California Democrat Wants to Impose State-Approved Fact Checking on Websites

No it doesn't say that.

Why write and pass a bill unless there will be authority to enforce it?

This is done all the time to encourage corporate responsibility... It is especially prevalent in IT where data is involved...

I actually know the law around data but I can tell you that a vast majority of IT professionals don't... This leads to cringe worthy moments...

This allows someone to stand up in a room in Facebook and say whats our policy if we are the avenue to undermine democracy in the USA.
Okay, encouragement is one thing. I'm all for corporate responsibility.

But why write and pass a bill if the state is not going to enforce it?

Cause there is a cyberwar on... Mac, you seem reasonable, why help the enemy...

Truth is Russia got away with it in 2016... And there seems next to nothing in place for 2018 and the have got better...

The other thing is North Korea, Iran, etc.... has seen the US weakness and know there is no blowback for exploiting America this way...

There has been a failure to instruct the Generals, they say they are trying to defend but the laws aren't up to date and they aren't allowed to play offence...
like 8 years of exploiting obama? hell he sent them billions in the night on a pallet or 2. that type of exploiting is still going on?

quit trying to paint things you don't like as something no one should. your just not that important in all this. none of us are. but all this bullshit of my side right, your side wrong, watch me make up shit to support it? gee, where did fake news come from again? us, then google, and now here to today. if we didn't need fake news so bad to support our emotional insecurities, we'd not have fake news now would we?
Gateway Pundit...

Again, the narrative as usual is bullshit... Where in the bill does it state 'State sanctioned fact checkers'....

Lets help, it doesn't but this OP figures that the army of Alt Right will fill this thread up with there usual back me up bullshit...

Truth is the casualty

What happens if the fact checker doesn't work the way the state wants it to work? Anyone can set up a web page and call themselves a fact checker. As usual, we have to look at the ultimate intent. Obviously, the state is going to see things published that it considers false and will ultimately have to approve the fact checkers involved. Sure, the bill doesn't say, "state approved fact checkers". It doesn't have to.

This is just a first step. They need to first get a law on the books that gives the state authority over published web content.

You are starting saying we would like have the intention to distribute lies.... The proposed law states that procedures are in place to identify and deal with the distribution of false information... I am pretty sure that other media organisations have to show this structure as well...

Let me explain something to you... When you post in Facebook (in the US) you don't own the information, Facebook does and it is them who are distribute it...

You can't knowingly in a Newspaper print lies:
In New York Times Co. v. Sullivan (1964), the Supreme Court ruled that when a publication involves a public figure, to support a suit for libel the plaintiff bears the burden of proving that the publisher acted with actual malice: knew of the inaccuracy of the statement or acted with reckless disregard of its truth.

So why is Facebook allowed to have a reckless disregard of its truth...

By the way I don't think Facebook has too much trouble with this...
facebook is not a news site as far as i know. if i shout out on facebook a bunch of bullshit, why are THEY responsible for what *I* say? the left has some insane need to punish people and hold people accountable for things that are a fact of life, or a freedom we all enjoy. if you don't like what someone says, block 'em. ignore 'em.

but now facebook is following the liberal lead in that they think they get to tell us what we can and can't say to the point where 2 black ladies are deemed "unsafe for the community" because they support trump.

why are they allowed to do that?
This is done all the time to encourage corporate responsibility... It is especially prevalent in IT where data is involved...

I actually know the law around data but I can tell you that a vast majority of IT professionals don't... This leads to cringe worthy moments...

This allows someone to stand up in a room in Facebook and say whats our policy if we are the avenue to undermine democracy in the USA.
Okay, encouragement is one thing. I'm all for corporate responsibility.

But why write and pass a bill if the state is not going to enforce it?

Cause there is a cyberwar on... Mac, you seem reasonable, why help the enemy...

Truth is Russia got away with it in 2016... And there seems next to nothing in place for 2018 and the have got better...

The other thing is North Korea, Iran, etc.... has seen the US weakness and know there is no blowback for exploiting America this way...

There has been a failure to instruct the Generals, they say they are trying to defend but the laws aren't up to date and they aren't allowed to play offence...
like 8 years of exploiting obama? hell he sent them billions in the night on a pallet or 2. that type of exploiting is still going on?

quit trying to paint things you don't like as something no one should. your just not that important in all this. none of us are. but all this bullshit of my side right, your side wrong, watch me make up shit to support it? gee, where did fake news come from again? us, then google, and now here to today. if we didn't need fake news so bad to support our emotional insecurities, we'd not have fake news now would we?
Gateway Pundit...

Again, the narrative as usual is bullshit... Where in the bill does it state 'State sanctioned fact checkers'....

Lets help, it doesn't but this OP figures that the army of Alt Right will fill this thread up with there usual back me up bullshit...

Truth is the casualty

What happens if the fact checker doesn't work the way the state wants it to work? Anyone can set up a web page and call themselves a fact checker. As usual, we have to look at the ultimate intent. Obviously, the state is going to see things published that it considers false and will ultimately have to approve the fact checkers involved. Sure, the bill doesn't say, "state approved fact checkers". It doesn't have to.

This is just a first step. They need to first get a law on the books that gives the state authority over published web content.

You are starting saying we would like have the intention to distribute lies.... The proposed law states that procedures are in place to identify and deal with the distribution of false information... I am pretty sure that other media organisations have to show this structure as well...

