CAIR Launches Website Exposing America's 'Islamophobia Network'

And yet more questionable sources. Jihadwatch? Spencer?

and here is some of the wording on the Fatwa issued against him.

"May Allah rip out his spine from his back and split his brains in two, and then put them both back, and then do it over and over"

That is just so sweet! No hate, there, of course, since all we are interested in is supporting those who issue such things .

Thank Allah that your friends at CAIR are covering their bases.

What ever you say dude. One thing is quite clear. You have no genuine interest in a real exchange of ideas and that is apparent from your postings across the board. You continuously accuse me of positions and beliefs I do not have and then fail to find anything I've said to support those accusations. You don't address the points made nor do you adhere to the spirit of civil discourse. Instead you engage in cheap shots. I can not change your beliefs, but I can choose to recognize when it is a waste of time and a person is not interested in a free exchange of ideas. Good day. :)

No, I just see through your ruse is all.

In threads about Arab terrorism, you try to blur the distinction between freedom fighting and terrorism. In a thread where Indian Islamists were calling for the wholesale slaughter of non Muslims, you attacked the Hindus that would be their first targets, and what outraged you wasn't that they were calling for the slaughter of innocent people, but that I called them subhuman for doing so. Here, in this thread about an organization tied to Hamas and where posters have quoted their exact words as to their agenda for replacing our liberal democracy with a totalitarian Islamist theocracy, all you seem to be able to do is call people haters, even going so far in your hysteria as to suggest they support genocide.

The pattern is patently clear about your agenda here. That is what you most definitely DON'T want exposed to the light of day.

Did he do that?

With respect, I can't believe that... do ya have a link?

No. He doesn't because the thread in question didn't play out that way.

This is the link: Indian jihadist group calls for attacks on non Muslims US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

This is from the OP: ..."So much for tolerance in this religion among many of its followers...."

The actual article in question starts out: "A group of Indian Islamic militants, operating out ofPakistan, has called for attacks on non Muslims in the region in retaliation for U.S.-led air strikes on fighters of the Islamic State in Iraq and Syria."

I merely pointed out that the Hindus in India aren't exactly innocents in the religious tolerance department and there has been an upswing in some pretty ugly violence against non-Hindu minorities including riots and massacres. Something others would apparently not like to acknowledge.

You can see for yourself how the thread plays out and make your own conclusions.

As far as the distinction between "freedom fighters" and "terrorism" - it is indeed blurred. Most so-called "freedom fighters" inevitably end up using terrorism as a tactic to gain their goal. If they win - they get to call themselves "freedom fighters", if they lose they get called "terrorists". This seems to happen over and over. They get whitewashed over time. What dogma implies is that means I support terrorism. I do not. I oppose terrorism as a tactic and whomever uses it loses any legitimacy in moral arena in my opinion and subsequently calling them "freedom fighters" is bogus when their tactics have included the deliberate targeting of civilians.

Nowhere was I "outraged" for terrorists being called "subhuman".
What ever you say dude. One thing is quite clear. You have no genuine interest in a real exchange of ideas and that is apparent from your postings across the board. You continuously accuse me of positions and beliefs I do not have and then fail to find anything I've said to support those accusations. You don't address the points made nor do you adhere to the spirit of civil discourse. Instead you engage in cheap shots. I can not change your beliefs, but I can choose to recognize when it is a waste of time and a person is not interested in a free exchange of ideas. Good day. :)

No, I just see through your ruse is all.

In threads about Arab terrorism, you try to blur the distinction between freedom fighting and terrorism. In a thread where Indian Islamists were calling for the wholesale slaughter of non Muslims, you attacked the Hindus that would be their first targets, and what outraged you wasn't that they were calling for the slaughter of innocent people, but that I called them subhuman for doing so. Here, in this thread about an organization tied to Hamas and where posters have quoted their exact words as to their agenda for replacing our liberal democracy with a totalitarian Islamist theocracy, all you seem to be able to do is call people haters, even going so far in your hysteria as to suggest they support genocide.

The pattern is patently clear about your agenda here. That is what you most definitely DON'T want exposed to the light of day.

Did he do that?

With respect, I can't believe that... do ya have a link?

No. He doesn't because the thread in question didn't play out that way.

This is the link: Indian jihadist group calls for attacks on non Muslims US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

This is from the OP: ..."So much for tolerance in this religion among many of its followers...."

The actual article in question starts out: "A group of Indian Islamic militants, operating out ofPakistan, has called for attacks on non Muslims in the region in retaliation for U.S.-led air strikes on fighters of the Islamic State in Iraq and Syria."

I merely pointed out that the Hindus in India aren't exactly innocents in the religious tolerance department and there has been an upswing in some pretty ugly violence against non-Hindu minorities including riots and massacres. Something others would apparently not like to acknowledge.

