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oh shit you drove down the coast?....why didnt you say you do know what it is like to live there?...franco you are what you said here....Total brainwashed mealy mouthed dink .....and if i am such a waste of time,why do you spend so much time with me?....
You are a WNYer after all...It's a political argument and I believe you are semi open minded if you can stop saying California nonstop...It's not a mystery....too many gd people and too many illegals. And yes over population is caused by GOP fighting BC and abortions around the world. ALWAYS a catastrophe. Also wrecked League of nations, the Treaty of Versailles, the 1929 world depression, isolationism the 2008 world depression the 2019 world depression et cetera etcetera etcetera stupidest wars ever.........why didnt you say you do know what it is like to live there?...franco you are what you said here....Total brainwashed mealy mouthed dink .....and if i am such a waste of time,why do you spend so much time with me?....

You are a WNYer after all...It's a political argument and I believe you are semi open minded if you can stop saying California nonstop...It's not a mystery....too many gd people and too many illegals. And yes over population is caused by GOP fighting BC and abortions around the world forever. ALWAYS a catastrophe. Also wrecked League of nations and the Treaty of Versailles, the 1929 world depression, isolationism the 2008 world depression the 2019 world depression et cetera etcetera etcetera stupidest wars ever..... unless you are a greedy rich ******* comma they are the wrong party. Now tell me what Dems did...
Which, though false on its face, says nothing about your slavish devotion to a party that gives you nothing they promise and your useful idiocy in continually blaming the other party, no matter how often or how long they have control. It is to be amused.
Dems have had 60 votes in the Senate for 30 days in session, in the middle of another corrupt GOP world depression LOL, 4 Obamacare, the last 60 years!!!. The last 40 years have been a gigantic GOP giveaway to the rich duh. If the GOP base would vote for the policies they want instead of the liar they want to have a beer with, we would be getting somewhere ... .
And you get tax cuts for the rich the stupidest wars ever lies nonstop, a corrupt bubble and bust every time, and the worst inequality and upward mobility ever anywhere by far in the modern world. genius!
You forgot to mention Murdoch. Get with it, you're slipping.
Dems have had 60 votes in the Senate for 30 days in session, in the middle of another corrupt GOP world depression LOL, 4 Obamacare, the last 60 years!!!. The last 40 years have been a gigantic GOP giveaway to the rich duh. If the GOP base would vote for the policies they want instead of the liar they want to have a beer with, we would be getting somewhere ... .
Dude, face reality. They could have had 70 votes for 10 years in a row and you'd STILL blame the Republicans for stopping them. They don't know how to negotiate, and they don't want to. If they can't get everything they want right now, they don't go for anything. And you keep voting for them. They could not have a more useful idiot.
Dude, face reality. They could have had 70 votes for 10 years in a row and you'd STILL blame the Republicans for stopping them. They don't know how to negotiate, and they don't want to. If they can't get everything they want right now, they don't go for anything. And you keep voting for them. They could not have a more useful idiot.
gop base, dumbest voters in the modern world by far. At least it is the White Party right? Poor America.
Oh, you mean the worlds sixth largest economy
Should be the world's #1 economy with it's size, natural resources, coast, and Hollywood industry. If conservatives ran it, California alone would trump the entire rest of the US economy.
and biggest donor state to federal aid sucking red states.
That's been debunked about 7,000 times already. At what point will you educate yourself? Then again, if you actually did, then you would no longer be a liberal! 🤷‍♂️
Maybe you never stopped to think like all Humpers, you’re a racist.
Maybe you never stopped to think that - like ALL liberals - you accuse others of that which you are actually guilty of yourself.

Who controls education in Texas? LIBERALS. And that is why it sucks ass.

We spend more on education now than any time in history, and we have worse results now than any time in history. That flawlessly summarizes liberalism. Waste money and create failure.
Now you're just flailing out in left field somewhere, not even attempting to address the topic. Maybe you need a nap?
If Dems had 70 senators we would have a different country with taxes on the rich and giant corporations healthcare for everyone daycare paid parental leave cheap college and training great infrastructure and vacations. Of course you can't pass those things in the middle of a depression which is what the GOP always leaves us... Especially with 48 votes... We are the richest country in the world and the only modern country without those things. Thanks GOP! and dunderheads...
Should be the world's #1 economy with it's size, natural resources, coast, and Hollywood industry. If conservatives ran it, California alone would trump the entire rest of the US economy.

That's been debunked about 7,000 times already. At what point will you educate yourself? Then again, if you actually did, then you would no longer be a liberal! 🤷‍♂️
Dan is FOS duh...
Maybe you never stopped to think that - like ALL liberals - you accuse others of that which you are actually guilty of yourself.

Who controls education in Texas? LIBERALS. And that is why it sucks ass.

We spend more on education now than any time in history, and we have worse results now than any time in history. That flawlessly summarizes liberalism. Waste money and create failure.
GOP controls the state.
.the democrats are honest?......well you just backed up what i have been saying about you.....follow without are a dumbass franco.....
You have NEVER given a single example of Dem lie or fuck up or anything else, just BULLSHYTTE. lol
California is an absolute embarrassment to the United States. A filth-hole filled with crime, drugs, sexual assault, illegal aliens, and devastating debt. But even by their horrific standards, this is a new low. Their state government is actually making it a misdemeanor to infect people with a deadly virus on purpose. This state always did promote promiscuity. I guess they don’t want the law to get in the way of that agenda?

Knowingly exposing others to HIV will no longer be a felony in California
It's not genuine leftism, it's just capitalism.
Should be the world's #1 economy with it's size, natural resources, coast, and Hollywood industry. If conservatives ran it, California alone would trump the entire rest of the US economy.
Kind of an insane response. How can a state in the United States have an economy greater then the entire country ?

You had a Republican controlled gov with Reagan. He ran up the debt in California like he ran up the debt in the United States and developed trickle down Economics, which never worked and resulted in EVERY REPUGNANT budget leading to a recession. Reagan had two of them.

Rethink California being number one in the world….it’s impossible.
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