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California Dreamin' bout LGBTQ

I am dead set against anyone or any law trampling on anybody's rights but I do long for the good ol' days when homosexuality was a felony. It may be legal now by law but it's still an abominable sin.
I wouldn't mind homosexuals being shoved back in the closet stuffed behind Grandma's mothballed quilts.

They wanted tolerance. Then they wanted acceptance. Now they want to be honored, by everyone. By law.

Throw a few off rooftops. Maybe then they will shut up.
You have a point. Why are they obsessed with announcing their sexuality to the world. I don't go around telling everyone I like to eat Pussy. Maybe we need a Pussy Eaters Parade. How about Pussy Eaters Pride day.
You can start your own Pussy Easters Pride day.

I am sure lesbians would love to march with you.
The guy is just like the islamis he attacks. He wants to control peoples lives and even kill them if they dare step out of his beliefs.

He is a religious fascist.
Absolutely not. I don't care what other people do. In the end God will handle it.

Which is why you prefer laws which let the Government tell Americans how they can have sex.....
I don't prefer any such laws. There are no such laws. Except Leviticus 20:13 (NKJ).

If a man lies with a male as he lies with a woman, both of them have committed an abomination. They shall surely be put to death. Their blood shall be upon them. (NKJ, Leviticus 20:13)

The laws are still on the book- you expressed regret that they are no longer enforceable.

And yeah- Leviticus has all sorts of wonderful laws.......you follow all of Leviticus's laws?

Think adulterers should be put to death?
Think it should be illegal to have sex with a woman when she is having her period?
What about eating pork?
Leviticus 11:7
And the swine, though he divide the hoof, and be clovenfooted, yet he cheweth not the cud; he is unclean to you.
Of their flesh shall ye not eat, and their carcase shall ye not touch; they are unclean to you.

Another loon who doesn't understand Covenants and Mosaic Law. All you listed were done away with by the New Covenant....except homosexuality which is still an abomination....try Romans for confirmation

Yeah- I have heard the Christian loons try to rationalize why you still want to be able to stone homosexuals to death because of Leviticus- but can have sex with a woman who is having her period- despite Leviticus.

Leviticus to your type of Christian is just an opportunity to cherry pick which part you want and which part you don't want.

Try Romans for confirmation.
Absolutely not. I don't care what other people do. In the end God will handle it.

Which is why you prefer laws which let the Government tell Americans how they can have sex.....
I don't prefer any such laws. There are no such laws. Except Leviticus 20:13 (NKJ).

If a man lies with a male as he lies with a woman, both of them have committed an abomination. They shall surely be put to death. Their blood shall be upon them. (NKJ, Leviticus 20:13)

Leviticus 24:16
And he that blasphemeth the name of the LORD, he shall surely be put to death,

There's no difference between islam and Christianity in this area. How can they bitch about islamic law when they're one in the same?

Christians are killing gays?

Its right there in Leviticus- which you claim Christians are supposed to be following.

I guess you are all bad Christians because you aren't putting gays to death.......lol
The guy is just like the islamis he attacks. He wants to control peoples lives and even kill them if they dare step out of his beliefs.

He is a religious fascist.
Absolutely not. I don't care what other people do. In the end God will handle it.

Which is why you prefer laws which let the Government tell Americans how they can have sex.....
I don't prefer any such laws. There are no such laws. Except Leviticus 20:13 (NKJ).

If a man lies with a male as he lies with a woman, both of them have committed an abomination. They shall surely be put to death. Their blood shall be upon them. (NKJ, Leviticus 20:13)

The laws are still on the book- you expressed regret that they are no longer enforceable.

And yeah- Leviticus has all sorts of wonderful laws.......you follow all of Leviticus's laws?

Think adulterers should be put to death?
Think it should be illegal to have sex with a woman when she is having her period?
What about eating pork?
Leviticus 11:7
And the swine, though he divide the hoof, and be clovenfooted, yet he cheweth not the cud; he is unclean to you.
Of their flesh shall ye not eat, and their carcase shall ye not touch; they are unclean to you.
I follow the Commandments

But not Leviticus?

