Calif Ranks as Poorest State, Worst for Income Inequality

California Ranks as Poorest State, One of the Worst for Income Inequality.

“Want a liberal utopia? This is what it looks like.”

It’s basically a few Feudal Lords living in their castles with the peasants serving the nobility.

California was once the land of opportunity. It is now rusting away into obscurity. U-Haul rental is 3x the cost leaving as it is for going in. In fact in many causes U-Haul will pay you to drive a truck into California.

And don’t tell me but California is the 7th largest economy. All that’s left are the internet companies bringing in the income. Making the Feudal Lords richer and giving the serfs crumbs. And one day soon those dot coms will disappear.

The Left destroy everything they touch.
California is addressing that issue by raising the minimum wage; it is a simple cost of living adjustment so Labor can better afford to live and work here and not there.

California is raising the minimum wage, after California raised taxes :eusa_think: oh wait. :eusa_eh:
California is addressing that issue by raising the minimum wage; it is a simple cost of living adjustment so Labor can better afford to live and work here and not there.

Ya ignorant fuck.
15 bucks an hour wont do shit for the cost of living in that hell hole!
Yes, it will. Higher paid labor pays more in local taxes to help fund local government.

So just how much is tent rental and the associated taxes in mexifornia these days?
not enough; you read the study. it is the economic reason for a higher minimum wage.

Ya really gonna bring that shit up?
Higher paid labor pay more in Taxes and create more in Demand.
California Ranks as Poorest State, One of the Worst for Income Inequality.

“Want a liberal utopia? This is what it looks like.”

It’s basically a few Feudal Lords living in their castles with the peasants serving the nobility.

California was once the land of opportunity. It is now rusting away into obscurity. U-Haul rental is 3x the cost leaving as it is for going in. In fact in many causes U-Haul will pay you to drive a truck into California.

And don’t tell me but California is the 7th largest economy. All that’s left are the internet companies bringing in the income. Making the Feudal Lords richer and giving the serfs crumbs. And one day soon those dot coms will disappear.

The Left destroy everything they touch.
California is addressing that issue by raising the minimum wage; it is a simple cost of living adjustment so Labor can better afford to live and work here and not there.

California is raising the minimum wage, after California raised taxes :eusa_think: oh wait. :eusa_eh:
the right wing still wants to lower taxes and abolish the minimum wage.
California Ranks as Poorest State, One of the Worst for Income Inequality.

“Want a liberal utopia? This is what it looks like.”

It’s basically a few Feudal Lords living in their castles with the peasants serving the nobility.

California was once the land of opportunity. It is now rusting away into obscurity. U-Haul rental is 3x the cost leaving as it is for going in. In fact in many causes U-Haul will pay you to drive a truck into California.

And don’t tell me but California is the 7th largest economy. All that’s left are the internet companies bringing in the income. Making the Feudal Lords richer and giving the serfs crumbs. And one day soon those dot coms will disappear.

The Left destroy everything they touch.
Crazy Cali Is home to a whole bunch of fuck ups...
California Ranks as Poorest State, One of the Worst for Income Inequality.

“Want a liberal utopia? This is what it looks like.”

It’s basically a few Feudal Lords living in their castles with the peasants serving the nobility.

California was once the land of opportunity. It is now rusting away into obscurity. U-Haul rental is 3x the cost leaving as it is for going in. In fact in many causes U-Haul will pay you to drive a truck into California.

And don’t tell me but California is the 7th largest economy. All that’s left are the internet companies bringing in the income. Making the Feudal Lords richer and giving the serfs crumbs. And one day soon those dot coms will disappear.

The Left destroy everything they touch.
California is addressing that issue by raising the minimum wage; it is a simple cost of living adjustment so Labor can better afford to live and work here and not there.

California is raising the minimum wage, after California raised taxes :eusa_think: oh wait. :eusa_eh:
the right wing still wants to lower taxes and abolish the minimum wage.

The right wing wants to abolish liberalism :muahaha:
California Ranks as Poorest State, One of the Worst for Income Inequality.

“Want a liberal utopia? This is what it looks like.”

It’s basically a few Feudal Lords living in their castles with the peasants serving the nobility.

California was once the land of opportunity. It is now rusting away into obscurity. U-Haul rental is 3x the cost leaving as it is for going in. In fact in many causes U-Haul will pay you to drive a truck into California.

And don’t tell me but California is the 7th largest economy. All that’s left are the internet companies bringing in the income. Making the Feudal Lords richer and giving the serfs crumbs. And one day soon those dot coms will disappear.

The Left destroy everything they touch.
California is addressing that issue by raising the minimum wage; it is a simple cost of living adjustment so Labor can better afford to live and work here and not there.

