Garland "worried" about potential terrorist attack on U.S. after Oct. 7

It’s another step forward following three steps back and preceding three more steps back. All by design. You need to recognize the ruse and demand better. But it won’t happen because they’re democrats bent on destroying the culture and the country as we know it.
Only hope is to remove democrats.
OK, maybe. Demand it when? Do you really want that many more illegal aliens crossing the border, anywhere they choose until sometime next year or beyond, coming up through people's farms, backyards, etc, unrestricted and still having the right to stay, seek asylum and many if not most case have it granted, including with taxpayer paid benefits when caught or turning themselves in, to get on the public dole? It does not sound like you think it a serious problem to begin with, or have a soft spot for illegal aliens. Nobody is twisting your arm to change your vote to Biden, and everybody, every man woman and relative child recognize it a political move, but there are very few, like yourself, that wish to see unrestricted illegal alien migrate with asylum benefit continue. I don't see how you justify it, unless the border illegal immigration is unimportant except as a political issue.

Do you really favor dissolving the constitution, rounding up Democrat and deporting them?
Is this a new Trump platform plank. Do all of you support it?
OK, maybe. Demand it when? Do you really want that many more illegal aliens crossing the border, anywhere they choose until sometime next year or beyond, coming up through people's farms, backyards, etc, unrestricted and still having the right to stay, seek asylum and many if not most case have it granted, including with taxpayer paid benefits when caught or turning themselves in, to get on the public dole? It does not sound like you think it a serious problem to begin with, or have a soft spot for illegal aliens. Nobody is twisting your arm to change your vote to Biden, and everybody, every man woman and relative child recognize it a political move, but there are very few, like yourself, that wish to see unrestricted illegal alien migrate with asylum benefit continue. I don't see how you justify it, unless the border illegal immigration is unimportant except as a political issue.

Do you really favor dissolving the constitution, rounding up Democrat and deporting them?
Is this a new Trump platform plank. Do all of you support it?
Obviously my comment about democrats being deported is cynical. All of my friends, neighbors and workmates are democrats. They're just clueless, close-minded and biased.
Supporting democrat policy is anti-american. Democrats are therefore anti-constitution. So it’s difficult to violate the constitution when, by being anti-democrat party, you support it.
Obviously my comment about democrats being deported is cynical. All of my friends, neighbors and workmates are democrats. They're just clueless, close-minded and biased.
Supporting democrat policy is anti-american. Democrats are therefore anti-constitution. So it’s difficult to violate the constitution when, by being anti-democrat party, you support it.
I guess I don't hear enough them directly supporting unconstitutional policy acts by government against American citizens, as you did. I definitely don't know any in Tennessee that support open borders.
I guess I don't hear enough them directly supporting unconstitutional policy acts by government against American citizens, as you did. I definitely don't know any in Tennessee that support open borders.
If the fed gov was in Tennessee, you’d see lots of illegals and the local elitist democrat parasites would be fine with it — as long as they didn’t live in their white democrat neighborhoods. They’d call you xenophobe if you even mention anything about it. And all of those illegals would vote democrat in local elections.
If the fed gov was in Tennessee, you’d see lots of illegals and the local elitist democrat parasites would be fine with it — as long as they didn’t live in their white democrat neighborhoods. They’d call you xenophobe if you even mention anything about it. And all of those illegals would vote democrat in local elections.
Not in Tennessee, they wouldn't. We have no sanctuary cities, by state law and have had photo voter ID required since 2012. By national standards, you would even say most of our Democrats are relatively conservative, comparatively. The mere mention of a state income tax guarantees a lost election for anybody running that even suggests discussing the possibility.
If the fed gov was in Tennessee, you’d see lots of illegals and the local elitist democrat parasites would be fine with it — as long as they didn’t live in their white democrat neighborhoods. They’d call you xenophobe if you even mention anything about it. And all of those illegals would vote democrat in local elections.
Democrats love their illegals until they move in.
Not in Tennessee, they wouldn't. We have no sanctuary cities, by state law and have had photo voter ID required since 2012. By national standards, you would even say most of our Democrats are relatively conservative, comparatively. The mere mention of a state income tax guarantees a lost election for anybody running that even suggests discussing the possibility.
Don’t count on that for long. Nashville is becoming your northern Virginia.
Don’t count on that for long. Nashville is becoming your northern Virginia.
Gee, You think that is why Tennessee 5th, 6th and 7th Us congressional districts in middle Tennessee (Nashville and surrounding) all elected Republicans to Us Congress?
Wouldn't you think the A.G. would be worried about a mentally unstable president with his trembling thumb on the nuclear button? Does the A.G. have a contingency plan in case Biden becomes so unstable that he declares war on Texas and Florida?
Democrats love their illegals until they move in.
Yes, like it happened when the savages where sent to Martha's Vineyard, remember?

They didn't stay there long.....not in my backyard say the Rats!
Gee, You think that is why Tennessee 5th, 6th and 7th Us congressional districts in middle Tennessee (Nashville and surrounding) all elected Republicans to Us Congress?
Don’t say I didn’t warn you. It’s coming if you don’t stop it now. Lots of democrats moving to Nashville. It’s becoming your population (democrat) center.
Don’t say I didn’t warn you. It’s coming if you don’t stop it now. Lots of democrats moving to Nashville. It’s becoming your population (democrat) center.
Nashville has a history of Dem Mayors. Nothing new there. It does not change the state. I suspect most people moving to Nashville from out of state are looking for no income tax, in a relatively conservative state, where you will mostly be left the hell alone, if you leave others alone. But, I don't live there, only visiting occasionally, mostly for concerts.
Are you kidding? He tried for months to negotiate a deal with republicans only to have Felonious tRump jump in and kill it.

Can we please try to stick at least somewhat close to reality?
A "deal" that set in stone a million and a half illegal invaders per year, and no way to get rid of them.

In other words a government sponsored invasion.

No thanks.
I believe Garland is more worried if he and his lackeys can plan and execute such an attack without getting caught. I'm only half joking.
That's not true.

I mean I know that's what your handlers told you but they lied.
Yeah, it is. Are you just really stupid, or intentionally lying? the question.

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