California woman forces Border Patrol agents off a Greyhound bus using the Fourth Amendment

Hold on a minute...when did it become “outdated” to be likeminded, prosperous, productive and unified through common interests and language?
I suppose all unAmerican and or barely American immigrants like you would say that huh?
She expects you to embrace HER America post Obama Transformation
Good for her. There needs to be a lot more of this in our country, patriots who actually stand up for our Constitutional rights and not cower in front of government thugs in uniforms. It amazes me how many conservatives who talk big about the Constitution think the practice of randomly stopping people and asking to see their papers is the definition of freedom

California woman forces Border Patrol agents off a Greyhound bus | Daily Mail Online
times have changed
we are at war with terrorists..during WW2, many rights were inhibited
...why don't you go make love and give fruit to the terrorists/illegals/invaders love them so much and HATE America
..illegals are ruining the US--you must love that....
You don’t love America. You love an outdated idea of America that was very white and very Christian. Times have changed.

For the better.
...very racist must be ''Republican''/Trump lover/etc with a racist comment like that--because that's what the MSM/blacks/libs/Dems say: Trump is a racist
Good for her. There needs to be a lot more of this in our country, patriots who actually stand up for our Constitutional rights and not cower in front of government thugs in uniforms. It amazes me how many conservatives who talk big about the Constitution think the practice of randomly stopping people and asking to see their papers is the definition of freedom

California woman forces Border Patrol agents off a Greyhound bus | Daily Mail Online
times have changed
we are at war with terrorists..during WW2, many rights were inhibited
...why don't you go make love and give fruit to the terrorists/illegals/invaders love them so much and HATE America
..illegals are ruining the US--you must love that....
You don’t love America. You love an outdated idea of America that was very white and very Christian. Times have changed.

For the better.
...very racist must be ''Republican''/Trump lover/etc with a racist comment like that--because that's what the MSM/blacks/libs/Dems say: Trump is a racist
She’s neither racist or republican!
Hold on a minute...when did it become “outdated” to be likeminded, prosperous, productive and unified through common interests and language?
I suppose all unAmerican and or barely American immigrants like you would say that huh?
She expects you to embrace HER America post Obama Transformation

That’s exactly nailed it.
Everybody in the world can be an American and anyone standing on our soil is an AWESOME American legal or not. Just ask a twisted LefTard.
Good for her. There needs to be a lot more of this in our country, patriots who actually stand up for our Constitutional rights and not cower in front of government thugs in uniforms. It amazes me how many conservatives who talk big about the Constitution think the practice of randomly stopping people and asking to see their papers is the definition of freedom

California woman forces Border Patrol agents off a Greyhound bus | Daily Mail Online
times have changed
we are at war with terrorists..during WW2, many rights were inhibited
...why don't you go make love and give fruit to the terrorists/illegals/invaders love them so much and HATE America
..illegals are ruining the US--you must love that....
You don’t love America. You love an outdated idea of America that was very white and very Christian. Times have changed.

For the better.
yes we love America--that's why we voted Trump in
Obamas/blacks/etc hate America
MObama never loved America
"For the first time in my adult life, I am really proud of my country
the Obama's went to the racist/America hater/Jew-white hater Wright for years!!!
Obama's Pastor: God Damn America,
Obama's Pastor: God Damn America
you also must be an America-white hater
Good for her. There needs to be a lot more of this in our country, patriots who actually stand up for our Constitutional rights and not cower in front of government thugs in uniforms. It amazes me how many conservatives who talk big about the Constitution think the practice of randomly stopping people and asking to see their papers is the definition of freedom

California woman forces Border Patrol agents off a Greyhound bus | Daily Mail Online
times have changed
we are at war with terrorists..during WW2, many rights were inhibited
...why don't you go make love and give fruit to the terrorists/illegals/invaders love them so much and HATE America
..illegals are ruining the US--you must love that....
You don’t love America. You love an outdated idea of America that was very white and very Christian. Times have changed.

