to be sent home.....those that survive. I have quite a few friends in the UK and they are getting fed up with it. The UK government is blissfully ignorant and the pressure is building.
By pressure do you mean blow-back from Sykes-Picot and the Balfour Declaration? Any Muslim violence in France or England stems directly from Empire and so does the resulting Islamophobia.
Islamophobia and the Politics of Empire - Deepa Kumar on Reality Asserts Itself 3 5

No, I mean that the British population is going to rise up and kick them the hell out of the UK. And Islamic violence in France or the UK stems from the fact that they're there! The moderates are going to be swept up (unfortunately) along with the violent Islamists and sent packing. The Brits will take an awful, and for a long time. But when they see their government abandoning them to this sort of ideology, they will act.
The government has a duty to protect all it's citizens, including it's minorities. The majority of Britain's Muslim population is perfectly law abiding. We live under the rule of law - not mob rule and mob violence. British Muslims have lived in Britain for generations. They are no less British than British Christians and British Jews and British Buddhists and British Hindus.

Again... we turn toward the fabled individual Muslim as a means to escape accountability for the sum of individual Muslims.

The fact is that there are ZERO instances of gangs of Hindus, or Christians or Jews of Buddhists causing ANY trouble, any where, let alone in the name of their religion, professing a responsibility to do so and proclaiming their determination to force their religion on everyone... . But no END of the examples of gangs of Muslims doing precisely THAT.

That's flat out wrong. You need to research religious violence and intolerance around the world.

So one wonders how it is that according to the Left, individual Christians and Jews are filled with hate and malicious intent and individual Muslims are care free, innocent of malice and desirous of nothing but peace on earth.

Weird... huh?

Yes. Weird. Work on your research before making really weird broad brush statements like that.

Everyone - Christian, Jew, Muslim, Hindu, Buddhist etc is an individual first and formost. I thought that was self-evident.

Because Europe and America have Christian roots, Christianity doesn't really bother people, but all those other individuals of non-Christian faith now require accommodation and that's an infringement on people. People are happier when Liberal Totalitarians aren't stomping their jackboots on their freedoms. You have police in the UK arresting, and courts convicting, people for speech deemed "hateful."

In Canada, the Supreme Court has ruled that truth is no longer a defense in court.

All of this totalitarianism chips away at tolerance and the totalitarianism in necessary in order to make multiculturalism work.

If a Muslim wants to stay a Muslim who should live in an Islamic nation. If a Christian, or post-Christian, Western lifestyle doesn't appeal to him, then he shouldn't have chosen to immigrate to the Christian West.
... No LEGAL SYSTEM has ever had as it's primary remit, "justice". Justice is merely a secondary effect. In other words, justice can only happen if a law has been broken. Laws are passed to MAINTAIN ORDER.

Do you get that?



Again friends... THIS is why the tolerance of Left-think was a catastrophic error on the part of our grand parents...

Let's review the 'primary remit' [sic] of the US Legal SYSTEM:

"We the people of the United States, in order to form a more perfect union, establish justice, insure domestic tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general welfare, and secure the blessings of liberty to ourselves and our posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America."

The Americans will recognize it, the Leftists will need to google it... take your time kids. We'll wait on ya.
I am a Scottish American. I have relatives in Scotland. My wife is French American. She has relatives all over France. We still practice those traditions that were begun centuries ago that are relevant to our homeland. We even travel back to our collective homelands on a regular basis. We honor where we came from. We also honor where we are and follow the laws of our new home.

That is multiculturalism personified.

That is denial personified.

And you are free to think that way. Isn't America grand!

Yes I am free to think. As are you.

What you clearly do not understand is that your refusal to do so is a failure on your part to bear the responsibilities that sustain your means to exercise your rights.

But you seem like a decent enough human being... and you at least possess the means to hold a civil discussion, which is a rarity among 'moderates'.

