CAIR Launches Website Exposing America's 'Islamophobia Network'

...Good for CAIR. Southern Policy Law Center has a list of anti-Muslim hate groups. Quite a bit of overlap. It's about time folks started challenging these charlatans in the open. Jews and Blacks are well ahead of the curve in exposing anti-semites and racists masquerading as "legitimately concerned" citizens and patriots...
The difference between the American perspective on Muslims, and the American perspectives on Jews and Blacks?







I'd say that CAIR has a slightly larger P(ublic) R(elations) problem than similar Jewish or Black -focused organizations.

Then again, if I was an organization with known close ties - past and/or present - to Radical-Militant Islamist organizations - I'd be tempted to hide behind advocacy on behalf of religious egalitarianism and equivalency, myself.

A handful of Muslim terrorists - TERRORISTS - conducted this act. Frankly, I get sick and tired of people using this imagery in an attempt to stoke intolerance and justify hate- the same kind of hatred that drove those terrorists to do what they did. It's a slap in the face to the people who suffered and died in that event - and who included amongsyt their number Muslims.

CAIR is doing what needs to be done. Some one needs to turn over these stones publically and expose the hate groups for what they are.
CAIR is going after anti-Muslim bigots. How is that any different than groups like the ADL going after anti-semites or the NAACP goig after racists?

As I pointed out earlier, the ADL resists hatred based upon ethnicity, while the NAACP resists hatred based upon race. Islamism is neither, as the terrorist support group known as CAIR is seeking out any who tell the truth about their political/religious ideology intent upon world domination and whose official policy is to kill any who leave the fold. In that aspect, it acts like a dangerous cult.

The application of the word "phobia" to the resistance of a dangerous totalitarian political ideology creates an intentionally false neologism, the purpose of which is to further the agenda involved by making resistance to it more difficult.

Actually - the ADL is as much about religion as race - it is debatable as to whether Jews constitute a unique racial group but they are a distinct religion and it is that religion that identifies them - whether they are black, semitic, European, or converts. Like Judaism, Islam is a religion.

How is CAIR a "terrorist support group"?

You mention "Islamism" - is that to indicate a difference from Islam in general?

I don't particularly care for the term "Islamophobia" - a term like anti-semitism would be more accurate. Maybe anti-muslim bigotry is more appropirate.
...Good for CAIR. Southern Policy Law Center has a list of anti-Muslim hate groups. Quite a bit of overlap. It's about time folks started challenging these charlatans in the open. Jews and Blacks are well ahead of the curve in exposing anti-semites and racists masquerading as "legitimately concerned" citizens and patriots...
The difference between the American perspective on Muslims, and the American perspectives on Jews and Blacks?







I'd say that CAIR has a slightly larger P(ublic) R(elations) problem than similar Jewish or Black -focused organizations.

Then again, if I was an organization with known close ties - past and/or present - to Radical-Militant Islamist organizations - I'd be tempted to hide behind advocacy on behalf of religious egalitarianism and equivalency, myself.

A handful of Muslim terrorists - TERRORISTS - conducted this act. Frankly, I get sick and tired of people using this imagery in an attempt to stoke intolerance and justify hate- the same kind of hatred that drove those terrorists to do what they did. It's a slap in the face to the people who suffered and died in that event - and who included amongsyt their number Muslims.

CAIR is doing what needs to be done. Some one needs to turn over these stones publically and expose the hate groups for what they are.
Frankly, I get sick and tired of Muslim apologists slamming people who use such imagery, to remind Americans of what they're up against - what an intolerant, hostile, alien, misogynistic political and cultural system disguised as a half-plagiarist / half-hallucinatory religious vision - is capable of doing.

It's a slap in the face to the people who suffered and died in that event - the vast majority of whom were Christians, and Jews - and other faiths, and nonbelievers as well.

CAIR will be largely ignored by the American People, who know better than to be taken in by these hucksters.

Lest we forget.
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CAIR is doing what needs to be done........ .

To pave the way for the jackboot of Islamism to rein supreme.

You may be sick and tired of those who resist the totalitarian cult for which you ply your craft, but those Americans who do not wish to live in the Hell hole you wish it to be have every right to object.
There is an actual Right Wing Playbook designed to promote anti-Islamic bigotry and intolerance through deliberate fear mongering and disinformation. So many of the standard arguments seem to include these tactics.

