Zone1 Action taken against CAIR (Council of American-Islamic Relations) for its antisemitism

So every Muslim country on earth offends you? They are all based upon religious apartheid and genocide. Especially Gaza and the West Bank. Both are open about their religious policies of NO JEWS ALLOWED.

Except not really. The thing is, religious minorities have done better in Islamic countries historically than they have in Christian Countries, which finally got over religious wars, what, 100 years ago?

Arabs don't even run their own refineries and oil fields. In 'Shallah doesn't work well with precise controls, high temperatures and pressures. The Arabs hire westerners to do all their technical tasks.

Yes, they do. It's going to be a real shit-storm when the oil runs out.
That is because you either do not know how to evaluate evidence, or refuse to accept evidence of what you do not want to believe.

Or I recognize when a race has been subjected to 400 years of systematic oppression, they are going to perform less well, but you keep leaving that part out.

Race realism asserts that racial differences are biological and important, that the three major races differ significantly in average intelligence, as well as rates of crime and illegitimacy, and that these differences are the result of evolving in response to different evolutionary pressures lasting for thousands of years.

Yup. Totally debunked. Simply put, you can't make those kinds of major changes in less than 1000 years in a long lived species like homo-sapiens.

If any race is poorly adapted to the world of the future, it's going to be white folks, after the oil runs out and we are reduced back to subsistence farming in a global climate that will look more like Africa than North America.

I have proved these assertions except for the last one using information I have found on the internet. They are obvious to anyone with extensive experience with the three major races.

Okay, guy, you can prove Bigfoot with the information you find online. I can prove the Holocaust was a hoax using information I find on the internet. The internet is a pile of crap. WHERE ARE THE PEER-REVIEWED STUDIES!!!

Race realism is not pseudo science. It is suppressed because it has political implications harmful to the civil rights movement. It explains why early predictions about black potential have been disappointed, in the United States, in South Africa, and throughout sub Saharan Africa since independence. .

Wow, you have an inflated opinion of the power of the civil rights movement in this country.
Or I recognize when a race has been subjected to 400 years of systematic oppression, they are going to perform less well, but you keep leaving that part out.
If what whites did to Negroes one, two, three, and four centuries ago is the reason they are usually stupid and sexually irresponsible, and are frequently criminal, we would not expect them to be good athletes.

As we all know, they look good on the basketball court and the football field, but they are rarely impressive in the classroom.
If any race is poorly adapted to the world of the future, it's going to be white folks, after the oil runs out and we are reduced back to subsistence farming in a global climate that will look more like Africa than North America.
By the time the oil runs out environmentally benign and cost effective alternatives will have been invented by people with IQ's far above the Negro average.

Fusion reactors will produce energy using a limitless source of energy. How many Negroes do you think have the intelligence to design fusion reactors?
If what whites did to Negroes one, two, three, and four centuries ago is the reason they are usually stupid and sexually irresponsible, and are frequently criminal, we would not expect them to be good athletes.

So by that logic, what Hitler did in the Holocaust was okay, because they were stupid enough to let it happen?

As we all know, they look good on the basketball court and the football field, but they are rarely impressive in the classroom.

Are you still jealous that the girl you were creeping on went with Jamal because of his mad basketball skills?

By the time the oil runs out environmentally benign and cost effective alternatives will have been invented by people with IQ's far above the Negro average.

Or not. We've had 50 years since the first oil shock to find those, and we ain't found them yet.

Fusion reactors will produce energy using a limitless source of energy. How many Negroes do you think have the intelligence to design fusion reactors?

Fusion reactors only work if you have battery capacity to power all the devices now using IC engines.

We don't.

But it's not just vehicles. A lot of our fertilizers are derived from fossil fuels. When those run out, watch food yields drop.

Okay, guy, you can prove Bigfoot with the information you find online. I can prove the Holocaust was a hoax using information I find on the internet. The internet is a pile of crap. WHERE ARE THE PEER-REVIEWED STUDIES!!!

Again you expose your ignorance of how to prove assertions.

If Bigfoot existed there would be skeletal remains, and even a few living Bigfoots. That does not exist.

