California Woman Fired After Calling Obama N-Word, Hoping He's Assassinated

Did you post that law? Because I've been googling and can't seem to find what you're referencing.

You can't be fired for something that happens away from the business during non working hours.

CA Codes (lab:79-107)
Yes you can be fired for breaking federal law if your boss fires you based on your sullying his business with illegal speech if other employees can reach that speech from their work computers online.

It's illegal to use speech that would incite others to assassinate a POTUS.

There's no question in my mind that woman should be in federal custody right now along with a complete and total analysis of the contents of her work and home computers and an investigation into her contacts who may be more into assassination than she.

Two words that should never be used together, illegal speech.
Quantum, I ran a business, and whether or not it were against state law to fire someone, I would have fired her on the belief she broke a federal law. You just don't advocate for people to assassinate a United States President. It's illegal.

Since she didn't actually break the law, you would be wrong for firing her for breaking the law.
My undeerstanding of the federal law is that it is illegal to suggest assassinating the President of the United States. That law was passed within the last 20 years, though I can't remember if it followed the almost-successful assassination attempt on President Reagan's life. Every president has the problem.

It is against the law, Quantum. I know that kind of particularly-focused speech is against the federal law.

If that was true the makers of "Death of a President" would have been arrested.
Did you post that law? Because I've been googling and can't seem to find what you're referencing.

You can't be fired for something that happens away from the business during non working hours.

CA Codes (lab:79-107)

The statute "Authorizes the California Labor Commissioner to take assignment of claims for loss of wages as the result of demotion, suspension, or discharge from employment for lawful conduct occurring during nonworking hours away from the employer's premises"

However, the posting was up when the employee was at work and the conduct was ongoing. Therefore the employer's argument would be that this law is inapplicable and they had a right to fire her.

Let me see if I understand your position, if I put up a billboard on my own time, and it is still up when I go back to work, I can be fired for not taking it down.
Millions of right wingers probably believe the same thing, but they're not dumb enough to post it publically.

I mean shit, what else would people who think Obama has KILLED the USA think?
Cowman, I'm as rightwinger conservative as you can get, but ignorance of the law is no excuse for breaking it, as near as I can recall.

Also, I'm a strong advocate of the Rule of Law. That carries some negative stuff for people like me on both sides of the fence.

For example, I was madder than a hatter when I realized Mrs. Tripps' civil rights had been impinged by a sitting President, because his duty is to support the Constitution, which advocates the civil rights of citizens on an equal basis, and Justice has to be blind to race, creed, color, sex, etc.

His supporters hated me while I expressed my angst over his trespass against the Constitution, told me I was irrelevant, etc., while I got undue accolades from my side for simply being on the side of the law.

In this instance where a citizen, albeit she's young and not too bright about the limitations of the law on this one avenue of speech, she still clearly is on the wrong side, and I'm against it. Since she obviously prevailed and brought the problem to work with her, telling other people her desire for the President to be assassinated, I'd have escorted her to the door myself, telling her she would never tresspass on my business again or she would be slapped with a restraining order.

I'd have done the same thing if she pulled her britches down and pooped on the floor in public and on purpose, which is about the same level of puerile insolence as publishing such a heinous wish as the murder of the POTUS.

People can't say and do anything they want in a business if it is that inappropriate, and it is particularly bad if the person represents the business to the rest of the world in any capacity. In small businesses, that is a given.

And that's what I think.
Why? Blasphemy is no longer a crime, is it?

No meathead because of this:

"18 USC § 871 - Threats against President and successors to the Presidency

(a) Whoever knowingly and willfully deposits for conveyance in the mail or for a delivery from any post office or by any letter carrier any letter, paper, writing, print, missive, or document containing any threat to take the life of, to kidnap, or to inflict bodily harm upon the President of the United States, the President-elect, the Vice President or other officer next in the order of succession to the office of President of the United States, or the Vice President-elect, or knowingly and willfully otherwise makes any such threat against the President, President-elect, Vice President or other officer next in the order of succession to the office of President, or Vice President-elect, shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than five years, or both."

18 USC § 871 - Threats against President and successors to the Presidency

Where do you get blasphemy from this situation? On second thought, never mind...:eusa_eh:
Don't be an ass, or try at least try not to be one anyway. Where did you get a threat from this:

“Another 4 years of this (N-word),” Helms wrote on her Facebook Tuesday night. “Maybe he will get assassinated this term.”

Really doesn't matter what you or any other thinks is a credible threat. Its the law and even laws protection Obama should be enforced.
The statute "Authorizes the California Labor Commissioner to take assignment of claims for loss of wages as the result of demotion, suspension, or discharge from employment for lawful conduct occurring during nonworking hours away from the employer's premises"

However, the posting was up when the employee was at work and the conduct was ongoing. Therefore the employer's argument would be that this law is inapplicable and they had a right to fire her.

Let me see if I understand your position, if I put up a billboard on my own time, and it is still up when I go back to work, I can be fired for not taking it down.

If the billboard is on your property and on it you advocate assassinating the President, then you are committing a crime the entire time that it is up.

From what I understand, this woman was also in the news at the time she was working -- and representing her employer -- at the ice cream shop.

