California woman forces Border Patrol agents off a Greyhound bus using the Fourth Amendment


You see them lined up outside Home Depot everyday. People come up and hire them. They know those people are not here legally yet they get hired to do construction and other jobs. With the employer knowing full well that it's illegal for them to hire those people. They do it because it's cheaper. They don't have to pay the person if they don't want to. They don't have to provide a legal and safe working environment if they don't want to. They don't have to pay the, income, fica, L&I and unemployment taxes for an employee either.


Well, no ... You can only assume they here illegally ... Contract Labor is not illegal in America though.
And ... If we are going to suggest that an officer of the law cannot ask them for identification ...
Then there is no need to even entertain your foolish self-serving speculation.

Loser-----you want to DEFINE "white" for us? As far as I can SEE-----
most Mexicans in my city are CAUCASIONS------if they got lots of
AZTEC type features-------seem to me you gotta called them MONGOLIANS---
does Mongolian constitute one of the NEWFANGLES """ persons of color"""

How do you propose we identify and eradicate 12-40 million human cockroaches?
Good Americans are fed the fuck up...we’re prepared to use ANY MEANS NECESSARY.
I certainly don’t propose turning the US into an authoritarian state.

I’m genuinely do you propose we run 12-40 million illegals out?
Come on...let’s hear it.
We don’t. I doubt you would agree with any of my ideas but here goes.

Increase border security (you don’t need a wall for that).
Hire more immigration judges to minimize long wait times.
Have a rapid deportation process for those convicted of violent crimes.
Increase the number of work visas being granted. Like it or not, many of these people come because they are willing to do backbreaking work Americans won’t do. Ask the farmers and dairy farms.
That increases legal avenues, speeds up deportation decisions.

But I doubt you could stomach that.

well intentioned----but you just described a very POROUS border thru
which anyone who says I AM WILLING TO DIG DITCHES-----gets in

How is increasing border security a very porous border?

"work permit" qualification, constitutes a porous border
Good for her. There needs to be a lot more of this in our country, patriots who actually stand up for our Constitutional rights and not cower in front of government thugs in uniforms. It amazes me how many conservatives who talk big about the Constitution think the practice of randomly stopping people and asking to see their papers is the definition of freedom

California woman forces Border Patrol agents off a Greyhound bus | Daily Mail Online
Is there anything that supports what this woman is claiming?

I read the article and couldn’t help noticing a lot of .....
A woman has told ....
Smalls said.....
Smalls said.......
She claims.......
Smalls wrote ........
She added.......

lol :)
the rights you cite are guaranteed to US citizens. I am not all that crazy
about SEARCHING people on public transportation ----willy nilly------
but vetting at borders is a time honored tradition

I don't have a problem with vetting immigrants at borders.
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There WERE Spanish speaking people on that bus. That alone is probable cause. The loud mouthed African should have been arrested.

The language one is speaking never, ever furnishes probable cause. And the lady who stepped forward is American, not African. There is at least an even chance that her ancestors arrived here before your's did, unless you are 100 percent Native American. Moreover, so much of the territory that later became part of the U.S. belonged to Mexico initially, making complaints about speaking Spanish somewhat ludicrous.

You WANT the illegals to have free reign to continue to flood into the nation and remake it, do you not?
Illegal immigrants have not "flooded" into the county for a long time. The term "flooding " is a gross exaggeration meant to instill fear in pussies like you.

You nutless bitches use “ripped” from their parents arms...we say wetbacks have “flooded” in for years. I’m thinking our choice of words are far more accurate.
Well, you are a retarded uneducated racist asshole, so only a limited number of people pay attention or give a fuck about what you think.

Haha...true because you say so huh?
I’m thinking the majority of good Americans agree with me.
30 states and 2,623 counties told you to go fuck yourself by sending Donny to D.C. to clean up the wetback filth.
The thread premise has nothing to do with immigration or ‘border security’ – those are red herring fallacies.

The thread premise addresses a more important and vital issue than the manufactured ‘crisis’ of immigration.

