California Bill Aims To Curb Kids’ Soda Drinking At Restaurants

Do liberals sexually get off on constantly banning ordinary things? Why am I asking, of course they do!
It gives them a feeling of control.

They are the biggest control-freaks I've ever seen in this country. Their own censorship epidemic proves that. These filthy liberal cocksuckers only want to vengefully hurt fellow Americans for rejecting their ideas, which is why they come across as such butthurt, stalker ex-lovers.
My parents used to order Shirley Temples for me. Yummy! And I felt really cool as a kid in a restaurant. They were awesome parents.

30 odd years ago my girlfriend was refused a glass of wine in a Fort Lauderdale hotel because she was 19. I thought it was hilarious but she didnt.
Americas nanny state is nothing new.

Yes, our alcohol laws here are retarded as well.

In many ways, the United States is ahead of the world. In many ways, we are behind.
It was my fault, I should have checked before we booked. It did seem bizarre that she could travel with and sleep with me but couldnt drink with me. Our Florida hell only lasted a week before we moved on to Jamaica.

I think a law like the one you are referring to puts too much onus on the restaurant but a way is needed to save these kids.
you cant make people do the right thing. It's an issue of freedom, if people want to drink a coke, nothing you can do. Alcohol causes people to change when under it's influence it's heavily regulated, soda at worst makes you it's not and it shouldn't be..

As for obesity, it's up to the parents and their kids to do that. One way we used to control it was through social pressure (ie name calling) but some people think it's mean, so now there's not much we can do.
The parents are failing in there job though.
Sugar tax would 'cut childhood obesity'
The Uk has just brought in a soft drink tax on high sugar drinks making them 25% more expensive than low sugar. You still have a choice but it will cost you. The theory is that the tax raised will fund the care needed for diabetics and the obese.

I dont see that as unfair, its the same principle as a tax on fags and booze.

Yes, you love taxing the living shit on everything. To pay for the dole-bludging lifestyle of your muslim violence-vermin and your native violence-vermin I've seen on the UK's Jeremy Kyle show --- Britain's loathsome, tracksuit-wearing, rodent-featured, gibberish-speaking "chav" brother-sister inbreds who look as though they have a lot of soccer riots and jail time in the future. You NEED massive taxes on everything to pay for the pampering of the scum of your society.
California, once again, leading the nation on the nanny state stupidity. Only the all knowing, omnipotent government is qualified to decide what your child is allowed to drink when you dine out at the private establishment of your choice. Parents are obviously too stupid to make these decisions.

Milk Or Water: California Bill Aims To Curb Kids' Soda Drinking At Restaurants

The funny thing is when the left wingers tell us that they don't care what we do in the bedroom. Any group this uptight about sugary drinks, butter on theater popcorn, what kind of toilet you have, and sex on college campuses, is not going to leave anyone alone at any level...
Our kids look at soda like it is poison or a drink for foolish people. Of course, they like vegetables for breakfast sometimes also, so they are a bit weird I guess.
So mind your own fucking aristocrat business
Do liberals sexually get off on constantly banning ordinary things? Why am I asking, of course they do!
It gives them a feeling of control.

They are the biggest control-freaks I've ever seen in this country. Their own censorship epidemic proves that. These filthy liberal cocksuckers only want to vengefully hurt fellow Americans for rejecting their ideas, which is why they come across as such butthurt, stalker ex-lovers.

You are not a true liberal unless you are making somebody else's life just as miserable as yours.

If a liberal sees a family at McDonald's with the kids enjoying their Happy Meals, the liberal petitions his legislatures to stop McDonald's from serving Happy Meals and make the children sad.

If a liberal sees a man in the park smoking a cigarette minding his own business, a liberal will petition his legislatures to stop people from smoking in the park, and make their lives less happy.

If a liberal sees somebody worth a lot of money, the liberal will petition his legislatures to take away much of his money thus taking his happiness away from him.

If a liberal knows of a person happy and secure because he has a firearm, the liberal will petition his legislatures to take away that mans gun thus making him less happy.

Liberals are nothing more than control freaks. These libs in CA give us plenty of reason to make sure people like this are never in charge of the nation.
30 odd years ago my girlfriend was refused a glass of wine in a Fort Lauderdale hotel because she was 19. I thought it was hilarious but she didnt.
Americas nanny state is nothing new.

Yes, our alcohol laws here are retarded as well.

In many ways, the United States is ahead of the world. In many ways, we are behind.
It was my fault, I should have checked before we booked. It did seem bizarre that she could travel with and sleep with me but couldnt drink with me. Our Florida hell only lasted a week before we moved on to Jamaica.

I think a law like the one you are referring to puts too much onus on the restaurant but a way is needed to save these kids.
you cant make people do the right thing. It's an issue of freedom, if people want to drink a coke, nothing you can do. Alcohol causes people to change when under it's influence it's heavily regulated, soda at worst makes you it's not and it shouldn't be..

As for obesity, it's up to the parents and their kids to do that. One way we used to control it was through social pressure (ie name calling) but some people think it's mean, so now there's not much we can do.
The parents are failing in there job though.
Sugar tax would 'cut childhood obesity'
The Uk has just brought in a soft drink tax on high sugar drinks making them 25% more expensive than low sugar. You still have a choice but it will cost you. The theory is that the tax raised will fund the care needed for diabetics and the obese.

