California: There are three genders.

Jesus read the thread. Read my posts.

Christ sake, we've pretty much read way too many of your posts...way too much BS.

Would you like to deny that anthropology is a science?

Don't dodge the question.

lol your retarded post didn't contain a question.

Jesus, read the thread...idiot.

So I answered the question, because what he asked me I've already answered previously in the thread.

Man, you can tell how bad you people are losing this argument by how frantic your trolling has become.
Christ sake, we've pretty much read way too many of your posts...way too much BS.

Would you like to deny that anthropology is a science?

Don't dodge the question.

lol your retarded post didn't contain a question.

Jesus, read the thread...idiot.

So I answered the question, because what he asked me I've already answered previously in the thread.

Man, you can tell how bad you people are losing this argument by how frantic your trolling has become.

Ok, so just for the hell of it, answer it again: What the hell does anthropology have to do with gender?
From you? Hardly. Anybody that thinks there are 3 genders lacks the most basic understanding of science.

Anthropology is a science, and is where the references I've made have come from.

What the hell does anthropology have to do with gender? I think you are thinking of biological anthropology.

Jesus read the thread. Read my posts.

Christ sake, we've pretty much read way too many of your posts...way too much BS.

Would you like to deny that anthropology is a science?
Again NYcarbineer
Cultural expressions of religion also fall under social sciences.
But that doesn't justify govt endorsing certain religions over others. There are scientific studies showing positive effects of Christian spiritual healing in curing Rheumatoid arthritis, but that still remains a free andvoluntary choice of therapy and can't be regulated or established by govt.

The advantage of treating LGBT orientation and identity as a faith based belief is that it is automatically protected under religious freedom and constitutional laws including the first and Fourteenth amendments. No science is required and no further laws are needed to protect someone's CREED or BELIEFS.

Same sex marriage is already protected under free exercise of religion.

If you require the govt to endorse your beliefs and rights in order to have them, NYcarbineer, that's where I envision the parties heading toward recognizing these platfirms as political religions or beliefs, and reaching a mutual agreement to quit imposing one religion over another through govt because it violates equal first and Fourteenth amendment principles by discriminating by Creed.

I was still hoping you can see where this is heading NYcarbineer, and if you can learn or come up with something new here, as you were chiding others.

Don't you think it will help to treat both sides equally as "faith based beliefs" they both have equal rights to defend under law?

If that isn't the first step toward equal respect inclusion and protection by laws, then what is?

Thanks NYC and hope you are able to forge a breakthrough here and build bridges to understanding instead of mutual walls.
Leftists really helping the middle class out as usual.

"The state of California will now legally recognize non-binary as a third gender on official state identification documents.

In June, the District of Columbia followed Oregon's lead and began offering the gender-neutral choice of "X" on driver licenses and identification cards, and similar legislation is currently pending in New York."

California legally recognizes a third gender on driver's license

Even in a creationism museum, you won't encounter anything so blatantly anti-science. And now, they are making it the law. Unhinged regressivism on display.

Since gender is cultural, not biological, there is no anti-science about it.
What an idiot. Gender is biological. It's determined by your genes. You can't get more biological than that.
You people who say that's anti-science should remember, or learn, that among the sciences are the social sciences.
Actually not. The so-called "social sciences" are mostly quackery and abracadabra. They're a tool for govenrment indoctrination.
You people who say that's anti-science should remember, or learn, that among the sciences are the social sciences.
Actually not. The so-called "social sciences" are mostly quackery and abracadabra. They're a tool for govenrment indoctrination.

I wonder if they are asked to memorize the 72 genders that you can select on facebook. Most likely...

On the other hand I am having difficulty telling the gender of these people, is this being a man or a woman is quite the riddle:

No wonder gender is so confusing for them.
Would you like to deny that anthropology is a science?

Don't dodge the question.

lol your retarded post didn't contain a question.

Jesus, read the thread...idiot.

So I answered the question, because what he asked me I've already answered previously in the thread.

Man, you can tell how bad you people are losing this argument by how frantic your trolling has become.

Ok, so just for the hell of it, answer it again: What the hell does anthropology have to do with gender?

Anthropology documents, analyzes, studies human cultures. Gender identity is a cultural phenomenon. Obviously most males and females in any given culture fall into the male/female roles in the culture in accordance with their genital composition or whatever you want to call that. The few that don't are dealt with in various ways,

many cultures throughout history found a way to simply give them a place within the society that let them be what they were.
A few, like you people, want them killed, I guess, or at least persecuted and discriminated against and made miserable.