You can see for yourself how the thread plays out and make your own conclusions.

As far as the distinction between "freedom fighters" and "terrorism" - it is indeed blurred. Most so-called "freedom fighters" inevitably end up using terrorism as a tactic to gain their goal. If they win - they get to call themselves "freedom fighters", if they lose they get called "terrorists". This seems to happen over and over. They get whitewashed over time. What dogma implies is that means I support terrorism. I do not. I oppose terrorism as a tactic and whomever uses it loses any legitimacy in moral arena in my opinion and subsequently calling them "freedom fighters" is bogus when their tactics have included the deliberate targeting of civilians.

Nowhere was I "outraged" for terrorists being called "subhuman".

Yes, you didn't say a single damned thing about the Islamists calling for the death of non Muslims. All you did was support then in targeting Hindus.

That is not "merely" doing anything as anybody can see quite very plainly.

Sure dude.
A number of the annotations were to similar anti-Muslim propaganda sites - for example FrontPage (Horowitz) or ", - citing himself as a source? Many of the links did not work did not work at all. It would be nice to see something from a less biased source critically examining CAIR.

So those are "propaganda," but CAIR is pure fact?


And you wonder why you have zero credibility....

I am not saying CAIR is pure fact, in fact I said earlier in this thread that I might be wrong about CAIR and I recognize that, like any pro or anti site - it will have it's bias'. That's why it would be nice to see a critique on CAIR from a site that doesn't have a clearly biased agenda (in either direction).
Apparently there are still people out there who think neo-Nazis, and the ultra-rightists who post at Stormfront, are 'anti-Muslim'; they aren't, many of them admire Islamists for the same reasons Hitler did, and they are big fans of Islamist terrorism against Jews. They very much resemble the faux 'Peace Left' and their rabid antisemitism, and cheer on vermin like Hamas, whose money and followers started up CAIR.

More on it here:

Federal Judge Agrees CAIR Tied to Hamas The Investigative Project on Terrorism

The Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) has been connected to the terrorist organization Hamas, a federal judge said in a July 2009 ruling unsealed last week.
"The government has produced ample evidence to establish the associations of CAIR, ISNA, NAIT, with NAIT, the Islamic Association for Palestine, and with Hamas," U.S. District Court Judge Jorge Solis said in the July 1, 2009, ruling.

CAIR, the Islamic Society of North America (ISNA) and the North American Islamic Trust (NAIT) had protested to Solis that they were incorrectly named as unindicted co-conspirators in the 2008 trial of the Holy Land Foundation for Relief and Development. Among the allegations, HLF was accused of having provided more than $12 million to Hamas. After a 2007 mistrial, five former HLF officials convicted on 108 counts, ranging from money laundering to conspiring to provide material support to terrorists.

Following the trial, CAIR, ISNA, and NAIT have argued that their inclusion on the list injured their standing in the community, and their image. They wanted their ties to Hamas removed from the trial records and the list sealed.

Solis agreed the list should not have been made public, saying that doing so violated the Fifth Amendment rights of the listed individuals and organizations. Criticizing the decision to publish the list, the judge explained that CAIR has been subjected to "annoyance, ridicule, scorn, and a loss of reputation in the community." (see the IPTs earlier coverage of the decision to publish the list here).

However, Solis refused to remove references to CAIR and the other groups from the trial record. That's because the government introduced extensive evidence tying CAIR to Hamas. "The public," he wrote, "may make its own judgment from evidence presented at trial."

Yep, Stormfront and DailyKOS carry much of the same material.
I am not saying CAIR is pure fact, in fact I said earlier in this thread that I might be wrong about CAIR and I recognize that, like any pro or anti site - it will have it's bias'. That's why it would be nice to see a critique on CAIR from a site that doesn't have a clearly biased agenda (in either direction).

While Muslim apologists love to attack FrontPage and the rest, I notice that you never can quite point to anything the put out that is false?

I'm anti-Nazi. I make no apologies for opposing a creed of evil.

For the same reason, I make no apology for being anti-Islam.
Apparently there are still people out there who think neo-Nazis, and the ultra-rightists who post at Stormfront, are 'anti-Muslim'; they aren't, many of them admire Islamists for the same reasons Hitler did, and they are big fans of Islamist terrorism against Jews. They very much resemble the faux 'Peace Left' and their rabid antisemitism, and cheer on vermin like Hamas, whose money and followers started up CAIR.

More on it here:

Federal Judge Agrees CAIR Tied to Hamas The Investigative Project on Terrorism

The Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) has been connected to the terrorist organization Hamas, a federal judge said in a July 2009 ruling unsealed last week.
"The government has produced ample evidence to establish the associations of CAIR, ISNA, NAIT, with NAIT, the Islamic Association for Palestine, and with Hamas," U.S. District Court Judge Jorge Solis said in the July 1, 2009, ruling.