For the better.
...very racist must be ''Republican''/Trump lover/etc with a racist comment like that--because that's what the MSM/blacks/libs/Dems say: Trump is a racist
She’s neither racist or republican!
why did ''she'' bring up race when it has nothing to do with my post?
also it was sarcasm/irony/etc to call the he-she Reublican
Good for her. There needs to be a lot more of this in our country, patriots who actually stand up for our Constitutional rights and not cower in front of government thugs in uniforms. It amazes me how many conservatives who talk big about the Constitution think the practice of randomly stopping people and asking to see their papers is the definition of freedom

California woman forces Border Patrol agents off a Greyhound bus | Daily Mail Online
times have changed
we are at war with terrorists..during WW2, many rights were inhibited
...why don't you go make love and give fruit to the terrorists/illegals/invaders love them so much and HATE America
..illegals are ruining the US--you must love that....
You don’t love America. You love an outdated idea of America that was very white and very Christian. Times have changed.

For the better.
...very racist must be ''Republican''/Trump lover/etc with a racist comment like that--because that's what the MSM/blacks/libs/Dems say: Trump is a racist
She’s neither racist or republican!
why did ''she'' bring up race when it has nothing to do with my post?
also it was sarcasm/irony/etc to call the he-she Reublican
She’s a liberal who I like. Probably the only one I’ve ever respected.

Cut her some slack. She’s a good person who sees things differently from us.
Trumpanzees totally willing to roll over for these unConstitutional searches.

Yep, as long as they think it will keep brown people out of the country

I don't care how many "brown people" come to this country, as long as they come here legally. I don't see why this is so hard to understand.

Because Kondor3 refers to the illegal immigrants as "beaners".
Because Ray From Cleveland speaks of "preserving" the white race.

And these two are among the more moderate of Trump supporters.

But I hear you. About 70 times I have read where I am pro illegal immigrant. I am not. I am for not tarnishing America's reputation by breaking up families whenever we feel like it; warranted or not.
the hispanics and blacks call whites names just as bad, if not worse

Context of the conversation we were having…
The article said that the boarding of the bus took place within 100 miles of the border because air miles are used, not road miles. The BP was well within their rights to search the bus under the law.

Also from the article.

However, the Fourth Amendment only allows law enforcement officials to enter business areas that are open to the public in the exercise of their duties - going anywhere else requires a warrant or consent.

Since Greyhound buses require a ticket to enter, they are not considered to be open to the public, and the agents' legal authority does not extend there.

Got anything else? Because now your hundred mile government regulation amounts to a hill of beans.

That technical limitation, if true, is what doesn't amount to a hill of beans.
How many times have THEY lectured us that these aren't the 1950s anymore?

Bout a billion times.
Please don't translate my words, into your words.

Address my point, or don't and move on.

Letting some immigration agents on a bus to search for illegals, is better than letting the illegals move further into the country.

You had no point. Nor do you have one now. Nor will you at the rate you're going.

Your thought, again, translates to this - "I want to justify the federal government overstepping the limited just powers granted to them and to violate the Individual rights guaranteed The People by the Constitution because I have a 'deeply-held view.''

That's really what you're saying. You just don't know it because you clearly do not understand the right to freedom from government-over-man as it's laid out in the Constitution and Declaration.

Do yourself a favor and get yourself one of those safe space threads they were talking about around here. Invite all of your statist white nationalist friends to it and you all can talk about your 'deeply-held views' there.

You won't win in this thread. I guarantee it. Natty C is in the thread. :)

What steps are you prepared to take to address this illegal immigration crisis?
Letting some immigration agents on a bus to search for illegals, is better than letting the illegals move further into the country.

What that translates to is "I want to justify the federal government overstepping their just powers and to violate the rights guaranteed by the Constitution because I have a 'deeply-held view.'

the rights you cite are guaranteed to US citizens. I am not all that crazy
about SEARCHING people on public transportation ----willy nilly------
but vetting at borders is a time honored tradition

Are you crazy about tens of millions of illegals getting past those borders and fucking up this country?
You WANT the illegals to have free reign to continue to flood into the nation and remake it, do you not?
Illegal immigrants have not "flooded" into the county for a long time. The term "flooding " is a gross exaggeration meant to instill fear in pussies like you.