I would have fired her, too. I'd want to keep the custom of the blacks who came to my shop to buy ice cream!

-- Paravani
You can't be fired for something that happens away from the business during non working hours.

CA Codes (lab:79-107)
Yes you can be fired for breaking federal law if your boss fires you based on your sullying his business with illegal speech if other employees can reach that speech from their work computers online.

It's illegal to use speech that would incite others to assassinate a POTUS.

There's no question in my mind that woman should be in federal custody right now along with a complete and total analysis of the contents of her work and home computers and an investigation into her contacts who may be more into assassination than she.

Two words that should never be used together, illegal speech.
Threatening someone's life is illegal speech, Quantum. It's very illegal. Even so, people do it every day.
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Since she didn't actually break the law, you would be wrong for firing her for breaking the law.

That's not why she was fired.

Stone Cold Creamery:
"We found her comments to be very disgusting," Kegle said. "We made the decision [to fire her] because of her comments, but also the community feedback. We are very into working with the community and doing community service. So when your community does not like you because of an employee, that's bad. We have a business to run."

I notice that rw's support ChickFilA's hate campaign but don't support Stone Cold Creamery for wanting to contribute to peace and harmony in our communities.
Since she didn't actually break the law, you would be wrong for firing her for breaking the law.
That's not why she was fired.

Stone Cold Creamery:
"We found her comments to be very disgusting," Kegle said. "We made the decision [to fire her] because of her comments, but also the community feedback. We are very into working with the community and doing community service. So when your community does not like you because of an employee, that's bad. We have a business to run."
Denise Helms, California Woman, Fired After Calling Obama N-Word, Hoping He's Assassinated (VIDEO)

I notice that rw's support ChickFilA's hate campaign but don't support Stone Cold Creamery for wanting to contribute to peace and harmony in our communities.
Momentito, senor. Chic Filet advocated no assassination rhetoric. That's not even a fair comparison. There's a line. Chic Filet did not put even their great toe over it.

The idiot employee throwing the word assassination around the internet showed she was suggesting it as a worthy cause. It is not. She crossed the line with a giant leap.

Chic Filet. Nothing of the kind. <burp> ummm, goood! :D
No meathead because of this:

"18 USC § 871 - Threats against President and successors to the Presidency

(a) Whoever knowingly and willfully deposits for conveyance in the mail or for a delivery from any post office or by any letter carrier any letter, paper, writing, print, missive, or document containing any threat to take the life of, to kidnap, or to inflict bodily harm upon the President of the United States, the President-elect, the Vice President or other officer next in the order of succession to the office of President of the United States, or the Vice President-elect, or knowingly and willfully otherwise makes any such threat against the President, President-elect, Vice President or other officer next in the order of succession to the office of President, or Vice President-elect, shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than five years, or both."

18 USC § 871 - Threats against President and successors to the Presidency

Where do you get blasphemy from this situation? On second thought, never mind...:eusa_eh:
Don't be an ass, or try at least try not to be one anyway. Where did you get a threat from this:

“Another 4 years of this (N-word),” Helms wrote on her Facebook Tuesday night. “Maybe he will get assassinated this term.”

Really doesn't matter what you or any other thinks is a credible threat. Its the law and even laws protection Obama should be enforced.

The law doesn't allow them to arrest people for speculating, even if Obama is president.
The statute "Authorizes the California Labor Commissioner to take assignment of claims for loss of wages as the result of demotion, suspension, or discharge from employment for lawful conduct occurring during nonworking hours away from the employer's premises"

However, the posting was up when the employee was at work and the conduct was ongoing. Therefore the employer's argument would be that this law is inapplicable and they had a right to fire her.

Let me see if I understand your position, if I put up a billboard on my own time, and it is still up when I go back to work, I can be fired for not taking it down.

If the billboard is on your property and on it you advocate assassinating the President, then you are committing a crime the entire time that it is up.

From what I understand, this woman was also in the news at the time she was working -- and representing her employer -- at the ice cream shop.

I would have fired her, too. I'd want to keep the custom of the blacks who came to my shop to buy ice cream!

-- Paravani

?They fired her because they got calls about the post, not because she was talking to the news during working hours. by the way, she did not advocate assassinating the president.
Yes you can be fired for breaking federal law if your boss fires you based on your sullying his business with illegal speech if other employees can reach that speech from their work computers online.

It's illegal to use speech that would incite others to assassinate a POTUS.

There's no question in my mind that woman should be in federal custody right now along with a complete and total analysis of the contents of her work and home computers and an investigation into her contacts who may be more into assassination than she.

Two words that should never be used together, illegal speech.
Threatening someone's life is illegal speech, Quantum. It's very illegal. Even so, people do it every day.

actually, it isn't. What it is is assault, or communicating a threat, depending on where you are when you do it.
Since she didn't actually break the law, you would be wrong for firing her for breaking the law.
That's not why she was fired.