NOW go back and look at my links.
It’s also a civil liberties issue, where the Constitution recognizes the right to self-determination, the right to make personal decisions about one’s life, including the right to make decisions as to gender.

You don't get to choose your gender sex. That's determined by biological parameters that are set before you're even born. And nothing in the Constitution even implies any such choice. It would be absurd for it or any other body of law to do so.
This is all about RW'ers clinging to their deep seated irreversible bigotry towards homosexuals. This is their last ditch effort to win some sort of victory in their desire to deny gays equal rights. They consider transgenderism or anything of the sort under any other name,

to just another part of the gay rights issue.

At that level, what it seems to be about is left wrong-wingers obsessed with forcing perversion, immorality, madness, and evil on society as a whole. Why are you so obsessed with taking the side of faggots and trannie sand other sick perverts, against that of decent people? Why are you so obsessed with forcing society to accept as truth that which any sane person can see as an insane, perverted lie? Men are not women,and never will be. Women are not men, and never will be. Every sane person, from a very young age, knows the difference between girls and boys. How do you not know or accept this difference?
You people who say that's anti-science should remember, or learn, that among the sciences are the social sciences.
Actually not. The so-called "social sciences" are mostly quackery and abracadabra. They're a tool for govenrment indoctrination.

lol, you probably think that's an intelligent argument.
Intelligent people understand that the so-called "social sciences" bear only a superficial resemblance to actual science. Their theories are unproven and, in fact, they can't be proven. They are mostly the result of ideology, and they are a form of indoctrination.
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Don't dodge the question.

lol your retarded post didn't contain a question.

Jesus, read the thread...idiot.

So I answered the question, because what he asked me I've already answered previously in the thread.

Man, you can tell how bad you people are losing this argument by how frantic your trolling has become.

Ok, so just for the hell of it, answer it again: What the hell does anthropology have to do with gender?

Anthropology documents, analyzes, studies human cultures. Gender identity is a cultural phenomenon. Obviously most males and females in any given culture fall into the male/female roles in the culture in accordance with their genital composition or whatever you want to call that. The few that don't are dealt with in various ways,

many cultures throughout history found a way to simply give them a place within the society that let them be what they were.
A few, like you people, want them killed, I guess, or at least persecuted and discriminated against and made miserable.

NOW go back and look at my links.

Now you've changed the term to "gender identity." Whatever that is, it may be a social phenomenon, but gender is a biolical fact.
Don't dodge the question.

lol your retarded post didn't contain a question.

Jesus, read the thread...idiot.

So I answered the question, because what he asked me I've already answered previously in the thread.

Man, you can tell how bad you people are losing this argument by how frantic your trolling has become.

Ok, so just for the hell of it, answer it again: What the hell does anthropology have to do with gender?

Anthropology documents, analyzes, studies human cultures. Gender identity is a cultural phenomenon. Obviously most males and females in any given culture fall into the male/female roles in the culture in accordance with their genital composition or whatever you want to call that. The few that don't are dealt with in various ways,

many cultures throughout history found a way to simply give them a place within the society that let them be what they were.
A few, like you people, want them killed, I guess, or at least persecuted and discriminated against and made miserable.

NOW go back and look at my links.

Dear NYcarbineer again you are talking about TWO different levels:

(a) outward EXPRESSION of gender is cultural, like how we dress and whether we wear makeup or hair a certain way
(b) what these opponents are voicing is the focus on GENETIC differences that determine the sexual organs people are born with
Yes, there are exceptions where some people may have both organs, but these are rare.

(c) You also brought up that the gender identity manifests as differences in the brain as an organ similar to the sexual organs.

Then I brought up that religious or political differences in belief systems also manifest as differences in the brains of people.
But that doesn't take away people's free choice to decide how they want to identify,
nor justify the GOVT being abused to ENDORSE one set of views over others.
These should all be treated equally as the free choice of individuals how each one wants to identify and affiliate.

In order to have the right to choose that way of expressing or practicing your beliefs!!!

Now NYcarbineer if it helps you with confirmation and confidence in your own beliefs
to have scientific backing that shows these differences manifest in the brain, or the womb during
neurological development, or whatever, then fine. Use that if YOU need it for YOU.

But by the First Amendment nobody is required to prove their beliefs are "proven by science"
in order to exercise equal right to express and practice them.