The difference is most "moderates" aren't. They are progressives. Progressives ARE the enemy. I am a liberal Democrat, but I also have a brain and I despise extremism of any nature. I must confess though, I don't have any idea what you mean by "failure on your part to bear the responsibilities that sustain your means to exercise your rights."
By pressure do you mean blow-back from Sykes-Picot and the Balfour Declaration? Any Muslim violence in France or England stems directly from Empire and so does the resulting Islamophobia.
Islamophobia and the Politics of Empire - Deepa Kumar on Reality Asserts Itself 3 5

No, I mean that the British population is going to rise up and kick them the hell out of the UK. And Islamic violence in France or the UK stems from the fact that they're there! The moderates are going to be swept up (unfortunately) along with the violent Islamists and sent packing. The Brits will take an awful, and for a long time. But when they see their government abandoning them to this sort of ideology, they will act.
The government has a duty to protect all it's citizens, including it's minorities. The majority of Britain's Muslim population is perfectly law abiding. We live under the rule of law - not mob rule and mob violence. British Muslims have lived in Britain for generations. They are no less British than British Christians and British Jews and British Buddhists and British Hindus.

Again... we turn toward the fabled individual Muslim as a means to escape accountability for the sum of individual Muslims.

The fact is that there are ZERO instances of gangs of Hindus, or Christians or Jews of Buddhists causing ANY trouble, any where, let alone in the name of their religion, professing a responsibility to do so and proclaiming their determination to force their religion on everyone... . But no END of the examples of gangs of Muslims doing precisely THAT.

That's flat out wrong. You need to research religious violence and intolerance around the world.

So one wonders how it is that according to the Left, individual Christians and Jews are filled with hate and malicious intent and individual Muslims are care free, innocent of malice and desirous of nothing but peace on earth.

Weird... huh?

Yes. Weird. Work on your research before making really weird broad brush statements like that.

Everyone - Christian, Jew, Muslim, Hindu, Buddhist etc is an individual first and formost. I thought that was self-evident.

Because Europe and America have Christian roots, Christianity doesn't really bother people, but all those other individuals of non-Christian faith now require accommodation and that's an infringement on people. People are happier when Liberal Totalitarians aren't stomping their jackboots on their freedoms. You have police in the UK arresting, and courts convicting, people for speech deemed "hateful."

In Canada, the Supreme Court has ruled that truth is no longer a defense in court.

All of this totalitarianism chips away at tolerance and the totalitarianism in necessary in order to make multiculturalism work.

If a Muslim wants to stay a Muslim who should live in an Islamic nation. If a Christian, or post-Christian, Western lifestyle doesn't appeal to him, then he shouldn't have chosen to immigrate to the Christian West.

Before Christianity supplanted Druidism it was the foundational religion of Europe. Thus religion doesn't have a place in this discussion. This discussion is about multiculturalism (which exists absent religion in many cultures) and what it truly means. Totalitarianism DOESN'T make multiculturalism work. It destroys it and replaces it with ONE culture. You need to read a ton more history.
No, I mean that the British population is going to rise up and kick them the hell out of the UK. And Islamic violence in France or the UK stems from the fact that they're there! The moderates are going to be swept up (unfortunately) along with the violent Islamists and sent packing. The Brits will take an awful, and for a long time. But when they see their government abandoning them to this sort of ideology, they will act.
The government has a duty to protect all it's citizens, including it's minorities. The majority of Britain's Muslim population is perfectly law abiding. We live under the rule of law - not mob rule and mob violence. British Muslims have lived in Britain for generations. They are no less British than British Christians and British Jews and British Buddhists and British Hindus.

Again... we turn toward the fabled individual Muslim as a means to escape accountability for the sum of individual Muslims.

The fact is that there are ZERO instances of gangs of Hindus, or Christians or Jews of Buddhists causing ANY trouble, any where, let alone in the name of their religion, professing a responsibility to do so and proclaiming their determination to force their religion on everyone... . But no END of the examples of gangs of Muslims doing precisely THAT.

That's flat out wrong. You need to research religious violence and intolerance around the world.

So one wonders how it is that according to the Left, individual Christians and Jews are filled with hate and malicious intent and individual Muslims are care free, innocent of malice and desirous of nothing but peace on earth.

