California may elect a Republican governor -- Incredible as that sounds


California periodically elects a Republican governor but keeps a super-majority liberal Democrat legislature. That way they can pass all kinds of shit which the governor vetoes and they override and when it all turns to shit blame the governor. By then the sheeple have forgotten the veto. They don't let that happen in every election because people might figure it out.

Yeah, no, I've never seen that as a systematic strategy in California against Republican governors.
Could it happen?

Newt Gingrich: California may elect a Republican governor -- Incredible as that sounds

John Cox is doing something remarkable for a Republican. A recent survey indicates he is now within striking distance of being elected governor of the infamously liberal state in November.

According to the Public Policy Institute of California, Cox (who I greatly respect and have worked with for years) has been gaining support since January and is now the second-place pick for governor among likely California primary voters. This puts him right behind the leading Democrat and represents a great potential for Cox to win the governorship seven months from now.

The poll result is important because California’s primary system for congressional and statewide elections is unusual.

Instead of running in individual party primaries, all candidates for governor of California – regardless of political party affiliation – will appear on a single ballot June 5. The two candidates who earn the most votes move on to the Nov. 6 gubernatorial election. Washington is the only other state that elects both congressional and state-level candidates this way.

In your DREAMS :iyfyus.jpg:---Republicans are going to get wiped out this coming November.
And Democrats will be wiped out the following November....

I doubt you'll get a Republican elected for quite some time. These special elections are the writing on the wall for Republicans.

Last week a Wisconsin Supreme court open seat just went to a woman Democrat for the first time in 22 years, She won a dozen of rural counties in Missouri. They lost the 10th district seat a few months ago to a Democrat that Republicans had held for the last 17 years. Scott Walker is freaking out over these loss's, tweeting out this is a wake up call for Republicans. It is. Paul Ryan won't even say if he's going to run for reelection this coming November. Doug Jones wins in Alabama, (black women came out in numbers never seen before to make that happen.) The 18th district in Pennsylvania, a predominately Republican, big steel district, that Trump won by 20 points in 2016, just turned blue. Connor Lamb won. A democrat hadn't won this seat in decades. New Jersey, Virginia have new Democrat governors. 15 Seats were up in the Virginia state house Democrats won all of them, women winning 11 of those seats. The DNC has announced it's running candidates for every congressional seat in TEXAS. Ted Cruz is up for reelection facing a 40% Hispanic voting population. Trump's motorcade was booed in Atlanta, Georgia 2 months ago. These Presidential books--"Russian Roulette" & "Fire & Fury" are in the top 10 best sellers on Amazon, when most people ignore Presidential tell all books. 39 House Republicans have already announced their early retirements, and will not seek reelection this coming November.
Scott Walker on Twitter
After Supreme Court loss, Scott Walker turns to fundraising with 'anger of the Left' warnings
Conor Lamb Wins Pennsylvania House Seat, Giving Democrats a Map for Trump Country
Democrats make significant gains in Virginia legislature; control of House in play
A Record Number of House Republicans Will Not Seek Re-Election in 2018

Senate majority leader Mitch McConnell stated the other day, he knows a storm is coming but can't tell if it's going to be a Cat 3, 4 or 5.

This pictures say it's going to be a blue Tsunami on Republican seats all across this country.

2nd annual women's march January 20, 2018


More Than 4,000 Women Say They Want to Run for Office Since Trump's Election

For pictures of the 1st woman's march held the day after Trump was inaugurated, go to this link on this board. Scroll through the many pages, you'll probably find your home state there. California is defintely in those pictures.
Woman's march pictures

The normal street protests over Trump.


For more pictures go to this link.
pictures of trump street protests - Yahoo Search Results Yahoo Image Search Results

And of course the March for our lives protest on March 20, 2018


Going on in 800 cities across this country.

I doubt in the history of this Nation there has existed a more DESPISED--HATED President. The anger in this country is palpable.

The greatest accomplishment of Donald Trump is he has effectively KILLED the Republican party.

By electing TRUMP you have awoken a sleeping giant, that is not going to forget to vote this coming November.