If you are trying to use science to IMPOSE your beliefs on others,
then look at how science proves that Christian spiritual healing has cured people of diseases,
or has helped people recover from UNWANTED homosexual orientation that wasn't natural for them.

Are you just as OPEN to science that would PROVE some cases of homosexuality caused by abuse
CAN BE CHANGED and HEALED through spiritual therapy???

If not, you are still pushing a discriminatory bias toward your beliefs and against the beliefs of others.

Please be fair.

Even if science proves spiritual healing effectively has changed some people's orientation,
that doesn't mean govt has jurisdiction to dictate regulate or endorse this.
it still remains a free choice for individuals, even with scientific proof that it has worked for some people.

Same with whatever is going on with LGBT orientation and identity.
it still remains a free choice of individuals, even if you want to cite science to justify where
your beliefs are coming from. Christians can and have proved that science backs
what they have been saying about spiritual healing, yet that remains a free choice
that Govt CANNOT endorse, regulate, mandate or punish people for not accepting.
Even with scientific proof, it is up to individual free choice.
Leftists really helping the middle class out as usual.

"The state of California will now legally recognize non-binary as a third gender on official state identification documents.

In June, the District of Columbia followed Oregon's lead and began offering the gender-neutral choice of "X" on driver licenses and identification cards, and similar legislation is currently pending in New York."

California legally recognizes a third gender on driver's license

Even in a creationism museum, you won't encounter anything so blatantly anti-science. And now, they are making it the law. Unhinged regressivism on display.

Since gender is cultural, not biological, there is no anti-science about it.

It's downright preposterous that a conservative deigns to proffer what science can or cannot show as part of an argument they make for or against anything. That science has yet to establish whether exists or does not the Biblical God has never stopped many conservatives from believing such a being does exist. That the preponderance of climate scientists agree that anthropogenic climate change is real and material has not stopped many conservatives from accepting as much and the implications thereof.

Instead, what many conservatives do is ascribe to and cite science's findings when it affirms a political objective they have and reject them when they don't, sometimes even going as far as to assert that scientists subvert scientific method to political preferences...that even as those very conservatives exercise nothing resembling the rigor of the scientific method in presenting their opposing ideas. I'm sorry, but one cannot be taken seriously or as credible when one does that.
Of course climate change is real. The climate has been changing since the earth has had a climate. It doesn't take too much common sense to figure that one out.
Equivocation in and of itself as well as by way of oversimplification of the term I used.
That the preponderance of climate scientists agree that anthropogenic climate change is real and material has not stopped many conservatives from accepting as much and the implications thereof.
There is no equivocation in that statement. It's simple truth.
Argument by assertion, while also standing on your equivocal remark from before.

Again, its simple truth. Im only stating proven science in regards to continuous climate change over millennia. Your assertion and equivocation arguments are unfounded and basically just folly.
Again, its simple truth. Im only stating proven science in regards to continuous climate change over millennia.
...Which is not the matter I cited in my remarks. I wrote:
That the preponderance of climate scientists agree that anthropogenic climate change is real and material has not stopped many conservatives from accepting as much and the implications thereof. which you equivocally replied:
Of course climate change is real. The climate has been changing since the earth has had a climate. It doesn't take too much common sense to figure that one out.
...which is a reply that is
Equivocation in and of itself as well as by way of oversimplification of the term I used.
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Don't dodge the question.

lol your retarded post didn't contain a question.

Jesus, read the thread...idiot.

So I answered the question, because what he asked me I've already answered previously in the thread.

Man, you can tell how bad you people are losing this argument by how frantic your trolling has become.

Ok, so just for the hell of it, answer it again: What the hell does anthropology have to do with gender?

Anthropology documents, analyzes, studies human cultures. Gender identity is a cultural phenomenon. Obviously most males and females in any given culture fall into the male/female roles in the culture in accordance with their genital composition or whatever you want to call that. The few that don't are dealt with in various ways,

many cultures throughout history found a way to simply give them a place within the society that let them be what they were.
A few, like you people, want them killed, I guess, or at least persecuted and discriminated against and made miserable.

NOW go back and look at my links.

Gender identity?? While some of you may be a bit confused on that issue, many of us are not. I would even go out on a limb and say most of us are not. As far as going back and looking at your links, no thanks. You've consistently added words and eliminated words to help explain your fricken twisted argument. I'm done playing your BS game.

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