Weird... huh?

Yes. Weird. Work on your research before making really weird broad brush statements like that.

Everyone - Christian, Jew, Muslim, Hindu, Buddhist etc is an individual first and formost. I thought that was self-evident.

Because Europe and America have Christian roots, Christianity doesn't really bother people, but all those other individuals of non-Christian faith now require accommodation and that's an infringement on people. People are happier when Liberal Totalitarians aren't stomping their jackboots on their freedoms. You have police in the UK arresting, and courts convicting, people for speech deemed "hateful."

In Canada, the Supreme Court has ruled that truth is no longer a defense in court.

All of this totalitarianism chips away at tolerance and the totalitarianism in necessary in order to make multiculturalism work.

If a Muslim wants to stay a Muslim who should live in an Islamic nation. If a Christian, or post-Christian, Western lifestyle doesn't appeal to him, then he shouldn't have chosen to immigrate to the Christian West.

Before Christianity supplanted Druidism it was the foundational religion of Europe. Thus religion doesn't have a place in this discussion.

European culture is built on a foundation of Christianity, whether or not people practice the religion. Christmas is a holiday, so is Easter. Sunday is a day of rest.

Religion which binds people together is a form of culture, the spiritual aspect is irrelevant.

This discussion is about multiculturalism (which exists absent religion in many cultures) and what it truly means. Totalitarianism DOESN'T make multiculturalism work. It destroys it and replaces it with ONE culture. You need to read a ton more history.

I'm pretty confident that I know more about cultures and history than you. A number of people have told you that you don't even understand the terms of this debate, that's how glaring your errors have been.

Look at how you completely misunderstand totalitarian tactics in support of multiculturalism. You don't even understand what multiculturalism MEANS so you're very poorly positioned to be critiquing downstream processes which intersect with multiculturalism.
There's no such thing as the Korean War. You're speaking of the on-going dispute between the communist North Koreans and the soundly reasoned, sustainable culture of South Korea... who are presently at a 60 year old stand off.

But if it helps, Islam is a religious extension of secularism (Left-think), which is why you, as a secularist... are in here wetting your pant, over a cult which would erase you for nothing more than your public professions regarding the normalization of sexual abnormality... and this despite the disproportional instances of sexual abnormality common to Islam.

This makes no sense. Islam is an old and established religion that is quite the opposite of "secularism" and can hardly be called "Left" - it's typically pretty conservative.

XXXXXXXXXXX - this is the CDZ debate area. Review the rules please.
Last edited by a moderator:
No, I mean that the British population is going to rise up and kick them the hell out of the UK. And Islamic violence in France or the UK stems from the fact that they're there! The moderates are going to be swept up (unfortunately) along with the violent Islamists and sent packing. The Brits will take an awful, and for a long time. But when they see their government abandoning them to this sort of ideology, they will act.
The government has a duty to protect all it's citizens, including it's minorities. The majority of Britain's Muslim population is perfectly law abiding. We live under the rule of law - not mob rule and mob violence. British Muslims have lived in Britain for generations. They are no less British than British Christians and British Jews and British Buddhists and British Hindus.

Again... we turn toward the fabled individual Muslim as a means to escape accountability for the sum of individual Muslims.

The fact is that there are ZERO instances of gangs of Hindus, or Christians or Jews of Buddhists causing ANY trouble, any where, let alone in the name of their religion, professing a responsibility to do so and proclaiming their determination to force their religion on everyone... . But no END of the examples of gangs of Muslims doing precisely THAT.

That's flat out wrong. You need to research religious violence and intolerance around the world.

So one wonders how it is that according to the Left, individual Christians and Jews are filled with hate and malicious intent and individual Muslims are care free, innocent of malice and desirous of nothing but peace on earth.

Weird... huh?

Yes. Weird. Work on your research before making really weird broad brush statements like that.

Everyone - Christian, Jew, Muslim, Hindu, Buddhist etc is an individual first and formost. I thought that was self-evident.

