Calderón pinning some blame on US for deadly casino attack


Senior Member
Aug 22, 2009
MEXICO CITY - Mexican President Felipe Calderón charged Friday that the U.S. government, along with American drug consumers and gun dealers, was partly responsible for the deaths of 52 people killed in an arson attack at a casino in Monterrey.

Wearing a black suit and tie as he addressed a rattled nation, Calderón blamed his northern neighbor for the devastating attack, arguing that assault-style weapons and billions of dollars in drug profits empower the criminal organizations that he said were probably behind Thursday's fire-bombing of the Casino Royale.

"The economic power and firepower of the criminal organizations operating in Mexico and Latin America come from this endless demand for drugs in the United States," Calderón said. "We are neighbors, we are allies, we are friends, but also, you are responsible. That is my message."

In a short statement, President Obama condemned "the barbaric and reprehensible attack" and vowed to remain a partner in the fight against violent transnational criminal organizations.

Neither Calderón nor the Obama administration provided evidence that the assailants were part of a major drug-trafficking organization. The attackers remained at large and their identities and affiliations unknown.

But critics in Mexico were raising questions about the unregulated proliferation of casinos and the failure of the Calderón government and Monterrey city hall to adequately monitor these businesses or inspect their buildings to make sure they are not hazardous firetraps.

Sports betting, nightclubs, casinos and cantinas - businesses that deal in a lot of cash - are often used by criminal gangs to launder money. They are also frequently targeted by extortionists.

A security camera captured images Thursday afternoon of a dozen assailants pulling up in four vehicles to the front doors of the Casino Royale and entering the entertainment complex, which offers bingo and betting on sports and horse racing.

As patrons ran away from the building, some of the gunmen stood by their cars and watched them go. Other assailants rushed into the casino, pointing guns. They did not appear to be wearing masks. Three of the cars were found Friday, all reported stolen.

Within two minutes and 30 seconds of the gunmen's arrival, black smoke and red flames appeared in the security video and the gunmen were shown driving away.

Security analysts said the speed of the attack indicated the motive was to burn the business down, not to rob the casino or its patrons.

The governor of the state of Nuevo Leon in northern Mexico, Rodrigo Medina, said at a news conference Friday that the fire was ignited by "a group of people linked to organized crime," but he did not specify which group or whether there were links to drug trafficking organizations.

Authorities said the assailants entered the casino with three cans of gasoline. Early reports suggested that they threw grenades, but the governor said they did not. It was unclear whether the attackers fired their weapons.

Medina put the death toll at 52 and said most of the victims appeared to have died from smoke inhalation and burns - not from gunshots. He reported that 43 victims had been identified, including eight men and 35 women.

Calderón pinning some blame on US for deadly casino attack
Calderon is useless! He loves blaming the USA because he knows how inept and useless he is!!!! Typical of someone from a third world country with a third world mentality.
He's right, of course.

Our War on Drugs laws fuel his drug cartels with plenty of money.
He's right, of course.

Our War on Drugs laws fuel his drug cartels with plenty of money.

Of course? Don't play that game. Using this same logic, Canada would also be in a low level civil war, and it would be the big bad yankee's fault. Mexicans are unable to control this problem because theirs is a decaying corrupt culture. Mexicans seem to have this endemic character flaw: They almost NEVER accept responsibility for their own actions. Put the two flaws together and we get mass murders in casinos. Their faults lay not in their stars, but in themselves.
He's right, of course.

Our War on Drugs laws fuel his drug cartels with plenty of money.

Of course? Don't play that game. Using this same logic, Canada would also be in a low level civil war, and it would be the big bad yankee's fault. Mexicans are unable to control this problem because theirs is a decaying corrupt culture. Mexicans seem to have this endemic character flaw: They almost NEVER accept responsibility for their own actions. Put the two flaws together and we get mass murders in casinos. Their faults lay not in their stars, but in themselves.

Very true....the corruption in that country runs deep and has for many their ineptness and corrupt system is coming back to haunt them. It's payback time.
I'm not implying America is immune from blame in the issue, but Calderon is passing the buck. Mexico's problems always seem to hinge on American flaws. If we expect America to own up to it's flaws, that's fine. If we expect better of America. Why can't we expect Mexico to own up to it's flaws? Why do they always blame the US for every ill they have? That is a symptom of denial. Some people cut Mexicans slack they don’t deserve, it’s as if they are enabling an abuser (Mexico). Don’t do that, it makes matters worse. MAKE them responsible for their own actions. No buck passing!
I'm not implying America is immune from blame in the issue, but Calderon is passing the buck. Mexico's problems always seem to hinge on American flaws. If we expect America to own up to it's flaws, that's fine. If we expect better of America. Why can't we expect Mexico to own up to it's flaws? Why do they always blame the US for every ill they have? That is a symptom of denial. Some people cut Mexicans slack they don’t deserve, it’s as if they are enabling an abuser (Mexico). Don’t do that, it makes matters worse. MAKE them responsible for their own actions. No buck passing!

the fact is if the US took really strong steps to stop the bullshit like erecting a 20 foot electrified fence calderone the pussy would cry like a girl. and bitch and moan about civil rights and that's the fact. jack
Calderon is passing gas. Mexico has been a from a law and order stand point fractured and corrupt for more than 100 years. He doesn’t say much about the fact that his own gov. from the head of the Federales to the cop on the beat has been proven corrupt working hand in hand with the Narcos.

As far as the Cartels go, if one thinks that even if we could just disappear ‘drugs’ with a snap of a finger, that they would disappear, you are dreaming, they would find other industries and forms of illegal activity to concentrate on just as the mobs here that grew during prohibition did.
I'm not implying America is immune from blame in the issue, but Calderon is passing the buck. Mexico's problems always seem to hinge on American flaws. If we expect America to own up to it's flaws, that's fine. If we expect better of America. Why can't we expect Mexico to own up to it's flaws? Why do they always blame the US for every ill they have? That is a symptom of denial. Some people cut Mexicans slack they don’t deserve, it’s as if they are enabling an abuser (Mexico). Don’t do that, it makes matters worse. MAKE them responsible for their own actions. No buck passing!

THEY blame the USA because our 'great' WA leaders buy into it. Have you not heard Madam Clinton agree that it is OUR fault cause we are the 'greatest consumer of drugs'?????

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