Let me explain something to you... When you post in Facebook (in the US) you don't own the information, Facebook does and it is them who are distribute it...

You can't knowingly in a Newspaper print lies:
In New York Times Co. v. Sullivan (1964), the Supreme Court ruled that when a publication involves a public figure, to support a suit for libel the plaintiff bears the burden of proving that the publisher acted with actual malice: knew of the inaccuracy of the statement or acted with reckless disregard of its truth.

So why is Facebook allowed to have a reckless disregard of its truth...

By the way I don't think Facebook has too much trouble with this...
facebook is not a news site as far as i know. if i shout out on facebook a bunch of bullshit, why are THEY responsible for what *I* say? the left has some insane need to punish people and hold people accountable for things that are a fact of life, or a freedom we all enjoy. if you don't like what someone says, block 'em. ignore 'em.

but now facebook is following the liberal lead in that they think they get to tell us what we can and can't say to the point where 2 black ladies are deemed "unsafe for the community" because they support trump.

why are they allowed to do that?

They are allowed to do it because they are a private company that makes no promise that they will allow total freedom. In that regard they are like this board, where you have to abide by the rules to be allowed to post.

That being said, we do NOT want the government deciding what can and cannot be published. FB is the big dog on the social media block right now, but didn't have to be forever. If enough people ignore it, it won't have any influence.
Sorry lads... But I showed the headline was false....

I must have missed that. I saw you ask for links. They were provided. Actually, they were there, in the OP - which you apparently didn't read. All you've shown in this thread is tacit support for authoritarian government. "Nothing to see here, move along..."

State-Approved Fact Checking

Where is that in the bill?

The bill requires media outlets to use, among other things, 'fact-checkers'. Do you think there will be no rules regarding what qualifies as 'fact checking'? Have you ever known ANY law to function that way?

That's why I say this is only a first step, to establish the government's authority to censor speech, all under the guise of "gotta make sure they're not lying", you know. Crack the door open and within a short period of time the government not only requires fact checking, but supplies the fact checkers.
Far-left California state senator Richard Pan wants to force all websites to submit to state-approved fact checking

Pan recently introduced legislation to crack down on free speech on the internet.

Pan’s legislation would force online publishers to utilize state-sanctioned fact checkers to approve content before it is posted online.

It targets social media based in California. But as you read the bill, you see it appears to define social media as any Internet blog, website, or communication.
(It Begins: California Senator Introduces Bill to Kill Free Speech, Requires State-Sanctioned Fact Checkers to Approve Online Content)​

Even if the bill "only" targeted social media, it would still be thoroughly fascist and anti-American. Th
Same totalitarian libtard that introduced and got passed the bill in California DICTATING the medical choices for YOUR child!
Gateway Pundit...

Lets just stop here.... It's bullshit unless we have a serious source....

Uhhhhhh, if you'd dared yourself to actually read the article, you would have discovered that it quotes extensively from the bill.

You people are incredible. I've never seen a group of liberals who are more immune to critical thinking and reading the other side.
The left simply hate free speech.

The bill is titled “SB1424 Internet: social media: false information: strategic plan.

It targets social media based in California. But as you read the bill, you see it appears to define social media as any Internet blog, website, or communication.

SB1424 is brief. Read it:

This bill would require any person who operates a social media, as defined, Internet Web site with a physical presence in California to develop a strategic plan to verify news stories shared on its Web site. The bill would require the plan to include, among other things, a plan to mitigate the spread of false information through news stories, the utilization of fact-checkers to verify news stories, providing outreach to social media users, and placing a warning on a news story containing false information.

(a) Any person who operates a social media Internet Web site with physical presence in California shall develop a strategic plan to verify news stories shared on its Internet Web site.

(b) The strategic plan shall include, but is not limited to, all of the following:

(1) A plan to mitigate the spread of false information through news stories.

(2) The utilization of fact-checkers to verify news stories.

(3) Providing outreach to social media users regarding news stories containing false information.

(4) Placing a warning on a news story containing false information.

(c) As used in this section, “social media” means an electronic service or account, or electronic content, including, but not limited to, videos, still photographs, blogs, video blogs, podcasts, instant and text messages, email, online services or accounts, or Internet Web site profiles or locations.

Bill Text - SB-1424 Internet: social media: false information: strategic plan.

I hope they pass it. I'm also starting to hope they pass some of these super restrictive gun control laws. It will be fun to watch heads explode when they all get torn down in the courts. At least it will finally put the debate to rest.
Yer damn right heads will explode. A .44 Magnum does a hell of a job on a gun grabber.
facebook is not a news site as far as i know. if i shout out on facebook a bunch of bullshit, why are THEY responsible for what *I* say? the left has some insane need to punish people and hold people accountable for things that are a fact of life, or a freedom we all enjoy. if you don't like what someone says, block 'em. ignore 'em.

but now facebook is following the liberal lead in that they think they get to tell us what we can and can't say to the point where 2 black ladies are deemed "unsafe for the community" because they support trump.

why are they allowed to do that?

Exactly. If you're offering yourself up as a chat site in the US borders, it is illegal and fraud to deny people free speech on a site where members can block each other's free speech if they don't like it. I think Facebook is setting itself up for legal action and violation of Constitutional rights.

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