So why do you condemn Gays for violating Leviticus- even though you do too?
LOL @ California.

If I am those states, I ban Imports of anything from California to those states.

Stupid...ban...in snowflake land.

Next California will try to sign it's own treaties with foreign nations...or the UN or something idiotic like that.
Where did I say or imply that?

I am dead set against anyone or any law trampling on anybody's rights but I do long for the good ol' days when homosexuality was a felony.

Not applicable to your statement.

I am dead set against anyone or any law trampling on anybody's rights but I do long for the good ol' days when homosexuality was a felony.

felony: Big Brother telling Americans what they can or cannot do.

You miss the good old days when Big Brother told Americans what kind of consensual private sex that they could have.

NO ONE WILL TELL ME WHAT TO DO IN MY HOME! I'll die defending my rights.
demand all the TAX breaks designed for families,

You mean demand equal rights?

I can see how that would offend you.

Why shouldn't a married couple of lesbians have the same tax breaks as my wife and I have?

Why shouldn't a married couple of gays with 2 children have the same tax breaks as my wife and I with our child have?

What this is all about folks, is California trying to tell other states they must allow LBGTQ to adopt children! To me California is advocating child abuse. I am sure NAMBLA has many applications pending for little boys of course. Lesbians prefer girl's.
When I lived in CA, a Liberal friend wanted to adopt a child. He and his wife were told there weren't enough white kids available. They offered to adopt a Black kid, as there were more available than applicants! They were told they could not raise a Black kid to embrace his ethnicity.
They went to China and have a beautiful daughter who embraces being a Chinese American.

My paradox is: If white people cannot raise a Black child to be Black, how the hell can GAY people raise a child to be straight? Or are they just trying to increase the Gay population in the only way they can?

Wow....'child abuse'- now child abuse is leaving kids abandoned by their biological parents in foster homes for years because no one is willing to adopt them. Maybe you might have a case if every child was adopted by willing and able straight couples- but since that doesn't happen- why are you against children being adopted by gay or lesbian parents who are willing to step up and do what their straight biological parents weren't willing to do?

And white couples adopt black kids all the time. See it in my city regularly.
"On Thursday, California Atty. Gen. Xavier Becerra said Texas and three other states were being put on a list of states that had adopted laws seen by Becerra as discriminatory to the LGBT community and therefore were off-limits for state-sponsored travel.”

But the California AG was all against Trumps travel ban of citizens from nations that mudered gays for the crime of being gay. Hypocrisy at its finest!

California joins lawsuit challenging Trump's latest travel ban

That's different though, Trump was blocking ISIS, which is a solid ally of the California dictatorship.

Trump sucks ISIS dick.
LOL @ California.

If I am those states, I ban Imports of anything from California to those states.

Stupid...ban...in snowflake land.

Next California will try to sign it's own treaties with foreign nations...or the UN or something idiotic like that.
A) States can't ban imports from other states- its unconstitutional
B) It isn't a 'ban' on citizens traveling to other states- it is an employer- the State of California- banning State paid employee travel to certain states.
California offers sanctuary to people who want to Murder LBTQxyz in the name of their Muslim faith, but bans travel to states that don't want to give LBTQ, children to play with. CA says Travel Bans are Unconstitutional, but enforces a travel ban to 8 fellow states because of Laws applied to their residents. So CA thinks it is OK to tell other states how to treat their citizens, but the President shouldn't tell California how to treat foreigners. WTF.

Are you really this much of an idiot? I guess you are.

California has not 'banned' travel to these states- as Trump proposed banning the immigration from certain countries.

California has banned paying State funds for employees to go to these states. If Trump had banned the Federal Government from paying to arrange the airfares from refugees from Syria, then that would be similar.

