California Dim's want taxpayers to pay for lawyers for illegals


Diamond Member
Feb 22, 2013
Of course what else would you expect from California, and especially the Dimocrat party ? Fucking assholes.

Calif. bill would pay for lawyers for unaccompanied minor immigrants

17 hours ago


California Governor Jerry Brown adjusts his earpiece during a news conference at Memoria y Tolerancia …

SACRAMENTO Calif. (Reuters) - California would spend $3 million on lawyers for unaccompanied minors arriving in California from Central America under a proposal announced Thursday by top California Democrats.

Democratic Governor Jerry Brown, along with Attorney General Kamala Harris and the leaders of both houses of the legislature, said they planned to submit legislation authorizing the expenditure to help children who have been streaming over borders in Southwest states since last fall.

The move follows prior advocacy by Harris, who had personally asked some of the state's leading law firms to provide pro-bono representation for the children, many of whom are fleeing violence and poverty in Honduras, El Salvador and Guatemala.

"These young people have legal rights and responsibilities, but they cannot fully participate in complex immigration proceedings without an attorney,” said Harris said Thursday. “It is critical that these children, many of whom are fleeing extreme violence in Central America, have access to due process and adequate legal representation.‎”

Central American children began flooding the border at crossing points in Texas earlier this year, overwhelming local officials and leading the federal government to send thousands to other states for processing.

By the end of June, about 3,000 of the children had been sent to California, and more have come since.

(Reporting by Sharon Bernstein; Editing by Lisa Shumaker)

Calif. bill would pay for lawyers for unaccompanied minor immigrants - Yahoo News
Liberals are divorced from reality and logic. It's 100% emotion being mainlined into their veins.
California Dim's want taxpayers to pay for lawyers for illegals

Wrong again, as usual.

California democrats correctly understand the Constitution and its case law, as well as the rule of law, where all persons in the United States are entitled to due process, that one is innocent until proven guilty in a court of law, that undocumented immigrants are not 'illegal' until adjudicated as such, and that in order to afford undocumented immigrants their due process rights in accordance with the 14th Amendment, they are entitled to adequate legal representation.

You're entitled to your ignorance and unwarranted fear and hatred of Hispanics, but you are not entitled to seek to violate the Constitution as a consequence of your ignorance, fear, and hate.

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