At issue is government’s unwarranted violation of citizens’ 4th Amendment rights, of citizens being subject to a presumption of guilt by the state, compelling citizens to prove they are innocent in violation of their right to due process.

Indeed, the state is using the faux-crisis of ‘immigration’ as ‘justification’ to violate citizens’ rights and protected liberties.
When we have to start producing papers to travel within our own country...well China does it. We sure seem to be admiring the tactics of authoritarian states lately.

How do you propose we identify and eradicate 12-40 million human cockroaches?
Good Americans are fed the fuck up...we’re prepared to use ANY MEANS NECESSARY.
I certainly don’t propose turning the US into an authoritarian state.

I’m genuinely do you propose we run 12-40 million illegals out?
Come on...let’s hear it.
We don’t. I doubt you would agree with any of my ideas but here goes.

Increase border security (you don’t need a wall for that).
Hire more immigration judges to minimize long wait times.
Have a rapid deportation process for those convicted of violent crimes.
Increase the number of work visas being granted. Like it or not, many of these people come because they are willing to do backbreaking work Americans won’t do. Ask the farmers and dairy farms.
That increases legal avenues, speeds up deportation decisions.

But I doubt you could stomach that.

Just as I propose to leave the 12-40 million already here alone and pretend they have a right to be here? You support their mass breeding...You honestly believe your fellow countrymen owe believe US taxpayers should be required to fund their litters of anchor babies. Got it.
You must be an awesome American. Good looking out for your people.
When we have to start producing papers to travel within our own country...well China does it. We sure seem to be admiring the tactics of authoritarian states lately.

How do you propose we identify and eradicate 12-40 million human cockroaches?
Good Americans are fed the fuck up...we’re prepared to use ANY MEANS NECESSARY.
I certainly don’t propose turning the US into an authoritarian state.

I’m genuinely do you propose we run 12-40 million illegals out?
Come on...let’s hear it.
We don’t. I doubt you would agree with any of my ideas but here goes.

Increase border security (you don’t need a wall for that).
Hire more immigration judges to minimize long wait times.
Have a rapid deportation process for those convicted of violent crimes.
Increase the number of work visas being granted. Like it or not, many of these people come because they are willing to do backbreaking work Americans won’t do. Ask the farmers and dairy farms.
That increases legal avenues, speeds up deportation decisions.

But I doubt you could stomach that.

Just as I propose to leave the 12-40 million already here alone and pretend they have a right to be here? You support their mass breeding...You honestly believe your fellow countrymen owe believe US taxpayers should be required to fund their litters of anchor babies. Got it.
You must be an awesome American. Good looking out for your people.
The issue you are evading and keep deflecting away from is that Americans are being asked to identify and give up Constitutional Rights.
Good for her. There needs to be a lot more of this in our country, patriots who actually stand up for our Constitutional rights and not cower in front of government thugs in uniforms. It amazes me how many conservatives who talk big about the Constitution think the practice of randomly stopping people and asking to see their papers is the definition of freedom

California woman forces Border Patrol agents off a Greyhound bus | Daily Mail Online

I was almost ready to agree with you until I read that she had to translate her warnings because a lot of people on the bus didn't even understand English.

my aunt and my dad should have had to endure illegal searches and seizures just because they didn't speak english. conservatives are doing is spitting on the graves

Settle down, fat boy. Way back then for your grandparents, illegal immigration wasn't the problem here it is today. No European country was seen as a potentially hostile invading force. People were happy to come here and go through the LEGAL PROCESS of entering and wanted to indoctrinate themselves to American ways, not the other way around. No one was or is spitting on anything. Merely having an agent come aboard a bus to ask you to show your papers to CONFIRM to them you are a legal person is nothing to "endure." No more work than taking out the evening paper to read. I'd be happy to do it for the SECOND OR TWO it would take to help these agents catch people who don't belong here, this is nothing more than a cop stopping you at a traffic site to ask to see your driver's license. It is my privilege to comply to help make their jobs easier in working to keep illegal invasion in check! And no constitutions were "soiled" in the process.
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The thread premise has nothing to do with immigration or ‘border security’ – those are red herring fallacies.

