Zone1 Action taken against CAIR (Council of American-Islamic Relations) for its antisemitism

The way to prove this would be to take 100 white babies and 100 black babies, raise them in identical circumstances, and see what kind of results you get. Obviously, we can't do that. Which is my entire point. NURTURE is more important than nature and always has been.

Study of 486 families finds essentially no influence of adoptive parents on adoptees' IQ in adulthood, providing further evidence for the predominance of genetic influences on adult intelligence over any other systematic source of variation.​

Boy, you take a lot of joy in other people's misfortunes, makes me wonder what Jamal did to you to make you such an awful person.
You think I am "awful" because I do not make excuses for Negroes and I draw attention to the many achievements of the Jews. :D

The Jews overcame far more than four hundred years of oppression. Look at how well they are doing now. :yes_text12:
You think I am "awful" because I do not make excuses for Negroes and I draw attention to the many achievements of the Jews. :D

The Jews overcame far more than four hundred years of oppression. Look at how well they are doing now. :yes_text12:

They've been getting 10 times as much US foreign aid as Haiti since 1948.
Lol. King Faisel told Nixon he would have no choice. Remember . Golde Meir threatened to bomb the Saudi oilfields if Nixon didn't resupply Israel when they were losing the war.

It was not an easy decision for Faisel. My friend and neighbor, Frank Jungers was with him all that week.

At least they continued to supply our troops in Vietnam.
And that was the point we should have developed a comprehensive energy policy to make sure that this sort of thing never happened again.

The Saudis are the most backward regime on the planet. It's only a matter of time before they throw the royals out on their asses and replace them with Jihadists, and then we are well and screwed.

History of slavery in the Muslim world​

The Ottoman slave trade came from raids into eastern and central Europe and the Caucasus connected to the Crimean slave trade, while slave traders from the Barbary Coast raided the Mediterranean coasts of Europe and as far afield as the British Isles and Iceland...

JoeB131, do I need to explain everything to you? I would expect a history major to know what I just posted.
Retard, no one was talking about the Ottomans.

We were talking about SLAVERY IN AMERICA and how 400 years of bad policy has screwed African Americans.

I know you desperately need to change the subject to look like less of an awful person.
Study of 486 families finds essentially no influence of adoptive parents on adoptees' IQ in adulthood, providing further evidence for the predominance of genetic influences on adult intelligence over any other systematic source of variation.
Reddit isn't a source. Real source or it didn't happen.

You think I am "awful" because I do not make excuses for Negroes and I draw attention to the many achievements of the Jews. :D

The Jews overcame far more than four hundred years of oppression. Look at how well they are doing now.

Yes, it was nice of Hitler to weed out their dregs for them, only leaving the affluent ones... Oh, no, wait, that was a bad thing.

Rich Jews escaped. Poor Jews were killed.

Foreign aid to black run countries frequently goes to Swiss bank accounts of black rulers.

Actually, most foreign aid isn't given in cash, it's given in terms of vouchers with requirements to purchase from the country giving the aid. Foreign Aid is often a scheme to create wealth for the first world. It's like white people just can't help themselves.
And that was the point we should have developed a comprehensive energy policy to make sure that this sort of thing never happened again.

The Saudis are the most backward regime on the planet. It's only a matter of time before they throw the royals out on their asses and replace them with Jihadists, and then we are well and screwed.

They aren't backward at all. They have an extraordinary track record...

Hundreds of years of experience in the top leadership. I have known them since 1950 when the Sudeiri Seven were boys. They are very savvy. They have grown Saudi Aramco into the biggest most well integrated oil company in the world..and their production emissions are a fraction of ours.

The invest 86% of oil revenues in healthcare, education and infrastructure for clean water, power and housing.

History of slavery in the Muslim world​

The Ottoman slave trade came from raids into eastern and central Europe and the Caucasus connected to the Crimean slave trade, while slave traders from the Barbary Coast raided the Mediterranean coasts of Europe and as far afield as the British Isles and Iceland...

Between 1530 and 1780, there were almost certainly one million and quite possibly as many as 1.25 million white, European Christians enslaved by the Muslims of the Barbary Coast of North Africa.[47]...

Saqaliba is a term used in medieval Arabic sources to refer to Slavs and other peoples of Central, Southern, and Eastern Europe, or in a broad sense to European slaves under Arab Islamic rule.

Through the Middle Ages up until the early modern period,[74] a major source of slaves sent to Muslim lands was Central and Eastern Europe. Slaves of Northwestern Europe were also favored. The slaves captured were sent to Islamic lands like Spain and Egypt through France and Venice. Prague served as a major centre for castration of Slavic captives.[75][76] The Emirate of Bari also served as an important port for trade of such slaves.[77] After the Byzantine Empire and Venice blocked Arab merchants from European ports, Arabs started importing slaves from the Caucasus and Caspian Sea regions, shipping them off as far east as Transoxiana in Central Asia.[78] Despite this, slaves taken in battle or from minor raids in continental Europe remained a steady resource in many regions. The Ottoman Empire used slaves from the Balkans and Eastern Europe. The Janissaries were primarily composed of enslaved Europeans. Slaving raids by Barbary Pirates on the coasts of Western Europe as far as Iceland remained a source of slaves until suppressed in the early 19th century. Common roles filled by European slaves ranged from laborers to concubines, and even soldiers.

