California raises minimum wage to $10 an hour

Sooo they didn't really raise it. They said they're commited to raising it. But in an uncommital EPA style. How unsurprising. Lap it up Leftytoons...lap it up.
But it was opposed by many Republicans, who said it would hurt small businesses and ultimately cost some low-wage workers their jobs.

There those democrats go "helping" the poor adding to their ranks.
Guess no one will be buying fast food in Cali.

Cali will be hoist on their own petard.
They are so stoopid! Dont thay no that razing the MW is an eezy way 2 help the poooooooor?

Y knot make it $15/hr or $20?

U kant liv in San Fukkin Fransisco at ten bukks per hour. Hu R they kidding?

Bravo California! Bravo Governor Jerry Brown!

California signs law raising minimum wage to $10/hour by 2016 - NBC

California has become the first state in the nation to commit to raising the minimum wage to $10 per hour, although the increase will take place gradually until 2016 under a bill signed into law by Democratic Governor Jerry Brown on Wednesday.

Why not raise it to 200 hundred dollars an hour and give everyone a "living wage" Y'all can all be millionaires.
Bravo California! Bravo Governor Jerry Brown!

California signs law raising minimum wage to $10/hour by 2016 - NBC

California has become the first state in the nation to commit to raising the minimum wage to $10 per hour, although the increase will take place gradually until 2016 under a bill signed into law by Democratic Governor Jerry Brown on Wednesday.

So how is paying someone $10 an hour to do work that is only worth $8.00 an hour economical?
Bravo California! Bravo Governor Jerry Brown!

California signs law raising minimum wage to $10/hour by 2016 - NBC

California has become the first state in the nation to commit to raising the minimum wage to $10 per hour, although the increase will take place gradually until 2016 under a bill signed into law by Democratic Governor Jerry Brown on Wednesday.

So how is paying someone $10 an hour to do work that is only worth $8.00 an hour economical?

It's called trickle-up.
So how is paying someone $10 an hour to do work that is only worth $8.00 an hour economical?

It's called trickle-up.

Nothing is trickling up.

Plenty to trickle up. The worker now has more to spend on gasoline which means more trips with extra cash on hand to spend on at restaurants, theatres, supermarkets, 7/11's, ballparks, malls, Wal Mart, K-Mart, Target, etc, etc, etc. Get the picture?
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It's called trickle-up.

Nothing is trickling up.

Plenty to trickle up. The worker now has more to spend on gasoline which means more trips with extra cash on hand to spend on at restaurants, theatres, supermarkets, 7/11's, ballparks, malls, Wal Mart, K-Mart, Target, etc, etc, etc. Get the picture?

Yeah, here is another picture for you, genius. The business owner now has to pay out more capital to labor which will in turn, raise prices on goods and services. it also means that some workers will be cut entirely in order to meet overhead caps for smaller businesses. meanig they now have NO money. So, you're wrong completely. the worker now has more money (in some cases), and the cost of products and services has now increased...leaving the worker...right where they started except with a bigger number.

Economically inept LOLberals will never grasp this
It's called trickle-up.

Nothing is trickling up.

Plenty to trickle up. The worker now has more to spend on gasoline which means more trips with extra cash on hand to spend on at restaurants, theatres, supermarkets, 7/11's, ballparks, malls, etc, etc, etc. Get the picture?

Obviously, govt schooling left out many tools that you need to pose a legitimate argument. You left out obamacare which will FORCE people to sign up for premiums that are increasing, another lie by the president, inflation...which makes the dollar worth less, higher taxes to pay for obamacare and so on.
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meanwhile Unemployment in the State is at sure that will help getting people hired.....

It will eventually, as the workers spend their their newfound cash around at restaurants, theatres, supermarkets, 7/11's, ballparks, malls, Wal Mart, K-Mart, Targets, etc, etc, etc. Got it?
meanwhile Unemployment in the State is at sure that will help getting people hired.....

It will eventually, as the workers spend their their newfound cash around at restaurants, theatres, supermarkets, 7/11's, ballparks, malls, Wal Mart, K-Mart, Targets, etc, etc, etc. Got it?

Right. They will spend the money on the same items they are spending their money on now, only it will cost more and more people will be cut entirely from employment.

You really are that special kind of stupid... :lmao:
meanwhile Unemployment in the State is at sure that will help getting people hired.....

It will eventually, as the workers spend their their newfound cash around at restaurants, theatres, supermarkets, 7/11's, ballparks, malls, Wal Mart, K-Mart, Targets, etc, etc, etc. Got it?

Damn, you're stupid. Is there some online school.....maybe we could take up a collection to help you out.
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meanwhile Unemployment in the State is at sure that will help getting people hired.....

It will eventually, as the workers spend their their newfound cash around at restaurants, theatres, supermarkets, 7/11's, ballparks, malls, Wal Mart, K-Mart, Targets, etc, etc, etc. Got it?

A short Micro 101 lesson........

Payroll is usually the highest of the operating costs of a company.

When payroll increases, so does operating costs. Usually payroll increases due to demand for goods and services, ...they need more personnel to stay up with the cost of goods and services stay level.

However, when payroll increases due to outside interference and NOT do to increase in demand, then the increase in payroll is passed on to the cost of the good and services

So, in the end, a man may get a dollar raise....40 dollars a week....but his cost to live will go up as well.

Nothing gained...
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