

Flaming Libs/Koranimals
May 1, 2012
Gulf of Mex 26.609, -82.220
Cair is going to have it's own thread!!!

CAIR Lies in Smear Campaign Against Zuhdi Jasser

February 19, 2014 by Robert Spencer


I know, I know: reporting that the Hamas-linked Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) is lying is like reporting that humans breathe oxygen. Still, this is a particularly egregious example, and it is important to set the record straight. Hamas-linked CAIR is now defaming Zuhdi Jasser, the nation’s premier (and virtually only) anti-jihad Muslim spokesman. I have had some differences with Jasser (you can see our 2011 debate here) about the nature of Islamic teaching and the necessity of reform in Islam, but there is no doubt that he is a strong voice against Hamas-linked CAIR and other malignant Islamic supremacist forces.


See? This is how Hamas-linked CAIR operates: they (and their allies, such as Reza Aslan’s Aslan Media) mount a campaign of defamation against a counter-jihad speaker (and it isn’t just me — they do it to everyone who stands up against jihad terror). A busy and ill-informed official, such as the Bishop of Sacramento, sees this campaign and caves in immediately, not because he agrees with Hamas-linked CAIR’s defamation, but simply because he doesn’t want any “controversy.”


By the way, a couple of things the CAIR press release, which has been widely reported upon and picked up by Al Jazeera and other pro-jihad outfits, didn’t mention in connection with the diocese of Sacramento: CAIR and Aslan Media tried the same smear campaign when I debated a couple of Muslim spokesmen in Michigan a few months ago, at another Catholic conference. Not only did Earl Boyea, Bishop of Lansing, not cave, but he came to celebrate Mass at the event. Nor did CAIR bother to quote quote the National Catholic Register calling me “perhaps the foremost Catholic expert on Islam in our country,” or Catholic Insight calling me “one of the most insightful and learned scholars of Islam.” Truth doesn’t serve their agenda, doncha know. For CAIR, it never has.

CAIR Lies in Smear Campaign Against Zuhdi Jasser | FrontPage Magazine
If ever we looked to support a moderate Muslim Dr. jasser should be the guy!

Served in the U.S. Navy and achieved the rank of Commander.

He is a credit to his country and to his religion, I want to believe.
...Actually, humans breathe air which is mostly nitrogen. :) SCUBA school cried out to clarify :)

Not to mention trace gases like argon and water vapor and carbon dioxide. :tongue:

However, I do believe that the OP makes some worthwhile points and we should beware or at least be aware of the ultimate goal of the world's radical Muslims. They truly do become more aggressive and demanding when their numbers increase. Ask France and a few other European nations.
Everyone gets more aggressive and surly when their numbers increase. Look at any European soccer match - not like being Muslim's required. :)
Everyone gets more aggressive and surly when their numbers increase. Look at any European soccer match - not like being Muslim's required. :)

You can sort of expect a bunch of boozed up young men to get unruly at a soccer match but I doubt that their intent is to overthrow entire governments based on their belief systems. The radical Muslims of the world have a grander plan and recent history proves that they're putting their plan into action.
Check out CAIR here and go to their website here.

Then, as the door is opened, I will regularly post all sorts of goodies about CAIR you won't want to read from websites such as American Power, Creeping Sharia, DEBKA File, Jihad Watch, and many, many more.

Brace yourself!
And her's today's roundup of news related to this:

‘Lone wolf’ terror suspect Jose Pimentel pleads guilty to plot to blow up soldiers returning from battle
Read more: ?Lone wolf? terror suspect Jose Pimentel pleads guilty to plot to blow up soldiers returning from battle* - NY Daily News

USA: Amendment to ensure Halal food supplies for the poor @ USA: Amendment to ensure Halal food supplies for the poor

The Al-Shabaab Connection @ The Al-Shabaab Connection | Gates of Vienna

Gambia’s president calls gays “vermin,” says will fight them like “malaria-causing mosquitoes” @ Gambia?s president calls gays ?vermin,? says will fight them like ?malaria-causing mosquitoes? : Jihad Watch

France: Muslims sue satirical mag Charlie Hebdo for blasphemy @ France: Muslims sue satirical mag Charlie Hebdo for blasphemy : Jihad Watch

Nigeria: Islamic jihadists throw bombs into public buildings, murder 60 people @ Nigeria: Islamic jihadists throw bombs into public buildings, murder 60 people : Jihad Watch

Swara: The Horrors Of Marrying Off Young Girls In Pakistan To Older Men To Settle Debts And Disputes @ Swara: The Horrors Of Marrying Off Young Girls In Pakistan To Older Men To Settle Debts And Disputes

So what is our peace-loving CAIR saying about any or all of the following? :eusa_whistle:

Dearborn: Local Muslim calls for sharia patrols at city council meeting

Posted on February 20, 2014 by creeping

Not really shocking considering the locale.

If one goes to the link at Arab American News, you have to read beyond the innocuous headline to find how a Muslim complains that there are things that offend the senses of Muslims and calls for the imposition of Sharia.

The original article is @ Dearborn: Local Muslim calls for sharia patrols at city council meeting | Creeping Sharia with a link to The Arab American News - Super Bowl coach honored at city council meeting, first garage ordinance reading approved

They won't stop until they turn this into a Muslim country – or we send them back to Muslim countries they came from.