PFAW Report The Right Wing Playbook on Anti-Muslim Extremism People For the American Way

Right-Wing extremists are leading a sustained attack against American Muslims, attempting to prevent them from freely practicing their religion, curtail their political rights, and in some cases, compel their deportation, according to a new report by People For the American Way. The report lays out how the Right Wing is using a set of specific strategies to stir up destructive fears, and as a result are putting our fundamental tradition of equality and justice at risk. The report, The Right Wing Playbook on Anti-Muslim Extremism, identifies the scare tactics used by the Right Wing to conjure up anti-Muslim sentiment in the United States and outlines some ways that concerned Americans can push back against anti-Muslim extremism.

“Right-wing activists, elected officials and even some presidential candidates have launched an overt assault on American Muslims, using a religious minority as a scapegoat for any number of national fears and frustrations,” said Michael Keegan, President of People For the American Way. “In doing so, they compromise some of our dearest national values. Anti-Muslim extremists and the political leaders who repeat their talking points are spreading baseless and destructive fears and explicitly disregarding the Constitution’s guarantee of freedom of religion and equal treatment under the law.”

The report discusses eight strategies employed by anti-Muslim activists to cast doubt on the validity of Islam as a religion and the integrity of American Muslims in order to justify prejudice and illegal discrimination:

  • Framing American Muslims as dangerous to America
  • Twisting statistics and using fake research to “prove” the Muslim threat
  • Inventing the danger of “creeping Sharia”
  • Justifying taking away freedoms and liberties from Muslims in order to “defend liberty”
  • Denying the validity of Islam as a religion
  • Arguing that Muslims have no First Amendment rights under the Constitution
  • Linking anti-Muslim prejudice to anti-Obama rhetoric
  • Slandering progressives and non-Christians as unholy and anti-American
CAIR is doing what needs to be done........ .

To pave the way for the jackboot of Islamism to rein supreme.

You may be sick and tired of those who resist the totalitarian cult for which you ply your craft, but those Americans who do not wish to live in the Hell hole you wish it to be have every right to object.

So what do you propose? Genocide? Mass deportation of all Muslims from western countries? Outlawing an entire religion because you don't like it?

Unlike you - I support our Constitution. I support the liberties, values, and civil rights that are part and parcel of our system of government and society. The same liberties, values and civil rights embraced by American Muslims. This is what you are calling a "Hell hole". I consider myself blessed to be in it and to be a part of it.
There is an actual Right Wing Playbook designed to promote anti-Islamic bigotry and intolerance through deliberate fear mongering and disinformation. So many of the standard arguments seem to include these tactics....
And then there are vast numbers of sensible Americans who feel highly suspicious and unfriendly towards Muslims, without the slightest prompting whatsoever.

Probably has something to do with a 1300-year -long history of Muslim conquest and bloodletting and forcing other religious practitioners underground or into Dhimmitude and being the prime movers in the African Slave Trade and being collectively manifestly hostile to Christianity and Judaism and giving their practitioners permission to make war and to commit violence against others who do not believe in their version of the godhead and who grotesquely subordinate and disenfranchise women, etc. - primitives, alien to The West, members of a potentially violent religious sect which despises and seeks to overcome and transform The West.

We in The West are not fooled.

We merely need to have the courage to stand-up to phony-baloney charges of bigotry, when the so-called 'religion' which you promote and/or protect is the worst bigotry of all.
Of course they will never condemn the radicals teaching violence against America...but we have to shut up and take it.

Liberals are foolish people.
Right-Wing extremists are leading a sustained attack against American Muslims, attempting to prevent them from freely practicing their religion, curtail their political rights, and in some cases, compel their deportation, ]

Nobody here has prevented you from practicing your religion, nor have they curtailed any of your political rights or compelled your deportation.

Your political-religious ideology is a free choice -- at least in this country -- and since it is a free choice, it is subject to the same scrutiny afforded any other ideology. You wish to prevent the right to scrutinize this choice by all your name calling about a "phobia" and "bigotry" in an attempt to silence people into submission -- and I do use that word intentionally -- but Many Americans are tired of all the bull shit you people offer as you try to gain control and subvert our way of life.

What patent temerity it takes to talk about the American way while attempting to destroy it.
Frankly, I get sick and tired of people using this imagery in an attempt to stoke intolerance and justify hate- the same kind of hatred that drove those terrorists to do what they did. It's a slap in the face to the people who suffered and died in that event - and who included amongsyt their number Muslims.