You nutless bitches use “ripped” from their parents arms...we say wetbacks have “flooded” in for years. I’m thinking our choice of words are far more accurate.
Well, you are a retarded uneducated racist asshole, so only a limited number of people pay attention or give a fuck about what you think.

Haha...true because you say so huh?
I’m thinking the majority of good Americans agree with me.
30 states and 2,623 counties told you to go fuck yourself by sending Donny to D.C. to clean up the wetback filth.
You just claimed the majority of Americans would agree with you and proceeded to list a bunch of things that did not relate to your claim. In fact, the one thing you left off your list was the actual record of votes, which indicates the exact opposite of your claim. In addition, your remark about wetback filth shows you to be nothing more than a mindless racist puke.

LA really isn't America any more, and you know it.
Good for her. There needs to be a lot more of this in our country, patriots who actually stand up for our Constitutional rights and not cower in front of government thugs in uniforms. It amazes me how many conservatives who talk big about the Constitution think the practice of randomly stopping people and asking to see their papers is the definition of freedom

California woman forces Border Patrol agents off a Greyhound bus | Daily Mail Online
Im trying to read it but the site is so ad infested I can't make it all the way through before I get redirected.

Creep, you're a communist because you are stupid, but as my kindness for the day;

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'Use your voice. Take a risk. Act an ASS. Because if you let them intimidate the poor Spanish speaking woman next to you, who do you think they're coming for next?'

The illegal aliens two rows back.

Even so, this is America and they have no authority to demand "papers please."
I remember as a boy on the train and the bus and the car that when we traveled from Camp Pendleton to Fullerton, CA, 55 miles (?), that the border patrol stop trains, and buses, and cars to look and, if necessary, as for IDs. That was sixty years ago.

MW, shut up.
Funny how the trumpanzees are complaining now about how they can't find employees in the agricultural, fishing, and landscape businesses since the crackdown on migrants. Betcha the cleaning companies are having similar problems.

The welfare system was reformed a long time ago, but the morons weren't paying attention.

Amazing how many Good Little Nazis are willing to trash the Constitution.

do you have any citations supporting your contention that "trumpanzees"
are complaining of lack of persons willing to do agricultural, fishing,
landscaping and cleaning work?

Farm labor shortages worsening in the nation’s Heartland | 2017-12-12 | Agri-Pulse

Crab crisis: Maryland seafood industry loses 40 percent of work force in visa lottery

Low unemployment, changes to H-2B visa resulting in serious landscaper shortage in Ohio

These chimps wanted to go bankrupt, so let them. I saw this typical trumpanzee interviewed, a crab producer standing in an entirely empty crab-picking hall. A white guy, kind of fat, 50s-60s. He said that he voted for the orange whore because he was a "businessman," and that he would vote for him again. I laughed my ass off. I guess that it's true that you can't fix stupid.
Funny how the trumpanzees are complaining now about how they can't find employees in the agricultural, fishing, and landscape businesses since the crackdown on migrants. Betcha the cleaning companies are having similar problems.

The welfare system was reformed a long time ago, but the morons weren't paying attention.

Amazing how many Good Little Nazis are willing to trash the Constitution.

do you have any citations supporting your contention that "trumpanzees"
are complaining of lack of persons willing to do agricultural, fishing,
landscaping and cleaning work?

Farm labor shortages worsening in the nation’s Heartland | 2017-12-12 | Agri-Pulse

Crab crisis: Maryland seafood industry loses 40 percent of work force in visa lottery

Low unemployment, changes to H-2B visa resulting in serious landscaper shortage in Ohio

These chimps wanted to go bankrupt, so let them. I saw this typical trumpanzee interviewed, a crab producer standing in an entirely empty crab-picking hall. A white guy, kind of fat, 50s-60s. He said that he voted for the orange whore because he was a "businessman," and that he would vote for him again. I laughed my ass off. I guess that it's true that you can't fix stupid.

Remember when the libs said that Trump would not deport anyone?


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