As a Californian- if I want to travel to any of those states I am free to do so. No ban at all.
in reading what he said, i don't see him saying the average person can't travel. if i missed that, holler.

however, the base point is correct in that they scream at trump cause they're forcing people to live by what they view to be HIS standards but they have zero issue trying to force people to live by theirs.
I live on the border, and California was once a wonderful place. Then it became the shit hole it is today, and I do my best to avoid it.

They embrace LGBTQ because that is their sexual affiliation, and want immigrants as cheap household servants and restaurant help!

You think that all Californians are gay? LOL

"immigrants"- interesting choice of words. California has tons of legal immigrants- from tech workers to entrepreneurs- but I suspect that you are speaking of 'illegal immigrants'.

California has a long history of employing 'illegal immigrants'- if you lived here you should know that. Starting in agriculture, but sure also household help(fairly rare actually) and restaurant help.

FYI- you step into the back kitchen of any restaurant in urban Tennessee- good chance you will find 'cheap' Mexican and central American workers there.

Employers- in Red States and Blue States- love cheap labor- and historically have turned blind eyes to whether they are legal or not.
Truth is you piles of crap try to force everyone to accept your lifestyle aberrations. THEN you scream if a person puts a CHRISTIAN symbol anywhere it can bee seen by you except at a church. You want to control others but you want freedom, HEY BUD, IT DONT WORK THAT WAY. You give shit to me I give you ten times as much when I get enough of yours. If you come and harass me with your crap , I will kick your ass, you force MY grand daughter to watch some lecherous male shitpile walk into her bathroom and sling it out, when she comes to me I will make sure you and he never know what happens for the rest of your lives.
California offers sanctuary to people who want to Murder LBTQxyz in the name of their Muslim faith, but bans travel to states that don't want to give LBTQ, children to play with. CA says Travel Bans are Unconstitutional, but enforces a travel ban to 8 fellow states because of Laws applied to their residents. So CA thinks it is OK to tell other states how to treat their citizens, but the President shouldn't tell California how to treat foreigners. WTF.

Are you really this much of an idiot? I guess you are.

California has not 'banned' travel to these states- as Trump proposed banning the immigration from certain countries.

California has banned paying State funds for employees to go to these states. If Trump had banned the Federal Government from paying to arrange the airfares from refugees from Syria, then that would be similar.

As a Californian- if I want to travel to any of those states I am free to do so. No ban at all.
You poor fool. It was your state Attorney General who called it a Ban. There NEVER was a TOTAL ban on travel from the 7 named countries in the Trump order either. Just extreme vetting. You are in the right state. Anywhere else would call you a flake!

LOL- yet I am not the poor snowflake who started a whole thread whining about California not paying for its employees to travel to some states.
Got news for you.. You get TONS of volunteers and cross agency aid fighting your fires every year... Tenn is the VOLUNTEER STATE. We GO and do that..

....................... or maybe we don't....
Your State (Tenn.) will support you to go help California, but CA will not return the favor if Tenn. needs help!

Nothing prevents California volunteers from going to help Tennessee. There is no ban on Californians going to TN.
There is NOW! Thanks to your AG. Firefighters, who are employee's of the state are no longer able to be set to Tenn.
This is why religion sucks as it is nothing but a myth that drives people to mistreat other people.
Isn't giving children to people who cannot accept the sex they were born with, mistreating them?

Who is giving children away? Do they come with new car purchases?

Or are you perhaps talking about the legal adoption of children who were abandoned by their biological parents, and are in need of someone willing and able step up and be the parents that their own biological parents refused to be?

Approximately 100,000 children are available for adoption in the U.S. each year- and of those, some 30% will wait on average 5 years to be adopted.

Perhaps rather than worrying that if a gay person is willing to step up and adopt the child abandoned by their straight parents- maybe you should focus on finding able and willing parents for those children?

