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Low IQ Dagosa:
Only ignorant people think a cop in a Midwest small town can deport an illegal immigrant for a misdemeanor.
Also low IQ Dagosa:
It’s up to people like you who hire non English speaking roofers for pennies on the dollar without asking to see their work visas.
Did you catch that, folks? In the same paragraph the low-IQ leftists says “local law enforcement can’t enforce the law - it’s up to people like you to do it”

:lmao: :lmao: :lmao:
Idiot, have you ever even been there? It's crazy much so that everyone wants to be there and real estate is through the roof.
Parts of California are nice. From Ventura to the Mexican border is insanely overcrowded. The Bay Area has become an overcrowded hole. Sacramento is full of corrupt politicians and lobbyists. Central California on the coast is really nice as is coastal Northern California. The Sierras are beautiful.
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More proof of what a shit-hold state California is. A well run state addresses traffic properly.
California’s traffic problems are self inflicted. It’s population has tripled since the last major freeway was built. It also lets small numbers of NIMBYs block freeway expansions. A couple of decades ago there was a plan to widen and double deck the Ventura Freeway through the San Fernando Valley. It was blocked by a neighborhood group. One of the local radio stations investigated the group and it turned out to be ONE man. One man blocked a project that would have benefitted a hundred thousand people a day.
That's because everyone wants to live in California, and no one wants to live in the redneck hell called Texas. Prices reflect supply and demand, moron.
In California demand sets prices, the government has restricted home and apartment construction for decades so there is a long lasting shortage of housing.
LOL wtf? Where do I compare life in Iraq?

Here's my advice to you - stop all the ridiculous politicking based on your TV adventures and go take a vacation.

Pack some basic shit and head down to California, rent a convertible and drive down (or up) the coast - I promise you a trip you'll remember for the rest of your life.
Through Big Sur, yes, from Marin to the Columbia River, yes. South of the Ventura River a driver is lucky to average ten mph all the way to the Mexican border.
You had a Republican controlled gov with Reagan. He ran up the debt in California like he ran up the debt in the United States and developed trickle down Economics, which never worked and resulted in EVERY REPUGNANT budget leading to a recession.
Your disinformation doesn’t hold up in the era of the internet and 4k ultra HD video recorders on every cell phone.

This is what your ignorant left-wing ideology produces:

Your disinformation doesn’t hold up in the era of the internet and 4k ultra HD video recorders on every cell phone.

This is what your ignorant left-wing ideology produces:

You doubt Reagan ran up the debt ? Newb.
Low IQ Dagosa:

Also low IQ Dagosa:

Did you catch that, folks? In the same paragraph the low-IQ leftists says “local law enforcement can’t enforce the law - it’s up to people like you to do it”

:lmao: :lmao: :lmao:
Boy, you ARE a dishonest person. You put a comment you claimed I made in quotes and then changed it to something else. . You’re obligated to provide an exact quote and not make up shit. But then, I expected no less.
California’s traffic problems are self inflicted. It’s population has tripled since the last major freeway was built. It also lets small numbers of NIMBYs block freeway expansions. A couple of decades ago there was a plan to widen and double deck the Ventura Freeway through the San Fernando Valley. It was blocked by a neighborhood group. One of the local radio stations investigated the group and it turned out to be ONE man. One man blocked a project that would have benefitted a hundred thousand people a day.
Most of Californias problems stem from paying so much money into the Fed then having it go to red states which are much worse in most categories.
You’re a confused puppy aren’t you. Insulin is a medication, it isn’t all of healthcare. Why are you babbling about something* else ? Maybe you don’t know what insulin is. About ( 6 million people are on insulin.. )

Someone else take care of you in the home ?
You said the state is investing 100 million. Where does that come from?
Boy, you ARE a dishonest person. You put a comment you claimed I made in quotes and then changed it to something else. . You’re obligated to provide an exact quote and not make up shit. But then, I expected no less.
I didn’t edit anything, lying little asshat. It’s all there for everyone to see - with a link to make it easy.

You’re literally so ignorant, you can’t even remember your own words.
The shit-hole state of California strikes again. The Dumbocrats are so damn dumb, it’s no wonder they collapse the US every time they are in control.
This is what liberalism looks like 👇 🤮
Tents fill the sidewalks. Addicts sit on curbs and lean against walls, nodding off to their fentanyl and heroin fixes, or wander around in meth-induced psychotic states. Drug dealers stake out their turf and sell in broad daylight
I didn’t edit anything, lying little asshat. It’s all there for everyone to see - with a link to make it easy.

You’re literally so ignorant, you can’t even remember your own words.
Post my words idiot .....the quote you made is no such thing. You’re a fraud and dishonest.
You have a computer. There is a little arrow up button to go back to any post, use it fool.
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