CAIR Launches Website Exposing America's 'Islamophobia Network'

Westboro Baptist Church is an anomaly...

If you took Westboro's actual beliefs and had them spouted from the mouth of a Muslim, you could bet your bottom dollar that huge numbers of people here would be defending them for it, instead.

Such is the incredible hypocrisy of identity politics where it doesn't matter what is said, but only who is saying it.
Entirely false? No. Terrorists will share tactics and training across the board but as far as being joined at the hip? That's a gross exageration. Simply looking at Neo-Nazi websites will show you they hate Muslims as much as they do everyone else except white Christians.

Standard Nazis and Islamo-Nazis are very similar. While I don't frequent Neo-Nazi sites (ThinkProgress?) what you claim flies in the face of everything I've seen, The Nazis and the Muslims appear very tight to me.

The unholy triple axis of American Leftists, Neo-Nazis, and Islamic Extremism is a dangerous cancer festering. Linked by a common hatred of Jews, the hatred of banks and corporations also strengthens the bonds of these three. Actually, we can simply point out that hate is the motive engine for all the players.
Actually no. I frequently use the Westboro Baptists as an example of the Christian lunatic fringe not representative of the religion in entirety. Every religion has it's lunatic fringe and if someone doesn't like that faith - they'll use those groups in an attempt to discredit the whole.

That's my point, you frequently use a 7 member group that was headed by a leftist and existed to mock and defame Christians as an example of Christians - while stating that the 10% of Muslims supporting violence are not representative.

World wide, over 10% of Muslims openly support ISIS and Al Qaeda. That would be about 130 million. Not 7 frauds pulling a scam to smear and defame an enemy - 130 million people.

Neo-Nazis? There's 10 of 'em man... and NO POPULAR ADVOCACY for their would-be cause.


What's more... as BAD as those clowns are, there's no place on earth wherein they're slaughtering innocent people, driving them from their homes and forcing them to become skin heads OR ELSE!

Again.. (Not to put too fine a point on it...) IF there were such a place. "WE", the Christian right (Americans) would be there kicking the hell out of 'em... . And where we found people gathering to celebrate Skin-headism, we'd kick the hell out of them for doing that.

See the difference?

Go into the Israel and Middle East forums here and take note of the rabid anti-Semites;

Leftists or Muslims to the last person.
That is what is so frightening about the level of hate and the complete rationalization of it. Once you start scapegoating minorities, what is the next step? What can you justify?

We can prevent the scapegoating of Muslims by keeping their numbers in America as small as possible and not enacting special laws just for them.

What special laws are inacted "just for them"?

What special laws are inacted "just for them"?

Jihad Watch's Spencer: US Muslims Seek, Get Special Status
Thursday, 04 Sep 2014 04:36 PM

By Sean Piccoli

Muslims in the United States who want to impose Islamic law on non-Muslims have succeeded in getting the federal government to back their demands for special rights and accomodations not available to people of other faiths, Jihad Watch director Robert Spencer told Newsmax TV on Thursday.

But saying so gets any critic of attempts to establish Muslim exceptionalism labeled a hater, bigot or racist, Spencer told "MidPoint" host Ed Berliner.

Story continues below video.

Jihad Watch s Spencer US Muslims Seek Get Special Status

And yet more questionable sources. Jihadwatch? Spencer? Hell - why not use Stormfront?

Ok..let's look at this article against a backdrop of "Muslims get special priveledges".

Spencer pointed to cases across the country in which federal agencies sided with Muslims seeking special privileges at the expense of other Americans' customs, beliefs and employment practices, and he connected those efforts to a larger scheme for Islamist dominance of America. we're claiming these cases a part of a Islamist domination of America...quite a conspiracy theory stretch no? But this IS Spencer after all.

"The Department of Justice forced the Berkeley school district, right outside Chicago, to pay $75,000 to a Muslim teacher, Safoorah Khan, because she had demanded — as a first-year public school teacher — three weeks off to go on the pilgrimage to Mecca," said Spencer.

No source was given so I found this article: Suburban School District To Pay Back Safoorah Khan Muslim Teacher Denied Hajj Leave

The following points are made:
IKhan applied for an unpaid leave of absence of 15 days from the McArthur Middle School, where she taught, in order to go on a Hajj to the holy city of Mecca in Saudi Arabia.

