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Oh, so you want to change the subject from accusing me of stuff to saying you don't care what I support. Can you pick a horse and stay on it?
Btw dufus, California is supporting in state manufacturing of least expensive insulin. What policies does Florida support ? Voter suppression, rigging elections anti gay and anything else literally, that doesn’t help Americans.
Btw dufus, California is supporting in state manufacturing of least expensive insulin. What policies does Florida support ? Voter suppression, rigging elections anti gay and anything else literally, that doesn’t help Americans.
Hmmm, so instead of defending or pointing out good things about California that are actually bearing fruit right now, you decide to complain about Florida, as if that will make California look better. Here's a clue, Florida has nothing to do with California, it's only a deflection attempt. But do pick up your participation trophy at the receptionist's desk on your way out.
And, naturally, you think they would just absorb it without raising prices across the board. Tell me, do you despise the poor that much?
End the ridiculous giveaway to the rich and giant corps Big Oil Big Pharma, Big Money and REGULATE and oversee them....Remain calm lol....Everybody else does it, I'm just saying more like that....
Hmmm, so instead of defending or pointing out good things about California that are actually bearing fruit right now, you decide to complain about Florida, as if that will make California look better. Here's a clue, Florida has nothing to do with California, it's only a deflection attempt. But do pick up your participation trophy at the receptionist's desk on your way out.
Florida is nutty RW and a laughingstock....Cal is HUGE, just too successful and victim of GOP national immigration policy- no ID card, the only solution...
Hmmm, so instead of defending or pointing out good things about California that are actually bearing fruit right now, you decide to complain about Florida, as if that will make California look better. Here's a clue, Florida has nothing to do with California, it's only a deflection attempt. But do pick up your participation trophy at the receptionist's desk on your way out.
Maybe your attention span is weak. California is investing 100 million in instate insulin medication manufacturing…. to help make it cheapest in the nation. Say what ? You have policies that make you the worse covid death rates in the red states. So much for being pro life.
End the ridiculous giveaway to the rich and giant corps Big Oil Big Pharma, Big Money and REGULATE and oversee them....Remain calm lol....Everybody else does it, I'm just saying more like that....
Giving government more regulatory power would just put more democrats in position to sell that power to the highest bidder. The big boys would just write the laws to benefit themselve and make sure no smaller company gets big enough to compete with them. But hey, keep dreaming.
Maybe your attention span is weak. California is investing 100 million in instate insulin medication manufacturing…. to help make it cheapest in th3 nation. Say what ? You guys want to shit on the poor…..
Cheapest to who, the customer or the taxpayer that's coughing up the 100 mil? "My healthcare is the cheapest in the world, I don't pay a penny when I go to the hospital. My taxes? Doesn't everyone pay 50% income taxes?"
Giving government more regulatory power would just put more democrats in position to sell that power to the highest bidder. The big boys would just write the laws to benefit themselve and make sure no smaller company gets big enough to compete with them. But hey, keep dreaming.
What ? You want to regulate free elections, regulate a woman’s right to choose, regulate history in school to only reflect positive old white guys, regulate who can get married, regulate who can’t get married….

Oh, and you want it all done for nothing.
What ? You want to regulate free elections, regulate a woman’s right to choose, regulate history in school to only reflect positive old white guys, regulate who can get married, regulate who can’t get married….

Oh, and you want it all done for nothing.
Wow, still projecting. I keep telling you not to use those foil helmets you buy off the back page of your comic books because they don't work, but you never listen.
Giving government more regulatory power would just put more democrats in position to sell that power to the highest bidder. The big boys would just write the laws to benefit themselve and make sure no smaller company gets big enough to compete with them. But hey, keep dreaming.
That's the GOP way, like the last 40 years duh.
That's the GOP way, like the last 40 years duh.
That's the Big Business way, and to democrats, government is just the biggest of Big Business. They have power and they're willing to sell it. What, did you really think Hunter got all those cushy, high paying jobs because he was an awesome businessman? C'mon, man, you know better than that.
I try to make it a point to boycott California in every way possible.
It's a little difficult for me when shopping for wine. California is the only U.S. state which can compete with places like Italy, Spain, France and South America for wines. Most of the time I find myself gravitating to Argentinian wines if i can get them. I steer clear of Chilean wines because Chile abuses their neighbors economically, particularly Peru. And most European countries have similar commie principles like California does, so it just makes it hard. I might opt for Spanish wine before Californian, but France is also on my shit-list and I rarely will buy wines from there.

Whenever I'm shopping online, I avoid buying things from California, even on eBay. I want this known because if you live in California, hopefully you'll pressure your leaders to cut out their commie shit. Same goes goes for New York, New Jersey, Maryland, Mass., and any other Blue-extremist state. I try to convince as many other people as possible to adopt this policy.