CAIR is doing what needs to be done. Some one needs to turn over these stones publically and expose the hate groups for what they are.

I understand the point you are trying to make, but in this instance you are hitching your wagon to the wrong donkey. That particular group really does have a pretty obvious and less-than-pure agenda.
So what do you propose? Genocide? Mass deportation of all Muslims from western countries? Outlawing an entire religion because you don't like it?

Unlike you - I support our Constitution. I support the liberties, values, and civil rights that are part and parcel of our system of government and society. The same liberties, values and civil rights embraced by American Muslims. This is what you are calling a "Hell hole". I consider myself blessed to be in it and to be a part of it.

Yes -- opposing your political ideology is definitely the same thing as suggesting your genocide :cuckoo:
Right-Wing extremists are leading a sustained attack against American Muslims, attempting to prevent them from freely practicing their religion, curtail their political rights, and in some cases, compel their deportation, ]

Nobody here has prevented you from practicing your religion, nor have they curtailed any of your political rights or compelled your deportation.

"My religion"? You do not know my religion. My religious views have no more bearing on this issue than do yours.

Here are some examples supporting the point I made.

Even in this thread there are people arguing that Islam is "not a religion" - it's a "cult", it's a "political system" which essentially means it has not First Amendment protections.

Opponents of a proposed community center and mosque in Murfeesboro, TN attempted to use that argument in a legal challenge to stop the mosque from being built arguing that because Islam is not a religion, Muslim-Americans are not protected under the First Amendment.

Tennessee's governor
weighed in:

Ron Ramsey, the lieutenant governor of Tennessee, has been criticized by an Islamic leader for questioning whether Islam is a cult and if the world's second-largest religion is eligible for protection under the U.S. Constitution.

During a campaign stop in Chattanooga earlier this month, Ramsey, a Republican candidate for governor, said, "You could even argue whether that being a Muslim is actually a religion, or is it a nationality, way of life, cult or whatever you want to call it."

"Now certainly, we do protect our religions, but at the same time this is something we are going to have to face," Ramsey said.

Lt. Gen. Jerry Boykin (former Deputy Under Secretary of Defense for Intelligence):

We need to realize that Islam itself is not just a religion - it is a totalitarian way of life. It's a legal system, sharia law; it's a financial system; it's a moral code; it's a political system; it's a military system. It should not be protected under the First Amendment, particularly given that those following the dictates of the Quran are under an obligation to destroy our Constitution and replace it with sharia law.

Your political-religious ideology is a free choice -- at least in this country -- and since it is a free choice, it is subject to the same scrutiny afforded any other ideology.

Any religion is subject to scrutiny. What is your point? Are you calling religions "ideologies"? Calling it a "political-religious ideology" is a nice example of people attempting to claim Islam is not a religion and thus strip it of it's First Amendment protections. Disgusting.

You wish to prevent the right to scrutinize this choice by all your name calling about a "phobia" and "bigotry" in an attempt to silence people into submission -- and I do use that word intentionally -- but Many Americans are tired of all the bull shit you people offer as you try to gain control and subvert our way of life.

Name calling? I'm going to make a suggestion here dogma. Examine your own tactics and rhetoric before attacking others. In other words, remove the log from your eye.

Who are "you people"?

What patent temerity it takes to talk about the American way while attempting to destroy it.

It is not I who is "attempting to destroy it".
Frankly, I get sick and tired of people using this imagery in an attempt to stoke intolerance and justify hate- the same kind of hatred that drove those terrorists to do what they did. It's a slap in the face to the people who suffered and died in that event - and who included amongsyt their number Muslims.

CAIR is doing what needs to be done. Some one needs to turn over these stones publically and expose the hate groups for what they are.

I understand the point you are trying to make, but in this instance you are hitching your wagon to the wrong donkey. That particular group really does have a pretty obvious and less-than-pure agenda.

Perhaps you are right Unk...:dunno:

But someone needs to make a concerted effort to expose these hate groups and counter their rhetoric. It's dangerous - it mimics the rhetoric used to scapegoat the Jews in the 1930's and any other convenient and poorly understood minority.
So what do you propose? Genocide? Mass deportation of all Muslims from western countries? Outlawing an entire religion because you don't like it?

