California redefines rape for college students

I have always found it amazing how Men are always responsible for their actions, even when stoned or drunk, but women are not.

Just more of the hypocritical, dual system that is in place.

Women are Equal to men, except when they don't want to be equal to men. Women are able to be trained killers and put into the most elite fighting units of the military, yet they need special laws to protect them from men.

Who says? In the eyes of the law they are equally culpable. As for your final paragraph, it's clear you're a practicing Misogynist.

Nope, they aren't equally culpable in the eyes of the law. Do women ever pay child support?

Yes they do.
The Dworkin-McKinney axis of femi-nazi evil defines rape as ANY sexual act between a man and a woman.......ANY.


LOL. I don't doubt it. Just THINKING about some of the "femi-nazis" I've had the horror of seeing is a form of rape. It's rape of my memory bank.

Using the term "femi-nazis" (even in quotes & framed by LOL) suggests you are a ditto head, and thus have zero credibility, for anything posted by a ditto head is nothing but an echo. Please tell us it was sarcasm.
As consensual sex between two consenting adults who don't talk about sex.

This bill would require these governing boards to adopt policies concerning campus sexual violence, domestic violence, dating violence, and stalking that include certain elements, including an affirmative consent standard in the determination of whether consent was given by a complainant. The bill would require these governing boards to adopt certain sexual assault policies and protocols, as specified, and would require the governing boards, to the extent feasible, to enter into memoranda of understanding or other agreements with on-campus and community-based organizations to make services available to victims. The bill would also require the governing boards to implement comprehensive prevention programs addressing sexual assault, domestic violence, dating violence, and stalking. By requiring community college districts to adopt or modify certain policies and protocols, the bill would impose a state-mandated local program.

Bill Text - SB-967 Student safety: sexual assault.

Yep, can't see anything wrong with this.

I guess they want to distinguish legitimate rape from any other kind.

Damn, Republicans were right all along.
As consensual sex between two consenting adults who don't talk about sex.

Bill Text - SB-967 Student safety: sexual assault.

Yep, can't see anything wrong with this.

No I can't. Maybe you can explain your reservations. I'd be happy to debate you on the issues since I ran a Domestic Violence//Sexual Assault Unit, wrote VAWA Grants, managed said grants and managed units of law enforcement officers/deputies/volunteers and counselors/therapists.

Tell me what troubles you and I'll set you straight.

You are truly scary.
His sexual encounters generally involved dark bath houses and abandoned truck stops. That explains a lot.
The Dworkin-McKinney axis of femi-nazi evil defines rape as ANY sexual act between a man and a woman.......ANY.


LOL. I don't doubt it. Just THINKING about some of the "femi-nazis" I've had the horror of seeing is a form of rape. It's rape of my memory bank.

Using the term "femi-nazis" (even in quotes & framed by LOL) suggests you are a ditto head, and thus have zero credibility, for anything posted by a ditto head is nothing but an echo. Please tell us it was sarcasm.

Every ditto head has more credibility than any feminazi or their associates. That means you, asshole.

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