CAIR, the Islamic Society of North America (ISNA) and the North American Islamic Trust (NAIT) had protested to Solis that they were incorrectly named as unindicted co-conspirators in the 2008 trial of the Holy Land Foundation for Relief and Development. Among the allegations, HLF was accused of having provided more than $12 million to Hamas. After a 2007 mistrial, five former HLF officials convicted on 108 counts, ranging from money laundering to conspiring to provide material support to terrorists.

Following the trial, CAIR, ISNA, and NAIT have argued that their inclusion on the list injured their standing in the community, and their image. They wanted their ties to Hamas removed from the trial records and the list sealed.

Solis agreed the list should not have been made public, saying that doing so violated the Fifth Amendment rights of the listed individuals and organizations. Criticizing the decision to publish the list, the judge explained that CAIR has been subjected to "annoyance, ridicule, scorn, and a loss of reputation in the community." (see the IPTs earlier coverage of the decision to publish the list here).

However, Solis refused to remove references to CAIR and the other groups from the trial record. That's because the government introduced extensive evidence tying CAIR to Hamas. "The public," he wrote, "may make its own judgment from evidence presented at trial."

Yep, Stormfront and DailyKOS carry much of the same material.

Stormfront, Neo-Nazi's and White Supremacy movments are as Islamophobic as they are anti-semitic and racist....where do you get the idea that they like Muslims? Or am I misunderstanding you?
I am not saying CAIR is pure fact, in fact I said earlier in this thread that I might be wrong about CAIR and I recognize that, like any pro or anti site - it will have it's bias'. That's why it would be nice to see a critique on CAIR from a site that doesn't have a clearly biased agenda (in either direction).

While Muslim apologists love to attack FrontPage and the rest, I notice that you never can quite point to anything the put out that is false?

I'm anti-Nazi. I make no apologies for opposing a creed of evil.

For the same reason, I make no apology for being anti-Islam.

Fantasy Fatwah's and the supposed Egyptian Necrophilia law.
The American Muslim TAM
The American Muslim TAM
Not sure where everyone falls on this...

But just so everyone knows where I am... CAIR, on the whole, from the crusty old Islamists on the Board to the crusty young Islamists that sweep the floors and empty the trash, should be charged with subversion of the American Culture, tried on the sustaining evidence of the charges and upon conviction packed up and sent directly to GITMO.

There is no legitimate means to defend Islam at this point in Islamic/Human history. The story has been told, they are a boil on the anus of humanity and they (ALL OF ISLAM, to the last man, woman and child) need to be ERASED.
[...]There is no legitimate means to defend Islam at this point in Islamic/Human history. The story has been told, they are a boil on the anus of humanity and they (ALL OF ISLAM, to the last man, woman and child) need to be ERASED.
A bit of an extreme stance, considering CAIR doesn't represent all Muslims and is just one Islamic organization, not all of them.
[...]There is no legitimate means to defend Islam at this point in Islamic/Human history. The story has been told, they are a boil on the anus of humanity and they (ALL OF ISLAM, to the last man, woman and child) need to be ERASED.
A bit of an extreme stance, considering CAIR doesn't represent all Muslims and is just one Islamic organization, not all of them.

There's nothing extreme about it. Cair is defending the whole of Islam. The Whole of Islam is a force of nothing else except HUMAN MISERY.

The whole of Islam is comprised of individual muslims... so there's no way to 'respect the Individual' and stop the collective. Can't be done. (That silly nonsense is how the US has managed to lose every war since Korea.)
Last edited:
[...]There is no legitimate means to defend Islam at this point in Islamic/Human history. The story has been told, they are a boil on the anus of humanity and they (ALL OF ISLAM, to the last man, woman and child) need to be ERASED.
A bit of an extreme stance, considering CAIR doesn't represent all Muslims and is just one Islamic organization, not all of them.

Islam is evil at it's core. The only way for Muslims to live at peace with non-Muslims is through apostasy.

Muhammad was a megalomaniacal warlord who created a cult of violence and conquest. Ataturk was the best of the Muslims.
I'm thinking that some of you are lost, and have forgotten which forum you are in. This is the CDZ, not IP.

If you can't discuss the topic without discussing other posters, then you need to do it somewhere else.

The next person to post about another poster, and not the topic, will have a few days off to think about what they've done.
Stormfront, Neo-Nazi's and White Supremacy movments are as Islamophobic as they are anti-semitic and racist....where do you get the idea that they like Muslims? Or am I misunderstanding you?

I suspect you know this is entirely false. The Neo-Nazi and Muslim movement are joined at the hip. Oklahoma City bomber Terry Nickles attended Al Qaeda training in the Philippines, where he learned to construct the truck bomb used in that terrorist act.

