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I didn’t edit anything, lying little asshat. It’s all there for everyone to see - with a link to make it easy.

You’re literally so ignorant, you can’t even remember your own words.
More slander but no proof from a dishonest poster. Typical made up shit from a Humper.
Now you're just being deliberately obtuse.
You asked who was paying for it. I answered; CALIF.
Who else pays for a state govt. enterprise. It either was polled heavily or a referendum. Either way, the state tax payers for California will fund it.
Low IQ Dagosa:

Also low IQ Dagosa:

Did you catch that, folks? In the same paragraph the low-IQ leftists says “local law enforcement can’t enforce the law - it’s up to people like you to do it”

:lmao: :lmao: :lmao:
Totally dishonest post. You put in quotes something that wasn’t even posted by me. You didn’t even read my post correctly. You just dishonestly pretended what you wanted me to say, and put it into quotes. You don’t even know that illegal immigration is an administrative misdemeanor.
More slander but no proof from a dishonest poster. Typical made up shit from a Humper.

You asked who was paying for it. I answered; CALIF.
Who else pays for a state govt. enterprise. It either was polled heavily or a referendum. Either way, the state tax payers for California will fund it.
And therein lies the rub. You have to account for the 100 mil the taxpayers are shelling out for research.
Liberals have run California into the ground. It's now a third-world country where brazen crime takes place in broad daylight because criminals know they can.
Totally dishonest post. You put in quotes something that wasn’t even posted by me. You didn’t even read my post correctly. You just dishonestly pretended what you wanted me to say, and put it into quotes. You don’t even know that illegal immigration is an administrative misdemeanor.
Not dishonest at all - it has your original posts unedited. 100% accurate.

Not my fault you realize how stupid you sound now.
Not dishonest at all - it has your original posts unedited. 100% accurate.

Not my fault you realize how stupid you sound now.
Unedited if you’re illiterate, which you seem to be. You don’t seem to know what quote marks represent, or you’re the most dishonest poster among dishonest Humpers.
Unedited if you’re illiterate, which you seem to be. You don’t seem to know what quote marks represent, or you’re the most dishonest poster among dishonest Humpers.
Quote marks are not the same as including your original, unedited response - which I did. You can't wiggle your way out of this one. It's all there for everyone to see.

You're so incapable of being a reasonable adult, that you actually said law enforcement can't enforce the law, but the average citizen was responsible for doing so.
Quote marks are not the same as including your original, unedited response - which I did. You can't wiggle your way out of this one. It's all there for everyone to see.

You're so incapable of being a reasonable adult, that you actually said law enforcement can't enforce the law, but the average citizen was responsible for doing so.
You’re dishonest. You changed what I posted and put it in quotes.
That’s a dishonest person. That’s you.
You’re dishonest. You changed what I posted and put it in quotes.
That’s a dishonest person. That’s you.
It’s all right there for everyone to see - unedited. I don’t blame you for being ashamed of your ignorant comments. I would be too if I were you.
⁦‪Gavin Newsom‬⁩ has created a near-totalitarian fascist state in California. And the results reflect it. He turned it into a third-world shit-hole.
It’s all right there for everyone to see - unedited. I don’t blame you for being ashamed of your ignorant comments. I would be too if I were you.
It must really upset you that you like Trump, get called out for what you are.
⁦‪Gavin Newsom‬⁩ has created a near-totalitarian fascist state in California. And the results reflect it. He turned it into a third-world shit-hole.
Hilarious. You probably think Hitler was for free election and personal freedom. You wouldn’t know a fascist state if you lived in one……as long as it’s all white, you’re a happy guy.

California pays red state bills of the trailer trash.
Hilarious. You probably think Hitler was for free election and personal freedom.
Hey, you’re the fascists who believe that everyone exists to serve the state and that personal freedom is a “threat”.
You wouldn’t know a fascist state if you lived in one……
Dagosa here thinks the US just isn’t fascist enough. Unfuckingbelievable.
California pays red state bills of the trailer trash.
That’s been debunked thousands of times. But as a devout fascist, you refuse to acknowledge truth.
Democrats have turned California into a third-world shit-hole.

Incidentally, Bobby would be alive today if he had the damn sense to have a gun on him.
Hey, you’re the fascists who believe that everyone exists to serve the state and that personal freedom is a “threat”.

Dagosa here thinks the US just isn’t fascist enough. Unfuckingbelievable.

That’s been debunked thousands of times. But as a devout fascist, you refuse to acknowledge truth.
You must be doing a comedy act. You in a fk up zone ?
Hey, you’re the fascists who believe that everyone exists to serve the state and that personal freedom is a “threat”.

Dagosa here thinks the US just isn’t fascist enough. Unfuckingbelievable.

That’s been debunked thousands of times. But as a devout fascist, you refuse to acknowledge truth.
Fascist….right wing.
Hey, you’re the fascists who believe that everyone exists to serve the state and that personal freedom is a “threat”.

Dagosa here thinks the US just isn’t fascist enough. Unfuckingbelievable.

That’s been debunked thousands of times. But as a devout fascist, you refuse to acknowledge truth.
Really. You’re the one who doesn’t believe in counting anything but the white vote. Fascism. Look it up. Right wing. You have to lie to even stay relevant . While the other sides is trying to expand healthcare you’re trying to take it away. Women’s rights? How can you be anything but fascist if you use the govt to deny women their rights.
Really. You’re the one who doesn’t believe in counting anything but the white vote.
Never said that. Never even thought that. Once again you resort to lying because you're pissed off we won't allow illegal aliens (ie foreigners) to vote in our elections.
Fascism. Look it up.
I have. Studied it extensively. It is exclusively left-wing. And every educated person on the planet, knows it. Think about what that says about you. :laugh:
While the other sides is trying to expand healthcare you’re trying to take it away.
  1. You have no authority to "expand healthcare". More proof that you're a fuck'n fascist. You guys try to take power where no power exists
  2. You're not trying to "expand healthcare" - you're trying to control healthcare. Healthcare in America is abundantly fucking available. I think we have more hospitals than any nation in the world. There is nothing to "expand".
Women’s rights? How can you be anything but fascist if you use the govt to deny women their rights.
No woman has ever been "denied" a "right" by conservatives in the 21st Century. You fascist mother-fuckers have denied millions of women the right to life by systematically exterminating them in the womb.

We stopped that atrocity. We corrected that wrong. Women's rights (including the right to life) is now secured thanks to Republicans.
The 3rd-world, shit-hole state of California has failed so miserably that they are posting billboards begging citizens not to leave…:lmao: :lmao: :lmao:
The 3rd-world, shit-hole state of California has failed so miserably that they are posting billboards begging citizens not to leave…:lmao: :lmao: :lmao:
View attachment 691026
California, with the sixth, soon to be fifth biggest economy IN THE WORLD. Why don’t you talk about Mississippi and the rest of the feckless red states who suck federal aid from the the blue donor states just to survive. California wouldn’t have anywhere near some of the problems they do if they were allowed to keep their tax base and not trying to keep Mississippi afloat with their archaic governance.
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