California woman forces Border Patrol agents off a Greyhound bus using the Fourth Amendment

That this women knew the law and was not afraid to stand up and defend her rights as well as the rights of everyone else on that bus is so astounding
There WERE Spanish speaking people on that bus. That alone is probable cause. The loud mouthed African should have been arrested.

The language one is speaking never, ever furnishes probable cause. And the lady who stepped forward is American, not African. There is at least an even chance that her ancestors arrived here before your's did, unless you are 100 percent Native American. Moreover, so much of the territory that later became part of the U.S. belonged to Mexico initially, making complaints about speaking Spanish somewhat ludicrous.

You WANT the illegals to have free reign to continue to flood into the nation and remake it, do you not?
Illegal immigrants have not "flooded" into the county for a long time. The term "flooding " is a gross exaggeration meant to instill fear in pussies like you.

You nutless bitches use “ripped” from their parents arms...we say wetbacks have “flooded” in for years. I’m thinking our choice of words are far more accurate.
The employers who hire them are breaking the law. When they do that the employers become criminals.

We don't have an illegal immigrant problem here.

We have an illegal employer problem.

It's not as simple as that. Like you ranted before, the employer cannot discriminate against these Spanish speaking brown people because they SUSPECT they are here illegally with STOLEN or forged documents.

Your argument is part of the blame America and Americans tactic the antiwhite crowd loves to use against our own citizens. Criminalize AMERICANS while turning a blind eye to the invasion.

That's just an excuse and not a very good one. Certainly one our government and justice system doesn't buy into either.

All that needs to be done is verifying citizenship or proper legal right to work here. We already have that process established here in America. The problem is that some employers don't use it.

It's not that hard. Our nation used to do it. Before reagan. It was stopped in the 80s.

It's very easy for an employer to know if a person is legal to work here in America. The problem is that a lot of employers don't take the time to make sure that person is working here legally.

You see them lined up outside Home Depot everyday. People come up and hire them. They know those people are not here legally yet they get hired to do construction and other jobs. With the employer knowing full well that it's illegal for them to hire those people. They do it because it's cheaper. They don't have to pay the person if they don't want to. They don't have to provide a legal and safe working environment if they don't want to. They don't have to pay the, income, fica, L&I and unemployment taxes for an employee either.

Go after the employers. It's cheaper, more effective and doesn't violate our constitution or laws. In fact, not going after and prosecuting them does violate our laws.
When we have to start producing papers to travel within our own country...well China does it. We sure seem to be admiring the tactics of authoritarian states lately.

How do you propose we identify and eradicate 12-40 million human cockroaches?
Good Americans are fed the fuck up...we’re prepared to use ANY MEANS NECESSARY.
Good for her. There needs to be a lot more of this in our country, patriots who actually stand up for our Constitutional rights and not cower in front of government thugs in uniforms. It amazes me how many conservatives who talk big about the Constitution think the practice of randomly stopping people and asking to see their papers is the definition of freedom

California woman forces Border Patrol agents off a Greyhound bus | Daily Mail Online

I was almost ready to agree with you until I read that she had to translate her warnings because a lot of people on the bus didn't even understand English.

My grandparents came here to escape a genocide by the Ottoman Empire during WWI.

Neither one of them could speak english yet both of them were here legally. They came through Ellis Island.

Both my aunt and my dad were born and raised right here in America. They are American citizens by birth. Neither one of my grandparents could teach my aunt and dad english. My aunt and dad learned english when they went to public school then went home and taught it to my grandparents.

So what you're saying is that my grandparents, my aunt and my dad should have had to endure illegal searches and seizures just because they didn't speak english.

The founders of America which you conservatives scream you absolutely love, fought a revolutionary war to make sure no American ever has to endure what you are advocating.

What you and other conservatives are doing is spitting on the graves of everyone who fought for our nation, our constitution and freedom. That includes my dad who volunteered for and served in the the Army during the Korean war. My grandparents taught him he literally owed his life to America and he spent a lot of his life giving back to the nation that made it possible for his parents, his sister and him to be alive.

Oh shut up for pete's sake. If your grandmother and grandfather happened to only speak the language of a country that was posing a threat to our security..then yes, it would be reasonable to question them. That's one of the downers when foreign idiots invade and threaten our security and our safety. They make everybody look bad and cause problems for the people of the same origin who came here legally.
I get the feeling you’ve never read the Naturalization Act Of 1790. Out founders intent is crystal clear.