Now your Yuuuugessst problem is: If Republicans can do 8 investigations into Benghazi, it's not hard to imagine what these two are going to do with Treason, Obstruction & Lies when they (one or both) are seated as majority leaders on January 19, 2019.


No one is going to stop you from breaking out your check book this year to support a Republican candidate. Feel free--:auiqs.jpg:
Who said anything about "elections"?

I am going to make all the states "red"...with your blood.

W0000o sccaaaaary & spoken like a true Trumptard


For those of who want to see what Republicans are facing this coming November scroll back to Post # 24 on this thread.
Newt Gingrich: California may elect a Republican governor -- Incredible as that sounds
It’s because the leftist are so far off the charts it’s unbelievable. They are nowhere near the center of the political spectrum. They take no ownership of their personal actions and expect government to care for them. They engage in the most obscene and hostile actions toward our culture. I hope California does elect a Republican. They need it. I have posted on here in the past that homeless people in California are living in their own shit. For Christ’s sake wake up Cali.
I think something we need to think about here is this is Newt Gingrich's opinion. I don't think it's worth much. From the poll linked to the article in the OP:

Democrat Gavin Newsom (28%) is the top choice among likely voters, followed by Republican John Cox (14%), Democrat Antonio Villaraigosa (12%), Republican Travis Allen (10%), and Democrats John Chiang (6%) and Delaine Eastin (5%). A quarter of likely voters (24%) are still undecided. In the January PPIC poll, Newsom (23%) and Villaraigosa (21%) were in a virtual tie, with 7 percent supporting Cox.

Cox has 14% of the primary vote, there is only one other Republican running and he is only getting 10%. That means if Cox comes in second he's looking at party line support of about 24% plus 7% of the undecideds, which puts him under 30%.

Newsom, who is going to steamroll through to the general has 28% support however there is also 25% going to other Democrats and that right there is over 50% and he's probably likely to get the majority of undecideds.

You could argue that maybe some dems don't want to vote for Newsom, however considering that Villaraigosa is to the left of Newsom I don't see that support going to the Republican.

Newt Gingrich is a moron.
California's legislature is entirely democrat.

So there's not a single Republican, huh?
Not in the legislature. There are a few congressmen, but the legislature is entirely democrat. Governor, Lieutenant Governor, attorney general, speaker, all democrats. Democrats have a supermajority in the state.

I guess that's your little secret, huh, tard?

Senators |

Members | Assembly Internet

Maybe you need to learn the definition of supermajority.

And California has one.

You said there were no elected Republicans in the state legislature. That is patently false and you have a lengthy history of pulling falsehoods out of your ass and attempting to pass them off as facts. You've been called out on it many times and yet you are still too fucking lazy to do a ten second Google search to get the facts. Or, perhaps you knew that and just decided to lie. Given your history here that is just as plausible.

Aren't you happy about that? It should be just what you have always wanted.

Why is it just what I've always wanted? Surely, you aren't about to tell another lie soon after being caught in one, are you?
Last edited:
Could it happen?

Newt Gingrich: California may elect a Republican governor -- Incredible as that sounds

John Cox is doing something remarkable for a Republican. A recent survey indicates he is now within striking distance of being elected governor of the infamously liberal state in November.

According to the Public Policy Institute of California, Cox (who I greatly respect and have worked with for years) has been gaining support since January and is now the second-place pick for governor among likely California primary voters. This puts him right behind the leading Democrat and represents a great potential for Cox to win the governorship seven months from now.

The poll result is important because California’s primary system for congressional and statewide elections is unusual.

Instead of running in individual party primaries, all candidates for governor of California – regardless of political party affiliation – will appear on a single ballot June 5. The two candidates who earn the most votes move on to the Nov. 6 gubernatorial election. Washington is the only other state that elects both congressional and state-level candidates this way.

In your DREAMS :iyfyus.jpg:---Republicans are going to get wiped out this coming November.
And Democrats will be wiped out the following November....

I doubt you'll get a Republican elected for quite some time. These special elections are the writing on the wall for Republicans.