Christians became part of harems as slaves in the Balkans and Asia Minor when the Turks invaded. Muslim qadis owned Christian slave girls. Greek girls who were pretty were forced into prostitution after being enslaved to Turks who took all their earnings in the 14th century according to Ibn Battuta.[79]

There was a very extensive slave trade of Christians in Anatolia by the Seljuk Turks in the eleventh and twelfth centuries which caused a significant decline in the numbers of Christians in Asia minor. After Edessa was captured and pillaged, 16,000 Christians were enslaved. Michael the Syrian reported that 16,000 Christians were enslaved and sold at Aleppo when the Turks, led by Nur ad-Din invaded Cilicia. Major raids in the Greek provinces of western Anatolia led to the enslavement of thousands of Greeks.


JoeB131, do I need to explain everything to you? I would expect a history major to know what I just posted.

The Khazars and the Vikings were also big slavers .
Dancing in the streets? That was old film footage from May 2000 when Israel pulled out of Lebanon. See the fat lady handing out candy. You all are shameless.
The Dancing videos were from Hoboken ,Flushing Queens , and West Orange ... and were date stamped 9/11 / 01
They aren't backward at all. They have an extraordinary track record...

Hundreds of years of experience in the top leadership. I have known them since 1950 when the Sudeiri Seven were boys. They are very savvy. They have grown Saudi Aramco into the biggest most well integrated oil company in the world..and their production emissions are a fraction of ours.

The invest 86% of oil revenues in healthcare, education and infrastructure for clean water, power and housing.
Is that when they aren't flying to Europe enjoying gambling and prostitutes?

Or when they force girls to stay in a burning school because they lack proper head coverings?

The Middle East is the world's largest outdoor insane asylum, and we need to stay as far away from it as possible.
Reddit isn't a source. Real source or it didn't happen.

Direct Evidence for a GeneticBasis for Black-WhiteDifferences in IQRichard LynnUniversity of Ulster at Coleraine

The required experiment was carded out by Weinberg, Scarr, and Waldman(1992), and the results were that Black babies adopted by White parents registered no IQ gains. This conclusion was argued in detail by me (Lynn, 1994). Weinberg et al. attempted to dispute it, but Scarf (1995) conceded that my interpretation of the study was correct. Scarf wrote that"those adoptees with two African American birth parents had IQs that were not notably higher than the IQ scores of black youngsters reared in black families" (p. 7). The experiment showed that matching Blacks and Whites for family environment did nothing to reduce the IQ difference and, hence, provided direct evidence fora genetic basis for the difference.

You missed my point. JoeB131 claimed that whites were not slaves. I proved him wrong.
They weren't slaves in this country.

So you clearly missed the point.

Direct Evidence for a GeneticBasis for Black-WhiteDifferences in IQRichard LynnUniversity of Ulster at Coleraine
A study that wasn't done in the US, which just rehashed garbage data from Rushton and the other idiots?

That's the best you have?

The problem with this is that any black children raised by white people are already going to be taught internalized racism. It's why it's largely discouraged today.

Jews were sure slaves. Egypt owes me repararions.
That's a mythology. Hebrews never resided in Egypt.

Even the Bible doesn't claim they were slaves, merely that the Egyptians wouldn't let them practice their fucked up religion. (And, hey, when you have a whole pantheon of cool Gods, why have a stick in the mud like Yahweh?)
Retard, no one was talking about the Ottomans.

We were talking about SLAVERY IN AMERICA and how 400 years of bad policy has screwed African Americans.

I know you desperately need to change the subject to look like less of an awful person.
What harm did Arab slavery do to whites? Why did whites still create the most advanced, prosperous, and generous civilization? We are so generous that we keep trying to bring blacks up to our level. of prosperity.

If white racism is holding blacks back, why are American Negroes more prosperous and in batter health than Negroes in any black majority, black run country in the world?
What harm did Arab slavery do to whites? Why did whites still create the most advanced, prosperous, and generous civilization? We are so generous that we keep trying to bring blacks up to our level. of prosperity.

Actually, very little, as very few slaves were taken, and the ones that did were either turned into Eunuchs or bred into the Arab/Turk population.

As opposed to black folks, who couldn't legally marry white folks until WITHIN MY LIFETIME!!!

If white racism is holding blacks back, why are American Negroes more prosperous and in batter health than Negroes in any black majority, black run country in the world?
why do you keep asking the same stupid questions when you have been given the answer many times?

Every other black country was looted by white people before they were independent.

(Also, there are some very affluent African Countries, but you can pretend they don't exist).
A study that wasn't done in the US, which just rehashed garbage data from Rushton and the other idiots?
It is frustrating to try to reason with you because you dismiss scientific research that violates your prejudices as racist.

You're good at coming up with excuses for blacks. You are not good at pointing to high average black achievement in any other field than athletics, where it does not really matter.
Actually, very little, as very few slaves were taken, and the ones that did were either turned into Eunuchs or bred into the Arab/Turk population.

As opposed to black folks, who couldn't legally marry white folks until WITHIN MY LIFETIME!!!

why do you keep asking the same stupid questions when you have been given the answer many times?

Every other black country was looted by white people before they were independent.

(Also, there are some very affluent African Countries, but you can pretend they don't exist).
Excuses, excuses. Jews don't need excuses. Neither do Orientals. Both groups were persecuted in the United States. Now they are usually more prosperous than white Gentiles.

Europeans brought roads, schools, hospitals, and other benefits of white civilization to sub Saharan Africa. Since independence these have been in decay.

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