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Obviously, it's born out of frustration with the federal lack of response to illegal immigration.
There is no federal lack of response. They are handcuffed by the lack of laws and authority to deal with illegal immigration.

You want all them deported ? Just make it a federal felony crime to hire them or not report their locations by their employers.
Most illegals are still here because of expired visa overstays. Businesses hire them for cheap and pass the savings on to their consumers. It’s no different then having cars built in Mexico by cheap labor. You have your toys on the backs of slave labor either here illegally or in Mexico legally.
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We do that for nations we defeat in wars and unstable regimes like axis powers and pre Soviet countries. It takes years before NATO allows them to have advanced weaponry.
We've been providing Western Europe's defense since WWII and there's no real good reason for us to still be there, short of projecting American power around the globe. Of course, as soon as we pulled out, everyone would start suspiciously watching Germany and siphoning money from their lavish social programs to build up their militaries. You know, just in case. You can't adoringly point to Western Europe's spending without acknowledging America's role in providing for their defense.
There is no federal lack of response. They are handcuffed by the lack of laws and authority to deal with illegal immigration.

You want all them deported ? Just make it a federal felony crime to hire them or not report their locations by their employers.
Most illegals are still here because of expired visa overstays. Businesses hire them for cheap and pass the savings into their consumers. It’s no different then having cars built in Mexico b6 cheap labor. You have your toys in the backs of slave labor either here illegally or in Mexico legally.
There is a lack of federal response when the administration openly relaxes controls at the border and just distributes illegal immigrants throughout the nation (not in the president's backyard, mind you. That would be different). Immigration is a federal issue. It's literally defense of the nation's border to know who is entering the country. Don't you remember the sanctuary cities that openly announced that they would defy the federal government's authority and prevent the deportation of immigrants?

And shouldn't you bother to find out my stance on immigration before projecting something?
There is a lack of federal response when the administration openly relaxes controls at the border and just distributes illegal immigrants throughout the nation (not in the president's backyard, mind you. That would be different). Immigration is a federal issue. It's literally defense of the nation's border to know who is entering the country. Don't you remember the sanctuary cities that openly announced that they would defy the federal government's authority and prevent the deportation of immigrants?

And shouldn't you bother to find out my stance on immigration before projecting something?
Again, most are from visa overstays.
Sanctuary cities are the result of repugnants refusing to have comp immigration reform. Businesses are not held responsible for hiring them.

You’re making up shit. Local law enforcement does not enforce federal laws…’s a misdemeanor. Only the feds can do it and ONLY IF THE PEOPLE WHO PAY THEM are reporting their status…
There is a lack of federal response when the administration openly relaxes controls at the border and just distributes illegal immigrants throughout the nation (not in the president's backyard, mind you. That would be different). Immigration is a federal issue. It's literally defense of the nation's border to know who is entering the country. Don't you remember the sanctuary cities that openly announced that they would defy the federal government's authority and prevent the deportation of immigrants?

And shouldn't you bother to find out my stance on immigration before projecting something?
Your stance is based upon made up shit and your ignorance of federal laws. The laws are inadequate and the repugnants are paid by businesses who hire illegals ( like Trump did) to do nothing about it.

For two years while Trump was president and in full control, repugnants couldn’t even finance your ridiculous wall. THEY DID NOTHING. They are bought and paid for by businesses who hire illegals. Stop making up shit.

Repugnants block every attempt in the senate with filibuster when not in charge.m
Again, most are from visa overstays.
Sanctuary cities are the result of repugnants refusing to have comp immigration reform. Businesses are not held responsible for hiring them.

You’re making up shit. Local law enforcement does not enforce federal laws…’s a misdemeanor. Only the feds can do it and ONLY IF THE PEOPLE WHO PAY THEM are reporting their status…
How can sanctuary cities be the RESULT of no immigration reform? It is obviously cities governed by democrats who DESIRE the influx of illegal immigrants, or they would cooperate with the feds to enforce federal law. At least you recognize it is the feds' responsibility to enforce immigration laws, and Quid Pro Joe's fed is doing a lousy job of it.

I do believe you are simply making stuff up as you go along.
Your stance is based upon made up shit and your ignorance of federal laws. The laws are inadequate and the repugnants are paid by businesses who hire illegals ( like Trump did) to do nothing about it.

For two years while Trump was president and in full control, repugnants couldn’t even finance your ridiculous wall. THEY DID NOTHING. They are bought and paid for by businesses who hire illegals. Stop making up shit.

Repugnants block every attempt in the senate with filibuster when not in charge.m
You don't even know what my stance is, so you project something you made up for yourself.
You don't even know what my stance is, so you project something you made up for yourself.
If Joe is doing such a poor job, remember Trump did worse then Obama. I don’t know your stance because you don’t seem to have one. It’s obvious it’s uninformed. Cities don’t enforce federal misdemeanors. It’s the businesses that hire them that are responsible for turning them into the Fed. How is that so hard to understand ? These people are employed. Dah.
If Joe is doing such a poor job, remember Trump did worse then Obama. I don’t know your stance because you don’t seem to have one. It’s obvious it’s uninformed. Cities don’t enforce federal misdemeanors. It’s the businesses that hire them that are responsible for turning them into the Fed. How is that so hard to understand ? These people are employed. Dah.
Apparently, you're not following. Sanctuary cities openly announce that they will not cooperate with or obey federal immigration law. That's not the same as your red herring of enforcing immigration law. When they apprehend an illegal immigrant, they are supposed to notify the feds and hold that immigrant until the feds pick them up. Sanctuary cities state that they will not do that. And I find it highly amusing to see yet another feeble attempt to "defend" the indefensible by invoking the specter of TRUMP!.