The district made the argument that she could have gone in the summer - however, the article notes the following:
Islamic scholars said, in response, that delaying her Hajj for a summer trip would have meant a wait of at least a decade, as the date of the annual pilgrimage is guided by the lunar year and changes annually. Further, Sayyid Syeed, who directs interfaith and community affairs for the Islamic Society of North America, explained to Religion News Service that asking a Muslim person to take their pilgrimage in the summer is akin to asking a Christian to celebrate Christmas in July.

US sues school over denial of Muslim pilgrimage
The government claimed that the school district violated the Civil Rights Act of 1964 by failing to reasonably accommodate her religious practices.

Lawsuits on behalf of reasonable accommodations for religion are not uncommon, for example:
Justice Department Settles Lawsuit Alleging Religious Discrimination by the City of Birmingham Ala. Police Department OPA Department of Justice
Kentucky Fried Chicken Franchise Pays 40 000 to Settle EEOC Religious Discrimination Lawsuit

Given the above - what special priveledges are being granted? None. Just reasonable religious accommodation - the same as would be granted to any other religion. What Islamic law is being imposed on non-Muslims as is being claimed?

Spencer also cited other cases, some involving the U.S. government:
  • The Equal Employment Opportunity Commission sued on behalf of Somali Muslims who walked off the job at a meatpacking plant in Nebraska — and were later fired — because they weren't allowed to take prayer breaks on company time.
  • A Muslim woman sued Disney in 2012, saying the company wouldn't permit her to wear a hijab, or head scarf, in keeping with her religion, while she worked as a hostess at an Americana-themed Disney restaurant in California.

Again - cases involving "reasonable religious accommodation"
How is that different from:
Biometric Hand Scanner Causes Mark of the Beast Lawsuit Constangy Brooks Smith LLP
Dunkin Donuts bakery sued for religious discrimination
Workers May Be Entitled to Time Off for Holidays -
What special privledges are being granted? What Islamic law is being imposed on non-Muslims?

Look I don't think you've got enough citations to make this go away. Loyal Americans know that anyone who loves America would not behave as you do. This is the kind of bullshit that tied up Mark Steyn in Canada. They have a name for it, someone please help me's using our laws against us in pursuit of their goal of conquering America right before our very eyes.

History of the Muslim Brotherhood Penetration of the U.S. Government

by Clare M. Lopez
April 15, 2013 at 5:00 am
History of the Muslim Brotherhood Penetration of the U.S. Government

Given the long history of Muslim Brotherhood activity in this country, its declared objective to "destroy the Western civilization from within," and the extensive evidence of successful influence operations at the highest levels of the U.S. government, it is urgent that we recognize this clear and present danger that threatens not only our Republic but the values of Western civilization.

"Allah is our objective. The Prophet is our leader. The Qur'an is our law. Jihad is our way. Dying in the way of Allah is our highest aspiration."

-- Motto of the Muslim Brotherhood

The upheavals of 2011-2012 across the Middle East and North Africa swept aside secular rulers and the established political order with startling speed, and continue to focus world attention on the revolutionary forces driving these far-reaching events. Poverty, oppression, inequality, and lack of individual freedom are all hallmarks of the societal stagnation that has gripped the Islamic world for the better part of fourteen centuries, but the driving force of the so-called "Arab Spring" is a resurgent Islam, dominated by the forces of al-Qa'eda and the Muslim Brotherhood. Energized as Islam may be at this time, however, without the active involvement of the United States to help arm[1], fund[2], support[3], and train[4] the region's Islamic rebels, it is questionable whether they could have gotten this far, this fast.

This report describes how the Muslim Brotherhood infiltrated and suborned the U.S. government to actively assist, whether knowingly or not, the mission of its grand jihad. Its hard-won position at the forefront of the 21st century Islamic Awakening is possible only because of decades of patient infiltration and political indoctrination (Da'wa) in the West, and especially the United States of America, even as the grassroots work of building an organizational structure advanced steadily in the land of its origin as well. It is important to recognize the sophistication of the Brotherhood's international strategy and how the takedown of U.S. national security defenses from within was critical to the current Middle East-North Africa (MENA) campaign to re-establish the Caliphate and enforce Islamic Law (shariah).​
In order for them to do these things within the United States of America, there has to be allies who are allied with them working within, now being truthful about just who those allies are, will be key to stopping any attacks and/or their goals in the future here.
We can prevent the scapegoating of Muslims by keeping their numbers in America as small as possible and not enacting special laws just for them.

