California Woman Fired After Calling Obama N-Word, Hoping He's Assassinated

You can disagree with the truth all you want, Ernie.

QWB is wrong, and so are you, if you agree with him.

I don't tolerate such language at our places of business, and I would fire anybody who is associated with our business for saying anything derogatory about MR's religion or Obama's race or anything of the sort.

Don't like? Don't care. You won't work for me.

I keep pointing out that California law prohibits employer from firing people for what they say when they are not at work, and you declare me wrong by pointing out what you don't like.

Are you really that stupid?

Jake is NOT stupid. He is a narcissist that thinks we all should do and say exactly what he proclaims we should.
Federal law trumps California law, and if the company had fired her for the threat and the language, that would have been legal.

QWB is wrong.

You can disagree with the truth all you want, Ernie.

QWB is wrong, and so are you, if you agree with him.

I don't tolerate such language at our places of business, and I would fire anybody who is associated with our business for saying anything derogatory about MR's religion or Obama's race or anything of the sort.

Don't like? Don't care. You won't work for me.

I keep pointing out that California law prohibits employer from firing people for what they say when they are not at work, and you declare me wrong by pointing out what you don't like.

Are you really that stupid?

Show us the specific federal law that trumps this California statute. Be specific, now Jake. Some of us do not take your opinion as fact.
What I don't get is why the lady agreed to say anything to the media. While I believe that walking the line your own self where the Lord is concerned is what happens when you wish harm on another person, in my opinion, she didn't owe anyone in the media any kind of explanation when what she said is not any of their business.

God bless you and the lady always!!! :) :) :)


P.S. I pray that the Lord forgives her for what she said and that she is able to find a new job soon since those who fired her decided to strip her of the right to speak her mind when in my opinion they should not have had the right to do such a thing. To me, the only people who should have the ability to do that are those who enforce the law if they think that the person could be a threat to someone else.
JO Sweetheart, the woman broke the law. None of the people in the fracas can say anything about it by order of the court, likely. To understand how bad it was, you need to read up on it. Please do here: Threatening the President of the United States - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

A person who said something like "I hope the president goes to hell and I would like to put him there myself" got to serve time in the Federal penitentiary for years during Woodrow Wilson's presidency.

And when these things stay under the table, they just don't make a lot of public announcements because it quadruples the threats, which burdens the task of security forces who are charged with keeping the president safe.
Federal law trumps California law, and if the company had fired her for the threat and the language, that would have been legal.

QWB is wrong.

I keep pointing out that California law prohibits employer from firing people for what they say when they are not at work, and you declare me wrong by pointing out what you don't like.

Are you really that stupid?

Show us the specific federal law that trumps this California statute. Be specific, now Jake. Some of us do not take your opinion as fact.
It's code 871, Ernie. It's described on this page which you should read if you are not acquainted with it: Threatening the President of the United States - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Most all our speech is protected by Amendment I. Threats or speech that could be interpreted as deleterious to the President's well-being is taboo. And it has been for over 100 years.
Quantum, I ran a business, and whether or not it were against state law to fire someone, I would have fired her on the belief she broke a federal law. You just don't advocate for people to assassinate a United States President. It's illegal.

Since she didn't actually break the law, you would be wrong for firing her for breaking the law.
My undeerstanding of the federal law is that it is illegal to suggest assassinating the President of the United States. That law was passed within the last 20 years, though I can't remember if it followed the almost-successful assassination attempt on President Reagan's life. Every president has the problem.

It is against the law, Quantum. I know that kind of particularly-focused speech is against the federal law.

But what she said, Becki, was just idle speculation. It shouldn't be construed as anything more. Go to the OP and re-read her FB post.
Since she didn't actually break the law, you would be wrong for firing her for breaking the law.
My undeerstanding of the federal law is that it is illegal to suggest assassinating the President of the United States. That law was passed within the last 20 years, though I can't remember if it followed the almost-successful assassination attempt on President Reagan's life. Every president has the problem.

It is against the law, Quantum. I know that kind of particularly-focused speech is against the federal law.

But what she said, Becki, was just idle speculation. It shouldn't be construed as anything more. Go to the OP and re-read her FB post.
I already did it. It was 10 times worse than the guy who said President Wilson should go to Hell, and he served years in prison for saying it. Please read the link. Then you may get it. It costs millions of dollars a year to protect a President and members of the first family. These are security costs, and there are real threats out there you never hear about.

If we take away security, our public officials would be slaughtered by groups of all kinds. It only takes one error in security result to lose a President. No secuirty people have any intention of letting that happen on their watch.

Hatespeech toward the President is deleterious to his family's health. We just can't have it. It also increases the problem when the general public hears about it, so details of examination of the person, his detention, and the expropriation of his computers and belongings carrying the hate speech are not matters of public disclosure due to the increase it costs the taxpayer to keep the President and members of his family safe.