The thread premise addresses a more important and vital issue than the manufactured ‘crisis’ of immigration.

At issue is government’s unwarranted violation of citizens’ 4th Amendment rights, of citizens being subject to a presumption of guilt by the state, compelling citizens to prove they are innocent in violation of their right to due process.

Indeed, the state is using the faux-crisis of ‘immigration’ as ‘justification’ to violate citizens’ rights and protected liberties.

You ignorant fools are flat-out fascinating. “Manufactured crisis of immigration” can’t be serious?
12-40 million illegal alien thirdworlders on our soil
22 trillion in debt
A poor middle class that can’t save a penny
30% poverty in Mexifornia
Filth and homelessness at all time highs
Violent crime on the rise
Mexico influencing U.S. elections
A crumbled education system
Six hour wait times for REAL Americans in emergency rooms
Delays in fire and police response times
Entire cities where English is a secondary language
Entire communities ruined with litter, graffiti and stray pit bulls running a muck.

I’m curious, what the fuck would constitute an “immigration crisis” in your tiny little mind? Also, what part of that filthy shithole Mexico are you from?
The language one is speaking never, ever furnishes probable cause. And the lady who stepped forward is American, not African. There is at least an even chance that her ancestors arrived here before your's did, unless you are 100 percent Native American. Moreover, so much of the territory that later became part of the U.S. belonged to Mexico initially, making complaints about speaking Spanish somewhat ludicrous.

You WANT the illegals to have free reign to continue to flood into the nation and remake it, do you not?
Illegal immigrants have not "flooded" into the county for a long time. The term "flooding " is a gross exaggeration meant to instill fear in pussies like you.

You nutless bitches use “ripped” from their parents arms...we say wetbacks have “flooded” in for years. I’m thinking our choice of words are far more accurate.
Well, you are a retarded uneducated racist asshole, so only a limited number of people pay attention or give a fuck about what you think.

Haha...true because you say so huh?
I’m thinking the majority of good Americans agree with me.
30 states and 2,623 counties told you to go fuck yourself by sending Donny to D.C. to clean up the wetback filth.
You just claimed the majority of Americans would agree with you and proceeded to list a bunch of things that did not relate to your claim. In fact, the one thing you left off your list was the actual record of votes, which indicates the exact opposite of your claim. In addition, your remark about wetback filth shows you to be nothing more than a mindless racist puke.
The thread premise has nothing to do with immigration or ‘border security’ – those are red herring fallacies.

The thread premise addresses a more important and vital issue than the manufactured ‘crisis’ of immigration.

At issue is government’s unwarranted violation of citizens’ 4th Amendment rights, of citizens being subject to a presumption of guilt by the state, compelling citizens to prove they are innocent in violation of their right to due process.

Indeed, the state is using the faux-crisis of ‘immigration’ as ‘justification’ to violate citizens’ rights and protected liberties.

You ignorant fools are flat-out fascinating. “Manufactured crisis of immigration” can’t be serious?
12-40 million illegal alien thirdworlders on our soil
22 trillion in debt
A poor middle class that can’t save a penny
30% poverty in Mexifornia
Filth and homelessness at all time highs
Violent crime on the rise
Mexico influencing U.S. elections
A crumbled education system
Six hour wait times for REAL Americans in emergency rooms
Delays in fire and police response times
Entire cities where English is a secondary language
Entire communities ruined with litter, graffiti and stray pit bulls running a muck.

I’m curious, what the fuck would constitute an “immigration crisis” in your tiny little mind? Also, what part of that filthy shithole Mexico are you from?
This is all happening under the watchful eyes of the Trump administration.
I've been posting this stuff for two years, ever since Trump started his campaign by telling America that he was going to deport 12 million illegal aliens, whether or not they were going about their business in a lawful manner. It is everyone's constitutional right to decline to answer questions without probable cause. It is the government's obligation to prove that someone is an illegal alien. We do NOT have to prove that we are NOT an illegal alien.