What special laws are inacted "just for them"?

What special laws are inacted "just for them"?

Jihad Watch's Spencer: US Muslims Seek, Get Special Status
Thursday, 04 Sep 2014 04:36 PM

By Sean Piccoli

Muslims in the United States who want to impose Islamic law on non-Muslims have succeeded in getting the federal government to back their demands for special rights and accomodations not available to people of other faiths, Jihad Watch director Robert Spencer told Newsmax TV on Thursday.

But saying so gets any critic of attempts to establish Muslim exceptionalism labeled a hater, bigot or racist, Spencer told "MidPoint" host Ed Berliner.

Story continues below video.

Jihad Watch s Spencer US Muslims Seek Get Special Status

And yet more questionable sources. Jihadwatch? Spencer? Hell - why not use Stormfront?

Ok..let's look at this article against a backdrop of "Muslims get special priveledges".

Spencer pointed to cases across the country in which federal agencies sided with Muslims seeking special privileges at the expense of other Americans' customs, beliefs and employment practices, and he connected those efforts to a larger scheme for Islamist dominance of America. we're claiming these cases a part of a Islamist domination of America...quite a conspiracy theory stretch no? But this IS Spencer after all.

"The Department of Justice forced the Berkeley school district, right outside Chicago, to pay $75,000 to a Muslim teacher, Safoorah Khan, because she had demanded — as a first-year public school teacher — three weeks off to go on the pilgrimage to Mecca," said Spencer.

No source was given so I found this article: Suburban School District To Pay Back Safoorah Khan Muslim Teacher Denied Hajj Leave

The following points are made:
IKhan applied for an unpaid leave of absence of 15 days from the McArthur Middle School, where she taught, in order to go on a Hajj to the holy city of Mecca in Saudi Arabia.

The district made the argument that she could have gone in the summer - however, the article notes the following:
Islamic scholars said, in response, that delaying her Hajj for a summer trip would have meant a wait of at least a decade, as the date of the annual pilgrimage is guided by the lunar year and changes annually. Further, Sayyid Syeed, who directs interfaith and community affairs for the Islamic Society of North America, explained to Religion News Service that asking a Muslim person to take their pilgrimage in the summer is akin to asking a Christian to celebrate Christmas in July.

US sues school over denial of Muslim pilgrimage
The government claimed that the school district violated the Civil Rights Act of 1964 by failing to reasonably accommodate her religious practices.

Lawsuits on behalf of reasonable accommodations for religion are not uncommon, for example:
Justice Department Settles Lawsuit Alleging Religious Discrimination by the City of Birmingham Ala. Police Department OPA Department of Justice
Kentucky Fried Chicken Franchise Pays 40 000 to Settle EEOC Religious Discrimination Lawsuit

Given the above - what special priveledges are being granted? None. Just reasonable religious accommodation - the same as would be granted to any other religion. What Islamic law is being imposed on non-Muslims as is being claimed?

Spencer also cited other cases, some involving the U.S. government:
  • The Equal Employment Opportunity Commission sued on behalf of Somali Muslims who walked off the job at a meatpacking plant in Nebraska — and were later fired — because they weren't allowed to take prayer breaks on company time.
  • A Muslim woman sued Disney in 2012, saying the company wouldn't permit her to wear a hijab, or head scarf, in keeping with her religion, while she worked as a hostess at an Americana-themed Disney restaurant in California.

Again - cases involving "reasonable religious accommodation"
How is that different from:
Biometric Hand Scanner Causes Mark of the Beast Lawsuit Constangy Brooks Smith LLP
Dunkin Donuts bakery sued for religious discrimination
Workers May Be Entitled to Time Off for Holidays -
What special privledges are being granted? What Islamic law is being imposed on non-Muslims?

Look I don't think you've got enough citations to make this go away. Loyal Americans know that anyone who loves America would not behave as you do. This is the kind of bullshit that tied up Mark Steyn in Canada. They have a name for it, someone please help me's using our laws against us in pursuit of their goal of conquering America right before our very eyes.

