CAIR Launches Website Exposing America's 'Islamophobia Network'

"Multiculturalism" is the co-existence of diverse cultures, where culture includes racial, religious, or cultural groups and is manifested in customary behaviours, cultural assumptions and values, patterns of thinking, and communicative styles.

Multiculturalism is the cultural diversity of communities within a given society and the policies that promote this diversity. As a descriptive term, multiculturalism is the simple fact of cultural diversity and the demographic make-up of a specific place, sometimes at the organizational level, e.g., schools, businesses, neighborhoods, cities, or nations. As a prescriptive term, multiculturalism encourages ideologies and policies that promote this diversity or its institutionalization. In this sense, multiculturalism is a society “at ease with the rich tapestry of human life and the desire amongst people to express their own identity in the manner they see fit.”[1]

MULTICULTURALISM is a philosophy that appreciates ethnic diversity within a society and that encourages people to learn from the contributions of those of diverse ethnic backgrounds.
Thanks for helping Westwall with the definition.
When you immigrate to a new land, all that is required is that you follow the laws of that land. Whether or not you take on the culture, or how much you choose of it - doesn't really matter because eventually you will take on some of the culture or your children will and you will share in return some of the culture of your homeland. That's the way it usually works if it's left alone to work.
... In your last 5 posts you've advance four logical fallacies... yet you're wholly ignorant of such. Proving indisputably that you've ignorant of logic, across the board and on the whole.

You are mistaken. I'm trying to be nice about this.
"Multiculturalism" is the co-existence of diverse cultures, where culture includes racial, religious, or cultural groups and is manifested in customary behaviours, cultural assumptions and values, patterns of thinking, and communicative styles.

Multiculturalism is the cultural diversity of communities within a given society and the policies that promote this diversity. As a descriptive term, multiculturalism is the simple fact of cultural diversity and the demographic make-up of a specific place, sometimes at the organizational level, e.g., schools, businesses, neighborhoods, cities, or nations. As a prescriptive term, multiculturalism encourages ideologies and policies that promote this diversity or its institutionalization. In this sense, multiculturalism is a society “at ease with the rich tapestry of human life and the desire amongst people to express their own identity in the manner they see fit.”[1]

MULTICULTURALISM is a philosophy that appreciates ethnic diversity within a society and that encourages people to learn from the contributions of those of diverse ethnic backgrounds.
Thanks for helping Westwall with the definition.

Looks remarkably like what I stated. Thank you for recognizing that fact.
When you get people trying to destroy what the citizenry in a nation had built as a culture together, and is one that is over 200 years old...

"Culture" is not some static construct that remains forever fixed and immutable. Quite the contrary. A lot of y'all don't seem to understand what has always made American culture so exceptional and, in the most important sense, enduring. Getting the point would start with an understanding of history and political science.
"Multiculturalism" is the co-existence of diverse cultures, where culture includes racial, religious, or cultural groups and is manifested in customary behaviours, cultural assumptions and values, patterns of thinking, and communicative styles.

Multiculturalism is the cultural diversity of communities within a given society and the policies that promote this diversity. As a descriptive term, multiculturalism is the simple fact of cultural diversity and the demographic make-up of a specific place, sometimes at the organizational level, e.g., schools, businesses, neighborhoods, cities, or nations. As a prescriptive term, multiculturalism encourages ideologies and policies that promote this diversity or its institutionalization. In this sense, multiculturalism is a society “at ease with the rich tapestry of human life and the desire amongst people to express their own identity in the manner they see fit.”[1]

MULTICULTURALISM is a philosophy that appreciates ethnic diversity within a society and that encourages people to learn from the contributions of those of diverse ethnic backgrounds.
Thanks for helping Westwall with the definition.

Looks remarkably like what I stated. Thank you for recognizing that fact.

Post the definition of Melting Pot and then let's compare your arguments to those two definitions.
CAIR is going after anti-Muslim bigots. How is that any different than groups like the ADL going after anti-semites or the NAACP goig after racists?

As I pointed out earlier, the ADL resists hatred based upon ethnicity, while the NAACP resists hatred based upon race. Islamism is neither, as the terrorist support group known as CAIR is seeking out any who tell the truth about their political/religious ideology intent upon world domination and whose official policy is to kill any who leave the fold. In that aspect, it acts like a dangerous cult.

