California Considering Giving Reparations To Blacks


Diamond Member
Mar 3, 2013
Because all zero of the slaves that lived in California will appreciate it.

Glad they got the extra money and have no problems with traffic, water supply, mismanagement of forests, trains to nowhere, balanced budget, electricity.....

Because all zero of the slaves that lived in California will appreciate it.

Glad they got the extra money and have no problems with traffic, water supply, mismanagement of forests, trains to nowhere, balanced budget, electricity.....

Well it is all slowly burning away. Once the fire is done with them all their problems will be over.
Meanwhile my area is overwhelmed with former Calfornians, as are many areas. Say PROGS, why was my State a much better place to live red? How come so many people are leaving the State you guys declare is your flagship?
Because all zero of the slaves that lived in California will appreciate it.

Glad they got the extra money and have no problems with traffic, water supply, mismanagement of forests, trains to nowhere, balanced budget, electricity.....

They'll be looking for a check from Trump
Because all zero of the slaves that lived in California will appreciate it.

Glad they got the extra money and have no problems with traffic, water supply, mismanagement of forests, trains to nowhere, balanced budget, electricity.....

Wonder how Trump will get blamed for this?
So how much skin pigmentation will be required? We’ve already seen several white leftists claim to be black.

A male with a penis must be referred to as a she if he says he’s female. Why not with race?

What happens to the white indentured servants?

What of those who’s ancestors immigrated here after 1864? Should I buy stock in Ancestory dot com because everyone will have to prove a family tree with a slave in it? How does that work, birth and death records was rare for slave owners, extremely rare for slaves.
Because all zero of the slaves that lived in California will appreciate it.

Glad they got the extra money and have no problems with traffic, water supply, mismanagement of forests, trains to nowhere, balanced budget, electricity.....

The slaves in California past would have been Mexican or Chinese and not black and I bet Newsom will not consider them in this investigation nor the Native Population that were killed for their land...

Also this will not go over well with the Hispanic \ Latino communities in Kalifornia...
As a Californian, I am not astonished at anything our public "servants" do.

After all, San Francisco is planning to pay women of a certain ethnicity to have babies!

And here in Los Angeles, the new treatment toward certain young gentlemen who rob, sucker punch, loot, and murder is "Care first, jail last."

So that California wants to give reparations (of some sort) to certain folks is a given.

Apparently, not enough reparations (especially in the form of affirmative action) have been awarded since the 1960s.

(Dang! At least a few folks feel they now even have the right to enter a restaurant, grab your food, and eat it!)
Their great, great, great, grandmammy and grandpappy were slaves. So it makes perfect sense to give blacks living today money for their suffering. ... :cuckoo:

None of the rest of our ancestors were ever slaves or were screwed by anyone. Too bad. Maybe we could have gotten some free government cheese too
Because all zero of the slaves that lived in California will appreciate it.

Glad they got the extra money and have no problems with traffic, water supply, mismanagement of forests, trains to nowhere, balanced budget, electricity.....

Gavin Newsom's reparations committee will recommend handing out $223,200 per person to all descendants of slaves in California for 'housing discrimination' at a cost of $559BN - in nation's biggest restitution effort ever​

  • A task force was set up in California to make proposals for slavery reparations
  • Descendants of slaves in California could receive $223,200 each, it speculated
  • That would total $569billion - more than the entire state expenditure in 2021
  • Nearly 6.5% of California residents - 2.5M - identify as Black or African American
  • A focus of the task force has involved reimbursing for 'housing discrimination'
  • The task force was formed due to a bill signed by Gov. Gavin Newsom in 2020
That is more than California's $512.8billion expenditure in 2021 - which included funding for schools, hospitals, universities, highways, policing and corrections.

However, discussions are still underway, and the panel is continuing to consider how payments should be made - some suggested tuition and housing grants while others proposed cash.

The task force has also identified four other causes for reparations: Mass incarceration, unjust property seizures, devaluation of Black businesses and health care.

It has until June 2023 to submit its final recommendations to the Legislature.

Their estimations came after the task force hosted meetings across the state to meet with members of Black communities to better understand the economic impact of slavery.

Proposed reparations in California's draft proposal​

  • Estimate the amount black businesses have lost in stolen or destroyed property through 'racial terror' and distribute it back to black Californians
  • Adopt mandatory curriculum for all teachers to take anti-bias training
  • Recruit black educators for K-12 schools
  • Provide scholarships to black high school graduates to cover four years of undergraduate at a choice school
  • Compensate individuals who were forcibly removed from their homes due to state action, such as park and highway constructions
  • Create funding to invest in environmental infrastructure
  • Create equal access to parks and national resources in black neighborhoods
  • Compensate families who were denied inheritances they would have received if they were white
  • Compensate those who have been discriminated and deprived of rightful profits from artistic, creative, athletics, and intellectual endeavors
  • Raise the minimum wage in predominantly black industries, such as food and agricultural
  • Require scaling up the minimum wage for experienced workers
  • Create a fund to support black-owned businesses and eliminate licensure barriers that harm black workers
  • Compensate people whose health has been permanently damaged by anti-black healthcare
  • Implement policy to close the racial wealth gap in California
  • Implement a clear and detailed program to help African Americans obtain reparations
  • Establish an Office of African Americans/Freedmen Affairs to help document eligibility and prevent future harm
Source: California Attorney General Office

"The way to stop discrimination on the basis of race is to stop discriminating on the basis of race.” - US Supreme Court Justice Roberts
Reparations is people that never owned slaves.
Paying money to people that never were slaves. ... :cuckoo:
Because all zero of the slaves that lived in California will appreciate it.

Glad they got the extra money and have no problems with traffic, water supply, mismanagement of forests, trains to nowhere, balanced budget, electricity.....

Or we can use that money to send the blacks to another country where they "aren't oppressed by a white supremacist society" anymore and everyone is happy. They get away from racism and our country is without a source for racism. Everyone wins.

Or we can pay reparations to blacks still alive that actually were slaves. Find one and I'd be ok with that.

But what about blacks like this guy? William Ellison was a black man that owned and bred slaves and had incredibly harsh tactics for his slaves?

What about mentioning white slaves like in Barbary where blacks had more white slaves than all the black slaves in America?

Why no mention of the blacks in Africa that bred, captured and broke other blacks to sell to other countries?

Fuck reparations. They don't deserve anything for something they didn't live through.

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