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And red states are a paradise for the poor, uneducated and criminals who seem to be thriving there.

No offense intended for the trailer trash crowd. Live your life.
Funny when you have to pay in California for a trailer what sane people in red states pay for a house.
Nope, it’s the trailer trash crowd who are leaving for red states. Heck the numbers. If what you say were true, you’d be getting wealthier. You aren’t. Your GDP and crime rates suck.
Keep the faith on that, I hear it helps.
Funny when you have to pay in California for a trailer what sane people in red states pay for a house.
In a higher crime state, less safe with limited job opportunities while working in a coal mine.
In a higher crime state, less safe with limited job opportunities while working in a coal mine.
Coal mine? Where do you get your information from, 1895? Obviously you have no idea what it's like anywhere other than the hellhole you live in. But hey, as long as it keeps you there thinking you're living large, go for it.
Coal mine? Where do you get your information from, 1895? Obviously you have no idea what it's like anywhere other than the hellhole you live in. But hey, as long as it keeps you there thinking you're living large, go for it.
I f Trump had his way, he’d reopen the coal mines for all you guys to work in. Hell hole ? I live on shore frontage with 8 golf courses within a 30 minute drive. We leave the keys to our cars in the ignition when not using them. All in a blue state. The only crime in our area for the last 25 years has been illegal parking, and the occasional loud party…
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Coal mine? Where do you get your information from, 1895? Obviously you have no idea what it's like anywhere other than the hellhole you live in. But hey, as long as it keeps you there thinking you're living large, go for it.
853 coal mines…..mostly in red states. Get real.
You‘re so poorly informed it’s pitiful.
I f Trump had his way, he’d reopen the coal mines for all you guys to work in. Hell hole ? I live on shore frontage with 8 golf courses within a 30 minute drive. We leave the keys to our cars in the ignition when not using them. All in a blue state. The only crime in our area for the last 25 years has been illegal parking, and the occasional loud party…
Ah, yes, the inevitable refuge of the terminally small=minded, that old bugaboo TRUMP! You do know you're describing virtually every small town or rural area in the South, right?
853 coal mines…..mostly in red states. Get real.
You‘re so poorly informed it’s pitiful.
You seem to believe most people in red states work in coal mines. Hence, your label of woefully and terminally misinformed and uneducated. Like I said, you need to get out more and meet some real people.
You seem to believe most people in red states work in coal mines. Hence, your label of woefully and terminally misinformed and uneducated. Like I said, you need to get out more and meet some real people.
No, I seem to believe you didn’t know much about red states and coal. Hanging with fellow Humpers won’t help you understand shit.
Ah, yes, the inevitable refuge of the terminally small=minded, that old bugaboo TRUMP! You do know you're describing virtually every small town or rural area in the South, right?
Not really. Most of the higher crime ridden states are RED.
Maybe you don't believe in a woman’s right to choose the health of her own body
I absolutely do. I just recognize that she doesn’t have a right to kill someone else. And DNA unequivocally proves that the baby is a unique and separate life.

Stop being a science-denying clown. DNA defeated you low-IQ leftists many decades ago :laugh:
None of you male fart faces get it.
Nice 3rd grade comment. Very typical of you low-IQ leftists.
You will at the poles in Nov.
Bwahahaha!! Ok, Nostradamus. I remember when you low-IQ liberals said the exact same thing about Trump and Hitlery Clinton. How did that work out for you? You people never learn with your overly-emotional “predictions” :laugh:
YOU WILL LOSE at least the senate and probably both because of that one issue.
Bwahahaha!! Ok, Nostradamus. I remember when you low-IQ liberals said the exact same thing about Trump and Hitlery Clinton. How did that work out for you? You people never learn with your overly-emotional “predictions” :laugh:
Why do you hate women ? Can’t get laid ? Look in the mirror then.
Why do you project? You literally just gave away that you hate women because you can’t get laid :laugh:
How does that help 10 year old rape victims forced to give birth IN red states. I’m sure you think a 10 year old who needs a child seat in a car is old enough to give birth after a rape. You ignorants are SICK.
Why are you liberals raping 10 year olds?? Stop doing that and this won’t be a problem.

Reminder, the alleged rapist was a illegal alien. You know, the people you low-IQ liberals keep sneaking into the country to help you steal elections because you know you have absolutely nothing to offer the American people.

Without more failed liberal policy, that little girl never gets “raped” and thus never gets pregnant! Thanks for once again illustrating to the world why nobody should ever vote for Democrats! :laugh!:
Why are you liberals raping 10 year olds?? Stop doing that and this won’t be a problem.

Reminder, the alleged rapist was a illegal alien. You know, the people you low-IQ liberals keep sneaking into the country to help you steal elections because you know you have absolutely nothing to offer the American people.

Without more failed liberal policy, that little girl never gets “raped” and thus never gets pregnant! Thanks for once again illustrating to the world why nobody should ever vote for Democrats! :laugh!:
It all comes down to non whites doesn’t it ?
Well Detroit is a deep-blue city and it had to file for bankruptcy. ROTFLMFAO!!!
Well Detroit is a deep-blue city and it had to file for bankruptcy. ROTFLMFAO!!!
Since 2010, most cites who filed for bankruptcies, are red state cites. The economy seems so bad in red states, the cities suffer for it. The last time we looked, Detroit wasn’t a state illiterate.
I absolutely do. I just recognize that she doesn’t have a right to kill someone else. And DNA unequivocally proves that the baby is a unique and separate life.

Stop being a science-denying clown. DNA defeated you low-IQ leftists many decades ago :laugh:

Nice 3rd grade comment. Very typical of you low-IQ leftists.

Bwahahaha!! Ok, Nostradamus. I remember when you low-IQ liberals said the exact same thing about Trump and Hitlery Clinton. How did that work out for you? You people never learn with your overly-emotional “predictions” :laugh:

Bwahahaha!! Ok, Nostradamus. I remember when you low-IQ liberals said the exact same thing about Trump and Hitlery Clinton. How did that work out for you? You people never learn with your overly-emotional “predictions” :laugh:

Why do you project? You literally just gave away that you hate women because you can’t get laid :laugh:
Low IQ liberals ?
It’s conservatives who don’t believe in climate change, believe in trickle down and are devout Trump the stupid worshiper. Don’t believe in education, law enforcement and the constitution.
You seem to believe most people in red states work in coal mines. Hence, your label of woefully and terminally misinformed and uneducated. Like I said, you need to get out more and meet some real people.
No, I believe most coal mines are in red states. Rather then make up shit about what people believe, just ask... projectionist.
Ah, yes, the inevitable refuge of the terminally small=minded, that old bugaboo TRUMP! You do know you're describing virtually every small town or rural area in the South, right?
The south, where the highest crime rates are ? Hardly. You keep bringing up Trump the criminal. You worship the orange jump suit he’s going to wear. Lock him up ! Hilarious.
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