Yes, I've read it. What about it? It did not restrict immigration, if that's what you're insinuating. It placed restrictions on naturalization. An immigrant had to have proof of two years of residence, a good moral character, and they had to be a free white person.

If you have a point, then, please make it.

When we have to start producing papers to travel within our own country...well China does it. We sure seem to be admiring the tactics of authoritarian states lately.

How do you propose we identify and eradicate 12-40 million human cockroaches?
Good Americans are fed the fuck up...we’re prepared to use ANY MEANS NECESSARY.
I certainly don’t propose turning the US into an authoritarian state.
I get the feeling you’ve never read the Naturalization Act Of 1790. Out founders intent is crystal clear.

Yes, I've read it. What about it? It did not restrict immigration, if that's what you're insinuating. It placed restrictions on naturalization. An immigrant had to have proof of two years of residence, a good moral character, and they had to be a free white person.

If you have a point, then, please make it.


He did. feigning ignorance isn't helping your argument.
When we have to start producing papers to travel within our own country...well China does it. We sure seem to be admiring the tactics of authoritarian states lately.

How do you propose we identify and eradicate 12-40 million human cockroaches?
Good Americans are fed the fuck up...we’re prepared to use ANY MEANS NECESSARY.
I certainly don’t propose turning the US into an authoritarian state.
Yes you do.
I get the feeling a lot of stormfront white nationalist traffic comes through here.

And it is blatantly apparent that none of them understand what is clearly laid out in the Constitution and Declaration.

I get the feeling you’ve never read the Naturalization Act Of 1790. Out founders intent is crystal clear.

Yes, I've read it. What about it? It did not restrict immigration, if that's what you're insinuating. It placed restrictions on naturalization. An immigrant had to have proof of two years of residence, a good moral character, and they had to be a free white person.

If you have a point, then, please make it.


Are you pretending to be confused?
The point is clear to third graders. The founders said that wetbacks could NEVER become U.S. citizens. The founders intended to keep this nation white. Sorry if that hurts feelings.
You fuck yourself by bringing constitutionality into this....bad play bud.

If the government would actually enforce the laws regarding to those who hire them the problem would be nearly solved. All that needs to happen is for a few businesses and employers to be fully prosecuted to the fullest extent of our laws. Put them in prison. Slap them with huge fines, destroy their business and then never allow them to own a business again.


Just get a warrant before you come ...
Or the employer can tell the ICE folks to get the fuck off their bus ...
Er, I mean out of their warehouse.

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When we have to start producing papers to travel within our own country...well China does it. We sure seem to be admiring the tactics of authoritarian states lately.

How do you propose we identify and eradicate 12-40 million human cockroaches?
Good Americans are fed the fuck up...we’re prepared to use ANY MEANS NECESSARY.
I certainly don’t propose turning the US into an authoritarian state.

I’m genuinely do you propose we run 12-40 million illegals out?
Come on...let’s hear it.
After Cal. breaks into three new states the 'coastal LIB elites' are welcome to all the illegals they want.
The wonderful irony is when that happens and the Cartels take over their new state the first thing the Cartels will do is exterminate or enslave the LIBs.

Don't hold your breath on that.

The idea of breaking California up into 3 different states has been around for decades. It was talked about in the 80s when I lived down there for a couple years.

Since then the measure has been on the ballot for the people to vote on three different times. Every single time it lost.

I don't make predictions but I won't be surprised at all if the people of California say NO to that stupid idea for the fourth time this fall.
That's the same sort of mindset that made the LIB MSM shit their pants on election night.
Forth time lucky?
Letting some immigration agents on a bus to search for illegals, is better than letting the illegals move further into the country.

What that translates to is "I want to justify the federal government overstepping their just powers and to violate the rights guaranteed by the Constitution because I have a 'deeply-held view.'

the rights you cite are guaranteed to US citizens. I am not all that crazy
about SEARCHING people on public transportation ----willy nilly------
but vetting at borders is a time honored tradition
That this women knew the law and was not afraid to stand up and defend her rights as well as the rights of everyone else on that bus is so astounding
There WERE Spanish speaking people on that bus. That alone is probable cause. The loud mouthed African should have been arrested.

The language one is speaking never, ever furnishes probable cause. And the lady who stepped forward is American, not African. There is at least an even chance that her ancestors arrived here before your's did, unless you are 100 percent Native American. Moreover, so much of the territory that later became part of the U.S. belonged to Mexico initially, making complaints about speaking Spanish somewhat ludicrous.