The application of the word "phobia" to the resistance of a dangerous totalitarian political ideology creates an intentionally false neologism, the purpose of which is to further the agenda involved by making resistance to it more difficult.
CAIR is purposely going after groups that do not tolerate their views and then brands them as bigots. I think they have no room to talk.

No, they certainly don't.

What seems beyond the grasp of many people is how thorough the Islamist intent on domination. Sure, we see Isis doing their thing or Al Qaeda and the other terrorist organizations, but that's just the tip of the iceberg in the war they are waging. That is just the physical war. The bigger war is rhetorical, and that is the one they wage with words -- words used to divide us from within, to soften us and to pave the way for Islam. If they succeed in influencing a good portion of the useful idiot left in siding with them and succeed in making any criticism of what they are doing the stuff of "bigotry", then they are one step closer to their goal. Just look what they have achieved in Britain already.

Islamists play a game that should be familiar to anybody who has ever watched a cop show. Isis now plays the role of bad cop -- a role that has been become increasingly horrific over the years. Meanwhile, the Muslim Brotherhood, CAIR, and other supporters take the role of good cop, a role made easier with ever incremental step the bad cops take as the goalposts keep moving. They want the same thing, and wage the same war, but the approaches are different.

People need to wise up as to how Islamists use the internet, especially. They not only have their own websites from which they recruit, but they also have a presence anywhere there is a free exchange of ideas. They are pretty damned serious in fighting their war, and it is high time people took their heads out of the sand and started to realize it doesn't matter if we see ourselves as left or right, liberal or conservative. We need to see ourselves as safeguarding a way of life. That way of life is under attack.
Where did radical Islam find the most support over the past fifty years?

From westerners concerned with controlling the most valuable material prize in history: Middle Eastern oil:

"The groundwork for this awful mess of political and religious horrors sweeping through the Middle East was laid – laid deeply – by the United States during 35 years (1979-2014) of overthrowing the secular governments of Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya, and Syria. (Adding to the mess in the same period we should not forget the US endlessly bombing Pakistan, Somalia and Yemen.)

"You cannot destroy modern, relatively developed and educated societies, ripping apart the social, political, economic and legal fabric, torturing thousands, killing millions, and expect civilization and human decency to survive."

Why You Can Hardly Believe a Word of What You Read About ISIS CounterPunch Tells the Facts Names the Names
Where did radical Islam find the most support over the past fifty years?

From westerners concerned with controlling the most valuable material prize in history: Middle Eastern oil:

"The groundwork for this awful mess of political and religious horrors sweeping through the Middle East was laid – laid deeply – by the United States during 35 years (1979-2014) of overthrowing the secular governments of Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya, and Syria. (Adding to the mess in the same period we should not forget the US endlessly bombing Pakistan, Somalia and Yemen.)

"You cannot destroy modern, relatively developed and educated societies, ripping apart the social, political, economic and legal fabric, torturing thousands, killing millions, and expect civilization and human decency to survive."

Why You Can Hardly Believe a Word of What You Read About ISIS CounterPunch Tells the Facts Names the Names

Spamming the same cut and paste across multiple threads, now, are you?
Where did radical Islam find the most support over the past fifty years?

From westerners concerned with controlling the most valuable material prize in history: Middle Eastern oil:

"The groundwork for this awful mess of political and religious horrors sweeping through the Middle East was laid – laid deeply – by the United States during 35 years (1979-2014) of overthrowing the secular governments of Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya, and Syria. (Adding to the mess in the same period we should not forget the US endlessly bombing Pakistan, Somalia and Yemen.)

"You cannot destroy modern, relatively developed and educated societies, ripping apart the social, political, economic and legal fabric, torturing thousands, killing millions, and expect civilization and human decency to survive."

Why You Can Hardly Believe a Word of What You Read About ISIS CounterPunch Tells the Facts Names the Names

Spamming the same cut and paste across multiple threads, now, are you?
What's your problem,
Don't have an answer?
What's your problem,
Don't have an answer?

The subject of this thread is the stupid neologism "Islamophobia" and the role CAIR is playing in fostering it.

I see no need to respond to a cut and paste from such a dodgy website as the infantile counterpunch. If you are so completely incapable of offering an original thought, why would you expect others to offer theirs?
What's your problem,
Don't have an answer?

