California Lifting Rona Restrictions Now That Joe’s Been Installed

Yes, Democrats have continued to use the ChiCom flu as a political weapon.

This completes the Trifecta of California, Illinois, and NY lifting restrictions immediately after Trump leaves office.

You have to be the dumbest poster on the board.

The stay at home orders are being lifted three fucking weeks after Christmas because the spike in cases caused by families getting together for Christmas is abating and the number of cases is coming down, people are getting better, and California has ICU bed available.

We're getting ready to lift stay at home orders in Canada too. Nothing to do with Joe Biden getting elected.
Liar. Cases are increasing in the State with the most cases.
View attachment 448322

Comparing day to day numbers is pointless since there is a weekly pattern where more cases are reported on a daily basis towards the middle and end of the week and the weekends tend to report lower numbers. When looking at a chart you'll notice a wavy pattern. Overall since Thanksgiving and Christmas the number of cases has gone down and as others have pointed out available ICU beds has increased thus warranting the end of the lock down.

Here is what the number of cases look like since February through yesterday in California (the national numbers tend to follow the same pattern). The number of daily cases has obviously decreased from their peak.

View attachment 448336

To borrow a popular phrase that Obama has used, don't bring a knife (your shitty logic) to a gun fight (facts).
1000% increase in the number of people running around with the ChiCom flu as when the shutdown started.

But now Joe StoleIt is in office!

That's completely made up. Plus the stay at home orders are based on ICU availability. California is split into 5 regions and when any of those regions ICU beds fall below 15% then they are on lockdown for 3 weeks. If after 3 weeks ICU beds are above 15% they reopen.


So, stop being a human toilet of lies.
You Leftards are such lousy liars.

I didn't lie. You did by coming up with your bogus 1000% bullshit.

Looks like they are going with a 4 week projection of ICU bed availability. Per your link the bay area recently went from 6% all the way up to 23% in a short amount of time so I'm not sure what that means for Southern California who is hardest hit.

Now, what this means is there are still strict social distancing and masking wearing policies in place. Restaurants are allowed to open however outdoor and take out only.

Ok. COVID is still here, California is not acting like they are back to normal. So, wouldn't that blow a hole in your conspiracy? No? Why not?
I guess Trumpers WANT lock downs now.


Not a Trump fan, but I was okay with the lockdown this fall and it should have started in October and not after the elections and we could have saved lives. Now, we need to stay put until the vaccines reach 80% or more.
Yes, Democrats have continued to use the ChiCom flu as a political weapon.

This completes the Trifecta of California, Illinois, and NY lifting restrictions immediately after Trump leaves office.

You have to be the dumbest poster on the board.

The stay at home orders are being lifted three fucking weeks after Christmas because the spike in cases caused by families getting together for Christmas is abating and the number of cases is coming down, people are getting better, and California has ICU bed available.

We're getting ready to lift stay at home orders in Canada too. Nothing to do with Joe Biden getting elected.

Speaking of stupid, do you ever check anything you say, or does it just blurt out of your rear.

Do you read the links you post before making false claims and baseless insults, or just the headlines? Every case chart for every region in your links shows declining cases.

Suddenly you want lockdowns after railing against them for the past year? Or is this just knee jerk partisan opposition to everything a Democrat does?

confirmed cases
+13,939 today
+17,926 yesterday

+250 today
+275 yesterday

Yep, someone sure has difficulty reading. Or is this just your jerk partisan opposition.
Now, we need to stay put until the vaccines reach 80% or more.
Wow. You want to lock the nation down completely for the better part of 2021?


Are we serious about saving lives? Are we really wanting to overflow ICU beds? Then we need to stay social distanced for the better part of the year. Every time we let off a little the numbers jump and we put our country in grave danger. We could slowly let off and when numbers go nuts, we can clamp down but so far that has costs us many lives. How many lives do we need to lose?
So let me get this straight. Trumpers are ow in favor of total lockdowns for the remainder of the year.

