California may elect a Republican governor -- Incredible as that sounds

Why does that sound "incredible"? Ever heard of Pete Wilson? Ronald Reagan? Earl Warren?

California has elected more Republican governors than Democrats --- even counting the time before the Republican Party began.

California has moved a lot further to the left since those days, but I agree, it's not that incredible. Gubernatorial races tend not to follow the partisan politics of the state.
An independent California can unanimously elect Hillary Clinton as the California president.
And then Europe can finally have a break from all the "refugees"...

Of course, the reality is that Hillary wouldn't have a prayer of winning in a 80% Hispanic California nation.
Could it happen?

Newt Gingrich: California may elect a Republican governor -- Incredible as that sounds

John Cox is doing something remarkable for a Republican. A recent survey indicates he is now within striking distance of being elected governor of the infamously liberal state in November.

According to the Public Policy Institute of California, Cox (who I greatly respect and have worked with for years) has been gaining support since January and is now the second-place pick for governor among likely California primary voters. This puts him right behind the leading Democrat and represents a great potential for Cox to win the governorship seven months from now.

The poll result is important because California’s primary system for congressional and statewide elections is unusual.

Instead of running in individual party primaries, all candidates for governor of California – regardless of political party affiliation – will appear on a single ballot June 5. The two candidates who earn the most votes move on to the Nov. 6 gubernatorial election. Washington is the only other state that elects both congressional and state-level candidates this way.

In your DREAMS :iyfyus.jpg:---Republicans are going to get wiped out this coming November.
And Democrats will be wiped out the following November....

I doubt you'll get a Republican elected for quite some time. These special elections are the writing on the wall for Republicans.

Last week a Wisconsin Supreme court open seat just went to a woman Democrat for the first time in 22 years, She won a dozen of rural counties in Missouri. They lost the 10th district seat a few months ago to a Democrat that Republicans had held for the last 17 years. Scott Walker is freaking out over these loss's, tweeting out this is a wake up call for Republicans. It is. Paul Ryan won't even say if he's going to run for reelection this coming November. Doug Jones wins in Alabama, (black women came out in numbers never seen before to make that happen.) The 18th district in Pennsylvania, a predominately Republican, big steel district, that Trump won by 20 points in 2016, just turned blue. Connor Lamb won. A democrat hadn't won this seat in decades. New Jersey, Virginia have new Democrat governors. 15 Seats were up in the Virginia state house Democrats won all of them, women winning 11 of those seats. The DNC has announced it's running candidates for every congressional seat in TEXAS. Ted Cruz is up for reelection facing a 40% Hispanic voting population. Trump's motorcade was booed in Atlanta, Georgia 2 months ago. These Presidential books--"Russian Roulette" & "Fire & Fury" are in the top 10 best sellers on Amazon, when most people ignore Presidential tell all books. 39 House Republicans have already announced their early retirements, and will not seek reelection this coming November.
Scott Walker on Twitter
After Supreme Court loss, Scott Walker turns to fundraising with 'anger of the Left' warnings
Conor Lamb Wins Pennsylvania House Seat, Giving Democrats a Map for Trump Country
Democrats make significant gains in Virginia legislature; control of House in play
A Record Number of House Republicans Will Not Seek Re-Election in 2018

Senate majority leader Mitch McConnell stated the other day, he knows a storm is coming but can't tell if it's going to be a Cat 3, 4 or 5.

This pictures say it's going to be a blue Tsunami on Republican seats all across this country.

2nd annual women's march January 20, 2018


More Than 4,000 Women Say They Want to Run for Office Since Trump's Election

For pictures of the 1st woman's march held the day after Trump was inaugurated, go to this link on this board. Scroll through the many pages, you'll probably find your home state there. California is defintely in those pictures.
Woman's march pictures

The normal street protests over Trump.


For more pictures go to this link.
pictures of trump street protests - Yahoo Search Results Yahoo Image Search Results

And of course the March for our lives protest on March 20, 2018


Going on in 800 cities across this country.

I doubt in the history of this Nation there has existed a more DESPISED--HATED President. The anger in this country is palpable.

The greatest accomplishment of Donald Trump is he has effectively KILLED the Republican party.

By electing TRUMP you have awoken a sleeping giant, that is not going to forget to vote this coming November.

Now your Yuuuugessst problem is: If Republicans can do 8 investigations into Benghazi, it's not hard to imagine what these two are going to do with Treason, Obstruction & Lies when they (one or both) are seated as majority leaders on January 19, 2019.


No one is going to stop you from breaking out your check book this year to support a Republican candidate. Feel free--:auiqs.jpg:
I have never heard of Cox and I am a Californian. In fact I can't say as I have heard about any one who is running for governor out side of Newsom. I would most likely not vote for a republican because of all the damage they have done to my state in the past.
I have never heard of Cox and I am a Californian. In fact I can't say as I have heard about any one who is running for governor out side of Newsom. I would most likely not vote for a republican because of all the damage they have done to my state in the past.

Ok then, so either you're not really in California or you just don't pay attention.
One day they are going to secede from the union and the next day they are going to elect a republican governor. What a bunch of idiots.

Only an idiot thinks there is any really secession movement in California.
California's legislature is entirely democrat.

So there's not a single Republican, huh?
Not in the legislature. There are a few congressmen, but the legislature is entirely democrat. Governor, Lieutenant Governor, attorney general, speaker, all democrats. Democrats have a supermajority in the state.