Why let a millionth of 1% of the public cost us all billions of dollars? Because we have to do it. Assassins are terrorists, and it doesn't take much encouragement to set one off. It's just that simple.

I'm sorry to be the messenger.
Federal law trumps California law, and if the company had fired her for the threat and the language, that would have been legal.

QWB is wrong.

Show us the specific federal law that trumps this California statute. Be specific, now Jake. Some of us do not take your opinion as fact.
It's code 871, Ernie. It's described on this page which you should read if you are not acquainted with it: Threatening the President of the United States - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Most all our speech is protected by Amendment I. Threats or speech that could be interpreted as deleterious to the President's well-being is taboo. And it has been for over 100 years.

I've read the law, Becki. The woman's facebook post is not a threat. It is no more than idle speculation. Please re read the OP to see what she posted.
My undeerstanding of the federal law is that it is illegal to suggest assassinating the President of the United States. That law was passed within the last 20 years, though I can't remember if it followed the almost-successful assassination attempt on President Reagan's life. Every president has the problem.

It is against the law, Quantum. I know that kind of particularly-focused speech is against the federal law.

But what she said, Becki, was just idle speculation. It shouldn't be construed as anything more. Go to the OP and re-read her FB post.
I already did it. It was 10 times worse than the guy who said President Wilson should go to Hell, and he served years in prison for saying it. Please read the link. Then you may get it. It costs millions of dollars a year to protect a President and members of the first family. These are security costs, and there are real threats out there you never hear about.

If we take away security, our public officials would be slaughtered by groups of all kinds. It only takes one error in security result to lose a President. No secuirty people have any intention of letting that happen on their watch.

Hatespeech toward the President is deleterious to his family's health. We just can't have it. It also increases the problem when the general public hears about it, so details of examination of the person, his detention, and the expropriation of his computers and belongings carrying the hate speech are not matters of public disclosure due to the increase it costs the taxpayer to keep the President and members of his family safe.

Why let a millionth of 1% of the public cost us all billions of dollars? Because we have to do it. Assassins are terrorists, and it doesn't take much encouragement to set one off. It's just that simple.

I'm sorry to be the messenger.

Another 4 years of this (N-word),” Helms wrote on her Facebook Tuesday night. “Maybe he will get assassinated this term.”

"Maybe he will get assassinated this term." is not a threat any more than "maybe it will rain tomorrow" is. There is nothing that could be construed as a threat, or incitement to do harm.
As an interesting side note, way back in '09 psychics predicted obama would be a one term President and that if reelected would be assassinated early in his second term.
As an interesting side note, way back in '09 psychics predicted obama would be a one term President and that if reelected would be assassinated early in his second term.
Not if we all pray for him, Ernie. Psychics see a partial picture. Earnest prayer can amend the darkest predictions, imho.

I'm glad you mentioned psychics. I'm starting a personal prayer campaign today to ask God to help Obama find a way out of our financial conundrum. I pray his efforts, once supported by our prayers, will take him back to that promise he made about trying to cut the deficit in half, and making it happen as best he can. He can with our united help and faith that just by asking God for his help, he will provide as he provided for the founders.

I pray for our smart guys here who have talent in the financial knowledge department to focus on helping the President overcome his first 4 years and focus on lifting America from its bondage to debt. And our smart guys in Washington Obama will talk to and be advised by.

I think that it can be done. :thup:

God, please bless America! :eusa_angel:
I wish I was so confident, Becki. While I really have faith that prayer can do wonderful things, I have zero faith that President obama will listen.
That's not why she was fired.

Stone Cold Creamery:Denise Helms, California Woman, Fired After Calling Obama N-Word, Hoping He's Assassinated (VIDEO)

I notice that rw's support ChickFilA's hate campaign but don't support Stone Cold Creamery for wanting to contribute to peace and harmony in our communities.

The community feedback angle might fly, but not firing her because of her comments.

By the way, I am not, and will never, say that I don't think they could fire her. What I keep pointing out is that California law, which was set up by a bunch of progressive idiots that think people have a right to work, says that they can't fire her.
I was wrong about threatening the president being against the law for the last 20 years, Quantum. It's been against the law since at least 1917. There is a thorough discussion of how little one may say in order to be put in prison for 3 years with regard to mentioning anything about the President's impending, including that one wishes he were in hell, etc. :blahblah: That discussion is at Wikipedia. here: Threatening the President of the United States - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

It's a downright bad idea, and it has been for over 100 years, probably longer than that in a socially unacceptable kind of way in which someone might disappear if they said it. The law detaining someone for 3 years can be effected if it's really a problem for the people who must defend the President with throwing themselves into the line of fire if they have to to save his.