California is raising the minimum wage, after California raised taxes :eusa_think: oh wait. :eusa_eh:
the right wing still wants to lower taxes and abolish the minimum wage.

The right wing wants to abolish liberalism :muahaha:
we have the federal doctrine; what could go wrong?
Cali is a cesspool ran by pond scum liberals, hope it cracks off and sinks in the ocean
California Ranks as Poorest State, One of the Worst for Income Inequality.

“Want a liberal utopia? This is what it looks like.”

It’s basically a few Feudal Lords living in their castles with the peasants serving the nobility.

California was once the land of opportunity. It is now rusting away into obscurity. U-Haul rental is 3x the cost leaving as it is for going in. In fact in many causes U-Haul will pay you to drive a truck into California.

And don’t tell me but California is the 7th largest economy. All that’s left are the internet companies bringing in the income. Making the Feudal Lords richer and giving the serfs crumbs. And one day soon those dot coms will disappear.

The Left destroy everything they touch.

Here's where your argument goes to shit and proves that it's Republican policies that aren't working.

California has the largest most successful economy in the United States and as such, should be a model of how the US would look if every state were this successful. But the problem isn't the liberal state government, it's the Republican tax code and economic policies which have lead to stagnant wages for working and middle class Americans.

The income inequity and rising poverty levels it engenders, are not created by States' policies, but by the Federal Tax Code. Earned income credits are syphoning tax dollars away to the middle class to the benefit of the wealthy and corporations who are paying lower wages as a result of this program. More money flows to the top 10% because they aren't paying their employees enough to meet basic living expenses in today's economy. The wages of the working poor are being subsidized by tax dollars. Wages for workers, as a percentage of corporate income, are at their lowest levels since the Guilded Age.

Income inequity isn't just a problem in California. It's a problem across the country. And let's be clear, no one is saying that front line workers should be paid the same as corporate executives, but if management gets a raise in pay, so should the workers. Over the past 35 years, management and executive salaries have increased by 270%, while front line workers have watched the buying power of their income erode. In effect, reducing their wages while those above them take all of their work and efforts and live well.
California academia can provide business plans and technology plans. Best plan could win a capital improvement to their campus.

Let's keep the Golden State golden!

Gold is a commodity; we should understand capitalism to make better Use of it.
California Ranks as Poorest State, One of the Worst for Income Inequality.

“Want a liberal utopia? This is what it looks like.”

It’s basically a few Feudal Lords living in their castles with the peasants serving the nobility.

California was once the land of opportunity. It is now rusting away into obscurity. U-Haul rental is 3x the cost leaving as it is for going in. In fact in many causes U-Haul will pay you to drive a truck into California.

And don’t tell me but California is the 7th largest economy. All that’s left are the internet companies bringing in the income. Making the Feudal Lords richer and giving the serfs crumbs. And one day soon those dot coms will disappear.

The Left destroy everything they touch.

Here's where your argument goes to shit and proves that it's Republican policies that aren't working.

California has the largest most successful economy in the United States and as such, should be a model of how the US would look if every state were this successful. But the problem isn't the liberal state government, it's the Republican tax code and economic policies which have lead to stagnant wages for working and middle class Americans.

The income inequity and rising poverty levels it engenders, are not created by States' policies, but by the Federal Tax Code. Earned income credits are syphoning tax dollars away to the middle class to the benefit of the wealthy and corporations who are paying lower wages as a result of this program. More money flows to the top 10% because they aren't paying their employees enough to meet basic living expenses in today's economy. The wages of the working poor are being subsidized by tax dollars. Wages for workers, as a percentage of corporate income, are at their lowest levels since the Guilded Age.

Income inequity isn't just a problem in California. It's a problem across the country. And let's be clear, no one is saying that front line workers should be paid the same as corporate executives, but if management gets a raise in pay, so should the workers. Over the past 35 years, management and executive salaries have increased by 270%, while front line workers have watched the buying power of their income erode. In effect, reducing their wages while those above them take all of their work and efforts and live well.

Should be a model of how the US would look if every state were this successful?
WTF, not every state wants to have the highest rate of homelessness or highest rate of welfare recipients...dumbass.

So according to your chart Wyoming has roughly 700 people homeless compared to 5,000,000 people homeless in California..


I went through Wyoming last year & there were way more cattle than people. All the cattle I saw were homeless. 100,000 Cows Freeze to Death in Snowstorm. The people houses were shacks with a wood stove.

