California Girl's examples of liberal media agenda

This is whack.

bitches whine all the time that CG's an attention whore, but then you fuck heads start thread after thread about her.

Then bitch like babies when she doesn't play along.

damn, some of you never left the sandbox.

She made a statement about the media - all I'm asking for is for her to either backup her statement with proof or withdraw it. It's a simple request.

If I said that the United States Government was rounding up Muslims and putting them into detention camps alla what we did in 1942 to the Japanese, you would ask for proof of that - and I would either have to prove it or withdraw it. Same rules apply.
One person's name will suffice for one example, by CBS. Dan Rather. If it doesn't ring a bell, Google it yourself.

What did Dan Rather do that would in any way distort or lie about a news story that was politically motivated?


People make statements and accusations and when asked to provide proof, they expect other people to do their work for them?

This is whack.

bitches whine all the time that CG's an attention whore, but then you fuck heads start thread after thread about her.

Then bitch like babies when she doesn't play along.

damn, some of you never left the sandbox.

What did Dan Rather do that would in any way distort or lie about a news story that was politically motivated?


People make statements and accusations and when asked to provide proof, they expect other people to do their work for them?


Wanna know how to get a RWer to leave a thread....?

Ask 'em to backup their bogus claims.

*Ba doom boom, TISSSS*

And here you're quoting Andrew Breitbart for something who has knowingly and admittedly edited videos and manipulated stories to further his political agenda.

Come on Rambo. You know exactly what I was asking for.

Give me a full video clip of broadcast from NBC, CBS or ABC or even CNN where they have reported a story that was either fake or manipulated to further a liberal agenda. Then I need documentation to prove that the story was faked and/or manipulated to further a political agenda.

I think it was 2000, when Bush defeated Kerry - the anchor on NBC news proclaimed "WE WON," prematurely - when in fact - Kerry lost.

And no, I am not posting the video clip - do your own research.
Wanna know how to get a RWer to leave a thread....?

Ask 'em to backup their bogus claims.

*Ba doom boom, TISSSS*

Why feign ignorance?
ABC Fails to Wonder Why Canadian Mom Forced to U.S. to Give Birth. On Wednesday's Good Morning America [8/22/2007], co-host Chris Cuomo completely glossed over the health care implications of a Canadian mother forced to give birth in the United States, not her own nation, to identical quadruplets.

MSNBC Confirms Liberal Media Bias.An unusual source -- MSNBC -- has provided the latest documentation of the liberal bias in the mainstream media. It came in the form of a Bill Dedman article on its website looking at journalists who have given money in recent years to federal candidates, political parties, or political action committees.

An Open Conspiracy To Slant the News. The JournoList has started to leak like an over-ripe diaper. Just in case you've been living in a cave, or if you only get your news from MSNBC, here's the story. ... In 2008, participants shared talking points about how to shape coverage to help Obama. They tried to paint any negative coverage of Obama's racist and hateful pastor, Jeremiah Wright, as out of bounds. Journalists at such "objective" news organizations as Newsweek, Bloomberg, Time, and The Economist joined conversations with open partisans about the best way to criticize Sarah Palin. Like an Amish community raising a barn, members of the progressive community got together to hammer out talking points.

And here you're quoting Andrew Breitbart for something who has knowingly and admittedly edited videos and manipulated stories to further his political agenda.

Come on Rambo. You know exactly what I was asking for.

Give me a full video clip of broadcast from NBC, CBS or ABC or even CNN where they have reported a story that was either fake or manipulated to further a liberal agenda. Then I need documentation to prove that the story was faked and/or manipulated to further a political agenda.

Well stop moving the goal post: (You remind me of an old hag english teacher I had in HS)

[ame=]‪Maddow on Texas voter ID law‬‏ - YouTube[/ame]
Anyone checking the source cited by Maddow will see that Texas Republicans carved out no such "exception." Here's how the relevant passage in the Observer story reads --

The legislation requires voters to present one of five acceptable forms of photo ID -- a driver's license, military ID, passport, concealed handgun license or a special voter ID card provided free of charge by the state.

Possessing a concealed handgun license doesn't exempt anyone from the new voter ID law -- it allows a person holding such a license to comply with the law. The alleged "exception" claimed by Maddow extends to four other forms of photo ID, including a driver's license. While legislators are often guilty of the zaniest things, something tells me Texas lawmakers wouldn't pass a photo ID law that exempts everyone with a photo ID.

In case you're wondering if Texas's concealed handgun license includes a photo of the license holder (hence the Observer referring to it as a "photo ID"), it does. Here is a link to the state government website listing requirements for the license, which include photos from the person applying for it. And at risk of stating the obvious, the effectiveness of such a license would be watered down considerably if it did not include a photo of the person to whom it was issued.

Read more:

[ame=]‪MSNBC admits there's a Liberal media bias‬‏ - YouTube[/ame]

[ame=]‪Political Chief Admits Liberal Media Bias‬‏ - YouTube[/ame]
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And here you're quoting Andrew Breitbart for something who has knowingly and admittedly edited videos and manipulated stories to further his political agenda.

Come on Rambo. You know exactly what I was asking for.