So let me get this straight. Trumpers are ow in favor of total lockdowns for the remainder of the year.

Again, I’m not a Trump supporter so you are now just being stupid. If you can’t answer the questions, I completely understand politics over lives. Thanks for reaffirming what I have thought from the beginning. Now, with a Democrat in office life no longer matters.

Massachusetts. Governor Charles Baker, whose pandemic management has wrecked so many businesses in his state, has decided it’s time to open up restaurants and businesses.

A hospital epidemiologist at Tufts Medical Center admits that the lockdowns didn’t achieve their goal. Shira Dorn said: “Businesses and restaurants have not been shown to be a significant source of spread of infection, and it’s not clear that the additional measures that were instituted in November and December actually helped.”

So sorry we ruined your holidays and lives.

The egregious limits on gatherings will persist for a few more weeks, but the tone of the argument here has shifted. It is the most significant change in state policy in a very long time. Perhaps people can begin soon to get their human rights back?

The same is happening in other states....

Washington, D.C. will resume indoor dining.

Maryland’s governor has decided that the state needs to reopen schools now and no later than March 1.

Gov. Gretchen Whitmer of Michigan says Michigan restaurants can reopen for indoor dining on February 1. Her health adviser decided to resign. Let us hope it is the beginning of many.

Chicago’s mayor is now demanding an immediate opening of restaurants and bars.

Chicago is also threatening teachers unions that they must return to work.

New York Governor Cuomo has dramatically reversed his rhetorical course and demanded a reopening of the city....More announcements are expected in the coming days.

Governor Gavin Newsom, incredibly, has lifted all stay-at-home orders across the state and is permitting dining to open up. Many restaurants have defied orders for months now, and good for them. This new announcement shows that their defiance had an influence.

Montana’s new governor has lifted Covid restrictions.

National Public Radio has decided to announce that the virus has peaked.

The WHO is insisting that the PCR cycle threshold must change. If nations adjust, it should make a big difference in the case trend.

And perhaps in the most honest statement uttered by any elected official in twelve months, Joseph Biden said the following: “There’s nothing we can do to change the trajectory of the pandemic in the next several months.” He didn’t need to qualify that statement. He could have stopped after pandemic.

CNN has removed the death tracker from its main page, while the New York Times has reported a 33% decline in new cases in the past two weeks. Plus, the Times, which arguably made the most profound contribution to the public panic over the virus, is finally reporting on the terrible carnage.

In an incredibly heartbreaking article, the Times chronicles the unspeakable deaths of despair from young children denied schooling over the past year.

As for the astonishingly anti-scientific blather dished out by the media over the last year, even that is starting to change. The Washington Post has published a helpful introduction to immunological basics, as written by JHU Professor Marty Makary

Finally, we have actual experiments in openness right here in the US. Florida, Georgia, South Carolina, and South Dakota have all been open since the spring of last year, with life continuing on more or less as normal. The results have been no worse and most often better than what we see in lockdown states.

It’s almost as if the virus doesn’t care about your political solutions.

Good golly, whoda thought that the cure for the corona was this all along...

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Yes, Democrats have continued to use the ChiCom flu as a political weapon.

This completes the Trifecta of California, Illinois, and NY lifting restrictions immediately after Trump leaves office.

You have to be the dumbest poster on the board.

The stay at home orders are being lifted three fucking weeks after Christmas because the spike in cases caused by families getting together for Christmas is abating and the number of cases is coming down, people are getting better, and California has ICU bed available.

We're getting ready to lift stay at home orders in Canada too. Nothing to do with Joe Biden getting elected.

Speaking of stupid, do you ever check anything you say, or does it just blurt out of your rear.

Do you read the links you post before making false claims and baseless insults, or just the headlines? Every case chart for every region in your links shows declining cases.

Suddenly you want lockdowns after railing against them for the past year? Or is this just knee jerk partisan opposition to everything a Democrat does?

blah blah blah blah blah.
ICU bed availability is at an all time low in California, but lift the restrictions because we must get the economy moving for President Asterisk!

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