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The 3rd-world, shit-hole state of California has failed so miserably that they are posting billboards begging citizens not to leave…:lmao: :lmao: :lmao:
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Looks to me like they’re posting facts about Texas and Florida, two or the biggest St messes in the US. BTW, the red states dwarfs the rest of the country in their percent of poor and homeless. They are mismanaged beggar States looking for handouts from the Fed every year.
California, with the sixth, soon to be fifth biggest economy IN THE WORLD.
It literally should be the FIRST “biggest economy in the world”. It should exceed all other 49 US states combined with its massive size, endless natural resources, perfect climate for agriculture, coast for shipping, seafood, and tourism, and Hollywood movie industry.

Only a leftist could celebrate being 6th at something that they should be #1. Not to mention it was the 5th largest economy in the world and has dropped yet again. :laugh:
Why don’t you talk about Mississippi and the rest of the feckless red states who suck federal aid from the the blue donor states just to survive.
Nobody is fleeing Mississippi chief :laugh:

And your disinformation has been debunked a zillion times already.
California wouldn’t have anywhere near some of the problems they do if they were allowed to keep their tax base
So you admit that the failed left-wing ideology only “works” when you’re allowed to enslave people against their will?

Because their “tax base” are the people and companies. And both are fleeing that shit-hole state. So much so that California has to put up billboards begging people not to leave :laugh:
Looks to me like they’re posting facts about Texas and Florida, two or the biggest St messes in the US.
Both states are flourishing. Tesla, Oracle, and HP all left California for Texas.
They are mismanaged beggar States looking for handouts from the Fed every year.
No matter how many times you repeat that lie, it will never be true.
California, with the sixth, soon to be fifth biggest economy IN THE WORLD. Why don’t you talk about Mississippi and the rest of the feckless red states who suck federal aid from the the blue donor states just to survive. California wouldn’t have anywhere near some of the problems they do if they were allowed to keep their tax base and not trying to keep Mississippi afloat with their archaic governance.
Since federal taxation and redistribution of said taxes is a FEDERAL issue, and the FEDERAL government has been controlled by democrats for the last number of years, one would rightly think California has a problem sticking to a budget because DEMOCRATS are sucking them dry.

How come California can't seem to find accountants who can add numbers up and say, "You can't spend $2 billion more on tampons in men's bathrooms this year, because we're out of money"? You know, because they're so wealthy and stuff.
So which state are you living in, if you don't mind me asking. Me, I'm in California and I don't believe it's as bad as you say it is. It's so large and diverse, it could be it's own country.
I live in tennessee, lately all my neighbors are from california...when I say I always wanted to visit there they start in with the horror stories, junkies sleeping in their yards, no power much of the time. their kids terrified by gang bangers, people shitting on the sidewalks...drunks wandering around everywhere I admit that Nashille has gotten pretty shitty with some areas more like mexico than tennessee but I will take it anyhow
Since federal taxation and redistribution of said taxes is a FEDERAL issue, and the FEDERAL government has been controlled by democrats for the last number of years, one would rightly think California has a problem sticking to a budget because DEMOCRATS are sucking them dry.

How come California can't seem to find accountants who can add numbers up and say, "You can't spend $2 billion more on tampons in men's bathrooms this year, because we're out of money"? You know, because they're so wealthy and stuff.
Wrong. We had 4 years of Trump. He’s the ceo of the Fed.
You're foolish if you think California has more problems then red states. It’s laughable.
Since federal taxation and redistribution of said taxes is a FEDERAL issue, and the FEDERAL government has been controlled by democrats for the last number of years, one would rightly think California has a problem sticking to a budget because DEMOCRATS are sucking them dry.