Trump spending tax payer money in DC giving it to wealthy oligarchs, driving up house prices sending poor workers to live the streets.
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California is a shit hole and has been at least since the early 1990's. That is when the mass exodus began. Arizona, Nevada, Utah, Idaho Oregon and Washington have been swamped with refugees from California for 25 years or more. The void is filled with illegals. The only people who stay are the super wealthy or the very poor.

California sucks.

So according to your chart Wyoming has roughly 700 people homeless compared to 5,000,000 people homeless in California..


I went through Wyoming last year & there were way more cattle than people. All the cattle I saw were homeless. Many cattle died in snow storm. The people houses were shacks with a wood stove.

Pun intended.....bullshit....but even what you describe is better than large parts of California.
California is a shit hole and has been at least since the early 1990's. That is when the mass exodus began. Arizona, Nevada, Utah, Idaho Oregon and Washington have been swamped with refugees from California for 25 years or more. The void is filled with illegals. The only people who stay are the super wealthy or the very poor.

California sucks.
a higher minimum wage should attract more qualified labor from more developed economies; if only, we had a more market friendly visa system that generates revenue, to help out.

So according to your chart Wyoming has roughly 700 people homeless compared to 5,000,000 people homeless in California..


I went through Wyoming last year & there were way more cattle than people. All the cattle I saw were homeless. Many cattle died in snow storm. The people houses were shacks with a wood stove.

Pun intended.....bullshit....but even what you describe is better than large parts of California.
100,000 Cows Freeze to Death in Snowstorm.

Mississippi is still the poorest state, and TX is about even with CA. You just pick on Ca because Trump does. Whatever Trump does you say. Florida has a poop map and TX has just as many homeless.

Ca has 10 million more people.
How about cutting off the illegals and using the money to help Americans who need it.

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Illegals in Texas and Florida you mean. they have as many illegals as CA. By the way do you really think a picture is going to help.

Take Mississippi, how many illegals live there??

You have a link? I am reading California has about 2.9 million, Texas has 1.9 million, Florida is at 760 thousand, so again, what I find doesn’t match your numbers.

Mississippi is still the poorest state, and TX is about even with CA. You just pick on Ca because Trump does. Whatever Trump does you say. Florida has a poop map and TX has just as many homeless.

Ca has 10 million more people.

First, your claim that we are dumping on California because of Trump.... is bonkers. If you are lying in an attempt to fool us, this is the worst attempt I've ever seen. If you are fooling yourself into believing what you are posting here, then may I strongly suggest you seek a mental health professional.

We've been dumping on California for decades. Only California put in place policies that resulted in rolling black outs across the entire state, and then blame a company outside the state, which had nothing to do with it.

Only California had the police pull back from a riot zone, instead of stopping the rioters, allowing chaos and violence across the city, for 6 full days.

Only California sent a delegation to the Federal government, asking them to guarantee California's debt, because the entire state was on the verge of bankruptcy.

And whining that Mississippi is poorer, is actually our whole point. If Mississippi said they needed a bailout because they were on the verge of bankruptcy, we would all say "Well yeah... they are pretty poor".

But California, with all its business and billionaires, and they are on the verge of bankruptcy?
California has a people living in tents across the entire state? California has a viral outbreaks?

What excuse do you want to make for that? $2.5 Trillion dollars of the GDP for this nation, comes from California, and yet they have $1.3 Trillion in direct debt, and owe $1 Trillion in public employee pensions.

How do you explain that?

And lastly, when you say people are poorer, are you accounting for the fact that the cost of living is lower?

Had a guy I worked with years ago, retire. He moved to Tennessee and lived like a King. No income tax, low housing prices, cheap everything.

You can go to Mississippi, and find a luxury home, for starter home prices. Just on a whim, I looked up large homes in Mississippi, and found a 4,000 sqft home, 6 bedrooms, 5 baths, 2 car garage, red brick, sitting on 4 acres. Cost? $150K. That would be a starter home here in Columbus Ohio.

That would be an outhouse in California. Just for giggles, I punched in $150K house California. I found this 2 Bed 1 bath, 800 sq ft.

This is what we mean by California is poor. Yeah, if you look at just the numbers, incomes in California are much higher. Absolutely true.

But when you compare the cost of living.... $150K in Mississippi gets you a luxury home, and $150 in California gets you a dump.... They are poor. They are not living wealthy lives, with all their wealth.

I've said this story before. Growing up in my parents church, there were a couple of Asian girls there. One became an architect. She moved to California, with her 4-year degree in architecture. Two years later, she returned to Ohio, and said it was absolute hell in California. She lived in a tiny 3 bedroom rental, with 6 people, 2 per room. Despite splitting the rent 6 ways, she worked her ass off at a job, just to come home, and have little money to do anything else, because just going out to eat was $50 a pop.

And that was years ago. Things are much worse now.

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