Seriously. If I was shopping for say...a bicycle carrier for my car, and there was one in California and one in say...Michigan, and they were within a couple of dollars in price...I would not hesitate to buy from Michigan before California every time. There might be things I don't like about Michigan either, but California is the 500lb gorilla of commie states in the U.S., with New York a close second. I want to damage those states economies in every way possible. I already moved out of New York 14 years ago and won't move back. It's a beautiful state, and there are some things I really miss, but I will not spend a dime there until they drop their commie ways. And I am always trying nudge others to do the same.
That's the Big Business way, and to democrats, government is just the biggest of Big Business. They have power and they're willing to sell it. What, did you really think Hunter got all those cushy, high paying jobs because he was an awesome businessman? C'mon, man, you know better than that.
How bout those Trump kids? Give me a break lol....Google Hunter and his training.
I try to make it a point to boycott California in every way possible.
It's a little difficult for me when shopping for wine. California is the only U.S. state which can compete with places like Italy, Spain, France and South America for wines. Most of the time I find myself gravitating to Argentinian wines if i can get them. I steer clear of Chilean wines because Chile abuses their neighbors economically, particularly Peru. And most European countries have similar commie principles like California does, so it just makes it hard. I might opt for Spanish wine before Californian, but France is also on my shit-list and I rarely will buy wines from there.

Whenever I'm shopping online, I avoid buying things from California, even on eBay. I want this known because if you live in California, hopefully you'll pressure your leaders to cut out their commie shit. Same goes goes for New York, New Jersey, Maryland, Mass., and any other Blue-extremist state. I try to convince as many other people as possible to adopt this policy.

Seriously. If I was shopping for say...a bicycle carrier for my car, and there was one in California and one in say...Michigan, and they were within a couple of dollars in price...I would not hesitate to buy from Michigan before California every time. There might be things I don't like about Michigan either, but California is the 500lb gorilla of commie states in the U.S., with New York a close second. I want to damage those states economies in every way possible. I already moved out of New York 14 years ago and won't move back. It's a beautiful state, and there are some things I really miss, but I will not spend a dime there until they drop their commie ways. And I am always trying nudge others to do the same.
what commie ways, dupe....Tax problems are because of national giveaway to the rich GOP policies....but you're obviously baffled by GOP BS and hate....
That's the Big Business way, and to democrats, government is just the biggest of Big Business. They have power and they're willing to sell it. What, did you really think Hunter got all those cushy, high paying jobs because he was an awesome businessman? C'mon, man, you know better than that.
Try thinking policy instead of bs hate of some schnook lol....
Cheapest to who, the customer or the taxpayer that's coughing up the 100 mil? "My healthcare is the cheapest in the world, I don't pay a penny when I go to the hospital. My taxes? Doesn't everyone pay 50% income taxes?"
You’re a confused puppy aren’t you. Insulin is a medication, it isn’t all of healthcare. Why are you babbling about something* else ? Maybe you don’t know what insulin is. About ( 6 million people are on insulin.. )

Someone else take care of you in the home ?
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Wow, still projecting. I keep telling you not to use those foil helmets you buy off the back page 📄 of your comic books because they don't work, but you never listen.
Typical pigeon head rant. Are you finished child ?
Go get a dictionary. You’re out of your league.
I provide sound, concrete facts (such as “you cannot have small, limited government fascism”) - to which you lash out like a toddler since you realize you can’t dispute the sound, concrete facts.

Like all leftists - you have the IQ and emotional maturity of a toddler.
To call the left here in America, fascism, is idiotic.
No snowflake, it’s fact (and you know it).

The left here in America:
  • Assaulted anyone wearing a red MAGA hat (violence to achieve political agenda)
  • Burned entire cities to the ground (violence to achieve political agenda)
  • Overthrew local US governments and replaced them with “Autonomous Zones” (violence to achieve political agenda)
  • Tries to force citizens to reject reality and deny science by demanding we call actual biological males “women” (propaganda, disinformation, and elimination of freedom of speech)
  • Tried to eliminate the 2nd Amendment (fascists immediately disarm the population once they are in power)
  • Promotes the abortion industrial complex (eugenics is a cornerstone of fascism)
  • Attempts to rewrite history (propaganda & disinformation)

I could continue but you’ve been humiliated enough for one day 🤷‍♂️
YOU are arguing for a fascist regime. Do you know illegal Immigration is a misdemeanor.
The left: “enforcing the law makes one a fascist!” :laugh:

You’re just humiliating yourself at this point. You’re so desperate - and so incapable of making a logical/rational position - that you’re you’re just screaming nonsense like someone with Tourette’s.
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