Zone1 Action taken against CAIR (Council of American-Islamic Relations) for its antisemitism

What harm did Arab slavery do to whites? Why did whites still create the most advanced, prosperous, and generous civilization? We are so generous that we keep trying to bring blacks up to our level. of prosperity.

If white racism is holding blacks back, why are American Negroes more prosperous and in batter health than Negroes in any black majority, black run country in the world?
I have a better question, which I’ve asked dozens of times and no anti-white black or bleeding heart liberal blaming “systemic racism” will answer:

If racism is the reason why blacks are stuck in the ghetto and are violent, or poor, or criminal….then why have the majority of blacks moved beyond that to the lower-middle class or better? Why when I go to a steakhouse, there are plenty of blacks there? Why are there plenty of blacks buying $1 million homes in my area? Why are they in the Prada store, where I only peek in at the windows?
It is frustrating to try to reason with you because you dismiss scientific research that violates your prejudices as racist.

You're good at coming up with excuses for blacks. You are not good at pointing to high average black achievement in any other field than athletics, where it does not really matter.
It’s even WORSE than that. Leftists and blacktivists demean successful blacks as Uncle Toms. They HATE successful blacks for the same reason they hate Jews - they prove that bigotry doesn’t hold one back if he or she has the ability, drive, and discipline to succeed.
Is that when they aren't flying to Europe enjoying gambling and prostitutes?

Or when they force girls to stay in a burning school because they lack proper head coverings?

The Middle East is the world's largest outdoor insane asylum, and we need to stay as far away from it as possible.

The school fire in Mecca was smoke, not flames. The entrance to the school is down a long alley from the main road. The girls poured out into the street down the long alley. The little girls who died were killed when the staircase collapsed.

What's the source of your hate and ignorance?
Foreign Policy, AUGUST 9, 2016

Why Black People Must Help Africa Develop, By Chigozie Obioma

The marginalization of blacks in America won’t end until we have a first-world African nation to lift up our people.​

Black elites and activists across the world have adopted a culture of verbal tyranny in which they shut down any effort to reason or criticize us or black-majority nations by labeling such attempts as “racism” or “hate speech.” Thus, one can be certain that any suggestions that our race may indeed need to do something to remedy our situation will not be aired — not by the terrified people of other races. And anyone within our race who makes such a suggestion will be deemed weak and pandering or a sellout, as U.S. President Barack Obama has been repeatedly called. Thus, no one will talk about the painful fact that most African and Caribbean nations have either failed or are about to collapse.

Nigeria, the most populous black nation on Earth, is on the brink of collapse...

A culture of incompetence, endemic corruption, dignified ineptitude, and, chief among all, destructive selfishness and greed has played a major role in its unravelling. The same, sadly, can be said for most other African nations. States like Zimbabwe, Cameroon, and Equatorial Guinea are farcical democracies ruled by men who exclusively cater to their interests and those of their clipped circles.

Thus, it is no surprise that in the absence of any healthy black nation — in the midst of chaos, senseless wars, corrupted religiosity, violence, and economic collapse — African and Caribbean people leave home en masse. They beg on the streets of Greece, prostitute in the red-light zones of the Netherlands...

Everywhere from Ukraine to India, nearly every day, black indignity, black helplessness, stares us in the face. And all we do, we who hold the platform can do, is scream “racism!” and court the sympathy of others.

If we, black people everywhere, cannot gather the resources within our powers to exert real changes and restore our dignity, we will continue to be seen as weak

If we, black people everywhere, cannot gather the resources within our powers to exert real changes and restore our dignity, we will continue to be seen as weak. Our protestations and grievances will be met with sympathy, which does nothing to inspire respect.

It is frustrating to try to reason with you because you dismiss scientific research that violates your prejudices as racist.
Because racists aren't scientists, and that kind of "Science" went out the door with Hitler.

You're good at coming up with excuses for blacks. You are not good at pointing to high average black achievement in any other field than athletics, where it does not really matter.

If we lived in a society that valued intelligence, you might have a point. We are one that is going to choose between two senile idiots to be the next president.

Excuses, excuses. Jews don't need excuses. Neither do Orientals. Both groups were persecuted in the United States. Now they are usually more prosperous than white Gentiles.

Neither group was really persecuted. Most Asians are only here for two generations. They all came voluntarily and did so because they had the affluence to relocate.

As opposed to being brought over in chains, and systematically tortured into compliance.

Europeans brought roads, schools, hospitals, and other benefits of white civilization to sub Saharan Africa. Since independence these have been in decay.
They also looted the resources... maybe you should look up what Leopold II did to the Congo
I have a better question, which I’ve asked dozens of times and no anti-white black or bleeding heart liberal blaming “systemic racism” will answer:

If racism is the reason why blacks are stuck in the ghetto and are violent, or poor, or criminal….then why have the majority of blacks moved beyond that to the lower-middle class or better? Why when I go to a steakhouse, there are plenty of blacks there? Why are there plenty of blacks buying $1 million homes in my area? Why are they in the Prada store, where I only peek in at the windows?
Why do you spend so much time envying people?

Yes, many blacks HAVE overcome racism in this country, but it still exists.

But being an affluent black just means if your car is too nice, the cops will still pull you over.
The school fire in Mecca was smoke, not flames. The entrance to the school is down a long alley from the main road. The girls poured out into the street down the long alley. The little girls who died were killed when the staircase collapsed.