Because Europe and America have Christian roots, Christianity doesn't really bother people, but all those other individuals of non-Christian faith now require accommodation and that's an infringement on people. People are happier when Liberal Totalitarians aren't stomping their jackboots on their freedoms. You have police in the UK arresting, and courts convicting, people for speech deemed "hateful."

In Canada, the Supreme Court has ruled that truth is no longer a defense in court.

All of this totalitarianism chips away at tolerance and the totalitarianism in necessary in order to make multiculturalism work.

If a Muslim wants to stay a Muslim who should live in an Islamic nation. If a Christian, or post-Christian, Western lifestyle doesn't appeal to him, then he shouldn't have chosen to immigrate to the Christian West.

Before Christianity supplanted Druidism it was the foundational religion of Europe. Thus religion doesn't have a place in this discussion. This discussion is about multiculturalism (which exists absent religion in many cultures) and what it truly means. Totalitarianism DOESN'T make multiculturalism work. It destroys it and replaces it with ONE culture. You need to read a ton more history.

Uh oh.

Look at your "Agree List" and see who agrees with you.


A sign you may not be on the right side of this debate.

Just sayin.

The government has a duty to protect all it's citizens, including it's minorities. The majority of Britain's Muslim population is perfectly law abiding. We live under the rule of law - not mob rule and mob violence. British Muslims have lived in Britain for generations. They are no less British than British Christians and British Jews and British Buddhists and British Hindus.

Again... we turn toward the fabled individual Muslim as a means to escape accountability for the sum of individual Muslims.

The fact is that there are ZERO instances of gangs of Hindus, or Christians or Jews of Buddhists causing ANY trouble, any where, let alone in the name of their religion, professing a responsibility to do so and proclaiming their determination to force their religion on everyone... . But no END of the examples of gangs of Muslims doing precisely THAT.

That's flat out wrong. You need to research religious violence and intolerance around the world.

So one wonders how it is that according to the Left, individual Christians and Jews are filled with hate and malicious intent and individual Muslims are care free, innocent of malice and desirous of nothing but peace on earth.

Weird... huh?

Yes. Weird. Work on your research before making really weird broad brush statements like that.

Everyone - Christian, Jew, Muslim, Hindu, Buddhist etc is an individual first and formost. I thought that was self-evident.

Because Europe and America have Christian roots, Christianity doesn't really bother people, but all those other individuals of non-Christian faith now require accommodation and that's an infringement on people. People are happier when Liberal Totalitarians aren't stomping their jackboots on their freedoms. You have police in the UK arresting, and courts convicting, people for speech deemed "hateful."

In Canada, the Supreme Court has ruled that truth is no longer a defense in court.

All of this totalitarianism chips away at tolerance and the totalitarianism in necessary in order to make multiculturalism work.

If a Muslim wants to stay a Muslim who should live in an Islamic nation. If a Christian, or post-Christian, Western lifestyle doesn't appeal to him, then he shouldn't have chosen to immigrate to the Christian West.

Before Christianity supplanted Druidism it was the foundational religion of Europe. Thus religion doesn't have a place in this discussion.

European culture is built on a foundation of Christianity, whether or not people practice the religion. Christmas is a holiday, so is Easter. Sunday is a day of rest.

Religion which binds people together is a form of culture, the spiritual aspect is irrelevant.

This discussion is about multiculturalism (which exists absent religion in many cultures) and what it truly means. Totalitarianism DOESN'T make multiculturalism work. It destroys it and replaces it with ONE culture. You need to read a ton more history.

I'm pretty confident that I know more about cultures and history than you. A number of people have told you that you don't even understand the terms of this debate, that's how glaring your errors have been.

Look at how you completely misunderstand totalitarian tactics in support of multiculturalism. You don't even understand what multiculturalism MEANS so you're very poorly positioned to be critiquing downstream processes which intersect with multiculturalism.

