CAIR Launches Website Exposing America's 'Islamophobia Network'

So should we welcome the radicals that want to slit our throats to plan their attacks? Should we just do away with the fbi, cia and any means to stop these people.

Remember, we're at war.
Name calling? .

Yes, name calling.

You call people an "Islamophobe" or a "bigot" for resisting your totalitarian politico-religious views even though you have chosen such views of your own volition.

My "totalitarian politico-religious views"? What the heck are you talking about?

I've called no one here an Islamophobe or bigot.

I do call those who spread hate and disinformation about a particular religious group - Islamophobes and bigots. Only you know if the shoe fits. It's what the Pamela Gellars of the world are. It's what the Daniel Pipes are. It's what the Geert Wilders are. They are as bigoted as any racist or anti-semite and they should be exposed for what they are.

All religions are chosen of a person's own violation - and they are all protected under the First Amendment.
So should we welcome the radicals that want to slit our throats to plan their attacks? Should we just do away with the fbi, cia and any means to stop these people.

Remember, we're at war.

Who called for that?

All religions are chosen of a person's own violation - and they are all protected under the First Amendment.

Perhaps it is in the first amendment of the country you are from, but in this one there is absolutely nothing that says your totalitarian views cannot be assailed.

Your Muslim hysterics are all for naught, here.

All religions are chosen of a person's own violation - and they are all protected under the First Amendment.

Perhaps it is in the first amendment of the country you are from, but in this one there is absolutely nothing that says your totalitarian views cannot be assailed.

Your Muslim hysterics are all for naught, here.

I have no idea what you are talking about or what you think my "totalitarian views are". I'm an American. I don't know what you are since you have not said. If you think I have "totalitarian views" - please feel free to link to some examples of those views.

I believe in a democratic form of government where minorities are constitutionally protected as are our civil rights including religion, free speech, freedom of assembly, the right to bear arms, the right to not be discrimminated against for reasons of gender, race, ethnicity, religion or sexual orientation. I believe marriage is a right that is not determined by popular opinion. I may not like your religion, I may make fun of it but I'll fight to the death for your right to practice in my country within our system of laws.

I don't know what you believe in and I don't care. You know nothing about me but you do make a lot of laughable assumptions you are unable to support.

We have rights in my country. And they are protected. You may not like that. But that is our way of life and it is what my country was founded upon.
...Really? And how many American Muslims are thus?...
Who knows? Who cares?

...Of course you conveniently ignore the parallel blood thirstly conquest of Christianity and it's subjegation of women...
Oh, I don't ignore the parallels.

Hell, I'm perfectly willing to concede that - all told - Christendom has probably killed more people than Islam has, over the centuries.

But it's also far more ancient than Islam, it experienced a number of Reformations that Islam will never experience, and then it empowered itself to place Secularism over Theocratic Dogma - reaching the common-sense conclusion that a Separation of Church and State was needed - long, long ago.

Islam, on the other hand, was intentionally constructed to lock-out changes, preventing a desperately-needed Reformation, and it continues 7th Century mindset business-as-usual; barbaric, bloodthirsty, and far more susceptible to dogmatic exploitation by any street-corner mullah looking to issue a Fatwa or declare Jihad, in keeping with the precepts laid down by its blood-soaked pedophile Founder.

...People hate Muslims because most of the time, they've never met one and they assume everything they read in the media is all there is to the religion...
People dislike Muslims because Muslims dislike everybody who doesn't think like them and who doesn't worship God in the same way - their sacred texts are absolutely saturated with permissions to wage war and to commit great violence upon nonbelievers, and, because it views itself as the ultimate and final Word of God, changes have been locked out, and it will never experience a profound Reformation nor find and sustain a permanent Separation of Mosque and State.

...We merely need to have the courage to stand-up to phony-baloney charges of bigotry, when the so-called 'religion' which you promote and/or protect is the worst bigotry of all.
Oh really? So it's ok to call me names like "apologist" but not ok to call bigots bigots? Should we not call anti-semites anti-semites? Or racists racists? After all - they're just standing up to phony-baloney charges right?
Yes, we merely need to have the courage to stand-up to phony-baloney charges of bigotry.

Especially from a so-called 'religion' which is the most intolerant and bigoted of the lot.

Namely, Islam.

Pot, meet kettle.
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I believe in a democratic form of government where minorities are constitutionally protected as are our civil rights including religion, free speech, freedom of assembly, the right to bear arms, the right to not be discrimminated against for reasons of gender, race, ethnicity, religion or sexual orientation. I believe marriage is a right that is not determined by popular opinion. I may not like your religion, I may make fun of it but I'll fight to the death for your right to practice in my country within our system of laws.

