California cop caught on video kicking teen shoplifter in the face slapped with charges


Diamond Member
Jul 14, 2013

good lord. protesting the criminal again. dont steal from mexicans store. if he had him under control then you dont kick him. the kid was figtning him,. when did he get kicked in the video?

good lord. protesting the criminal again. dont steal from mexicans store. if he had him under control then you dont kick him. the kid was figtning him,. when did he get kicked in the video?
It's commiefornia so expect it to go political.

good lord. protesting the criminal again. dont steal from mexicans store. if he had him under control then you dont kick him. the kid was figtning him,. when did he get kicked in the video?

good lord. protesting the criminal again. dont steal from mexicans store. if he had him under control then you dont kick him. the kid was figtning him,. when did he get kicked in the video?
Did you even watch the video of you did you could not have missed the kick.

So are you lying about not seeing the kick or are you admitting you didn’t watch the video you posted. Either way you show everyone one again what a fucking piece of shit person you are. Good Job
Did you even watch the video of you did you could not have missed the kick.

So are you lying about not seeing the kick or are you admitting you didn’t watch the video you posted. Either way you show everyone one again what a fucking piece of shit person you are. Good Job
More criminals need to get kicked in the face. Struggle and you get fucked up. That should be the rule.
More criminals need to get kicked in the face. Struggle and you get fucked up. That should be the rule.
The Stasi agrees with you. Hell
Let’s just do away with the courts and allow the cops to execute anyone they want. It’s worked out so well in the past

good lord. protesting the criminal again. dont steal from mexicans store. if he had him under control then you dont kick him. the kid was figtning him,. when did he get kicked in the video?
I just cant feel sorry for the stupid fuck who tried to abscond with items that he didnt have a right to. There is a saying "Do something stupid, bad things can happen to you".
Or the cop could have just done his job without the excessive force. He is supposedly a trained professional not a vigilante street thug.
Or the parents of the dumbass teen could of raised a kid that knew what the law was, not some lowbrow moron(Like Dumungus here) who thinks he is entitled to other people's property.

Why do you love criminals so much?
Or the parents of the dumbass teen could of raised a kid that knew what the law was, not some lowbrow moron(Like Dumungus here) who thinks he is entitled to other people's property.

Why do you love criminals so much?
Why are you such a lying prick? The cops were poorly trained and should be fired for his actions.
Blacks and Latinos blatantly run through California retailers flash mobbing stealing items off the shelf and nothing happens.

A white teen acting alone stealing gets a swat team on his face. No wonder it was quiet on the media.
When a suspect is under control, the cops shouldn’t use any more force on them.

If not under control, depending on how bad they are acting, it is not reasonable to condemn all such use of violence.

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