History of the Muslim Brotherhood Penetration of the U.S. Government

by Clare M. Lopez
April 15, 2013 at 5:00 am
History of the Muslim Brotherhood Penetration of the U.S. Government

Given the long history of Muslim Brotherhood activity in this country, its declared objective to "destroy the Western civilization from within," and the extensive evidence of successful influence operations at the highest levels of the U.S. government, it is urgent that we recognize this clear and present danger that threatens not only our Republic but the values of Western civilization.

"Allah is our objective. The Prophet is our leader. The Qur'an is our law. Jihad is our way. Dying in the way of Allah is our highest aspiration."

-- Motto of the Muslim Brotherhood

The upheavals of 2011-2012 across the Middle East and North Africa swept aside secular rulers and the established political order with startling speed, and continue to focus world attention on the revolutionary forces driving these far-reaching events. Poverty, oppression, inequality, and lack of individual freedom are all hallmarks of the societal stagnation that has gripped the Islamic world for the better part of fourteen centuries, but the driving force of the so-called "Arab Spring" is a resurgent Islam, dominated by the forces of al-Qa'eda and the Muslim Brotherhood. Energized as Islam may be at this time, however, without the active involvement of the United States to help arm[1], fund[2], support[3], and train[4] the region's Islamic rebels, it is questionable whether they could have gotten this far, this fast.

This report describes how the Muslim Brotherhood infiltrated and suborned the U.S. government to actively assist, whether knowingly or not, the mission of its grand jihad. Its hard-won position at the forefront of the 21st century Islamic Awakening is possible only because of decades of patient infiltration and political indoctrination (Da'wa) in the West, and especially the United States of America, even as the grassroots work of building an organizational structure advanced steadily in the land of its origin as well. It is important to recognize the sophistication of the Brotherhood's international strategy and how the takedown of U.S. national security defenses from within was critical to the current Middle East-North Africa (MENA) campaign to re-establish the Caliphate and enforce Islamic Law (shariah).​
In order for them to do these things within the United States of America, there has to be allies who are allied with them working within, now being truthful about just who those allies are, will be key to stopping any attacks and/or their goals in the future here.

"In order for them to do these things within the United States of America, there has to be allies who are allied with them working within, now being truthful about just who those allies are, will be key to stopping any attacks and/or their goals in the future here."

  1. 3-Star General: Muslims Have Infiltrated Our Government ...
    3-Star General Muslim Brotherhood Has Infiltrated All Levels of US Govt To Install Sharia Law Truth And Actionmuslims-infiltrated-government/

    ... the Muslim Brotherhood has infiltrated us on a very deeplevel! They now occupy the highest levels of command throughout every department our government.
  2. Barack Obama's Muslim Appointees in High Security Positions
    Sharia Advisors Barack Obama s Muslim Appointees in High Security Positions -muslim-appoi...

    May 1, 2014 - This is the same Muslim Brotherhood that Barack Obama's brother, Malik, ... in Texas by coordinating the state-level government and interfaith community .... Ouradministration [i.e., the Bush administration] has the burden of ...
  3. History of the Muslim Brotherhood Penetration of the U.S. ...
    Gatestone Institute

    Apr 15, 2013 - Dying in the way of Allah is our highestaspiration. ... influence operations at the highest levels of the U.S. government, it is ... This report describes how theMuslim Brotherhood infiltrated and suborned the U.S.government to ...
  4. Muslim Brotherhood Infiltrates Obama Administration
    Investigative Project on Terrorism

    Jan 3, 2013 - Elibiary, who has endorsed the ideas of radicalMuslim Brotherhood luminary ... of the Muslim Brotherhoodto high level White House positions. .... Obama has Allowed The Islamists To Infiltrate Our Government [56 words].
  5. Want to Know Just How Close the Muslim Brotherhood Is to ...
    Want to Know Just How Close the Muslim Brotherhood Is to the Obama Admin Video TheBlaze.commuslim...