Give me a full video clip of broadcast from NBC, CBS or ABC or even CNN where they have reported a story that was either fake or manipulated to further a liberal agenda. Then I need documentation to prove that the story was faked and/or manipulated to further a political agenda.

Well stop moving the goal post: (You remind me of an old hag english teacher I had in HS)

[ame=""]‪Maddow on Texas voter ID law‬‏ - YouTube[/ame]
Anyone checking the source cited by Maddow will see that Texas Republicans carved out no such "exception." Here's how the relevant passage in the Observer story reads --

The legislation requires voters to present one of five acceptable forms of photo ID -- a driver's license, military ID, passport, concealed handgun license or a special voter ID card provided free of charge by the state.

Possessing a concealed handgun license doesn't exempt anyone from the new voter ID law -- it allows a person holding such a license to comply with the law. The alleged "exception" claimed by Maddow extends to four other forms of photo ID, including a driver's license. While legislators are often guilty of the zaniest things, something tells me Texas lawmakers wouldn't pass a photo ID law that exempts everyone with a photo ID.

In case you're wondering if Texas's concealed handgun license includes a photo of the license holder (hence the Observer referring to it as a "photo ID"), it does. Here is a link to the state government website listing requirements for the license, which include photos from the person applying for it. And at risk of stating the obvious, the effectiveness of such a license would be watered down considerably if it did not include a photo of the person to whom it was issued.

Read more: Maddow Dishonestly Claims Texas Voter ID Law Exempts Residents with Concealed Handgun License |

[ame=""]‪MSNBC admits there's a Liberal media bias‬‏ - YouTube[/ame]

[ame=""]‪Political Chief Admits Liberal Media Bias‬‏ - YouTube[/ame]

Do you actually know how to read English?

NBC News... NOT MSNBC. Rachel Maddow is a liberal commentator, she is not a news anchor. She's just about as useful as Sean Hannity interviewing Sarah Palin.
Oh David one more thing: Rambo was in the Army and compared to the men I served with he's a wimp.

And here you're quoting Andrew Breitbart for something who has knowingly and admittedly edited videos and manipulated stories to further his political agenda.

Come on Rambo. You know exactly what I was asking for.

Give me a full video clip of broadcast from NBC, CBS or ABC or even CNN where they have reported a story that was either fake or manipulated to further a liberal agenda. Then I need documentation to prove that the story was faked and/or manipulated to further a political agenda.

I think it was 2000, when Bush defeated Kerry - the anchor on NBC news proclaimed "WE WON," prematurely - when in fact - Kerry lost.

And no, I am not posting the video clip - do your own research.

Sorry, I'm not going to do your own research for you. If you make a statement, you should post video clips to back them up.

And the anchor was Tom Brokaw and he would've never said anything like that.
I don't post you tube clips, except in the music threads.

I don't link to the media - because they are incapable of distinguishing fact from opinion. You form your own opinions, based on whatever bullshit you want. Doesn't bother me. I will maintain my opinions, based on hard, factual evidence.

I do not waste my time on forum wars. They bore me.... and I'm doing a real job. For which I get paid. You want me to work for you, pay me.

That's quite a remarkable lie, since, just in June, you started this thread

wherein your OP links to the Guardian.

I'll bet there's an amusing explanation for this LIE.

(see why I call her a pathological liar???)
I don't post you tube clips, except in the music threads.

I don't link to the media - because they are incapable of distinguishing fact from opinion. You form your own opinions, based on whatever bullshit you want. Doesn't bother me. I will maintain my opinions, based on hard, factual evidence.

I do not waste my time on forum wars. They bore me.... and I'm doing a real job. For which I get paid. You want me to work for you, pay me.

That's quite a remarkable lie, since, just in June, you started this thread

wherein your OP links to the Guardian.

I'll bet there's an amusing explanation for this LIE.

(see why I call her a pathological liar???)

KA - POW!!!!


Knockout punch!
This is whack.

bitches whine all the time that CG's an attention whore, but then you fuck heads start thread after thread about her.

Then bitch like babies when she doesn't play along.

damn, some of you never left the sandbox.

Good luck, Romeo.:lol:
One person's name will suffice for one example, by CBS. Dan Rather. If it doesn't ring a bell, Google it yourself.

What did Dan Rather do that would in any way distort or lie about a news story that was politically motivated?

Dan Rather fell for a planted forgery scheme engineered by Karl Rove.

I have to grudgingly give props to Rove for that one, in the evil genius category.
I don't post you tube clips, except in the music threads.

I don't link to the media - because they are incapable of distinguishing fact from opinion. You form your own opinions, based on whatever bullshit you want. Doesn't bother me. I will maintain my opinions, based on hard, factual evidence.

I do not waste my time on forum wars. They bore me.... and I'm doing a real job. For which I get paid. You want me to work for you, pay me.

That's quite a remarkable lie, since, just in June, you started this thread

wherein your OP links to the Guardian.

I'll bet there's an amusing explanation for this LIE.

(see why I call her a pathological liar???)

And yet you clearly miss why I call you an idiot. I don't link to media as a source to back up an argument or opinion.

I linked to a fucking story for a fun topic.

Your obsessive need to choose 'winning' over intelligence or even common fucking sense is impressive.

See, and I can make my points without resorting to attention seeking text.

Loser. :lol::lol:

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