And the employer likely cannot discuss this because they don't discuss it based on the public issuance of details has a tendency to impose a terrible burden on the President's security forces. Please read the above for details as to the whys of the silence surrounding these kinds of threats even if we are just dying to know what was done, said, etc.

One last time, speculating that the president will be assassinated is not a threat.
Really doesn't matter what you or any other thinks is a credible threat. Its the law and even laws protection Obama should be enforced.

The law doesn't allow them to arrest people for speculating, even if Obama is president.
yes it does. Read the Wikipedia link above and you will understand why. I was mistaken about it being a contemporary law. It's been on the books for over 100 years.

I suggest you read your own link. If outright saying that "If they ever make me carry a rifle the first man I want to get in my sights is L. B. J." is not a threat, then neither is what this idiot said.

Threatening the President of the United States - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
You can disagree with the truth all you want, Ernie.

QWB is wrong, and so are you, if you agree with him.

I don't tolerate such language at our places of business, and I would fire anybody who is associated with our business for saying anything derogatory about MR's religion or Obama's race or anything of the sort.

Don't like? Don't care. You won't work for me.

I keep pointing out that California law prohibits employer from firing people for what they say when they are not at work, and you declare me wrong by pointing out what you don't like.

Are you really that stupid?

Jake is NOT stupid. He is a narcissist that thinks we all should do and say exactly what he proclaims we should.

You might be right.
Show us the specific federal law that trumps this California statute. Be specific, now Jake. Some of us do not take your opinion as fact.
It's code 871, Ernie. It's described on this page which you should read if you are not acquainted with it: Threatening the President of the United States - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Most all our speech is protected by Amendment I. Threats or speech that could be interpreted as deleterious to the President's well-being is taboo. And it has been for over 100 years.

I've read the law, Becki. The woman's facebook post is not a threat. It is no more than idle speculation. Please re read the OP to see what she posted.

Eat shit you stupid inbred fuck, but in your trailer park land, "******" is common speak,..
As an interesting side note, way back in '09 psychics predicted obama would be a one term President and that if reelected would be assassinated early in his second term.

Were they arrested for threatening the president?


They would have known in advance that the Secret Service was coming, so I guess they would hide somewhere the agents would never guess.
Classy, very classy. And then doubling down on it? Congrats, you win...something :clap2:

News keeps getting worse for Denise Helms, the 22-year-old California woman whose racist, threatening Facebook status about President Barack Obama went viral this week. Helms has since been fired from her job at a Turlock, Calif., Cold Stone Creamery, and the Secret Service is now looking into her comments.

“Another 4 years of this (N-word),” Helms wrote on her Facebook Tuesday night. “Maybe he will get assassinated this term.”

Sacramento's Fox 40 news crew caught up with an unapologetic Helms on Wednesday.

"I didn't think it would be that big of a deal," she said. "The assassination part is kind of harsh. I'm not saying like I would go do that or anything like that, by any means, but if it was to happen, I don't think I'd care one bit."

She then took to Facebook to defend herself, according to The Modesto Bee.

So apparently my post last night about Obama got onto Twitter and Fox 40 came and interviewed me cause apparently a lot of people in Sacramento think I'm crazy and racist. WOW is all I got to say!! I'm not racist and I'm not crazy. just simply stating my opinion.!!!"


I'm sure she is only saying out loud what many, many Fox viewers are thinking.
Classy, very classy. And then doubling down on it? Congrats, you win...something :clap2:

News keeps getting worse for Denise Helms, the 22-year-old California woman whose racist, threatening Facebook status about President Barack Obama went viral this week. Helms has since been fired from her job at a Turlock, Calif., Cold Stone Creamery, and the Secret Service is now looking into her comments.

“Another 4 years of this (N-word),” Helms wrote on her Facebook Tuesday night. “Maybe he will get assassinated this term.”

Sacramento's Fox 40 news crew caught up with an unapologetic Helms on Wednesday.

"I didn't think it would be that big of a deal," she said. "The assassination part is kind of harsh. I'm not saying like I would go do that or anything like that, by any means, but if it was to happen, I don't think I'd care one bit."

She then took to Facebook to defend herself, according to The Modesto Bee.

So apparently my post last night about Obama got onto Twitter and Fox 40 came and interviewed me cause apparently a lot of people in Sacramento think I'm crazy and racist. WOW is all I got to say!! I'm not racist and I'm not crazy. just simply stating my opinion.!!!"


I can't see what you're complaining about.

You assholes have used every trick in the book to win.

You even said you would burn the United States to the ground if you didn't.

I don't see why you're so offended by one person calling Obama what he is.

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