Caitlyn Jenner Going On Carlson Soon. Should Be Interesting To Observe The Make-Up Job.

Why won't we let Caitlyn live her fucking life? Do we(as in you) feel so small that you have shit all over her and demand her to live in your little tiny box?

Little people....

That's three times you referred to a man as a woman. Four if you count his name.
Jesus Christ was killed because the fucking government and the jews didn't like that he believed in something different...Are we a free people or are we not?
Jesus Christ was killed because the fucking government and the jews didn't like that he believed in something different...Are we a free people or are we not?

According to liberals men are women. If you don't believe it you're a bigot & gastapo, and must be embarrassed & economically punished.
Kat, I used the same avatar as you in another message board. That was before I was banned for not sharing the liberal opinion. Anyway, nice legs.
Kat, I used the same avatar as you in another message board. That was before I was banned for not sharing the liberal opinion. Anyway, nice legs.

You mean my legs?? The one I am using now? (I switch them around) Oh and you have good taste :)
Why can't people have personal freedom? It is something the taliban or isis does to attack people as you do...Aren't we better then this?
Great question, Matthew. Why can't people have personal freedom? It is something Democrats do to attack people; taking away their rights, for their own good of course. Telling them what to do, what to think and what to believe then bashing anyone who disagrees with them.

A black politician who agrees with them? All around great American who comes from an oppressed people.

A black politician who disagrees with them? An Uncle Tom brainwashed by a vast Right Wing conspiracy.
I completely lost it and tuned out at "Gender identity is not who you go to bed with -- It's who you go to bed as"..

I'm completely lost and scratching my head over that gem of wisdom.. Think I'll skip the rest of the "interview" and the book.
He drives me crazy how he speaks too. I watched the entire interview. Honestly....he makes me feel very sad, and creepy. He is so confused.
Why won't we let Caitlyn live her fucking life? Do we(as in you) feel so small that you have shit all over her and demand her to live in your little tiny box?

Little people....

Why did Bruce Jenner plastered his private insecurities and weird and unnatural idiocies on the unsuspecting world? Could not he done the whole circus in private? Why did and the athlete who was the ultimate MALE, decatlon champion have to reveal that he was nothing but a despicable phony?

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