Islam and Nazism have common goals and common attitudes, hatred of Jews and Israel top among them.
Stormfront, Neo-Nazi's and White Supremacy movments are as Islamophobic as they are anti-semitic and racist....where do you get the idea that they like Muslims? Or am I misunderstanding you?

I suspect you know this is entirely false. The Neo-Nazi and Muslim movement are joined at the hip. Oklahoma City bomber Terry Nickles attended Al Qaeda training in the Philippines, where he learned to construct the truck bomb used in that terrorist act.

Islam and Nazism have common goals and common attitudes, hatred of Jews and Israel top among them.

Entirely false? No. Terrorists will share tactics and training across the board but as far as being joined at the hip? That's a gross exageration. Simply looking at Neo-Nazi websites will show you they hate Muslims as much as they do everyone else except white Christians.

Fantasy Fatwah's and the supposed Egyptian Necrophilia law.
The American Muslim TAM
The American Muslim TAM

So they cited what the author calls a "fringe" Islamic?

Big deal. The point is often to expose just how loony the fringe is, You certainly have no objections to leftists pointing to the 7 member Westboro Baptists as the model of all 2.6 billion Christians in the world.

Actually no. I frequently use the Westboro Baptists as an example of the Christian lunatic fringe not representative of the religion in entirety. Every religion has it's lunatic fringe and if someone doesn't like that faith - they'll use those groups in an attempt to discredit the whole.
Apparently there are still people out there who think neo-Nazis, and the ultra-rightists who post at Stormfront, are 'anti-Muslim'; they aren't, many of them admire Islamists for the same reasons Hitler did, and they are big fans of Islamist terrorism against Jews. They very much resemble the faux 'Peace Left' and their rabid antisemitism, and cheer on vermin like Hamas, whose money and followers started up CAIR.

More on it here:

Federal Judge Agrees CAIR Tied to Hamas The Investigative Project on Terrorism

The Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) has been connected to the terrorist organization Hamas, a federal judge said in a July 2009 ruling unsealed last week.
"The government has produced ample evidence to establish the associations of CAIR, ISNA, NAIT, with NAIT, the Islamic Association for Palestine, and with Hamas," U.S. District Court Judge Jorge Solis said in the July 1, 2009, ruling.

CAIR, the Islamic Society of North America (ISNA) and the North American Islamic Trust (NAIT) had protested to Solis that they were incorrectly named as unindicted co-conspirators in the 2008 trial of the Holy Land Foundation for Relief and Development. Among the allegations, HLF was accused of having provided more than $12 million to Hamas. After a 2007 mistrial, five former HLF officials convicted on 108 counts, ranging from money laundering to conspiring to provide material support to terrorists.

Following the trial, CAIR, ISNA, and NAIT have argued that their inclusion on the list injured their standing in the community, and their image. They wanted their ties to Hamas removed from the trial records and the list sealed.

Solis agreed the list should not have been made public, saying that doing so violated the Fifth Amendment rights of the listed individuals and organizations. Criticizing the decision to publish the list, the judge explained that CAIR has been subjected to "annoyance, ridicule, scorn, and a loss of reputation in the community." (see the IPTs earlier coverage of the decision to publish the list here).

However, Solis refused to remove references to CAIR and the other groups from the trial record. That's because the government introduced extensive evidence tying CAIR to Hamas. "The public," he wrote, "may make its own judgment from evidence presented at trial."

Yep, Stormfront and DailyKOS carry much of the same material.

Stormfront, Neo-Nazi's and White Supremacy movments are as Islamophobic as they are anti-semitic and racist....where do you get the idea that they like Muslims? Or am I misunderstanding you?


Neo-Nazis? There's 10 of 'em man... and NO POPULAR ADVOCACY for their would-be cause.


What's more... as BAD as those clowns are, there's no place on earth wherein they're slaughtering innocent people, driving them from their homes and forcing them to become skin heads OR ELSE!

Again.. (Not to put too fine a point on it...) IF there were such a place. "WE", the Christian right (Americans) would be there kicking the hell out of 'em... . And where we found people gathering to celebrate Skin-headism, we'd kick the hell out of them for doing that.

See the difference?

Fantasy Fatwah's and the supposed Egyptian Necrophilia law.
The American Muslim TAM
The American Muslim TAM

So they cited what the author calls a "fringe" Islamic?

Big deal. The point is often to expose just how loony the fringe is, You certainly have no objections to leftists pointing to the 7 member Westboro Baptists as the model of all 2.6 billion Christians in the world.

Actually no. I frequently use the Westboro Baptists as an example of the Christian lunatic fringe not representative of the religion in entirety. Every religion has it's lunatic fringe and if someone doesn't like that faith - they'll use those groups in an attempt to discredit the whole.

Westboro Baptist Church is an anomaly... such that it is wholly foreign to Christianity. And while that cult is a lot of things, an example of Extreme Christianity, is NOT ONE OF THEM!

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