California Declares Power Grid Emergency – Says Usage Is At 5-Year High And Grid May Collapse

ONCE AGAIN, Progressive ideology meets the brick road of reality. They've had DECADES to improve and prepare their electric grid, but instead, they let environmentalists block the construction of everything Californians need from nuclear power plants to desalination facilities.

But they have all the time and room to bus in more unskilled, unvetted illegals from Nicaragua.

Probably why residents are moving to Texas....where the tards will vote for the same shit they fled
The infrastructure has huge issues. And ex vice president Brandon seems more concerned with chasing ghosts (Trump & MAGA whatever) instead of ACTUALLY fixing REAL problems.
It's hotter than shit from Mexico to Canada and due East. Is that a problem?

The outages have begun

the comeuppance is coming
Leftists fck up everything
I don't know about that, but as leftists have no political power, and the article is about California, you're referring to liberals/Democrats.

Continually mistaking the left for liberals/Democrats will keep conservatives from ever gaining real traction, as the left, small as it is, could prove crucial allies in the fight against liberals/Democrats.
It's hotter than shit from Mexico to Canada and due East. Is that a problem?
The architects of fear are always around to collect their booty. Climate agenda is perfect for removing earnings from the peasant. As you know the earth wobbles on its axis. But it can deviate by a couple of degrees. that in itself affects weather. The sun affects weather. The earth itself has variables. Humans may affect it, but it is in a small way.
Uranium for Rubles scheme might be announced shortly by the Russian govt, if this decision has not been take yet it's just because a full export ban or partial (Only EU and NATO enemies) is being considered.
I was wondering, why does Russia still sells enriched uranium to the US, a country that, together with UK, organized a global effort to destroy Russia...
BTW, fun fact: if Russia seizes to supply the US with enriched uranium, there are no alternative sources to replace it.
I don't know about that, but as leftists have no political power, and the article is about California, you're referring to liberals/Democrats.

Continually mistaking the left for liberals/Democrats will keep conservatives from ever gaining real traction, as the left, small as it is, could prove crucial allies in the fight against liberals/Democrats.

I've been saying that forever.

Progs aren't liberals, they're an evil fucking aberration. Just like the Neo-Cons weren't conservatives. I called them out the instant they gained power, and got called nothing but an America-hating leftard for it.

You've known me on this board for months now, I'm anything BUT a leftie. To accuse "me" of being a leftie is the apex of ridiculousness.

On the other hand, I'm not a Trumper either, but I get called that every day on this board. Just because I dare to call out the lying progtards for what they are: retarded little scumbags who couldn't tie their own shoes without my help.
View attachment 692255
California declared a power grid emergency Monday as a blistering and sustained heat wave threatens to push the state’s electricity system beyond its limit.

With millions of homes and businesses cranking air conditioners to cope with temperatures above 110 degrees Fahrenheit (43.3 Celsius), electricity use in the largest US state is forecast to hit the highest level since 2017, raising the specter of blackouts.

I’m so old I remember when electricity was not a prized possession in California.

Well at least they won't have a changing climate
View attachment 692255
California declared a power grid emergency Monday as a blistering and sustained heat wave threatens to push the state’s electricity system beyond its limit.

With millions of homes and businesses cranking air conditioners to cope with temperatures above 110 degrees Fahrenheit (43.3 Celsius), electricity use in the largest US state is forecast to hit the highest level since 2017, raising the specter of blackouts.

I’m so old I remember when electricity was not a prized possession in California.
Wait... I thought it was the Texas power grid that was in trouble.


Fucking losers.
Have to say, it really doesn't seem to be an especially well-run state, California. Their governor is really running for president? I'd say that would be inadvisable.
‘Vote for me! I’ll do the same to America I did to California!’
I've been saying that forever.

Progs aren't liberals, they're an evil fucking aberration. Just like the Neo-Cons weren't conservatives. I called them out the instant they gained power, and got called nothing but an America-hating leftard for it.

You've known me on this board for months now, I'm anything BUT a leftie. To accuse "me" of being a leftie is the apex of ridiculousness.

On the other hand, I'm not a Trumper either, but I get called that every day on this board. Just because I dare to call out the lying progtards for what they are: retarded little scumbags who couldn't tie their own shoes without my help.

And the confusion of left with liberal is deliberate, and it's done to raise liberals up, making them seem something they're not.

By pretending they care about the values of the left, liberals can feel good about themselves while (for instance) cheering on an insane proxy war in Ukraine, and voting for a demented rapist/career criminal in Biden.

None of it has anything to do with the left, but it's great cover for liberal dupes and psychopaths.

Liberals are not unlike pedophiles who seek jobs where they can SEEM like good people while preying on the most vulnerable.
Uranium for Rubles scheme might be announced shortly by the Russian govt, if this decision has not been take yet it's just because a full export ban or partial (Only EU and NATO enemies) is being considered.
I was wondering, why does Russia still sells enriched uranium to the US, a country that, together with UK, organized a global effort to destroy Russia...
BTW, fun fact: if Russia seizes to supply the US with enriched uranium, there are no alternative sources to replace it.
That's garbage propaganda.

BTW, an expert said today that it will take 20 additional full sized nuclear plants for Cali to be able to provide enough energy for 30 million EV's!!
Whatta scam.

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