Unlike you - I support our Constitution. I support the liberties, values, and civil rights that are part and parcel of our system of government and society. The same liberties, values and civil rights embraced by American Muslims. This is what you are calling a "Hell hole". I consider myself blessed to be in it and to be a part of it.

Yes -- opposing your political ideology is definitely the same thing as suggesting your genocide :cuckoo:

Islam is a religion dude. Put down the talking points.

Islam - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
Islam (/ˈɪslɑːm/;[note 1] Arabic: الإسلام‎, al-ʾIslām IPA: [ælʔɪsˈlæːm] ( listen)[note 2]) is a monotheistic and Abrahamic religion articulated by the Qur'an, a book considered by its adherents to be the verbatim word of God[1] (Arabic: الله‎ Allāh, IPA: [ʔalˤˈlˤɑːh] ( listen)) and by the teachings and normative example (called the Sunnah and composed of hadith) of Muhammad (c. 570 CE – c. 8 June 632 CE), considered by them to be the last prophet of God. An adherent of Islam is called a Muslim.

Muslims believe that God is one and incomparable[2] and the purpose of existence is to worship God.[3] Muslims also believe that Islam is the complete and universal version of a primordial faith that was revealed before many times throughout the world, including notably through Adam, Noah, Abraham, Moses, and Jesus, whom they consider prophets.[4] They maintain that the previous messages and revelations have been partially misinterpreted or altered over time,[5] but consider the Arabic Qur'an to be both the unaltered and the final revelation of God.[6] Religious concepts and practices include the five pillars of Islam, which are basic concepts and obligatory acts of worship, and following Islamic law, which touches on virtually every aspect of life and society, providing guidance on multifarious topics from banking and welfare, to family life and the environment.[7][8]

Of course, attempting to define it as something else is the first step towards removing First Amendment Protections for American Muslims and curtailing their rights to worship freely in this country and I'm sure would open the door for persecution.​
...Good for CAIR. Southern Policy Law Center has a list of anti-Muslim hate groups. Quite a bit of overlap. It's about time folks started challenging these charlatans in the open. Jews and Blacks are well ahead of the curve in exposing anti-semites and racists masquerading as "legitimately concerned" citizens and patriots...
The difference between the American perspective on Muslims, and the American perspectives on Jews and Blacks?







I'd say that CAIR has a slightly larger P(ublic) R(elations) problem than similar Jewish or Black -focused organizations.

Then again, if I was an organization with known close ties - past and/or present - to Radical-Militant Islamist organizations - I'd be tempted to hide behind advocacy on behalf of religious egalitarianism and equivalency, myself.

A handful of Muslim terrorists - TERRORISTS - conducted this act. Frankly, I get sick and tired of people using this imagery in an attempt to stoke intolerance and justify hate- the same kind of hatred that drove those terrorists to do what they did. It's a slap in the face to the people who suffered and died in that event - and who included amongsyt their number Muslims.

CAIR is doing what needs to be done. Some one needs to turn over these stones publically and expose the hate groups for what they are.

Let's start with the hate group CAIR.
There is an actual Right Wing Playbook designed to promote anti-Islamic bigotry and intolerance through deliberate fear mongering and disinformation. So many of the standard arguments seem to include these tactics....
And then there are vast numbers of sensible Americans who feel highly suspicious and unfriendly towards Muslims, without the slightest prompting whatsoever.

Probably has something to do with a 1300-year -long history of Muslim conquest and bloodletting and forcing other religious practitioners underground or into Dhimmitude and being the prime movers in the African Slave Trade and being collectively manifestly hostile to Christianity and Judaism and giving their practitioners permission to make war and to commit violence against others who do not believe in their version of the godhead and who grotesquely subordinate and disenfranchise women, etc. - primitives, alien to The West, members of a potentially violent religious sect which despises and seeks to overcome and transform The West.

We in The West are not fooled.

Really? And how many American Muslims are thus?

Of course you conveniently ignore the parallel blood thirstly conquest of Christianity and it's subjegation of women.

People hate Muslims because most of the time, they've never met one and they assume everything they read in the media is all there is to the religion.

We merely need to have the courage to stand-up to phony-baloney charges of bigotry, when the so-called 'religion' which you promote and/or protect is the worst bigotry of all.

Oh really? So it's ok to call me names like "apologist" but not ok to call bigots bigots? Should we not call anti-semites anti-semites? Or racists racists? After all - they're just standing up to phony-baloney charges right?

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