Last week a Wisconsin Supreme court open seat just went to a woman Democrat for the first time in 22 years, She won a dozen of rural counties in Missouri. They lost the 10th district seat a few months ago to a Democrat that Republicans had held for the last 17 years. Scott Walker is freaking out over these loss's, tweeting out this is a wake up call for Republicans. It is. Paul Ryan won't even say if he's going to run for reelection this coming November. Doug Jones wins in Alabama, (black women came out in numbers never seen before to make that happen.) The 18th district in Pennsylvania, a predominately Republican, big steel district, that Trump won by 20 points in 2016, just turned blue. Connor Lamb won. A democrat hadn't won this seat in decades. New Jersey, Virginia have new Democrat governors. 15 Seats were up in the Virginia state house Democrats won all of them, women winning 11 of those seats. The DNC has announced it's running candidates for every congressional seat in TEXAS. Ted Cruz is up for reelection facing a 40% Hispanic voting population. Trump's motorcade was booed in Atlanta, Georgia 2 months ago. These Presidential books--"Russian Roulette" & "Fire & Fury" are in the top 10 best sellers on Amazon, when most people ignore Presidential tell all books. 39 House Republicans have already announced their early retirements, and will not seek reelection this coming November.
Scott Walker on Twitter
After Supreme Court loss, Scott Walker turns to fundraising with 'anger of the Left' warnings
Conor Lamb Wins Pennsylvania House Seat, Giving Democrats a Map for Trump Country
Democrats make significant gains in Virginia legislature; control of House in play
A Record Number of House Republicans Will Not Seek Re-Election in 2018

Senate majority leader Mitch McConnell stated the other day, he knows a storm is coming but can't tell if it's going to be a Cat 3, 4 or 5.

This pictures say it's going to be a blue Tsunami on Republican seats all across this country.

2nd annual women's march January 20, 2018


More Than 4,000 Women Say They Want to Run for Office Since Trump's Election

For pictures of the 1st woman's march held the day after Trump was inaugurated, go to this link on this board. Scroll through the many pages, you'll probably find your home state there. California is defintely in those pictures.
Woman's march pictures

The normal street protests over Trump.


For more pictures go to this link.
pictures of trump street protests - Yahoo Search Results Yahoo Image Search Results

And of course the March for our lives protest on March 20, 2018


Going on in 800 cities across this country.

I doubt in the history of this Nation there has existed a more DESPISED--HATED President. The anger in this country is palpable.

The greatest accomplishment of Donald Trump is he has effectively KILLED the Republican party.

By electing TRUMP you have awoken a sleeping giant, that is not going to forget to vote this coming November.

Now your Yuuuugessst problem is: If Republicans can do 8 investigations into Benghazi, it's not hard to imagine what these two are going to do with Treason, Obstruction & Lies when they (one or both) are seated as majority leaders on January 19, 2019.


No one is going to stop you from breaking out your check book this year to support a Republican candidate. Feel free--:auiqs.jpg:
Who said anything about "elections"?

I am going to make all the states "red"...with your blood.

W0000o sccaaaaary & spoken like a true Trumptard


For those of who want to see what Republicans are facing this coming November scroll back to Post # 24 on this thread.
Trump is far too nice to you scum.

If I was president I would atomize most of California and then leave on a diplomatic trip while Washington DC is given the same treatment.

Glorified inbreds won't be showing up to protest me if they are all dead.
Could it happen?

Newt Gingrich: California may elect a Republican governor -- Incredible as that sounds

John Cox is doing something remarkable for a Republican. A recent survey indicates he is now within striking distance of being elected governor of the infamously liberal state in November.

According to the Public Policy Institute of California, Cox (who I greatly respect and have worked with for years) has been gaining support since January and is now the second-place pick for governor among likely California primary voters. This puts him right behind the leading Democrat and represents a great potential for Cox to win the governorship seven months from now.

The poll result is important because California’s primary system for congressional and statewide elections is unusual.

Instead of running in individual party primaries, all candidates for governor of California – regardless of political party affiliation – will appear on a single ballot June 5. The two candidates who earn the most votes move on to the Nov. 6 gubernatorial election. Washington is the only other state that elects both congressional and state-level candidates this way.

why is that "incredible", dum dum? Arnold Schwarzenegger was governor of california. So was Ronald Reagan. Anything else you feel like trolling about?