You WANT the illegals to have free reign to continue to flood into the nation and remake it, do you not?
Illegal immigrants have not "flooded" into the county for a long time. The term "flooding " is a gross exaggeration meant to instill fear in pussies like you.

You nutless bitches use “ripped” from their parents arms...we say wetbacks have “flooded” in for years. I’m thinking our choice of words are far more accurate.
Well, you are a retarded uneducated racist asshole, so only a limited number of people pay attention or give a fuck about what you think.
When we have to start producing papers to travel within our own country...well China does it. We sure seem to be admiring the tactics of authoritarian states lately.

How do you propose we identify and eradicate 12-40 million human cockroaches?
Good Americans are fed the fuck up...we’re prepared to use ANY MEANS NECESSARY.
I certainly don’t propose turning the US into an authoritarian state.

I’m genuinely do you propose we run 12-40 million illegals out?
Come on...let’s hear it.
We don’t. I doubt you would agree with any of my ideas but here goes.

Increase border security (you don’t need a wall for that).
Hire more immigration judges to minimize long wait times.
Have a rapid deportation process for those convicted of violent crimes.
Increase the number of work visas being granted. Like it or not, many of these people come because they are willing to do backbreaking work Americans won’t do. Ask the farmers and dairy farms.
That increases legal avenues, speeds up deportation decisions.

But I doubt you could stomach that.
Are you pretending to be confused?
The point is clear to third graders. The founders said that wetbacks could NEVER become U.S. citizens. The founders intended to keep this nation white. Sorry if that hurts feelings.
You fuck yourself by bringing constitutionality into this....bad play bud.

Bull pucky. ''Ourselves and our posterity'' does not mean what you think it does. The Framers disliked immigration barriers and that dislike carried over to the Constitutional Convention if you know your history.

In fact, we need look no further than the Declaration of Independence to witness their view on it.

Here, complaining of King George III...''He has endeavoured to prevent the population of these States; for that purpose obstructing the Laws for Naturalization of Foreigners; refusing to pass others to encourage their migrations hither...''

Read it - The Declaration of Independence: Full text

Additionally, no place whatsoever in the Constitution was Congress ever granted the enumerated power to regulate most immigration. The Supreme Court invented the power a hundred years after the Convention. Judicial review, by the way, also no place to be found in Article III.
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When we have to start producing papers to travel within our own country...well China does it. We sure seem to be admiring the tactics of authoritarian states lately.

How do you propose we identify and eradicate 12-40 million human cockroaches?
Good Americans are fed the fuck up...we’re prepared to use ANY MEANS NECESSARY.
I certainly don’t propose turning the US into an authoritarian state.

I’m genuinely do you propose we run 12-40 million illegals out?
Come on...let’s hear it.
We don’t. I doubt you would agree with any of my ideas but here goes.

Increase border security (you don’t need a wall for that).
Hire more immigration judges to minimize long wait times.
Have a rapid deportation process for those convicted of violent crimes.
Increase the number of work visas being granted. Like it or not, many of these people come because they are willing to do backbreaking work Americans won’t do. Ask the farmers and dairy farms.
That increases legal avenues, speeds up deportation decisions.

But I doubt you could stomach that.

well intentioned----but you just described a very POROUS border thru
which anyone who says I AM WILLING TO DIG DITCHES-----gets in

When we have to start producing papers to travel within our own country...well China does it. We sure seem to be admiring the tactics of authoritarian states lately.

How do you propose we identify and eradicate 12-40 million human cockroaches?
Good Americans are fed the fuck up...we’re prepared to use ANY MEANS NECESSARY.
I certainly don’t propose turning the US into an authoritarian state.

I’m genuinely do you propose we run 12-40 million illegals out?
Come on...let’s hear it.
We don’t. I doubt you would agree with any of my ideas but here goes.

Increase border security (you don’t need a wall for that).
Hire more immigration judges to minimize long wait times.
Have a rapid deportation process for those convicted of violent crimes.
Increase the number of work visas being granted. Like it or not, many of these people come because they are willing to do backbreaking work Americans won’t do. Ask the farmers and dairy farms.
That increases legal avenues, speeds up deportation decisions.

But I doubt you could stomach that.

well intentioned----but you just described a very POROUS border thru
which anyone who says I AM WILLING TO DIG DITCHES-----gets in

How is increasing border security a very porous border?

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