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Bwahaha! The people who rail against capitalism are the "capitalists", uh? :lmao:

Fascism is exclusively left-wing. You cannot have small, limited government fascism. 🤦‍♂️
Go get a dictionary. You’re out of your league.
Capitalism is “leftism”. Fascism is the right.
What these FOX News right-wingers call "leftism" is nothing more than capitalist neo-liberalism and decadence. It has nothing to do with genuine Marxism.
What these FOX News right-wingers call "leftism" is nothing more than capitalist neo-liberalism and decadence. It has nothing to do with genuine Marxism.
To call the left here in America, fascism, is idiotic. Nearly Everything the right is doing and promoting now, is fascism.
By their own admission, they have no agenda other then to get elected by any means possible short of using the voting process. Yup, so If that isn’t fascism….
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which does jack shit in S.California....
That’s funny. You expect local authorities to enforce immigration laws ? That’s stupid. Being an illegal immigrant a misdemeanor. You going to do what dombas, take their library card ? They have no authority to deport anyone.
Kind of an insane response. How can a state in the United States have an economy greater then the entire country ?
By not letting liberals fuck it up.
You had a Republican controlled gov with Reagan. He ran up the debt in California like he ran up the debt in the United States and developed trickle down Economics, which never worked and resulted in EVERY REPUGNANT budget leading to a recession. Reagan had two of them.
Bwahahaha!! The United States experienced unprecedented prosperity under Ronald Reagan. That’s just a fact.

Jimmy Carter and the Dumbocrats ran the US into the ground (as usual). By the time Reagan left office a mere 8 years later, it was known as the era of “excess”.
Middle class income increased 11% after adjustment for inflation, while nearly 20 million new jobs were created.
Your disinformation doesn’t hold up in the era of the internet, dumb ass. It’s easy to find the facts.
Rethink California being number one in the world….it’s impossible.
It’s literally not impossible for California to have an economy more successful than all other 49 states combined.

I always marvel at a liberals inability to grasp even basic concepts 🤦‍♂️
More made up shit.
You know a liberal is thoroughly defeated when they don’t even try to make up more lies. When they respond with 4 word sentences like “more made up shit”, you know that they know the facts are against them.
You expect local authorities to enforce immigration laws ?
Yep. Since the Dumbocrats in Washington D.C. won’t.
That’s stupid.
Not nearly as stupid as everything you post on USMB.
Being an illegal immigrant a misdemeanor.
So throw their ass in prison. You know, enforce the law. A concept lost on the lawless thugs known as the left.
You going to do what dombas, take their library card ? They have no authority to deport anyone.
You’re literally sitting here arguing for crime and against enforcing our most basic laws. Think about what that says about you. About your character. About your desperation to have foreigners interfere with our elections.
Yep. Since the Dumbocrats in Washington D.C. won’t.

Not nearly as stupid as everything you post on USMB.

So throw their ass in prison. You know, enforce the law. A concept lost on the lawless thugs known as the left.

You’re literally sitting here arguing for crime and against enforcing our most basic laws. Think about what that says about you. About your character. About your desperation to have foreigners interfere with our elections.
And you‘re sitting here in total ignorance of law enforcement. YOU are arguing for a fascist regime. Do you know illegal Immigration is a misdemeanor. Look up what a misdemeanor is. ONLY federal authorities have access to the resources to deport people. Only ignorant people think a cop in a Midwest small town can deport an illegal immigrant for a misdemeanor. It’s the stupidest thought anyone could argue for . It’s up businesses who hire them and know their vital statistics and addresses to report the illegals location to federal authorities who can then pick them up and deport them. Wonder why they don’t do it. Dah. It’s up to people like you who hire non English speaking roofers for pennies on the dollar without asking to see their work visas.

If they get caught committing a FELONY, it’s reported along with their status by locals….only then does the Fed get involved.

YOU are arguing for fascism, and you are probably ignorant of it.
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You know a liberal is thoroughly defeated when they don’t even try to make up more lies. When they respond with 4 word sentences like “more made up shit”, you know that they know the facts are against them.
After posting paragraphs of made up shit, you bozos need a refresher.
If Dems had 70 senators we would have a different country with taxes on the rich and giant corporations healthcare for everyone daycare paid parental leave cheap college and training great infrastructure and vacations. Of course you can't pass those things in the middle of a depression which is what the GOP always leaves us... Especially with 48 votes... We are the richest country in the world and the only modern country without those things. Thanks GOP! and dunderheads...
And if unicorns were real, I would sell you the one in my backyard, cheap.

IOW, you would like us to be like those European countries who are relying on Uncle Sam for defense so they can afford lavish spending, and they still have incredibly high taxes.
And if unicorns were real, I would sell you the one in my backyard, cheap.

IOW, you would like us to be like those European countries who are relying on Uncle Sam for defense so they can afford lavish spending, and they still have incredibly high taxes.
European countries pay more for nearly everything for one reason; they lack the natural resources we have. The entire ww2 oil supply by our allies was supplied by the United States. That’s why we were partially dependent upon SA for Middle East oil for decades. We saved their ass from being taken over by axis powers. Most wars are fought over natural resources, just like the Ukraine / Russian war NOW.
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European countries pay more for nearly everything for one reason; they lack the natural resources we have.
Natural resources? And here I thought we were importing so much. Oh well, at least they can rely on Uncle Sam to spend billions for their defense.
As long as people keep, posting made up shit, it won’t .
You must be new to the party. That other poster is famous for spouting off the same 5 or 6 made up things in almost every post, and the longer you engage him, the less coherent he gets. It's quite entertaining. I see that you would like to join the fray.
You must be new to the party. That other poster is famous for spouting off the same 5 or 6 made up things in almost every post, and the longer you engage him, the less coherent he gets. It's quite entertaining. I see that you would like to join the fray.
We have a poster now claiming that local police should have the authority to deport illegals. That’s ridiculous argument made on the belief of made up shit. This one ? He’s obviously a right winger.
We have a poster now claiming that local police should have the authority to deport illegals. That’s ridiculous argument made on the belief of made up shit. This one ? He’s obviously a right winger.
Obviously, it's born out of frustration with the federal lack of response to illegal immigration.
Natural resources? And here I thought we were importing so much. Oh well, at least they can rely on Uncle Sam to spend billions for their defense.
We do that for nations we defeat in wars and unstable regimes like axis powers and pre Soviet countries. It takes years before NATO allows them to have advanced weaponry.
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