Email Newt, or are you too intimidated by Newt so you go after me?
California is a lost cause covered in filth. A real cesspool of humanity

Personally I don't care what Mexifornia does. I am glad its on complete opposite side of my state and he closest whack job state we have is Virginia but fortunately there is still just enough republicans there to keep it some what sane. I shudder to think I once considered seriously moving to Virginia. I would know what its like to live in a large area but have yankee democrat scum running the entire state.
The Cox guy might end up with 2nd place in the primary...Which means he will be slaughtered by whoever gets first...and it will be Democrat.
California Republican is another name for RINO!

Anyone that is far Right will not get elected in California for Governor and Gloria Allred will make sure of it!!

I mean Trump was a Hollywood darling for many years and still lost the state to Hillary Clinton!!!

So no a Republican will not win California their next Election...
The Cox guy might end up with 2nd place in the primary...Which means he will be slaughtered by whoever gets first...and it will be Democrat.

Yeah, I dunno about that. Democrats have pretty much shown their cards in California, and not too many people are happy with that BS.
The Cox guy might end up with 2nd place in the primary...Which means he will be slaughtered by whoever gets first...and it will be Democrat.

Yeah, I dunno about that. Democrats have pretty much shown their cards in California, and not too many people are happy with that BS.

Yeah, I do "know about that".

Two Democrats are in a virtual tie in the top-two gubernatorial primary. But a quarter of likely voters are undecided — as many as support either of the front-runners,” said pollster Mark Baldassare, PPIC president and CEO. The poll of 1,705 California residents was taken January 21–30.

Under California’s “top two” or jungle primary system, the top two candidates in the June 5 primary, regardless of their party affiliation, will continue on to the November general election.

With 24 percent of likely voters still undecided, the PPIC poll shows none of the other Democratic or Republican challengers within close range of the two former mayors. Those challengers include Democratic state Treasurer John Chiang at 9%, followed by Republican Assemblyman Travis Allen (8%), Republican businessman John Cox (7%), Democrat Delaine Eastin, the former state superintendent of public instruction (4%), and former GOP Rep. Doug Ose (3%).
What that means is that there likely won't even be a Republican on the ticket in November.
In your DREAMS :iyfyus.jpg:---Republicans are going to get wiped out this coming November.
And Democrats will be wiped out the following November....

I doubt you'll get a Republican elected for quite some time. These special elections are the writing on the wall for Republicans.

Last week a Wisconsin Supreme court open seat just went to a woman Democrat for the first time in 22 years, She won a dozen of rural counties in Missouri. They lost the 10th district seat a few months ago to a Democrat that Republicans had held for the last 17 years. Scott Walker is freaking out over these loss's, tweeting out this is a wake up call for Republicans. It is. Paul Ryan won't even say if he's going to run for reelection this coming November. Doug Jones wins in Alabama, (black women came out in numbers never seen before to make that happen.) The 18th district in Pennsylvania, a predominately Republican, big steel district, that Trump won by 20 points in 2016, just turned blue. Connor Lamb won. A democrat hadn't won this seat in decades. New Jersey, Virginia have new Democrat governors. 15 Seats were up in the Virginia state house Democrats won all of them, women winning 11 of those seats. The DNC has announced it's running candidates for every congressional seat in TEXAS. Ted Cruz is up for reelection facing a 40% Hispanic voting population. Trump's motorcade was booed in Atlanta, Georgia 2 months ago. These Presidential books--"Russian Roulette" & "Fire & Fury" are in the top 10 best sellers on Amazon, when most people ignore Presidential tell all books. 39 House Republicans have already announced their early retirements, and will not seek reelection this coming November.
Scott Walker on Twitter
After Supreme Court loss, Scott Walker turns to fundraising with 'anger of the Left' warnings
Conor Lamb Wins Pennsylvania House Seat, Giving Democrats a Map for Trump Country
Democrats make significant gains in Virginia legislature; control of House in play
A Record Number of House Republicans Will Not Seek Re-Election in 2018

Senate majority leader Mitch McConnell stated the other day, he knows a storm is coming but can't tell if it's going to be a Cat 3, 4 or 5.

This pictures say it's going to be a blue Tsunami on Republican seats all across this country.