That's quite a story you made up. Dare I say FAIRYTALE.
Who is giving children away? Do they come with new car purchases?
Politically Correct Adoption agency workers, at the behest of PC politicians, are condemning children to a GAY lifestyle!
The rate of Overseas adoptions continues to drop, because of misbehavior, but there is an open market on babies. $25-$50 thousand and more is the selling price. The market far exceeds supply for children.
No need to give toys to NAMBLA.
George Harasz and Douglas Wirth, a married couple from Glastonbury, Conn., were arrested in November 2011 following allegations by two of their nine adopted children of sexual abuse. Yes, you read that correctly. Harasz and Wirth are “married” to each other. Some readers will already be used to this sort of absurdity; others will still stop and gasp, “What?” The case of a same-sex Connecticut couple accused of repeatedly raping and abusing two of their nine adopted boys is headed for trial.
LOL @ California.

If I am those states, I ban Imports of anything from California to those states.

Stupid...ban...in snowflake land.

Next California will try to sign it's own treaties with foreign nations...or the UN or something idiotic like that.
Did you miss Jerry Brown going to Beijing to sign an agreement on Climate Change?
This is why religion sucks as it is nothing but a myth that drives people to mistreat other people.
Isn't giving children to people who cannot accept the sex they were born with, mistreating them?

Who is giving children away? Do they come with new car purchases?

Or are you perhaps talking about the legal adoption of children who were abandoned by their biological parents, and are in need of someone willing and able step up and be the parents that their own biological parents refused to be?

Approximately 100,000 children are available for adoption in the U.S. each year- and of those, some 30% will wait on average 5 years to be adopted.

Perhaps rather than worrying that if a gay person is willing to step up and adopt the child abandoned by their straight parents- maybe you should focus on finding able and willing parents for those children?

That's quite a story you made up. Dare I say FAIRYTALE.
Who is giving children away? Do they come with new car purchases?
Politically Correct Adoption agency workers, at the behest of PC politicians, are condemning children to a GAY lifestyle!

Wow.......so its okay if PC politicians condemn children to a STRAIGHT lifestyle?

What is so sad is that you clearly don't give a damn about children who await adoption- you want to condemn them to a lifestyle without a family at all.

Here are some real statistics



So why are you okay with 11,000 kids waiting 5 years or more to be adopted- you know after being abandoned by their biological parents?
This is why religion sucks as it is nothing but a myth that drives people to mistreat other people.
Isn't giving children to people who cannot accept the sex they were born with, mistreating them?

Who is giving children away? Do they come with new car purchases?

Or are you perhaps talking about the legal adoption of children who were abandoned by their biological parents, and are in need of someone willing and able step up and be the parents that their own biological parents refused to be?

Approximately 100,000 children are available for adoption in the U.S. each year- and of those, some 30% will wait on average 5 years to be adopted.

Perhaps rather than worrying that if a gay person is willing to step up and adopt the child abandoned by their straight parents- maybe you should focus on finding able and willing parents for those children?

That's quite a story you made up. Dare I say FAIRYTALE.

The rate of Overseas adoptions continues to drop, because of misbehavior, but there is an open market on babies. $25-$50 thousand and more is the selling price. The market far exceeds supply for children..

'Open Market'?

Waiting time for an adoption overseas is over a year- and prospective parents have to wade through paperwork there also- the biggest(and really main advantage) over adopting overseas are twofold:
a) parents are able to adopt infants (short in supply in the U.S.) and
b) parents can adopt from overseas with more confidence that the birth mother will not change her mind(a big concern among adoptive parents in the U.S.).

Meanwhile- in any given year there are over 100,000 kids in America awaiting adoption.

You want to reduce the pool of people who are able and willing to adopt these kids abandoned by their biological parents.

LOL @ California.

If I am those states, I ban Imports of anything from California to those states.

Stupid...ban...in snowflake land.

Next California will try to sign it's own treaties with foreign nations...or the UN or something idiotic like that.
Did you miss Jerry Brown going to Beijing to sign an agreement on Climate Change?
Not at all. That is why I made the comment I did.
They should cede from The Union.....and we should force them to do it, and then treat them as a foreign country. They could negotiate a trade deal and include themselves in NAFTA, and we can build a wall around their dumb asses. You want California Wines? Well, there is a $20 a bottle tax on that. Great Lakes Wines in The US are just as good if not better.

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