What's the source of your hate and ignorance?
My inherent dislike for religious stupidity.

These girls died from religious stupidity, that these puritans wouldn't let them out of a burning building.
It’s even WORSE than that. Leftists and blacktivists demean successful blacks as Uncle Toms. They HATE successful blacks for the same reason they hate Jews - they prove that bigotry doesn’t hold one back if he or she has the ability, drive, and discipline to succeed.
Nobody is against successful blacks. I have nothing but respect for Oprah or Michael Jordan.

Sellouts like Clarance Thomas or Candace Owens are a different matter.

Old Candace is getting a nice dose of being "Jewed" by Ben Shapiro. Makes me laugh.
Because racists aren't scientists, and that kind of "Science" went out the door with Hitler.

* You don't prove that by asserting it. There is no evidence whatsoever that the white race and the black race are intrinsically equal in average intelligence.

If we lived in a society that valued intelligence, you might have a point. We are one that is going to choose between two senile idiots to be the next president.

* We value intelligence right now. As computer technology and automation eliminate unskilled jobs we will value intelligence more.

Neither group was really persecuted. Most Asians are only here for two generations. They all came voluntarily and did so because they had the affluence to relocate.

As opposed to being brought over in chains, and systematically tortured into compliance.

I keep asking you the same simple questions. You keep deflecting. Where is there a black majority, black run country where blacks are better off than in the United States? Where has is there, or has there ever been a black civilization a black person can take pride in?
They also looted the resources... maybe you should look up what Leopold II did to the Congo
My inherent dislike for religious stupidity.

These girls died from religious stupidity, that these puritans wouldn't let them out of a burning building.

The building wasn't burning.. it was smoke in the attic. 95 girls got out . The 14 who died were on the staircase when it collapsed. The house was built for five families not 110 schoolgirls. You're actually the stupid one.
I keep asking you the same simple questions. You keep deflecting. Where is there a black majority, black run country where blacks are better off than in the United States? Where has is there, or has there ever been a black civilization a black person can take pride in?

Where is the black run country that wasn't screwed by white colonizers or slavers, then we can talk.

The building wasn't burning.. it was smoke in the attic. 95 girls got out . The 14 who died were on the staircase when it collapsed. The house was built for five families not 110 schoolgirls. You're actually the stupid one.
Wait, s moke made the stairs collapse?
Except not really. The thing is, religious minorities have done better in Islamic countries historically than they have in Christian Countries, which finally got over religious wars, what, 100 years ago?

Yes, they do. It's going to be a real shit-storm when the oil runs out.
As long as the minority religions knew and kept in their place as third-class residents who couldn't worship openly and paid special taxes for the privileges of remaining alive, or as in the Ottoman Empire allowed their children to be enslaved as slave soldiers called Janissaries.
Except not really. The thing is, religious minorities have done better in Islamic countries historically than they have in Christian Countries, which finally got over religious wars, what, 100 years ago?

Yes, they do. It's going to be a real shit-storm when the oil runs out.
No it's not because the western world will simply let the Islamics starve in the dark when their money runs out. They have done nothing except create enmity in the civilized west with their high-handed tactics and support of terrorism.
No, it was caused by the Saudis jacking up the price because we saved Israel during the Yom Kippur War.

That's when America should have gone on a crash program to find an alternative to petroleum so they can't pull this shit on us.
We have alternatives to petroleum and have since WWII. Germany was producing artificial petroleum back then. It's not done now because the price of natural oil isn't stable enough to make the investment reliably profitable. OPEC rides a very fine line in its pricing, keeping prices high enough for maximum profit, but just low enough to keep artificial oil off the market.
We have alternatives to petroleum and have since WWII. Germany was producing artificial petroleum back then. It's not done now because the price of natural oil isn't stable enough to make the investment reliably profitable. OPEC rides a very fine line in its pricing, keeping prices high enough for maximum profit, but just low enough to keep artificial oil off the market.
You are an idiot. Gasoline is still a bargain. It hasn't kept up with Healthcare. Education, housing, groceries or anything else. Opec is always cheaper than US oil.
Where is the black run country that wasn't screwed by white colonizers or slavers, then we can talk.

Wait, s moke made the stairs collapse?
Panic and too many girls on the stairs. The building was old and overcrowded.
As long as the minority religions knew and kept in their place as third-class residents who couldn't worship openly and paid special taxes for the privileges of remaining alive, or as in the Ottoman Empire allowed their children to be enslaved as slave soldiers called Janissaries.
Still sounds a lot better than what Christians did to not only Pagans and Jews, but to Christians who didn't worship Jesus the right way.

No it's not because the western world will simply let the Islamics starve in the dark when their money runs out. They have done nothing except create enmity in the civilized west with their high-handed tactics and support of terrorism.
Again, One Man's Terrorist is another man's freedom fighter.

Bin Laden, Saddam, the rebels in Libya that attacked Benghazi... all folks we though we could work with at one time.

We have alternatives to petroleum and have since WWII. Germany was producing artificial petroleum back then. It's not done now because the price of natural oil isn't stable enough to make the investment reliably profitable. OPEC rides a very fine line in its pricing, keeping prices high enough for maximum profit, but just low enough to keep artificial oil off the market.

Actually, coal fuel was ridiculously expensive for the Germans, they just had no alternative... and of course, they didn't produce enough to keep the war going.

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