Calif. court: Medical pot not OK at work

MJ most definately has killed people. It has ruined lives and it has inspired crime.

Tell those hikers in remote areas of Hawaii, Oregon, Washington and California never seen again or found shot to death for the affront of walking where illegal growers of pot were so paranoid they murder anyone that comes within smelling distance. Tell the Hawaii Police and National Guard fired on when they finally had enough and raided the hidden sites to try and stop the murders.

Pot's ruined lives and inspired crime? More than alcohol?

Have you been watching Reefer Madness again?

Just think, if it were legal, those growers wouldn't worry so much.
Pot's ruined lives and inspired crime? More than alcohol?

Have you been watching Reefer Madness again?

Just think, if it were legal, those growers wouldn't worry so much.

Ya, sure thing, thats why it is still dangerous in parts of the hill country of Tennessee and Kentucky.

The excuse that because one thing is legal we should make something else legal does not fly. You have kids right? Did the " BUT mom, so and so's parents let him do it" ever work on you?
Ya, sure thing, thats why it is still dangerous in parts of the hill country of Tennessee and Kentucky.

The excuse that because one thing is legal we should make something else legal does not fly. You have kids right? Did the " BUT mom, so and so's parents let him do it" ever work on you?

Don't even ring that kiddy bell with all the kids they're drugging and Bush's new kiddy psycho profiling to get them there..................KIDS ARE HIGHER AND YOUNGER THAN EVER BEFORE IN HISTORY and putting them on LSD/COCAINE concoctions is unconscionable.................don't blame pot or smokers there of for this cluster fuck............................invented three and four initialed infirmities, until there are NO MINDS LEFT TO QUESTION.............get real!!!!!!!!!!:rolleyes: :eusa_whistle:
Don't even ring that kiddy bell with all the kids they're drugging and Bush's new kiddy psycho profiling to get them there..................KIDS ARE HIGHER AND YOUNGER THAN EVER BEFORE IN HISTORY and putting them on LSD/COCAINE concoctions is unconscionable.................don't blame pot or smokers there of for this cluster fuck............................invented three and four initialed infirmities, until there are NO MINDS LEFT TO QUESTION.............get real!!!!!!!!!!:rolleyes: :eusa_whistle:

Lets see how many of Eots conspiracy buddies do we now have on the board, enquiring minds want to know.
MJ most definately has killed people. It has ruined lives and it has inspired crime.

Tell those hikers in remote areas of Hawaii, Oregon, Washington and California never seen again or found shot to death for the affront of walking where illegal growers of pot were so paranoid they murder anyone that comes within smelling distance. Tell the Hawaii Police and National Guard fired on when they finally had enough and raided the hidden sites to try and stop the murders.

Good to hear you're in favor of legalization. Surely you can't be supporting to keep it illegal, because you know that had it been legal no one would have to protect it with violence.
Lets see how many of Eots conspiracy buddies do we now have on the board, enquiring minds want to know.

Don't pull that blanket crap with me, I've never posted with anyone here before, and as far as your brain dead kiddy remarks go, I think they're disgusting, considering 6-8 million kids on RITALIN alone, and that doesn't BEGIN to address the rest of the psychotropic med crowd, but yet you would have the audacity to blame pot smokers..................duh yeah right,GET A CLUE SARGE WILL YA,not being able to think for yourself, "yes sir massa take me to your leader mentality", in the military all those years didn't affect your mind AT ALL I suppose?:rolleyes: :eusa_whistle: :eusa_doh:

I don't do drugs and I don't drink anymore, not even prescription drugs unless I'm dying and they're forced into my veins in the hospital, I'm a natural substance healer as my mother has been for 50 years.............HOW MANY DRUG EXPERIMENTS WERE YOU A PART OF VOLUNTARILY OR NON IN THE MILITARY SARGE
Ya, sure thing, thats why it is still dangerous in parts of the hill country of Tennessee and Kentucky.

The excuse that because one thing is legal we should make something else legal does not fly. You have kids right? Did the " BUT mom, so and so's parents let him do it" ever work on you?

Frankly, I don't smoke pot. The concept of having my energy sapped and brain slowed has never appealed to me. But that doesn't mean I see any difference between the realities of pot and the realities of alcohol. I like a glass of wine or an apple martini when I go out to dinner and I won't kid myself that even one drink has no effect.

But nor will I tell someone else that it's ok for me to have my glass of wine but if they want to catch a buzz, it should be illegal.