I see what you did there, slipping the cuckoo's egg in there:

1.) religion;

What you believe in terms of religion doesn't put any obligation unto me.

2.) free speech;

What you choose to speak or write doesn't put any obligation unto me.

3.) freedom of assembly;

Whom you choose to assemble with doesn't put any obligation unto me.

4.) the right to bear arms:

Your choice to bear arms doesn't put any obligation unto me.

5.) the right to not be discriminated against for reasons of gender, race, ethnicity, religion or sexual orientation.

For you to exercise this "right" puts obligations onto me if I wish to exercise right #3, freedom of assembly, in that now your "right" to be free of discrimination forces me to associate with you if I choose not to for reasons of sex, race, ethnicity, religion or sexual orientation. This is not a right. Now you're in totalitarian territory.
Islam, on the other hand, was intentionally constructed to lock-out changes, preventing a desperately-needed Reformation, and it continues 7th Century mindset business-as-usual; barbaric, bloodthirsty, and far more susceptible to dogmatic exploitation by any street-corner mullah looking to issue a Fatwa or declare Jihad, in keeping with the precepts laid down by its blood-soaked pedophile Founder.

People dislike Muslims because Muslims dislike everybody who doesn't think like them and who doesn't worship God in the same way - their sacred texts are absolutely saturated with permissions to wage war and to commit great violence upon nonbelievers, and, because it views itself as the ultimate and final Word of God, changes have been locked out, and it will never experience a profound Reformation nor find and sustain a permanent Separation of Mosque and State.


Great post.

There are really only two possibilities to explain Coyote's non-stop sophistry. Either she has never read so much as a single word of the Q'ran and is defending that which she does not know out of ignorance, or she is defending her turf.

Anybody capable of thinking outside the box should be able to realize that a "religion" that sprung from a warlord who murdered people and engaged in campaigns to subjugate all in his path served a definite purpose. That purpose was to invest in himself a power beyond mortal and thus create a sort of social cement guaranteeing the loyalty of those who followed him. He did a damn good job of it, too, as here we are 1400 years later and his followers are still warring on the rest of humanity.

I always get a kick out of the typically stupid tu Quoque arguments that Coyote and other dishonest Muslims or their apologists inevitably bring up regarding Christianity. If one were to only engage in the slightest degree of intellectual honesty and study the message of the two prophets, they would realize that when Christians transgress upon others, they do so by not following Jesus' words, and when Islamists do so, it is because they ARE following Mohammad. Jesus said to turn the other check and said that politics was not of his world. Mohammad gave instructions to decapitate and was very much in the world of politics, setting up legal systems and forcing them on all in his bloody path.
I have no idea what you are talking about or what you think my "totalitarian views are". I'm an American. I don't know what you are since you have not said. If you think I have "totalitarian views" - please feel free to link to some examples of those views.

I believe in a democratic form of government where minorities are constitutionally protected as are our civil rights including religion, free speech, freedom of assembly, the right to bear arms, the right to not be discrimminated against for reasons of gender, race, ethnicity, religion or sexual orientation. I believe marriage is a right that is not determined by popular opinion. I may not like your religion, I may make fun of it but I'll fight to the death for your right to practice in my country within our system of laws.

I don't know what you believe in and I don't care. You know nothing about me but you do make a lot of laughable assumptions you are unable to support.

We have rights in my country. And they are protected. You may not like that. But that is our way of life and it is what my country was founded upon.

You can indulge in all the insincere self-aggrandizing posturing you want, Coyote, but the truth of the matter is that by supporting the agenda of CAIR, you provide the proof that none of these words are true.

CAIR's purpose is to destroy our constitution and turn America into a totalitarian Islamic state. I realize you people try to use the very values we hold dear to try to undermine us, but there are people here who are intelligent enough to see through your game. You use free speech to try to destroy it. You exploit the constitution in order to replace it. You cry "discrimination" awaiting your opportunity to impose it. It's all one gigantic shell game.
Don't suppose the Muslim bashers have stopped a second and considered how their bashing Islam and Muslims is eerily similar to how another government and people bashed another religion ~80 years ago?
Don't suppose the Muslim bashers have stopped a second and considered how their bashing Islam and Muslims is eerily similar to how another government and people bashed another religion ~80 years ago?

and here I was completely unaware that a concept like Jihad even existed in Judaism.

My bad, I guess.
Don't suppose the Muslim bashers have stopped a second and considered how their bashing Islam and Muslims is eerily similar to how another government and people bashed another religion ~80 years ago?

and here I was completely unaware that a concept like Jihad even existed in Judaism.

My bad, I guess.