2nd annual women's march January 20, 2018


More Than 4,000 Women Say They Want to Run for Office Since Trump's Election

For pictures of the 1st woman's march held the day after Trump was inaugurated, go to this link on this board. Scroll through the many pages, you'll probably find your home state there. California is defintely in those pictures.
Woman's march pictures

The normal street protests over Trump.


For more pictures go to this link.
pictures of trump street protests - Yahoo Search Results Yahoo Image Search Results

And of course the March for our lives protest on March 20, 2018


Going on in 800 cities across this country.

I doubt in the history of this Nation there has existed a more DESPISED--HATED President. The anger in this country is palpable.

The greatest accomplishment of Donald Trump is he has effectively KILLED the Republican party.

By electing TRUMP you have awoken a sleeping giant, that is not going to forget to vote this coming November.

Now your Yuuuugessst problem is: If Republicans can do 8 investigations into Benghazi, it's not hard to imagine what these two are going to do with Treason, Obstruction & Lies when they (one or both) are seated as majority leaders on January 19, 2019.


No one is going to stop you from breaking out your check book this year to support a Republican candidate. Feel free--:auiqs.jpg:
Who said anything about "elections"?

I am going to make all the states "red"...with your blood.

W0000o sccaaaaary & spoken like a true Trumptard


For those of who want to see what Republicans are facing this coming November scroll back to Post # 24 on this thread.
Trump is far too nice to you scum.

If I was president I would atomize most of California and then leave on a diplomatic trip while Washington DC is given the same treatment.

Glorified inbreds won't be showing up to protest me if they are all dead.

Well you would have to "atomize" the entire nation, not just California dumbass. Go back to post # 24 on this thread.
They're not ALL from California---:worthless:
And Democrats will be wiped out the following November....

I doubt you'll get a Republican elected for quite some time. These special elections are the writing on the wall for Republicans.

Last week a Wisconsin Supreme court open seat just went to a woman Democrat for the first time in 22 years, She won a dozen of rural counties in Missouri. They lost the 10th district seat a few months ago to a Democrat that Republicans had held for the last 17 years. Scott Walker is freaking out over these loss's, tweeting out this is a wake up call for Republicans. It is. Paul Ryan won't even say if he's going to run for reelection this coming November. Doug Jones wins in Alabama, (black women came out in numbers never seen before to make that happen.) The 18th district in Pennsylvania, a predominately Republican, big steel district, that Trump won by 20 points in 2016, just turned blue. Connor Lamb won. A democrat hadn't won this seat in decades. New Jersey, Virginia have new Democrat governors. 15 Seats were up in the Virginia state house Democrats won all of them, women winning 11 of those seats. The DNC has announced it's running candidates for every congressional seat in TEXAS. Ted Cruz is up for reelection facing a 40% Hispanic voting population. Trump's motorcade was booed in Atlanta, Georgia 2 months ago. These Presidential books--"Russian Roulette" & "Fire & Fury" are in the top 10 best sellers on Amazon, when most people ignore Presidential tell all books. 39 House Republicans have already announced their early retirements, and will not seek reelection this coming November.
Scott Walker on Twitter
After Supreme Court loss, Scott Walker turns to fundraising with 'anger of the Left' warnings
Conor Lamb Wins Pennsylvania House Seat, Giving Democrats a Map for Trump Country
Democrats make significant gains in Virginia legislature; control of House in play
A Record Number of House Republicans Will Not Seek Re-Election in 2018

Senate majority leader Mitch McConnell stated the other day, he knows a storm is coming but can't tell if it's going to be a Cat 3, 4 or 5.

This pictures say it's going to be a blue Tsunami on Republican seats all across this country.

2nd annual women's march January 20, 2018


More Than 4,000 Women Say They Want to Run for Office Since Trump's Election

For pictures of the 1st woman's march held the day after Trump was inaugurated, go to this link on this board. Scroll through the many pages, you'll probably find your home state there. California is defintely in those pictures.
Woman's march pictures

The normal street protests over Trump.


For more pictures go to this link.
pictures of trump street protests - Yahoo Search Results Yahoo Image Search Results

And of course the March for our lives protest on March 20, 2018


Going on in 800 cities across this country.