Texas: FBI documents confirm terror-linked Islamic compound “Mahmoudberg” @ Texas: FBI documents confirm terror-linked Islamic compound ?Mahmoudberg? | Creeping Sharia with lots of links

Sudanese authorities demolish church building in “Islamization” campaign @ Sudanese authorities demolish church building in ?Islamization? campaign : Jihad Watch

“The reason why I will kill you is you are infidels…we must establish Islam in this country” @ ?The reason why I will kill you is you are infidels?we must establish Islam in this country? : Jihad Watch

Jihadist suicide bomb campaign turns tables on Hezbollah @ Jihadist suicide bomb campaign turns tables on Hezbollah

Shamrock Crescent: Islam Is Ireland’s Fastest Growing Religion @ Shamrock Crescent: Islam Is Ireland?s Fastest Growing Religion
Islam is an Anti-American – Antichrist Religious Cult


Wow! They come right out in front of their beliefs – The NeoConservative Christian Right. No pulling punches at all. When reading the clearly Islamophobic piece, one comes across this:

I have no problem with the “peaceful Muslim” that want to integrate into our culture and follow our laws. The problem lies in that they want to dominate and force Islam and Sharia Law upon us all. Awareness is the issue, put the word out folks. Most families are just trying to survive and pay their bills, working two jobs, raising their children. They just don’t have the time to keep up with what is really taking place across America today and the mainstream news will not carry it due to political correctness. [This is] Just not acceptable here in America folks! Stand up and be counted! “When good men and woman are quiet evil always wins”.

Can anyone argue with this?

Anyhow, for those of you who are willing to READ something instead of blindly attacking it, it can be read in full @ The NeoConservative Christian Right | Neoconservative Politics and Christian Right

The debate over Little Arabia: What’s in a name?

Josie Huang | February 18th, 2014

They just don't want to be part of the whole. How long until they demand an Islamic legal system for their little Muslim ghetto? Read more @ The debate over Little Arabia: What?s in a name? | Multi-American | 89.3 KPCC

Lawyers for Boston jihad murderer ask judge to lift his prison restrictions @ Lawyers for Boston jihad murderer ask judge to lift his prison restrictions : Jihad Watch

Indonesia: Armed Muslim mob blocks construction of church @ Indonesia: Armed Muslim mob blocks construction of church : Jihad Watch

Muslims Demand Right of Return–to Spain! Muslims Demand Right of Return?to Spain! | Power Line
Still living in the 8th century? :eusa_whistle:
Check out CAIR here and go to their website here.

Then, as the door is opened, I will regularly post all sorts of goodies about CAIR you won't want to read from websites such as American Power, Creeping Sharia, DEBKA File, Jihad Watch, and many, many more.

Brace yourself!

Anytime I see a Palestinian in a suicide vest I know what makes 'em tick.


Contends feds won't prosecute due to political reasons



The Justice Department has enough incriminating evidence to file terrorism charges against the Council on American-Islamic Relations and its founders but has chosen not to indict the Washington-based group and its leaders at this time, a veteran FBI agent reveals in a shocking new book.

“There is enough evidence to indict CAIR, but the government chose not to do so at this time,” said former FBI official John Guandolo, author of “Raising a Jihadi Generation: Understanding the Muslim Brotherhood Movement in America.”

He suggests the government balked at throwing the book at CAIR for political reasons.

CAIR has cultivated a number of political supporters, mainly among leading Democrats in Washington – including senior White House officials. Secret Service entry logs show CAIR officials have visited the White House several times during the Obama administration.

Despite its designation as an unindicted terrorist co-conspirator in 2007, the Muslim pressure group in recent years has successfully lobbied for changes in federal policies dealing with the war on terror. For example, CAIR took credit for helping persuade Attorney General Eric Holder to prohibit religious profiling in terror cases, a decision his department is expected to announce formally soon. It also played a key role in the Pentagon’s recent decision to change long-standing uniform rules to allow military personnel to wear Islamic beards and head coverings.


FBI agent: U.S. has evidence to indict CAIR for terror

Read more at FBI agent: U.S. has evidence to indict CAIR for terror

Read more at FBI agent: U.S. has evidence to indict CAIR for terror
Read more at FBI agent: U.S. has evidence to indict CAIR for terror
FBI agent: U.S. has evidence to indict CAIR for terror

Contends feds won't prosecute due to political reasons

The Justice Department has enough incriminating evidence to file terrorism charges against the Council on American-Islamic Relations and its founders but has chosen not to indict the Washington-based group and its leaders at this time, a veteran FBI agent reveals in a shocking new book.

Read more at FBI agent: U.S. has evidence to indict CAIR for terror

A peaceful organization filled with patriotic Americans? Read it for yourself.

CAIR Calls on Fla. University to Drop Anti-Muslim Prof as Speaker

Last Updated on Thursday, 27 February 2014

Muslim civil rights group releases video of UCF professor saying 'coexistence with Islam is not possible'

(TAMPA, FL, 2/27/14) -- The Florida office of the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR-FL) today called on Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University in Daytona, Fla., to withdraw a speaking invitation to University of Central Florida Professor JonathanMatusitz, who the civil rights organization says is a known anti-Muslim extremist who promotes blanket fear and hatred of an entire religious minority.

CAIR-FL: Islamic group asks Embry-Riddle to cancel event featuring UCF Professor Jonathan Matusitz (Orlando Sentinel)

CAIR-FL also released a video in which Matusitzsays:

"Coexistence with Islam is not possible."

"My colleagues say Islam is a religion of peace. I say it's a religion of pieces -- piece of body here, piece of body there."

"When I see those 'coexist' bumper stickers on cars, I laugh because I think it's ridiculous."

"Anybody with a fraction of a brain should be afraid of Islam because it's a dangerous doctrine."

[Bravo professor :eusa_clap:]

CAIR Calls on Fla. University to Drop Anti-Muslim Prof as Speaker - CAIR
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