And, no, I'd hope my son has no interest in getting high. And we've trained him about how stupid people look when they're out of control from the moment he was old enough to understand the concept. Maybe it will sink in.

Also, I think it's really stupid for our jails to be filled with people there for drug crimes where they're sentenced under the Rockefeller Laws. Use of a vehicle or other illegal acts while under the inflluence is an entirely different subject and anyone who gets behind the wheel of a car when they endanger other people should get prosecuted, regardless of whether their poison of choice is alcohol or some other recreational drug.
I'm going to keep beating the drum here. (I'm assuming Shogun's comment about me starting a lot of threads on alcohol was intended for somebody else since I haven't started ANY threads on alcohol or substance abuse in general.)

The arguments here are all true but all avoid the real issue which is protecting the public from people who will use marijuana (or any other substance) in a way as to endanger others. The fact that there are other substances just as dangerous as marijuana does not translate to 'we might as well make it legal then.' At least it doesn't to most people.

It is highly unlikely that a full blown alcoholic will die of alcohol poisoning--he or she will pass out before he ingests enough to kill him immediately so the process of dying via acute alcoholism is long and drawn out usually over years. Non alcoholics can definitely ingest enough alcohol to kill them via alcohol poisoning.

The fact that alcohol is more immediate danger to the user than is marijuana, however, does not translate to the fact that everybody should be using marijuana instead of alcohol. Scientific studies suggest that very light alcohol use can have some medical benefits. No such benefits have been identified for marijuana use except to reduce debilitating nausea in chemo patients, etc.

Marijuana, other than medical use, is used to get high. There is simply no other purpose for ingesting marijuana. Alcohol users can simply enjoy the taste--there's nothing like an icy cold beer after you've mowed the lawn on a hot day--but most alcohol users do not drink to get high; in fact most consider getting high on alcohol to be alcohol abuse.

The critical thing is that marijuana is unique among most such substances used recreationally in that it does remain in the body in a detectable way for up to 30 days. So there is no way to know in a quick evaluation whether a person is impaired via marijuana. And that is why it should not be legal in any quantity for people engaged in activities that can endanger others and employers are quite correct in demanding a zero tolerance policy for it.

The Supreme Court got it right.
I'm going to keep beating the drum here. (I'm assuming Shogun's comment about me starting a lot of threads on alcohol was intended for somebody else since I haven't started ANY threads on alcohol or substance abuse in general.)

The arguments here are all true but all avoid the real issue which is protecting the public from people who will use marijuana (or any other substance) in a way as to endanger others. The fact that there are other substances just as dangerous as marijuana does not translate to 'we might as well make it legal then.' At least it doesn't to most people.

It is highly unlikely that a full blown alcoholic will die of alcohol poisoning--he or she will pass out before he ingests enough to kill him immediately so the process of dying via acute alcoholism is long and drawn out usually over years. Non alcoholics can definitely ingest enough alcohol to kill them via alcohol poisoning.

The fact that alcohol is more immediate danger to the user than is marijuana, however, does not translate to the fact that everybody should be using marijuana instead of alcohol. Scientific studies suggest that very light alcohol use can have some medical benefits. No such benefits have been identified for marijuana use except to reduce debilitating nausea in chemo patients, etc.

Marijuana, other than medical use, is used to get high. There is simply no other purpose for ingesting marijuana. Alcohol users can simply enjoy the taste--there's nothing like an icy cold beer after you've mowed the lawn on a hot day--but most alcohol users do not drink to get high; in fact most consider getting high on alcohol to be alcohol abuse.

The critical thing is that marijuana is unique among most such substances used recreationally in that it does remain in the body in a detectable way for up to 30 days. So there is no way to know in a quick evaluation whether a person is impaired via marijuana. And that is why it should not be legal in any quantity for people engaged in activities that can endanger others and employers are quite correct in demanding a zero tolerance policy for it.

The Supreme Court got it right.
Pot is not a dangerous drug.
I'm going to keep beating the drum here. (I'm assuming Shogun's comment about me starting a lot of threads on alcohol was intended for somebody else since I haven't started ANY threads on alcohol or substance abuse in general.)

The arguments here are all true but all avoid the real issue which is protecting the public from people who will use marijuana (or any other substance) in a way as to endanger others. The fact that there are other substances just as dangerous as marijuana does not translate to 'we might as well make it legal then.' At least it doesn't to most people.

It is highly unlikely that a full blown alcoholic will die of alcohol poisoning--he or she will pass out before he ingests enough to kill him immediately so the process of dying via acute alcoholism is long and drawn out usually over years. Non alcoholics can definitely ingest enough alcohol to kill them via alcohol poisoning.