I doubt your assertion quite highly. I fully understand that I don't agree with YOUR and one other persons definitions (not "a number" as you claim), however I also understand that I am better educated in the history of Europe than you probably ever will be. My wife's flat on the Isle st. Louis has been in her family for 600 years or so, and my ancestral home in Aberdeen has been in my family for over 1,000 years. We know the history of our respective areas extremely well. History has also been a secondary interest of mine for over 50 years. All this means is I'm older than you, have a different level of education than you, and have probably lived on more continents and in more countries than you. It's possible I'm wrong, but I doubt it.

I'm certainly not trying to denigrate you in any way, far from it. I think you and I are quite alike in outlook. However, it is my belief that you are simply not as well educated on the subject as you think you are. Feel free to educate me and show to me that I am wrong. However your fundamental lack of knowledge of totalitarianism, and how it functions, is a serious deficiency.
The government has a duty to protect all it's citizens, including it's minorities. The majority of Britain's Muslim population is perfectly law abiding. We live under the rule of law - not mob rule and mob violence. British Muslims have lived in Britain for generations. They are no less British than British Christians and British Jews and British Buddhists and British Hindus.

Again... we turn toward the fabled individual Muslim as a means to escape accountability for the sum of individual Muslims.

The fact is that there are ZERO instances of gangs of Hindus, or Christians or Jews of Buddhists causing ANY trouble, any where, let alone in the name of their religion, professing a responsibility to do so and proclaiming their determination to force their religion on everyone... . But no END of the examples of gangs of Muslims doing precisely THAT.

That's flat out wrong. You need to research religious violence and intolerance around the world.

So one wonders how it is that according to the Left, individual Christians and Jews are filled with hate and malicious intent and individual Muslims are care free, innocent of malice and desirous of nothing but peace on earth.

Weird... huh?

Yes. Weird. Work on your research before making really weird broad brush statements like that.

Everyone - Christian, Jew, Muslim, Hindu, Buddhist etc is an individual first and formost. I thought that was self-evident.

Because Europe and America have Christian roots, Christianity doesn't really bother people, but all those other individuals of non-Christian faith now require accommodation and that's an infringement on people. People are happier when Liberal Totalitarians aren't stomping their jackboots on their freedoms. You have police in the UK arresting, and courts convicting, people for speech deemed "hateful."

In Canada, the Supreme Court has ruled that truth is no longer a defense in court.

All of this totalitarianism chips away at tolerance and the totalitarianism in necessary in order to make multiculturalism work.

If a Muslim wants to stay a Muslim who should live in an Islamic nation. If a Christian, or post-Christian, Western lifestyle doesn't appeal to him, then he shouldn't have chosen to immigrate to the Christian West.

Before Christianity supplanted Druidism it was the foundational religion of Europe. Thus religion doesn't have a place in this discussion. This discussion is about multiculturalism (which exists absent religion in many cultures) and what it truly means. Totalitarianism DOESN'T make multiculturalism work. It destroys it and replaces it with ONE culture. You need to read a ton more history.

Uh oh.

Look at your "Agree List" and see who agrees with you.


A sign you may not be on the right side of this debate.

Just sayin.


If I cared about who agrees with me I might look at it. As I don't I won't bother. My point is that progressivism is the enemy. A corrupted form of multiculturalism (called cultural relativism) is the tool, and history is my best argument.
"Multiculturalism" is the co-existence of diverse cultures, where culture includes racial, religious, or cultural groups and is manifested in customary behaviours, cultural assumptions and values, patterns of thinking, and communicative styles.

Multiculturalism is the cultural diversity of communities within a given society and the policies that promote this diversity. As a descriptive term, multiculturalism is the simple fact of cultural diversity and the demographic make-up of a specific place, sometimes at the organizational level, e.g., schools, businesses, neighborhoods, cities, or nations. As a prescriptive term, multiculturalism encourages ideologies and policies that promote this diversity or its institutionalization. In this sense, multiculturalism is a society “at ease with the rich tapestry of human life and the desire amongst people to express their own identity in the manner they see fit.”[1]

MULTICULTURALISM is a philosophy that appreciates ethnic diversity within a society and that encourages people to learn from the contributions of those of diverse ethnic backgrounds.

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