How come California can't seem to find accountants who can add numbers up and say, "You can't spend $2 billion more on tampons in men's bathrooms this year, because we're out of money"? You know, because they're so wealthy and stuff.
97% of the countries 100 poorest counties are in RED STATES

Clean up your own act.
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I live in tennessee, lately all my neighbors are from california...when I say I always wanted to visit there they start in with the horror stories, junkies sleeping in their yards, no power much of the time. their kids terrified by gang bangers, people shitting on the sidewalks...drunks wandering around everywhere I admit that Nashille has gotten pretty shitty with some areas more like mexico than tennessee but I will take it anyhow
Congrats.Your state is among the worse 10 in poverty rate in the US. Notice, no California.
But you’re in good company. Lots of other red states suck just as much.
  1. Mississippi - 19.07%
  2. Louisiana - 18.05%
  3. New Mexico - 17.90%
  4. West Virginia - 16.84%
  5. Kentucky - 15.82%
  6. Arkansas - 15.51%
  7. Alabama - 15.03%
  8. Oklahoma - 14.63%
  9. South Carolina - 13.92%
  10. Tennessee - 13.74%
Wrong. We had 4 years of Trump. He’s the ceo of the Fed.
You're foolish if you think California has more problems then red states. It’s laughable.
And 8 years of Obama before him. No, you don't get away with it that easily. And yes, California really does have more problems than most other nations. I mean, they keep electing democrats.
97% of the countries 100 poorest counties are in RED STATES

Clean up your own act.
California has the largest budget deficit of all the states. Living on credit is fun until the bill comes due.
California has the largest budget deficit of all the states. Living on credit is fun until the bill comes due.
Mainly because it’s the largest state……dah.
Red states get and need the most federal aid “per resident”, non math person.
And 8 years of Obama before him. No, you don't get away with it that easily. And yes, California really does have more problems than most other nations. I mean, they keep electing democrats.
Really ? You live under a rock. The gdp of calif. Is GREATER THEN UK…..math illiterate. Dems must be doing something a lot better then repugnants in RED STATES WHO ARE PERPETUALLY IN DISTRESS.
“California’s GDP was $3.2 trillion in 2018, accounting for 14.6% of the entire United States economy. If California were a nation, it would rank fifth in terms of size, ahead of India and the United Kingdom. Which is the 5th largest economy? India has been relegated to sixth place in the world’s economy in 2020, having previously ranked fifth.”
Never said that. Never even thought that. Once again you resort to lying because you're pissed off we won't allow illegal aliens (ie foreigners) to vote in our elections.

I have. Studied it extensively. It is exclusively left-wing. And every educated person on the planet, knows it. Think about what that says about you. :laugh:

  1. You have no authority to "expand healthcare". More proof that you're a fuck'n fascist. You guys try to take power where no power exists
  2. You're not trying to "expand healthcare" - you're trying to control healthcare. Healthcare in America is abundantly fucking available. I think we have more hospitals than any nation in the world. There is nothing to "expand".

No woman has ever been "denied" a "right" by conservatives in the 21st Century. You fascist mother-fuckers have denied millions of women the right to life by systematically exterminating them in the womb.

We stopped that atrocity. We corrected that wrong. Women's rights (including the right to life) is now secured thanks to Republicans.
Huh ? Maybe you don't believe in a woman’s right to choose the health of her own body during pregnancy after rape, incest and physical complications. None of you male fart faces get it. You will at the poles in Nov. YOU WILL LOSE at least the senate and probably both because of that one issue.
Why do you hate women ? Can’t get laid ? Look in the mirror then.
And 8 years of Obama before him. No, you don't get away with it that easily. And yes, California really does have more problems than most other nations. I mean, they keep electing democrats.
Gee, dems must be doing something right; it seems to be doing better then the UK and India and every other state in the union when it comes to the GDP. Ever check the economy of red states ? They are poorer as a group and destitute.
Since federal taxation and redistribution of said taxes is a FEDERAL issue, and the FEDERAL government has been controlled by democrats for the last number of years, one would rightly think California has a problem sticking to a budget because DEMOCRATS are sucking them dry.

How come California can't seem to find accountants who can add numbers up and say, "You can't spend $2 billion more on tampons in men's bathrooms this year, because we're out of money"? You know, because they're so wealthy and stuff.
You must be referring to accountants in red states
stopped that atrocity. We corrected that wrong. Women's rights (including the right to life) is now secured thanks to Republicans.
How does that help 10 year old rape victims forced to give birth IN red states. I’m sure you think a 10 year old who needs a child seat in a car is old enough to give birth after a rape. You ignorants are SICK.
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