    Apr 26, 2012 - ... are infiltrating American government at itshighest levels. ... An internal Brotherhood document dubbed the Social Scientists as one of “our ...
  6. Former SNL Actress Victoria Jackson: 'Muslim Brotherhood ...
    Former SNL Actress Victoria Jackson 8216 Muslim Brotherhood Has Infiltrated Our Highest Positions in Gov 8217 t 8217 Video TheBlaze.commusli...

    Dec 28, 2011 - ... Jackson: 'Muslim Brotherhood HasInfiltrated Our Highest Positions in Gov't' ... has infiltratedthe American government at its highest levels.
  7. [Watch] Congressman Louie Gohmert - DHS Infiltrated By ...

    Sep 11, 2014 - There are many Muslim Brotherhood agents within the Obama ... agents positioned within the highest levels of the United States government. ... for our terrorist enemies, that even Obama's top advisors are speaking to the ...
  8. “Jerry” Boykin — Muslim Brotherhood has deeply infiltrated ...

    Feb 28, 2014 - Lt Gen (Ret.) William "Jerry" Boykin -- TheMuslim Brotherhood has deeply infiltrated our governmentto the highest levels since Obama has ...
  9. Michele Bachmann Points To Huma Abedin As Muslim ...
    The Huffington Post

    Jul 17, 2012 - At any rate, if the Muslim Brotherhood wanted to infiltrate Congress, why wouldn't they do .... Beware Of 'Gangster Government' ..... Most Recent.
Apparently there are still people out there who think neo-Nazis, and the ultra-rightists who post at Stormfront, are 'anti-Muslim'; they aren't, many of them admire Islamists for the same reasons Hitler did, and they are big fans of Islamist terrorism against Jews. They very much resemble the faux 'Peace Left' and their rabid antisemitism, and cheer on vermin like Hamas, whose money and followers started up CAIR.

More on it here:

Federal Judge Agrees CAIR Tied to Hamas The Investigative Project on Terrorism

The Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) has been connected to the terrorist organization Hamas, a federal judge said in a July 2009 ruling unsealed last week.
"The government has produced ample evidence to establish the associations of CAIR, ISNA, NAIT, with NAIT, the Islamic Association for Palestine, and with Hamas," U.S. District Court Judge Jorge Solis said in the July 1, 2009, ruling.

CAIR, the Islamic Society of North America (ISNA) and the North American Islamic Trust (NAIT) had protested to Solis that they were incorrectly named as unindicted co-conspirators in the 2008 trial of the Holy Land Foundation for Relief and Development. Among the allegations, HLF was accused of having provided more than $12 million to Hamas. After a 2007 mistrial, five former HLF officials convicted on 108 counts, ranging from money laundering to conspiring to provide material support to terrorists.

Following the trial, CAIR, ISNA, and NAIT have argued that their inclusion on the list injured their standing in the community, and their image. They wanted their ties to Hamas removed from the trial records and the list sealed.

Solis agreed the list should not have been made public, saying that doing so violated the Fifth Amendment rights of the listed individuals and organizations. Criticizing the decision to publish the list, the judge explained that CAIR has been subjected to "annoyance, ridicule, scorn, and a loss of reputation in the community." (see the IPTs earlier coverage of the decision to publish the list here).

However, Solis refused to remove references to CAIR and the other groups from the trial record. That's because the government introduced extensive evidence tying CAIR to Hamas. "The public," he wrote, "may make its own judgment from evidence presented at trial."

Yep, Stormfront and DailyKOS carry much of the same material.

Stormfront, Neo-Nazi's and White Supremacy movments are as Islamophobic as they are anti-semitic and racist....where do you get the idea that they like Muslims? Or am I misunderstanding you?


Neo-Nazis? There's 10 of 'em man... and NO POPULAR ADVOCACY for their would-be cause.


What's more... as BAD as those clowns are, there's no place on earth wherein they're slaughtering innocent people, driving them from their homes and forcing them to become skin heads OR ELSE!

Again.. (Not to put too fine a point on it...) IF there were such a place. "WE", the Christian right (Americans) would be there kicking the hell out of 'em... . And where we found people gathering to celebrate Skin-headism, we'd kick the hell out of them for doing that.

See the difference?

Great post!

In order for them to do these things within the United States of America, there has to be allies who are allied with them working within


Looking around...........

Yep, sure looks like they have some very commited allies.