Right, Islam popped into existence from a vacuum. Not like it based itself on Judaism or anything. Try reading a Bible instead of just beating people over the head with it.

598. That those engaged in warfare shall not fear their enemies nor be panic-stricken by them during battle (Deut. 3:22, 7:21, 20:3) (negative).
599. To anoint a special kohein (to speak to the soldiers) in a war (Deut. 20:2) (affirmative). See Kohein.
600. In a permissive war (as distinguished from obligatory ones), to observe the procedure prescribed in the Torah (Deut. 20:10) (affirmative).
601. Not to keep alive any individual of the seven Canaanite nations (Deut. 20:16) (negative).
602. To exterminate the seven Canaanite nations from the land of Israel (Deut. 20:17) (affirmative).
603. Not to destroy fruit trees (wantonly or in warfare) (Deut. 20:19-20) (CCN191).
604. To deal with a beautiful woman taken captive in war in the manner prescribed in the Torah (Deut. 21:10-14) (affirmative).
605. Not to sell a beautiful woman, (taken captive in war) (Deut. 21:14) (negative).
606. Not to degrade a beautiful woman (taken captive in war) to the condition of a bondwoman (Deut. 21:14) (negative).
607. Not to offer peace to the Ammonites and the Moabites before waging war on them, as should be done to other nations (Deut. 23:7) (negative).
608. That anyone who is unclean shall not enter the Camp of the Levites (Deut. 23:11) (according to the Talmud, in the present day this means the Temple mount) (CCN193).
609. To have a place outside the camp for sanitary purposes (Deut. 23:13) (affirmative).
610. To keep that place sanitary (Deut. 23:14-15) (affirmative).
611. Always to remember what Amalek did (Deut. 25:17) (CCA76).
612. That the evil done to us by Amalek shall not be forgotten (Deut. 25:19) (CCN194).
613. To destroy the seed of Amalek (Deut. 25:19) (CCA77).
So exposing hate groups are scandalous? You think David Duke and the KKK are just another pop band or something?

I sure am frightened of the KKK. I lay awake at night in fear of what they might do next.

In fact, I compiled a list of all the terrorist act by the KKK in the decade.

Here it is... Ready?

Quite the list, isn't it?

Now, shall we do a list on the terrorist act of you Muslims? :dunno:

BTW, one Dingo can defeat two coyotes, I've seen this recently.
Umh...did you READ your source? It's not saying SPLC is a "hate group" - quite the opposite. It's saying that this nut used their list of hate groups to find a victim.

What proof do you or the SPLC Klan have the FRC is a "hate group?"

In fact, isn't the demagoguery or the Klan meant to intimidate FRC into bowing to the pro-homosexual and pro-abortion agenda? In fact, isn't it purely the political opposition to these cultural questions that the SPLC Klan bases their absurd slander and libel on?

Oh and Coyote, what does your Imam have to say on the subjects of homosexuality and abortion? Isn't it true that the Klan holds a far different standard for Muslims than they do Christians? Isn't it true that the SPLC Klan is nothing more than a political terrorist group?

So the Klan prompted a follower to pick of a gun and start shooting? Is the SPLC evolving from political terrorism to physical terrorism?
I do not recall Coyote declaring himself a Muslim, or a terrorist. Where did you get that?

There are motives to all things. No one spends the time and effort to defend Islam the way Coyote does without a motive.

What is that motive? Occam's Razor.

I believe Coyote is a "she," not a "he," but could be wrong.
I do not recall Coyote declaring himself a Muslim, or a terrorist. Where did you get that?

There are motives to all things. No one spends the time and effort to defend Islam the way Coyote does without a motive.

What is that motive? Occam's Razor.

I believe Coyote is a "she," not a "he," but could be wrong.

Wouldn't it be easier to just ask him (or her if that is the case) than to jump at illogical conclusions like this?
Wouldn't it be easier to just ask him (or her if that is the case) than to jump at illogical conclusions like this?

On gender? I believe I have - which is the basis of my statement.

On Islam? It is of no use - the first rule of an internet Jihad is to lie about your motive.
Wouldn't it be easier to just ask him (or her if that is the case) than to jump at illogical conclusions like this?

On gender? I believe I have - which is the basis of my statement.

On Islam? It is of no use - the first rule of an internet Jihad is to lie about your motive.

That is paranoid, irrational, and illogical. Why not go ahead and give asking a shot? As it is, you are starting to sound like the brain dead idiots who insist "you must be one-a them neeeegras!" of anyone who takes issue with racist nonsense. You see the same stupidity from the anti-Semites, anti-Christian bigots like Batshit Boy, and the rest of the bottom of the barrel here. You don't have to lower yourself to that level. Go ahead and ask.

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