If the Holocaust did not happen every survivor of a Nazi concentration camp and every soldier who liberated a camp conspired to lie about what was going on in the camps.

The dentist I had as a teenager was a survivor of a Nazi death camp. He told me his friends and relatives were gassed and cremated there. I do not think he was lying.

All one needs to do to prove that Negroes tend to be significantly less intelligent than whites and Orientals is to visit several multi racial public schools and look at academic records.

I say after Professor Arthur Jensen, "Look at the data."

If you want to learn that colored people have a much higher crime rate than whites and Orientals, make a practice of talking long walks in black neighborhoods after 10:00 pm. See how long it takes to be mugged, robbed at gunpoint, or murdered.
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Are you still jealous that the girl you were creeping on went with Jamal because of his mad basketball skills?
Is that the best you can do? Yes, I am afraid it is.

I have never known anyone named Jamal. Nevertheless, it turns out that your friend by that name was robbed of a $20,000 gold chain he paid for with a $30,000 prize.

Negroes are rarely good at saving money, or of spending it wisely.
If what whites did to Negroes one, two, three, and four centuries ago is the reason they are usually stupid and sexually irresponsible, and are frequently criminal, we would not expect them to be good athletes.

As we all know, they look good on the basketball court and the football field, but they are rarely impressive in the classroom.
There are more than 100,000 Jews living in Germany. They have done quite well, considering the horrors of the Holocaust still in the memories of living Jews. It’s related to the values emphasized by the culture: strong, intact families and emphasis on higher education (among others).
If a foreign power were trying to resettle people in your neighborhood, um, yeah, that would be cultural treason.

Support our racist, apartheid state or we'll blow up the world?

I think South Africa tried that... it didn't work for them.

Absolutely. A state built on religious apartheid and genocide offends me.

When Israel was losing the war and needed to be resupplied Golde Meir threaten Nixon.. She told him they would bomb the oil installations in Saudi Arabia.

The Saudis were not involved in either of Israel's wars.
So by that logic, what Hitler did in the Holocaust was okay, because they were stupid enough to let it happen?

Are you still jealous that the girl you were creeping on went with Jamal because of his mad basketball skills?

Or not. We've had 50 years since the first oil shock to find those, and we ain't found them yet.

Fusion reactors only work if you have battery capacity to power all the devices now using IC engines.

We don't.

But it's not just vehicles. A lot of our fertilizers are derived from fossil fuels. When those run out, watch food yields drop.

The first oil shock was caused by Israel.
Again you expose your ignorance of how to prove assertions.

If Bigfoot existed there would be skeletal remains, and even a few living Bigfoots. That does not exist.

If the Holocaust did not happen every survivor of a Nazi concentration camp and every soldier who liberated a camp conspired to lie about what was going on in the camps.

The dentist I had as a teenager was a survivor of a Nazi death camp. He told me his friends and relatives were gassed and cremated there. I do not think he was lying.
Nor do I, but you miss the point. Any crackpot can come up with a theory and post "proof" on the internet. But Biologists discount the existence of Bigfoot, Historians discount the validity of Holocaust denial, and socialogists discount the validity of race realism. See how easy that was?

All one needs to do to prove that Negroes tend to be significantly less intelligent than whites and Orientals is to visit several multi racial public schools and look at academic records.

Whites and Asians were never slaves. They never encountered Jim Crow. They never encountered sundown laws, debt peonage, miscegenation laws, redlining,

It's kind of like I break both of your legs and then mock you for not being able to run a marathon.

Is that the best you can do? Yes, I am afraid it is.

I have never known anyone named Jamal. Nevertheless, it turns out that your friend by that name was robbed of a $20,000 gold chain he paid for with a $30,000 prize.
Boy, you take a lot of joy in other people's misfortunes, makes me wonder what Jamal did to you to make you such an awful person.
Nor do I, but you miss the point. Any crackpot can come up with a theory and post "proof" on the internet. But Biologists discount the existence of Bigfoot, Historians discount the validity of Holocaust denial, and socialogists discount the validity of race realism. See how easy that was?
Sociologists lack the ability to prove their theories with controlled, repeatable experiments, the way chemists and physicists can. Anyone who can write well, and who writes what many people want to believe, will be considered an expert.