Democrats clinch a supermajority in both houses of the California Legislature after Josh Newman wins state Senate seat

Democrats are horrified that there is a republican Congressman. They want Darrel Issa gone as soon as possible.
California's legislature is entirely democrat.

So there's not a single Republican, huh?
Not in the legislature. There are a few congressmen, but the legislature is entirely democrat. Governor, Lieutenant Governor, attorney general, speaker, all democrats. Democrats have a supermajority in the state.

I guess that's your little secret, huh, tard?

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Maybe you need to learn the definition of supermajority.
Could it happen?

Newt Gingrich: California may elect a Republican governor -- Incredible as that sounds

John Cox is doing something remarkable for a Republican. A recent survey indicates he is now within striking distance of being elected governor of the infamously liberal state in November.

According to the Public Policy Institute of California, Cox (who I greatly respect and have worked with for years) has been gaining support since January and is now the second-place pick for governor among likely California primary voters. This puts him right behind the leading Democrat and represents a great potential for Cox to win the governorship seven months from now.

The poll result is important because California’s primary system for congressional and statewide elections is unusual.

Instead of running in individual party primaries, all candidates for governor of California – regardless of political party affiliation – will appear on a single ballot June 5. The two candidates who earn the most votes move on to the Nov. 6 gubernatorial election. Washington is the only other state that elects both congressional and state-level candidates this way.

why is that "incredible", dum dum? Arnold Schwarzenegger was governor of california. So was Ronald Reagan. Anything else you feel like trolling about?
One day they are going to secede from the union and the next day they are going to elect a republican governor. What a bunch of idiots.

Only an idiot thinks there is any really secession movement in California.

Speaking of idiots.
Californians are calling for a 'Calexit' from the US — here's how a secession could work

Your link starts with "A fringe political group in California wants to opt out of a Donald Trump presidency by leaving the union".

Like I said, there is no real movement to secede from the Union in California.
Could it happen?

Newt Gingrich: California may elect a Republican governor -- Incredible as that sounds

John Cox is doing something remarkable for a Republican. A recent survey indicates he is now within striking distance of being elected governor of the infamously liberal state in November.

According to the Public Policy Institute of California, Cox (who I greatly respect and have worked with for years) has been gaining support since January and is now the second-place pick for governor among likely California primary voters. This puts him right behind the leading Democrat and represents a great potential for Cox to win the governorship seven months from now.

The poll result is important because California’s primary system for congressional and statewide elections is unusual.

Instead of running in individual party primaries, all candidates for governor of California – regardless of political party affiliation – will appear on a single ballot June 5. The two candidates who earn the most votes move on to the Nov. 6 gubernatorial election. Washington is the only other state that elects both congressional and state-level candidates this way.

why is that "incredible", dum dum? Arnold Schwarzenegger was governor of california. So was Ronald Reagan. Anything else you feel like trolling about?
Totally different state.
One day they are going to secede from the union and the next day they are going to elect a republican governor. What a bunch of idiots.

Only an idiot thinks there is any really secession movement in California.

Speaking of idiots.
Californians are calling for a 'Calexit' from the US — here's how a secession could work

Your link starts with "A fringe political group in California wants to opt out of a Donald Trump presidency by leaving the union".

Like I said, there is no real movement to secede from the Union in California.
You mean like the same "fringe" group that keeps burning UC Berkeley's campus over and over again?
One day they are going to secede from the union and the next day they are going to elect a republican governor. What a bunch of idiots.

Only an idiot thinks there is any really secession movement in California.

Speaking of idiots.
Californians are calling for a 'Calexit' from the US — here's how a secession could work

Your link starts with "A fringe political group in California wants to opt out of a Donald Trump presidency by leaving the union".

Like I said, there is no real movement to secede from the Union in California.
You mean like the same "fringe" group that keeps burning UC Berkeley's campus over and over again?

How many individuals 'keep burning UC Berkeley's campus"? Your question is non nonsensical and has nothing to do with my post. You've also obviously never been to Berkeley.
California's legislature is entirely democrat.

So there's not a single Republican, huh?
Not in the legislature. There are a few congressmen, but the legislature is entirely democrat. Governor, Lieutenant Governor, attorney general, speaker, all democrats. Democrats have a supermajority in the state.

I guess that's your little secret, huh, tard?

Senators |

Members | Assembly Internet

Maybe you need to learn the definition of supermajority.

And California has one. Aren't you happy about that? It should be just what you have always wanted.
California's legislature is entirely democrat.

So there's not a single Republican, huh?
Not in the legislature. There are a few congressmen, but the legislature is entirely democrat. Governor, Lieutenant Governor, attorney general, speaker, all democrats. Democrats have a supermajority in the state.

I guess that's your little secret, huh, tard?

Senators |

Members | Assembly Internet

Maybe you need to learn the definition of supermajority.

And California has one. Aren't you happy about that? It should be just what you have always wanted.

It was just pointed out to you that you were wrong and I genuinely don't think you understand that.

California periodically elects a Republican governor but keeps a super-majority liberal Democrat legislature. That way they can pass all kinds of shit which the governor vetoes and they override and when it all turns to shit blame the governor. By then the sheeple have forgotten the veto. They don't let that happen in every election because people might figure it out.

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