I doubt in the history of this Nation there has existed a more DESPISED--HATED President. The anger in this country is palpable.

The greatest accomplishment of Donald Trump is he has effectively KILLED the Republican party.

By electing TRUMP you have awoken a sleeping giant, that is not going to forget to vote this coming November.

Now your Yuuuugessst problem is: If Republicans can do 8 investigations into Benghazi, it's not hard to imagine what these two are going to do with Treason, Obstruction & Lies when they (one or both) are seated as majority leaders on January 19, 2019.


No one is going to stop you from breaking out your check book this year to support a Republican candidate. Feel free--:auiqs.jpg:
Who said anything about "elections"?

I am going to make all the states "red"...with your blood.

W0000o sccaaaaary & spoken like a true Trumptard


For those of who want to see what Republicans are facing this coming November scroll back to Post # 24 on this thread.
Trump is far too nice to you scum.

If I was president I would atomize most of California and then leave on a diplomatic trip while Washington DC is given the same treatment.

Glorified inbreds won't be showing up to protest me if they are all dead.

Well you would have to "atomize" the entire nation, not just California dumbass. Go back to post # 24. They're not ALL from California---:worthless:
Atomizing DC during a "protest" would do more than enough damage to your pathetic "blue wave" of bigots and social rejects.
I doubt you'll get a Republican elected for quite some time. These special elections are the writing on the wall for Republicans.

Last week a Wisconsin Supreme court open seat just went to a woman Democrat for the first time in 22 years, She won a dozen of rural counties in Missouri. They lost the 10th district seat a few months ago to a Democrat that Republicans had held for the last 17 years. Scott Walker is freaking out over these loss's, tweeting out this is a wake up call for Republicans. It is. Paul Ryan won't even say if he's going to run for reelection this coming November. Doug Jones wins in Alabama, (black women came out in numbers never seen before to make that happen.) The 18th district in Pennsylvania, a predominately Republican, big steel district, that Trump won by 20 points in 2016, just turned blue. Connor Lamb won. A democrat hadn't won this seat in decades. New Jersey, Virginia have new Democrat governors. 15 Seats were up in the Virginia state house Democrats won all of them, women winning 11 of those seats. The DNC has announced it's running candidates for every congressional seat in TEXAS. Ted Cruz is up for reelection facing a 40% Hispanic voting population. Trump's motorcade was booed in Atlanta, Georgia 2 months ago. These Presidential books--"Russian Roulette" & "Fire & Fury" are in the top 10 best sellers on Amazon, when most people ignore Presidential tell all books. 39 House Republicans have already announced their early retirements, and will not seek reelection this coming November.
Scott Walker on Twitter
After Supreme Court loss, Scott Walker turns to fundraising with 'anger of the Left' warnings
Conor Lamb Wins Pennsylvania House Seat, Giving Democrats a Map for Trump Country
Democrats make significant gains in Virginia legislature; control of House in play
A Record Number of House Republicans Will Not Seek Re-Election in 2018

Senate majority leader Mitch McConnell stated the other day, he knows a storm is coming but can't tell if it's going to be a Cat 3, 4 or 5.

This pictures say it's going to be a blue Tsunami on Republican seats all across this country.

2nd annual women's march January 20, 2018


More Than 4,000 Women Say They Want to Run for Office Since Trump's Election

For pictures of the 1st woman's march held the day after Trump was inaugurated, go to this link on this board. Scroll through the many pages, you'll probably find your home state there. California is defintely in those pictures.
Woman's march pictures

The normal street protests over Trump.


For more pictures go to this link.
pictures of trump street protests - Yahoo Search Results Yahoo Image Search Results

And of course the March for our lives protest on March 20, 2018


Going on in 800 cities across this country.

I doubt in the history of this Nation there has existed a more DESPISED--HATED President. The anger in this country is palpable.

The greatest accomplishment of Donald Trump is he has effectively KILLED the Republican party.

By electing TRUMP you have awoken a sleeping giant, that is not going to forget to vote this coming November.

Now your Yuuuugessst problem is: If Republicans can do 8 investigations into Benghazi, it's not hard to imagine what these two are going to do with Treason, Obstruction & Lies when they (one or both) are seated as majority leaders on January 19, 2019.