Now what?
I am not saying CAIR is pure fact, in fact I said earlier in this thread that I might be wrong about CAIR and I recognize that, like any pro or anti site - it will have it's bias'. That's why it would be nice to see a critique on CAIR from a site that doesn't have a clearly biased agenda (in either direction).

While Muslim apologists love to attack FrontPage and the rest, I notice that you never can quite point to anything the put out that is false?

I'm anti-Nazi. I make no apologies for opposing a creed of evil.

For the same reason, I make no apology for being anti-Islam.

"While Muslim apologists love to attack FrontPage and the rest, I notice that you never can quite point to anything the put out that is false?

I'm anti-Nazi. I make no apologies for opposing a creed of evil.

For the same reason, I make no apology for being anti-Islam."


Great post!


Last edited:
Bullying is for Losers:
"(SAN DIEGO, CA, 10/30/14) – Last week, the San Diego chapter of the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR-San Diego), in collaboration with the Al-Manar Weekend School, held two anti-bullying seminars, called "Bullying is for Losers."

"The Saturday event attracted about 70 students and parents while the Sunday program was attended by more than 120 students, parent and administrators.

"'This is a very important topic for parents, youth and young kids, we should be active and up to date with the issues facing our children and adolescents,' said the principal of the Al-Manar Weekend School, Roula Aoneh. 'CAIR's anti-bullying seminars are really informative and interactive, I encourage all schools, parents and students to benefit from it.'

"'It is absolutely important for us to empower our young community members by providing them information about bullying and how to deal with it,' said the CAIR-San Diego Executive Director Hanif Mohebi. 'Many of the bullying incidents in our community go unreported, it's important for our community to understand the value of reporting such incidents to the proper authorities and our organization.'"
CAIR-San Diego Hosts Two Anti-Bullying Seminars Bullying is for Losers - CAIR
Entirely false? No. Terrorists will share tactics and training across the board but as far as being joined at the hip? That's a gross exageration. Simply looking at Neo-Nazi websites will show you they hate Muslims as much as they do everyone else except white Christians.

Standard Nazis and Islamo-Nazis are very similar. While I don't frequent Neo-Nazi sites (ThinkProgress?) what you claim flies in the face of everything I've seen, The Nazis and the Muslims appear very tight to me.

The unholy triple axis of American Leftists, Neo-Nazis, and Islamic Extremism is a dangerous cancer festering. Linked by a common hatred of Jews, the hatred of banks and corporations also strengthens the bonds of these three. Actually, we can simply point out that hate is the motive engine for all the players.

Neo-Nazi's (American Rightists I suppose, using your terminology) are very anti-immigrant, anti-Islam, nationalistic. They've buried their anti-semitism but it's still there if you scratch beneath surface. It's been turned into anti-Muslim to become more acceptable but a leopard doesn't change it's spots. Hate is their fuel - hatred of the other, hatred of gays, hatred of blacks, hatred of Jews, hatred of Muslims, hatred of Mexicans. We saw that in full display in Charlottesville didn't we?
Entirely false? No. Terrorists will share tactics and training across the board but as far as being joined at the hip? That's a gross exageration. Simply looking at Neo-Nazi websites will show you they hate Muslims as much as they do everyone else except white Christians.

Standard Nazis and Islamo-Nazis are very similar. While I don't frequent Neo-Nazi sites (ThinkProgress?) what you claim flies in the face of everything I've seen, The Nazis and the Muslims appear very tight to me.

The unholy triple axis of American Leftists, Neo-Nazis, and Islamic Extremism is a dangerous cancer festering. Linked by a common hatred of Jews, the hatred of banks and corporations also strengthens the bonds of these three. Actually, we can simply point out that hate is the motive engine for all the players.

Neo-Nazi's (American Rightists I suppose, using your terminology) are very anti-immigrant, anti-Islam, nationalistic. They've buried their anti-semitism but it's still there if you scratch beneath surface. It's been turned into anti-Muslim to become more acceptable but a leopard doesn't change it's spots. Hate is their fuel - hatred of the other, hatred of gays, hatred of blacks, hatred of Jews, hatred of Muslims, hatred of Mexicans. We saw that in full display in Charlottesville didn't we?

It took you 4 1/2 years to come up with a lie that retarded? :eek:

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