And you haven't even bothered to ask me what my stance is, you're still projecting.
Apparently, you're not following. Sanctuary cities openly announce that they will not cooperate with or obey federal immigration law. That's not the same as your red herring of enforcing immigration law. When they apprehend an illegal immigrant, they are supposed to notify the feds and hold that immigrant until the feds pick them up. Sanctuary cities state that they will not do that. And I find it highly amusing to see yet another feeble attempt to "defend" the indefensible by invoking the specter of TRUMP!.

And you haven't even bothered to ask me what my stance is, you're still projecting.
why are you openly disregarding the people who have THE MOST authority and responsibility refer them to the feds…..their employees and you people who hire them, rent them apartments. The police don’t handle administrative misdemeanors not under their jurisdiction. .
you are, their employer and renter

They openly announce they have no right to enforce immigration laws that are MISDOMEANORS. How is that so hard to understand. It’s a misdemeanor. How stupid is it to process misdemeanors not even under your jurisdiction . If a person commits a felony, a fed SHOULD be notified and LOCAL authorities will make a request. You fools want to pass the buck. It’s you and their employees who are responsible for administrative offenses.
And if unicorns were real, I would sell you the one in my backyard, cheap.

IOW, you would like us to be like those European countries who are relying on Uncle Sam for defense so they can afford lavish spending, and they still have incredibly high taxes.
We are the richest country in the world and can definitely afford a lot more than we're getting that's for sure. This is a basic list and I'll tell you they have much more successful family farms etcetera etcetera instead of corporations being in control of the money and not being taxed, super duper. If we cut defense 10%, it would pay for it. They pay for themselves. TAX THE RICH, chump of the greedy idiot GOP rich LIARS.
why are you openly disregarding the people who have THE MOST authority and responsibility refer them to the feds…..their employees and you people who hire them, rent them apartments. The police don’t handle administrative misdemeanors not under their jurisdiction. .
you are, their employer and renter

They openly announce they have no right to enforce immigration laws that are MISDOMEANORS. How is that so hard to understand. It’s a misdemeanor. How stupid is it to process misdemeanors not even under your jurisdiction . If a person commits a felony, a fed SHOULD be notified and LOCAL authorities will make a request. You fools want to pass the buck. It’s you and their employees who are responsible for administrative offenses.
Except that I don't employ any illegals, so there's that. Again, you project instead of finding out. That's called making stuff up.

The states' responsibility when they apprehend an illegal immigrant is to notify the feds and hold that person until the feds come to pick them up. Why is that hard for you to understand? Sanctuary cities have announced that they will defy that and not turn the illegal immigrants over to the feds. Again, why is that hard to understand?
We are the richest country in the world and can definitely afford a lot more than we're getting that's for sure. This is a basic list and I'll tell you they have much more successful family farms etcetera etcetera instead of corporations being in control of the money and not being taxed, super duper. If we cut defense 10%, it would pay for it. They pay for themselves. TAX THE RICH, chump of the greedy idiot GOP rich LIARS.
We can't afford the crap we're getting now, or haven't you noticed the national debt? They've been printing new money out of nothing for years now, pretending it won't have any impact on the economy. You're a dolt if you think we can just start spending on massive new nanny state programs with no ill effects.

We could just pull out of our bases around the world and watch as hostilities resume their natural progression. Then we could cut defense by a lot. Of course, a lot of people would die, but what does that matter?
We can't afford the crap we're getting now, or haven't you noticed the national debt? They've been printing new money out of nothing for years now, pretending it won't have any impact on the economy. You're a dolt if you think we can just start spending on massive new nanny state programs with no ill effects.

We could just pull out of our bases around the world and watch as hostilities resume their natural progression. Then we could cut defense by a lot. Of course, a lot of people would die, but what does that matter?
Just tax the rich and giant corps and cut subsidies for Big Oil the swine lol.....TEN PER CENT, dupe.
Even the sardines in California are committing suicide!
Just tax the rich and giant corps and cut subsidies for Big Oil the swine lol.....TEN PER CENT, dupe.
And, naturally, you think they would just absorb it without raising prices across the board. Tell me, do you despise the poor that much?
Except that I don't employ any illegals, so there's that. Again, you project instead of finding out. That's called making stuff up.

The states' responsibility when they apprehend an illegal immigrant is to notify the feds and hold that person until the feds come to pick them up. Why is that hard for you to understand? Sanctuary cities have announced that they will defy that and not turn the illegal immigrants over to the feds. Again, why is that hard to understand?
Don’t really care what you support. I do care what repugnants support when in office. It’s recessions, terrorism and higher death rates. The top 14 covid death rates are in repugnant led states with policies that support illegal immigration.
Don’t really care what you support. I do care what repugnants support when in office. It’s recessions, terrorism and higher death rates. The top 14 covid death rates are in repugnant led states with policies that support illegal immigration.
Oh, so you want to change the subject from accusing me of stuff to saying you don't care what I support. Can you pick a horse and stay on it?
Oh, so you want to change the subject from accusing me of stuff to saying you don't care what I support. Can you pick a horse and stay on it?
You have a horses ass. That’s about it. The thread is about right wing misery in retort. You stay on topic.
You have a horses ass. That’s about it. The thread is about right wing misery in retort. You stay on topic.
And here you spent all that time and effort claiming I was responsible for illegal immigration. Okay, if you want to change subjects, go ahead.
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