The fact that alcohol is more immediate danger to the user than is marijuana, however, does not translate to the fact that everybody should be using marijuana instead of alcohol. Scientific studies suggest that very light alcohol use can have some medical benefits. No such benefits have been identified for marijuana use except to reduce debilitating nausea in chemo patients, etc.

Marijuana, other than medical use, is used to get high. There is simply no other purpose for ingesting marijuana. Alcohol users can simply enjoy the taste--there's nothing like an icy cold beer after you've mowed the lawn on a hot day--but most alcohol users do not drink to get high; in fact most consider getting high on alcohol to be alcohol abuse.

The critical thing is that marijuana is unique among most such substances used recreationally in that it does remain in the body in a detectable way for up to 30 days. So there is no way to know in a quick evaluation whether a person is impaired via marijuana. And that is why it should not be legal in any quantity for people engaged in activities that can endanger others and employers are quite correct in demanding a zero tolerance policy for it.

The Supreme Court got it right.

Foxy the fact remains that we live in an inebriated society and good or bad should not be making criminals of one over the other, it's not going to end, there is no magic answer, and ADULTS should be able to pick their poisons without fear of encarceration or material loss to over blown gubment agencies!!!:rolleyes: :eusa_whistle:

Foxy the fact remains that we live in an inebriated society and good or bad should not be making criminals of one over the other, it's not going to end, there is no magic answer, and ADULTS should be able to pick their poisons without fear of encarceration or material loss to over blown gubment agencies!!!:rolleyes: :eusa_whistle:


Exactly. Did you know that the penalty for possession of an ounce or two of marijuana is stiffer than the penalty if you are drinking and driving?
I'm not for legalizing chemical substances however................:eusa_doh: :eusa_whistle:

I am. Make them cheap enough for people working at McDonalds to be able to afford them. Because if you are working at McDonalds, you need them.

Take the money away from drug lords and gangsters, tax the shit out of them and pay off this deficit.

Legalizing and taxing pot would be more than enough to pay of the deficit, just from the State of CA alone.
Pot is not a dangerous drug.

Just related to truck drivers alone:

While many drivers believe that drugged driving is safer than drunk driving, in reality, marijuana can affect concentration, perception and reaction time up to 24 hours after it’s smoked says the federal director of drug policies, John Walters. That’s much, much longer than alcohol can affect behavior.

In a 1990 report, the National Transportation Safety Board studied 182 fatal truck accidents. It found that 12.5% of the accidents were caused by drivers using marijuana.

A New England Journal of Medicine report on drivers without alcohol in their systems who were stopped by police for reckless driving found that 45% had marijuana and 25% had cocaine in their systems.

Marijuana is not safe for truck drivers or those who share the road with them.

The statistics simply won't support an argument based on 'marijuana is not a dangerous drug'.
I am. Make them cheap enough for people working at McDonalds to be able to afford them. Because if you are working at McDonalds, you need them.

Take the money away from drug lords and gangsters, tax the shit out of them and pay off this deficit.

Legalizing and taxing pot would be more than enough to pay of the deficit, just from the State of CA alone.

Nope can't go there, yes it would make them cheaper, but they are uncontrollable by quality, quantity and batch....................there is no maintainable standard..........................our gubment is at fault for all of this in my view, because the countries that produce most of this crap are subsidized for doing so...................but there are no controls............and that makes it incideous and harmful by nature !:rolleyes:
The statistics simply won't support an argument based on 'marijuana is not a dangerous drug'.

Foxy I think we all agree that this crap should not be utilized on the job...........none of it................!:eusa_whistle:
The statistics simply won't support an argument based on 'marijuana is not a dangerous drug'.

Truck drivers who drive 12 hours straight? Marijuana is a sedative. Truck drivers prefer drugs that keep them awake. Your argument is flawed because most marijuana users are not professional truck drivers.

Besides, most jobs are not dangerous if someone is smoking pot while on the clock. And recreational use? Pot is not a dangerous drug.
Nope can't go there, yes it would make them cheaper, but they are uncontrollable by quality, quantity and batch....................there is no maintainable standard..........................our gubment is at fault for all of this in my view, because the countries that produce most of this crap are subsidized for doing so...................but there are no controls............and that makes it incideous and harmful by nature !:rolleyes:

But they can maintain drugs like aspirin and cold medicine? How about prescription narcotics? This is do-able.

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