The subject of this thread is the stupid neologism "Islamophobia" and the role CAIR is playing in fostering it.

I see no need to respond to a cut and paste from such a dodgy website as the infantile counterpunch. If you are so completely incapable of offering an original thought, why would you expect others to offer theirs?
I haven't noticed any evidence of thought, original or otherwise, in anything you've posted, so far, and you're apparently incapable of distinguishing content from context. The author of my link holds the same view I do regarding US support for radical Islam from the Muslim Brotherhood to IS; are you disputing that or wasting bandwidth?

"William Blum is the author of Killing Hope: U.S. Military and CIA Interventions Since World War II, Rogue State: a guide to the World’s Only Super Power . His latest book is: America’s Deadliest Export: Democracy. He can be reached at: [email protected]."

Why You Can Hardly Believe a Word of What You Read About ISIS CounterPunch Tells the Facts Names the Names
...Good for CAIR. Southern Policy Law Center has a list of anti-Muslim hate groups. Quite a bit of overlap. It's about time folks started challenging these charlatans in the open. Jews and Blacks are well ahead of the curve in exposing anti-semites and racists masquerading as "legitimately concerned" citizens and patriots...
The difference between the American perspective on Muslims, and the American perspectives on Jews and Blacks?







I'd say that CAIR has a slightly larger P(ublic) R(elations) problem than similar Jewish or Black -focused organizations.

Then again, if I was an organization with known close ties - past and/or present - to Radical-Militant Islamist organizations - I'd be tempted to hide behind advocacy on behalf of religious egalitarianism and equivalency, myself.
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The first group was NEVER ASKED to share community with the second group. A silent coup IMPOSED the second group onto the first group.

What exactly do you mean by that? They weren't asked to come to Britain? Well...imo...too bad. Britain colonized their nations, stripped them of their resources, discouraged value-added industries and made them subjects of the crown. Then they left but they left in place the common wealth. I'm sure they, in India, Kenya, Pakistan, Wassutistan what ever WEREN'T asked to share community with the Brits were they?

Immigrants don't say "You know, those bowler hats and the bubbles and squeak, are sure attractive and I want to abandon my culture and faith and become British and Christian. I'm going to immigrate to Britain in order to become British because I so admire British culture." This formulation isn't so troublesome. This formulation though is almost never seen anymore.

Well fortunately for Britain - many of her immigrants do enjoy the British culture - civil rights, democratic values etc. As far as religious conversion - that's the first I've heard of it. Do you demand that of British Jews as well? Hindus? Buddhists? Immigrants bring their own culture and blend it with that of their new country. I'm an American and that has ceratinly been the case in my country. It may not be the first generation, but it often is by the second. IMO - the only thing required of immigrants is that they follow our laws when they adopt our country. Typically both sides are enriched by the immigrant experience.

What we see instead is the above - the keeping of native culture and religion and co-locating that religion and culture alongside British culture in the UK. This is a recipe for war. Different peoples, different faith, different cultures, different attitudes are far more abrasive than the same people, of the same faith, the same culture and same attitudes living alongside each other.

You can not demand that people reject their faith. If so - you should be required to reject Christianity as that is not a native British faith.

You certainly can demand that any group not use their faith as a tool to justify violence against others in the name of that faith.
The Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) today launched, the latest element in the Muslim civil rights organization's work to monitor and challenge the growing anti-Muslim bigotry in American society.

CAIR's site presents detailed profiles of a number of individuals and institutions involved in the American Islamophobia network.

You may follow the link to get rid of your Islamophobia
Islamophobia is closed-minded prejudice against or hatred of Islam and Muslims. - Islamophobia

It doesn't surprise me at all that CAIR is launching that site, it's just the same old false propaganda to lure the naive fans of Islam.

It's taqiyya pure and simple.

CAIR is a radical organization and to quote its chairman Omar M. Ahmad, - "Islam isn't in America to be equal to any other faith,but to become dominant. The Koran...........should be the highest authority in America, and Islam the only accepted religion on earth." (this was reported by the San Ramon Valley Herald in July 1998)

What more can be said about CAIR.:rolleyes-41:

What's the entire quote and context? What makes CAIR "radical"?

If you are unaware of CAIR's true agenda and its past history, it is suggested that you do some very necessary research so that you are not blinded by CAIR's propaganda.

I have already given you the reference for the quote.

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