Garland "worried" about potential terrorist attack on U.S. after Oct. 7

You seem to forget, he fkd the border on something like day 1 or 2 of his administration with a new policy, creating the problem we have now. This is a new policy announcement and necessary to the change in policy. I support it, and at the same time, know it is not enough to fix the problem he created.

Don't worry. It is ok to support a needed policy change, even though you do not support him as a candidate or plan to vote for him. It is not an all or nothing type deal. There have been policies of presidents I vote for, that I did not support, though I voted for the president, as I have never been a party guy, and reserve my right to disagree with specific policy whether voting for the one that implemented or not.
I don't support evil America hating, lawbreaking scum. At all.
Unlike you I actually read the crap bill.

As usual, you lie.

It's all you do.
Lol, I know that's a lie becuase I actually read it instead of just claiming to. There were no "guarantees" of numbers of immigrants. There was a mandatory shut off point when they exceeded certain numbers.

Now take your lies and stuff'em.
You seem to forget, he fkd the border on something like day 1 or 2 of his administration with a new policy, creating the problem we have now. This is a new policy announcement and necessary to the change in policy. I support it, and at the same time, know it is not enough to fix the problem he created.

Don't worry. It is ok to support a needed policy change, even though you do not support him as a candidate or plan to vote for him. It is not an all or nothing type deal. There have been policies of presidents I vote for, that I did not support, though I voted for the president, as I have never been a party guy, and reserve my right to disagree with specific policy whether voting for the one that implemented or not.
When you fkd up something, nobody had a right to expect you to work toward fixing what you fkd up? What is the matter with you? Just another that would prefer it got worse and worse for your political benefit, as you don't really give a shit about the problem, as long as nobody does anything to work on anything but you?
I don't support evil America hating, lawbreaking scum. At all.
Recognizing a correct move is not supporting him. It is supporting what should be goal of the country. Don't be a idiot. It's not like you are locked into voting, just because intelligent enough to recognize one positive mover or so. Nobody taking away your right to vote for your felon. You sound like kind of fanatic. Is this what it means to be a trumper, never giving a shit about the country, only the fact your guy didn't get to do it?
Recognizing a correct move is not supporting him. It is supporting what should be goal of the country. Don't be a idiot. It's not like you are locked into voting, just because intelligent enough to recognize one positive mover or so. Nobody taking away your right to vote for your felon. You sound like kind of fanatic. Is this what it means to be a trumper, never giving a shit about the country, only the fact your guy didn't get to do it?
You lecturing me not to be an idiot? I sound like a fanatic? Ha!
There was no need to change what was being done in the last administration to warrant the need, as you put it, for a change now. And the fact you call Trump a felon when even you know who the true felon is tells all of us on here who the true fanatic is.
Noboody in his/her right mind would ever vote for Biden.
And yet his boss did NOTHING at our borders to ensure Americans were protected, as hundreds of thousands have continued to spill across our borders.
What about the ones who've came in illegally, which we know nothing whatsoever about? Where are they now? Who is monitoring them?

I don't believe a word Garland utters. For that matter, I don't believe a word anybody in the Biden regime utters. They are all imposters, installed by whoever it was that stole the 2020 election.
If Biden's illegals continue to break our laws and kill our people or God forbid pull off another 9-11 the democrats won't win a national election for 25 years....
When you fkd up something, nobody had a right to expect you to work toward fixing what you fkd up? What is the matter with you? Just another that would prefer it got worse and worse for your political benefit, as you don't really give a shit about the problem, as long as nobody does anything to work on anything but you?
You’re talking to yourself.
You lecturing me not to be an idiot? I sound like a fanatic? Ha!
There was no need to change what was being done in the last administration to warrant the need, as you put it, for a change now. And the fact you call Trump a felon when even you know who the true felon is tells all of us on here who the true fanatic is.
Noboody in his/her right mind would ever vote for Biden.
Your point is "if you fk it up, don't fix it or even attempt". That is pointless, stupid, and not what you would be looking for if ever in supervision, mangement or a parent. The one who fkd it up had best be working on the problem when I get there.
Your point is "if you fk it up, don't fix it or even attempt". That is pointless, stupid, and not what you would be looking for if ever in supervision, mangement or a parent. The one who fkd it up had best be working on the problem when I get there.
He fkd it up on purpose. Remember?
So nope, no fake credit for a fake "fix" to try and buy votes.
Your point is "if you fk it up, don't fix it or even attempt". That is pointless, stupid, and not what you would be looking for if ever in supervision, mangement or a parent. The one who fkd it up had best be working on the problem when I get there.
This admin is not fixing anything. They’re only fixing the impression they’re creating to fool voters. Everything is a ruse.
Recognizing a correct move is not supporting him. It is supporting what should be goal of the country. Don't be a idiot. It's not like you are locked into voting, just because intelligent enough to recognize one positive mover or so. Nobody taking away your right to vote for your felon. You sound like kind of fanatic. Is this what it means to be a trumper, never giving a shit about the country, only the fact your guy didn't get to do it?
AG Garland... the chief law enforcement officer in the land and the Homeland security Chief Mayorkas and the FBI chief have all sat back and allowed millions of unknown people into our nation from all over the world.... What kind of security is that?... that is not what we were promised after 9-11...
I hope Trump's AG prosecutes all three of them...
All it will take is one terror attack by one or more of Joe's illegals and Trump is the next president...
He fkd it up on purpose. Remember?
So nope, no fake credit for a fake "fix" to try and buy votes.
Then don't give credit, just be glad there is to finally be less migrants admitted and allowed to stay while waiting for court dates, on the public dole for dates a year or more out, that they won't show up for.
This admin is not fixing anything. They’re only fixing the impression they’re creating to fool voters. Everything is a ruse.
Do you have the impression or do you just think other people have the impression? Tell me straight. What is wrong with transporting illegals back to the border and banning from re-entry or admission to be considered for asylum? Unless you are really saying the problem he created was never really that bad and only matters as a political chip, not an actual problem.
Then don't give credit, just be glad there is to finally be less migrants admitted and allowed to stay while waiting for court dates, on the public dole for dates a year or more out, that they won't show up for.
Joey bribems actions don't do anything of the sort.

Sad you can't figure that out.

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