With mathematics it is different. Statisticians can easily prove that Negroes tend to be less intelligent than whites and Orientals, and that they have higher rates of crime and illegitimacy.
Sociologists lack the ability to prove their theories with controlled, repeatable experiments, the way chemists and physicists can. Anyone who can write well, and who writes what many people want to believe, will be considered an expert.

Maybe because people aren't experiments.

The way to prove this would be to take 100 white babies and 100 black babies, raise them in identical circumstances, and see what kind of results you get. Obviously, we can't do that. Which is my entire point. NURTURE is more important than nature and always has been.

With mathematics it is different. Statisticians can easily prove that Negroes tend to be less intelligent than whites and Orientals, and that they have higher rates of crime and illegitimacy.

Again, only if you pretend that 400 years of oppression didn't happen. We've been abusing black people since the first one came here on a slave boat.
No, it was caused by the Saudis jacking up the price because we saved Israel during the Yom Kippur War.

That's when America should have gone on a crash program to find an alternative to petroleum so they can't pull this shit on us.

Lol. King Faisel told Nixon he would have no choice. Remember . Golde Meir threatened to bomb the Saudi oilfields if Nixon didn't resupply Israel when they were losing the war.

It was not an easy decision for Faisel. My friend and neighbor, Frank Jungers was with him all that week.

At least they continued to supply our troops in Vietnam.
Whites and Asians were never slaves.

History of slavery in the Muslim world​

The Ottoman slave trade came from raids into eastern and central Europe and the Caucasus connected to the Crimean slave trade, while slave traders from the Barbary Coast raided the Mediterranean coasts of Europe and as far afield as the British Isles and Iceland...

Between 1530 and 1780, there were almost certainly one million and quite possibly as many as 1.25 million white, European Christians enslaved by the Muslims of the Barbary Coast of North Africa.[47]...

Saqaliba is a term used in medieval Arabic sources to refer to Slavs and other peoples of Central, Southern, and Eastern Europe, or in a broad sense to European slaves under Arab Islamic rule.

Through the Middle Ages up until the early modern period,[74] a major source of slaves sent to Muslim lands was Central and Eastern Europe. Slaves of Northwestern Europe were also favored. The slaves captured were sent to Islamic lands like Spain and Egypt through France and Venice. Prague served as a major centre for castration of Slavic captives.[75][76] The Emirate of Bari also served as an important port for trade of such slaves.[77] After the Byzantine Empire and Venice blocked Arab merchants from European ports, Arabs started importing slaves from the Caucasus and Caspian Sea regions, shipping them off as far east as Transoxiana in Central Asia.[78] Despite this, slaves taken in battle or from minor raids in continental Europe remained a steady resource in many regions. The Ottoman Empire used slaves from the Balkans and Eastern Europe. The Janissaries were primarily composed of enslaved Europeans. Slaving raids by Barbary Pirates on the coasts of Western Europe as far as Iceland remained a source of slaves until suppressed in the early 19th century. Common roles filled by European slaves ranged from laborers to concubines, and even soldiers.

Christians became part of harems as slaves in the Balkans and Asia Minor when the Turks invaded. Muslim qadis owned Christian slave girls. Greek girls who were pretty were forced into prostitution after being enslaved to Turks who took all their earnings in the 14th century according to Ibn Battuta.[79]

There was a very extensive slave trade of Christians in Anatolia by the Seljuk Turks in the eleventh and twelfth centuries which caused a significant decline in the numbers of Christians in Asia minor. After Edessa was captured and pillaged, 16,000 Christians were enslaved. Michael the Syrian reported that 16,000 Christians were enslaved and sold at Aleppo when the Turks, led by Nur ad-Din invaded Cilicia. Major raids in the Greek provinces of western Anatolia led to the enslavement of thousands of Greeks.


JoeB131, do I need to explain everything to you? I would expect a history major to know what I just posted.
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