I dont see that as unfair, its the same principle as a tax on fags and booze.

Well if that's the kind of government you want, then move to the UK. Here, our government was never setup as a cradle-to-grave entity. The thing is that there are plenty of countries out there that already have what liberals want, it's just that they don't have the guts to move to one of these places. There is North Korea, Cuba, Venezuela, places where there is government everything, nobody has more money than the next person because government has all the money, no guns except for government. A place where everybody is equal; equally poor.
Fine..... then they should have no problem with welfare recipients not buying soda as well. California feels this strong about it then they should start with what they already control.... welfare dollars ( hint: they don’t care about soda consumption. They care more about what they don’t control. As for welfare, they already control the people using it.
30 odd years ago my girlfriend was refused a glass of wine in a Fort Lauderdale hotel because she was 19. I thought it was hilarious but she didnt.
Americas nanny state is nothing new.

Yes, our alcohol laws here are retarded as well.

In many ways, the United States is ahead of the world. In many ways, we are behind.
It was my fault, I should have checked before we booked. It did seem bizarre that she could travel with and sleep with me but couldnt drink with me. Our Florida hell only lasted a week before we moved on to Jamaica.

I think a law like the one you are referring to puts too much onus on the restaurant but a way is needed to save these kids.
you cant make people do the right thing. It's an issue of freedom, if people want to drink a coke, nothing you can do. Alcohol causes people to change when under it's influence it's heavily regulated, soda at worst makes you it's not and it shouldn't be..

As for obesity, it's up to the parents and their kids to do that. One way we used to control it was through social pressure (ie name calling) but some people think it's mean, so now there's not much we can do.

As if this was something new.

As a child in the 60's and 70's, we drank all kinds of sodas. Usually mom would make Kool-Aid where she'd dump a huge scoop of sugar in with the packet and make a quart of the popular drink.

Why was obesity never a problem back then? Well, because we were much more physically active back then.

So now the mentality is to cut down on sugary drinks instead of getting exercise. Drink water so you don't gain weight while watching Netflix, texting, video games, face chats. The kids will still be unhealthy because of no exercise, but it makes us feel all warm inside that we did something.
30 odd years ago my girlfriend was refused a glass of wine in a Fort Lauderdale hotel because she was 19. I thought it was hilarious but she didnt.
Americas nanny state is nothing new.

The problem in our country is that insurance companies have too much power. That's why we have laws like 21 year drinking age. That's why we have a forced .08 breathalyzer maximum. That's why we are forced to wear seatbelt beyond our desire. That's why many employers drug test their employees and new hires.
Will they jail servers who bring drinks to the table? Will there be a sentencing enhancement if a straw is also provided?

That begs the question: what if Dad orders a pop for himself, and gives it to his daughter because the waitress couldn't? Will he be fined? Charged with a crime? Serve jail time? Led out of the restaurant in handcuffs?
Obama and the democrats decided to tell the American people what type of Health insurance they had to buy.

So now the liberal socialists in Ca want to start telling people how much soda they can less choice Americans get to make for themselves.

When do we start becoming alarmed?

Let's say liberals start outlawing people wearing their pants down low, hanging off their ass...let's say liberals decide fat people should be barred from buying cookies and candy...'for their own good' less choice Americans get to make for themselves.

If some liberals could have their way they would shut down Conservative talk radio, would shut down Fox News, would ban Conservatives from exercising their Constitutional Rights to peacefully assemble and of Sppech...

You can try to deny it, but the evidence of it being true is seen almost daily now in the growing violent intolerance of the Left.

Violence is the last resort of the intolerant who can not win a war of intellectual discussion, of facts, of truth...of free speech and free choice.

Liberals seek the power to CONTROL, to rule, to dictate to. Obama and Brennan, for example, rejected the Constitution, violated American's Constitutions Rights, & rejected the Rule Of Law when they illegally spied on Americans, reporters, the media, U.S. Senators, & even USSC Justices...

In their obsession for more power they elevate themselves above the law, violate the law, to do and accomplish whatever they want...
Obama and the democrats decided to tell the American people what type of Health insurance they had to buy.

So now the liberal socialists in Ca want to start telling people how much soda they can less choice Americans get to make for themselves.

When do we start becoming alarmed?

Let's say liberals start outlawing people wearing their pants down low, hanging off their ass...let's say liberals decide fat people should be barred from buying cookies and candy...'for their own good' less choice Americans get to make for themselves.

If some liberals could have their way they would shut down Conservative talk radio, would shut down Fox News, would ban Conservatives from exercising their Constitutional Rights to peacefully assemble and of Sppech...

You can try to deny it, but the evidence of it being true is seen almost daily now in the growing violent intolerance of the Left.

Violence is the last resort of the intolerant who can not win a war of intellectual discussion, of facts, of truth...of free speech and free choice.

Liberals seek the power to CONTROL, to rule, to dictate to. Obama and Brennan, for example, rejected the Constitution, violated American's Constitutions Rights, & rejected the Rule Of Law when they illegally spied on Americans, reporters, the media, U.S. Senators, & even USSC Justices...

In their obsession for more power they elevate themselves above the law, violate the law, to do and accomplish whatever they want...

I find this story a perfect opportunity for Trump and the Republicans. Trump will go out and campaign for his party. He should look America right in the eye and ask "Is this the type of government you want to see run your entire country?"

If that doesn't make voters think, nothing will.

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