No one is going to stop you from breaking out your check book this year to support a Republican candidate. Feel free--:auiqs.jpg:
Who said anything about "elections"?

I am going to make all the states "red"...with your blood.

W0000o sccaaaaary & spoken like a true Trumptard


For those of who want to see what Republicans are facing this coming November scroll back to Post # 24 on this thread.
Trump is far too nice to you scum.

If I was president I would atomize most of California and then leave on a diplomatic trip while Washington DC is given the same treatment.

Glorified inbreds won't be showing up to protest me if they are all dead.

Well you would have to "atomize" the entire nation, not just California dumbass. Go back to post # 24. They're not ALL from California---:worthless:
Atomizing DC during a "protest" would do more than enough damage to your pathetic "blue wave" of bigots and social rejects.

I don't feel a bit sorry for you, you were warned a 1000 times about Trump, and you ignored every single warning. Post # 24 on this exhibits the anger in this country very well. With these special elections in the bag--it's fairly clear there's not too many "safe" Republican seats in this country, especially California.
California historically has an extremely low turnout. I expect the governor's race to be between two democrats. Gavin Newsome thinks he has it in the bag. He probably does. I am one of those who does not bother to vote.

The only thing that might galvanize voters is the rebellion over sanctuary status. If anything puts a Republican in the governor's chair that will be it.
Who said anything about "elections"?

I am going to make all the states "red"...with your blood.

W0000o sccaaaaary & spoken like a true Trumptard


For those of who want to see what Republicans are facing this coming November scroll back to Post # 24 on this thread.
Trump is far too nice to you scum.

If I was president I would atomize most of California and then leave on a diplomatic trip while Washington DC is given the same treatment.

Glorified inbreds won't be showing up to protest me if they are all dead.

Well you would have to "atomize" the entire nation, not just California dumbass. Go back to post # 24. They're not ALL from California---:worthless:
Atomizing DC during a "protest" would do more than enough damage to your pathetic "blue wave" of bigots and social rejects.

I don't feel a bit sorry for you, you were warned a 1000 times about Trump, and you ignored every single warning. Post # 24 on this exhibits the anger in this country very well. With these special elections in the bag--it's fairly clear there's not too many "safe" Republican seats in this country, especially California.
There are no "safe" seats for Democrats. You were warned decades ago that treason is a crime punishable by death, and now it is time for that punishment.

This civil war there won't be a winner or a loser, you will just be completely wiped off the face of the earth and our descendants won't know where to spit on your graves.

California periodically elects a Republican governor but keeps a super-majority liberal Democrat legislature. That way they can pass all kinds of shit which the governor vetoes and they override and when it all turns to shit blame the governor. By then the sheeple have forgotten the veto. They don't let that happen in every election because people might figure it out.

Yeah, no, I've never seen that as a systematic strategy in California against Republican governors.
It was used very effectively against Schwarzenegger.
W0000o sccaaaaary & spoken like a true Trumptard


For those of who want to see what Republicans are facing this coming November scroll back to Post # 24 on this thread.
Trump is far too nice to you scum.

If I was president I would atomize most of California and then leave on a diplomatic trip while Washington DC is given the same treatment.

Glorified inbreds won't be showing up to protest me if they are all dead.

Well you would have to "atomize" the entire nation, not just California dumbass. Go back to post # 24. They're not ALL from California---:worthless:
Atomizing DC during a "protest" would do more than enough damage to your pathetic "blue wave" of bigots and social rejects.

I don't feel a bit sorry for you, you were warned a 1000 times about Trump, and you ignored every single warning. Post # 24 on this exhibits the anger in this country very well. With these special elections in the bag--it's fairly clear there's not too many "safe" Republican seats in this country, especially California.
There are no "safe" seats for Democrats. You were warned decades ago that treason is a crime punishable by death, and now it is time for that punishment.

This civil war there won't be a winner or a loser, you will just be completely wiped off the face of the earth and our descendants won't know where to spit on your graves.

I must have really hit a nerve on post # 24 of this thread with you--:auiqs.jpg: Ever since looking at those crowds and reading about all the special elections DEMOCRATS have been winning you can't SHUT-UP.


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