How do you propose we identify and eradicate 12-40 million human cockroaches?
Good Americans are fed the fuck up...we’re prepared to use ANY MEANS NECESSARY.
I certainly don’t propose turning the US into an authoritarian state.

I’m genuinely do you propose we run 12-40 million illegals out?
Come on...let’s hear it.
We don’t. I doubt you would agree with any of my ideas but here goes.

Increase border security (you don’t need a wall for that).
Hire more immigration judges to minimize long wait times.
Have a rapid deportation process for those convicted of violent crimes.
Increase the number of work visas being granted. Like it or not, many of these people come because they are willing to do backbreaking work Americans won’t do. Ask the farmers and dairy farms.
That increases legal avenues, speeds up deportation decisions.

But I doubt you could stomach that.

Just as I propose to leave the 12-40 million already here alone and pretend they have a right to be here? You support their mass breeding...You honestly believe your fellow countrymen owe believe US taxpayers should be required to fund their litters of anchor babies. Got it.
You must be an awesome American. Good looking out for your people.
The issue you are evading and keep deflecting away from is that Americans are being asked to identify and give up Constitutional Rights.

I’ve already addressed this foolish bullshit. You bleeding heart, tolerant, noble wackos have worked hard to steer the narrative and spin the shit.
No good American gives two shits about pulling out their identification to verify their status so long as it means illegal filth is being targeted and ran the fuck back to shithole they came from.
IF this were going on anywhere else, we would be asking the UN to send monitors into the country to make sure the government strong man isn't torturing the citizens of his nation.

Oh bullshit. This is common practice in every progressive country in the world. Try walking down the street in China someday. There are "minders" who do nothing all day but follow you around.

Same as Saigon these days. A couple old Army buddies went back to see what Vietnam has become told me the same story. When they return to their hotel room, their things have been gone through. They know eyes are on them same as in '68, and don't get caught out in the countryside after dark...the young ones in the city don't care what happened but the older rural ones will never forget or forgive.
The thread premise has nothing to do with immigration or ‘border security’ – those are red herring fallacies.

The thread premise addresses a more important and vital issue than the manufactured ‘crisis’ of immigration.

At issue is government’s unwarranted violation of citizens’ 4th Amendment rights, of citizens being subject to a presumption of guilt by the state, compelling citizens to prove they are innocent in violation of their right to due process.

Indeed, the state is using the faux-crisis of ‘immigration’ as ‘justification’ to violate citizens’ rights and protected liberties.

You ignorant fools are flat-out fascinating. “Manufactured crisis of immigration” can’t be serious?
12-40 million illegal alien thirdworlders on our soil
22 trillion in debt
A poor middle class that can’t save a penny
30% poverty in Mexifornia
Filth and homelessness at all time highs
Violent crime on the rise
Mexico influencing U.S. elections
A crumbled education system
Six hour wait times for REAL Americans in emergency rooms
Delays in fire and police response times
Entire cities where English is a secondary language
Entire communities ruined with litter, graffiti and stray pit bulls running a muck.

I’m curious, what the fuck would constitute an “immigration crisis” in your tiny little mind? Also, what part of that filthy shithole Mexico are you from?
This is all happening under the watchful eyes of the Trump administration.

Okay, so you’ve changed your
The 12-40 million were here long before Trump took office...he’s all but shut down the border to new coming he’s busting his ass to identify and eradicate the filth already here. Why does that suck?
I've been posting this stuff for two years, ever since Trump started his campaign by telling America that he was going to deport 12 million illegal aliens, whether or not they were going about their business in a lawful manner. It is everyone's constitutional right to decline to answer questions without probable cause. It is the government's obligation to prove that someone is an illegal alien. We do NOT have to prove that we are NOT an illegal alien.

Oh the anchor baby grilling an ignorant LefTard Caucasian at an immigration check point.

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