Stone Cold Creamery:
"We found her comments to be very disgusting," Kegle said. "We made the decision [to fire her] because of her comments, but also the community feedback. We are very into working with the community and doing community service. So when your community does not like you because of an employee, that's bad. We have a business to run."
Denise Helms, California Woman, Fired After Calling Obama N-Word, Hoping He's Assassinated (VIDEO)

I notice that rw's support ChickFilA's hate campaign but don't support Stone Cold Creamery for wanting to contribute to peace and harmony in our communities.

The community feedback angle might fly, but not firing her because of her comments.

By the way, I am not, and will never, say that I don't think they could fire her. What I keep pointing out is that California law, which was set up by a bunch of progressive idiots that think people have a right to work, says that they can't fire her.
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Since she didn't actually break the law, you would be wrong for firing her for breaking the law.
That's not why she was fired.

Stone Cold Creamery:
"We found her comments to be very disgusting," Kegle said. "We made the decision [to fire her] because of her comments, but also the community feedback. We are very into working with the community and doing community service. So when your community does not like you because of an employee, that's bad. We have a business to run."
Denise Helms, California Woman, Fired After Calling Obama N-Word, Hoping He's Assassinated (VIDEO)

I notice that rw's support ChickFilA's hate campaign but don't support Stone Cold Creamery for wanting to contribute to peace and harmony in our communities.

The community feedback angle might fly, but not firing her because of her comments.

By the way, I am not, and will never, say that I don't think they could fire her. What I keep pointing out is that California law, which was set up by a bunch of progressive idiots that think people have a right to work, says that they can't fire her.
I was wrong about threatening the president being against the law for the last 20 years, Quantum. It's been against the law since at least 1917. There is a thorough discussion of how little one may say in order to be put in prison for 3 years with regard to mentioning anything about the President's impending, including that one wishes he were in hell, etc. :blahblah: That discussion is at Wikipedia. here: Threatening the President of the United States - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

It's a downright bad idea, and it has been for over 100 years, probably longer than that in a socially unacceptable kind of way in which someone might disappear if they said it. The law detaining someone for 3 years can be effected if it's really a problem for the people who must defend the President with throwing themselves into the line of fire if they have to to save his.

And the employer likely cannot discuss this because they don't discuss it based on the public issuance of details has a tendency to impose a terrible burden on the President's security forces. Please read the above for details as to the whys of the silence surrounding these kinds of threats even if we are just dying to know what was done, said, etc.
Don't be an ass, or try at least try not to be one anyway. Where did you get a threat from this:

“Another 4 years of this (N-word),” Helms wrote on her Facebook Tuesday night. “Maybe he will get assassinated this term.”

Really doesn't matter what you or any other thinks is a credible threat. Its the law and even laws protection Obama should be enforced.

The law doesn't allow them to arrest people for speculating, even if Obama is president.
yes it does. Read the Wikipedia link above and you will understand why. I was mistaken about it being a contemporary law. It's been on the books for over 100 years.
A lot of them are disrespectful to themselves, without realizing it, yes.

We had to address this issue at the various workplaces across the states in our companies.

Such language at work, in any fashion, would result in termination, period.

After one incidence that ended in termination and a denial for unemployment benefits, we have had no troubles.

Yeah, if you use the n-word (anyone, RW, that means you or Salt Jones) is a racist. End of that story. Trudat.
Well, if it's the "end of story" as you put it, then American blacks are by far the most racist people in the world. My God, they hate themselves!

I don't call people ****** at work. I do use the word at work. How can I discuss "Blazing Saddles" without it?
What I don't get is why the lady agreed to say anything to the media. While I believe that walking the line your own self where the Lord is concerned is what happens when you wish harm on another person, in my opinion, she didn't owe anyone in the media any kind of explanation when what she said is not any of their business.

God bless you and the lady always!!! :) :) :)


P.S. I pray that the Lord forgives her for what she said and that she is able to find a new job soon since those who fired her decided to strip her of the right to speak her mind when in my opinion they should not have had the right to do such a thing. To me, the only people who should have the ability to do that are those who enforce the law if they think that the person could be a threat to someone else.
Depends on the context, hick...

It needs to be investigated by the appropriate authorities and at that a point a determination would be made. If is does not go her way she will have ample opportunity to explain and defend her position.

You have the context from her facebook page, idjut. Was it a threat or STFU?

You are gleaning her intent from this one statement, not me. I would have to interview the woman and read more from her other posts and materials, if any. Keep on drinking the Kool-Aid Ernie.

I would write it off as idle speculation, not a desire to do harm, but then, I'm rational.
Sure read her other FB posts, maybe even have a chat with her, but at face value, this doesn't constitute a threat against President obama.
You can disagree with the truth all you want, Ernie.

QWB is wrong, and so are you, if you agree with him.

I don't tolerate such language at our places of business, and I would fire anybody who is associated with our business for saying anything derogatory about MR's religion or Obama's race or anything of the sort.

Don't like? Don't care. You won't work for me.

QWB is wrong and his arguments dismissed.

Says one of the least credible members at USMB.

Forgive me for disagreeing, Fake.

And I would have no argument with you, providing there was not a state law prohibiting firing someone for voicing political views.

Damn! I really wish you would enter your replies BELOW the post you are quoting. You are not so special that anyone would want to read your replies without context.

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